Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Falcon Watches => Topic started by: Yarak on 04-May-14, 11:04:25 PM

Title: Sunday Falcon Watch - An absolutely gorgeous Spring Day with Lots of Falcons Flying! - 5/4/14
Post by: Yarak on 04-May-14, 11:04:25 PM

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
I really needed to get out to look for some falcons. -Life has stopped me from doing this as often as I love to do. -:-)
I started my watch at noon and ended it at 6:15 pm. -A long day spent with falcons, friends and lots of fresh air!
BS was...

http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=20901 (http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=20901)