Rfalconcam Forum

Anything Else => Totally OT => Topic started by: Donna on 09-May-14, 06:54:30 AM

Title: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 09-May-14, 06:54:30 AM
http://www.montanusphotography.com/nmphoto/rochester-cityscapes/index.htm#back to top cityscapes (http://www.montanusphotography.com/nmphoto/rochester-cityscapes/index.htm#back to top cityscapes) City scapes!!

I found that from this article! Lights over Lake Ontario, Meteor, flare, OFO?

http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/watchdog/2014/05/08/lights-over-lake-ontario/8847895/ (http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/watchdog/2014/05/08/lights-over-lake-ontario/8847895/)  :o

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: MAK on 09-May-14, 01:13:10 PM
http://www.montanusphotography.com/nmphoto/rochester-cityscapes/index.htm#back to top cityscapes (http://www.montanusphotography.com/nmphoto/rochester-cityscapes/index.htm#back to top cityscapes) City scapes!!

I found that from this article! Lights over Lake Ontario, Meteor, flare, OFO?

http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/watchdog/2014/05/08/lights-over-lake-ontario/8847895/ (http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/watchdog/2014/05/08/lights-over-lake-ontario/8847895/)  :o


Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Shaky on 09-May-14, 02:27:12 PM
I found that from this article! Lights over Lake Ontario, Meteor, flare, OFO?

http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/watchdog/2014/05/08/lights-over-lake-ontario/8847895/ (http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/watchdog/2014/05/08/lights-over-lake-ontario/8847895/)  :o

Obviously shock cones of stooping Peregrine falcons.

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 19-Feb-15, 10:16:16 AM
http://youtu.be/oketdFLHrOY (http://youtu.be/oketdFLHrOY)

Cool Video

BREAKING NEWS: ROCHESTER PHOTOGRAPHER CAUGHT ON SURVEILLANCE VIDEO. Well, actually it was my friend David Burnet who had his drone at the Charlotte Pier tonight and caught some cool shots of me taking some cool shots of the bizarre icy world known as Rochester, NY:)
If you don't need to see a full two minutes of me, skip ahead to the 2:00 minute mark to see a really cool drone's-eye view of flying down the Charlotte Pier. Thanks David for the cool experience tonight! I can't believe how steady this thing is in a brisk wind. Amazing.

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: MAK on 19-Feb-15, 10:40:33 AM
On video that pier looks so much longer. Montanus takes phenomenal photos!  :flash:

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 12-Mar-15, 10:09:24 AM
http://youtu.be/oketdFLHrOY?list=UUeHbjOsrRA_7ddLiMd1nQpg (http://youtu.be/oketdFLHrOY?list=UUeHbjOsrRA_7ddLiMd1nQpg)

Inside an Ice Cave on Lake Ontario!

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 20-Mar-15, 07:05:03 AM
I wrote to Jamie and asked if he knew about the falcons DT! Apparently not as he wrote back and said:

Very cool Donna! Thanks for sending. It's a great story. I would DIE to get photos of these magnificent creatures!

So, let's see what happens.

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: valhalla on 20-Mar-15, 09:24:56 AM
Bet we'd see some serious WOW pictures!

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: MAK on 20-Mar-15, 02:38:50 PM
I wrote to Jamie and asked if he knew about the falcons DT! Apparently not as he wrote back and said:

Very cool Donna! Thanks for sending. It's a great story. I would DIE to get photos of these magnificent creatures!

So, let's see what happens.

Awesome-good going D!  :flash: :pfalcon:

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: PatriciaRose on 23-Mar-15, 05:03:32 PM
That would be SOO great if he came down to do some pics of our Beauty & DC! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 23-May-15, 12:56:19 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/5-23%20BA_zpsnvdqhsbm.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/5-23%20BA_zpsnvdqhsbm.jpg.html)

Jamie took this photo yesterday!! Pretty neat!!

