Rfalconcam Forum

Member Activities => Birthdays => Topic started by: MAK on 22-Oct-13, 06:31:18 AM

Title: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: MAK on 22-Oct-13, 06:31:18 AM
                              :b-day: :the_wave: :happybday: :the_wave: :b-day: 

                                                                                         Have a great day Annette!!


Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: Donna on 22-Oct-13, 07:08:49 AM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/1Annette_zpsdee61b39.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/1Annette_zpsdee61b39.jpg.html)

Have a great Birthday (http://www.picgifs.com/name-graphics/a/annette/name-graphics-annette-882327.gif) (http://www.picgifs.com/name-graphics/)

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: Kris G. on 22-Oct-13, 07:44:24 AM

                                         (http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb252/Ronnies_Pets/smileys%20emoticons/graffitti.gif) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Ronnies_Pets/media/smileys%20emoticons/graffitti.gif.html). 

                 :b-day:        ANNETTE!  HAVE A GREAT DAY!         :b-day:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: patsy6 on 22-Oct-13, 10:48:28 AM
Best wishes for a great birthday, Annette!   :the_wave: :b-day: :newyearbd:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: carla on 22-Oct-13, 06:36:42 PM

                                                :b-day:  Happy Birtday Annette  :b-day:

                                            :birdhum: :finch: :pfalcon: :hummer: :hawk:             


                                                            Greetings Carla

                                         :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: valhalla on 23-Oct-13, 06:43:17 AM
:birthday: Annette!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: Annette on 23-Oct-13, 08:17:25 AM
Thank you for all birthday wishes! Yesterday I had a nice day.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: annieinelkhart on 23-Oct-13, 09:12:23 AM
 :b-day: Happy birthday Annette, hope your day is GREAT!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: Nic1Pic on 04-Nov-13, 10:38:14 PM
Happy birthday, bon anniversaire Annette, Mak and Joyce. I was in Paris, France for 2 weeks and I missed your birthday.

Nicole :clap: :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Annette
Post by: MAK on 04-Nov-13, 11:04:25 PM
Happy birthday, bon anniversaire Annette, Mak and Joyce. I was in Paris, France for 2 weeks and I missed your birthday.

Nicole :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks Nicole!  :wave: