Rfalconcam Forum

Member Activities => Birthdays => Topic started by: Bobbie Ireland on 10-Feb-14, 04:17:03 AM

Title: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 10-Feb-14, 04:17:03 AM



Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Annette on 10-Feb-14, 04:22:27 AM
 :the_wave: Happy birthday!  :b-day:  :flowers:   :finch:  :martini:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: MAK on 10-Feb-14, 06:13:01 AM
  :b-day: :happybday: :b-day:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: OlRedHair on 10-Feb-14, 06:30:21 AM
Happy Birthday to another old timer!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Aafke on 10-Feb-14, 03:52:45 PM
Happy Birthday Baerbel
Have a nice day!!
greetings Aafke

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Donna on 10-Feb-14, 04:21:27 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/BeFunky_2-10Baerbeljpg_zps78403e4c.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/BeFunky_2-10Baerbeljpg_zps78403e4c.jpg.html)

Hope your birthday was great Baerbel!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Kris G. on 10-Feb-14, 06:34:47 PM

                        :birthday2: Baerbel!  :birthdayCake:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Wing Goose on 10-Feb-14, 07:11:50 PM
Hope you had a HAPPY DAY !
  Many, Many More.
              :congrats: :party: :party: :party:
 :birthday2: :birthdayCake: :birthdayCake: :cheerleader:
Hugs, Lola

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: BaerbelW on 11-Feb-14, 03:00:29 AM
 :wave: Thanks, All for the greetings!  :wave:

I'd like to have more time to still participate here but that is not very likely to happen. In case you are interested, you can check out some of my activities at Skeptical Science (http://www.skepticalscience.com/posts.php?u=1328) to know why that is the case.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Baerbel!!!
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 11-Feb-14, 05:50:30 AM
:wave: Thanks, All for the greetings!  :wave:

I'd like to have more time to still participate here but that is not very likely to happen. In case you are interested, you can check out some of my activities at Skeptical Science (http://www.skepticalscience.com/posts.php?u=1328) to know why that is the case.

Oh my goodness, Baerbel! What an amazing project. And so important - good for you. (tho we do miss your input here...  :wave:)