Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Falcon Watches => Topic started by: Yarak on 18-Sep-13, 02:55:26 PM

Title: Morning watch 9-18-13
Post by: Yarak on 18-Sep-13, 02:55:26 PM

B y Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
At 43 degrees (F) 6 (C) there was a bit of a chill in the air as I started my watch at- 6:35am. There were virtually no clouds in the sky as the sun shone brightly when it arose from its slumbers!
As I checked the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) first...

http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=14434 (http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=14434)