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: MAK on 23-May-15, 02:06:35 PM
Cool! :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: PatriciaRose on 23-May-15, 06:33:22 PM
Awesome! :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 26-Dec-15, 09:52:32 AM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/12-26%20Jamie_zps9vyn35vc.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/12-26%20Jamie_zps9vyn35vc.jpg.html)

A Kodak Christmas - made right here in Rochester.

This is a photo that my Dad took back in 1961 in the photo studios at Kodak Office on State Street. It was then blown up to 18 x 60 feet and displayed in Grand Central Station as a back-lit transparency. And as many of you know, it was called the Kodak Colorama. My brother Danny is the blond haired boy inside.

From 1950 until 1990, Kodak’s Coloramas were familiar to millions of commuters in New York City's Grand Central Terminal. The panoramic photographs—18 feet by 60 feet—presented an idealized view of life in 20th-century America and promoted photography as an essential leisure activity.

Coloramas were promoted by Kodak as “the world’s largest photographs” and called “technically remarkable” by Ansel Adams, who photographed several. The towering backlit transparencies were 18-feet high and 60-feet wide, each illuminated by more than a mile of tubing.

A total of 565 Coloramas were publicly displayed, changing out every three weeks. Neil Montanus shot 55 of the 565 Coloramas that were displayed in Grand Central Station. When each new Colorama was unveiled, it often received ovation from New York City residents and travelers. Photographer Edward Steichen telegraphed Kodak upon viewing a Colorama in 1950, stating, “EVERYONE IN GRAND CENTRAL AGOG AND SMILING. ALL JUST FEELING GOOD.”

“These illuminated images reflected and reinforced American values and aspirations while encouraging picture-taking as an essential aspect of leisure, travel, and family,” said Dr. Alison Nordström, Eastman House curator of photographs, “The Coloramas taught us not only what to photograph, but how to see the world as though it were a photograph.

They served to manifest and visualize values that even then were seen as nostalgic and in jeopardy, salvageable only through the time-defying alchemy of Kodak cameras and film.” A constant in the first two decades of Colorama was a model using a Kodak camera, photographing family, an activity, or beautiful scene. “Coloramas resonate with nostalgia, a staple in Kodak advertising since at least 1900, reminding us to pause, via photography, in the midst of present enjoyment to record it for later remembrance,” Nordström said.

In addition to Adams, well-known names associated with Colorama include photographer Elliot Porter, artist Norman Rockwell who art-directed a Colorama, and TV’s Ozzie and Harriett who appeared in several. Colorama was a technical feat undertaken by Kodak’s advertising and photography teams. Making the exposures for each display was a full day’s work in almost total darkness. In early years the wet 20-foot transparencies were dried overnight in the swimming pool at Kodak’s employee recreation center — the only building large enough to accommodate Coloramas-in-the-making.

The 1990 renovation of Grand Central Terminal to landmark condition marked the end of the Colorama. The final display was a glittering nighttime view of the New York City skyline, with an oversized red apple nestled among the buildings — the only digital enhancement ever created for the Colorama program. The accompanying copy read, “Kodak thanks the Big Apple for 40 years of friendship in Grand Central.”

If you'd like to see more Coloramas by Neil Montanus and a cool documentary with vintage footage of my Dad, visit http://www.montanusphotography.com/neil_montanus_bio/coloramas.htm (http://www.montanusphotography.com/neil_montanus_bio/coloramas.htm)

Pretty cool!!

Title: Re: Great pics of Rochester by Montanus Photography
Post by: Donna on 30-Dec-15, 09:35:04 AM
https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/10940426_802983966423280_2434057848446392013_n.jpg?oh=21ceb4a0fd4722cdd97da3a145cb1f1c&oe=570E8DBE (https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/10940426_802983966423280_2434057848446392013_n.jpg?oh=21ceb4a0fd4722cdd97da3a145cb1f1c&oe=570E8DBE)  Just click it!! WOW

SNOWY OWL IN ROCHESTER. Saving the best for last, these were some of the better shots I got of the snowy owl I shot last week along the lakeshore in Greece. Of course, I wish it was flying towards me instead of away from me. But like a totally improbable super bowl game ending, I'll take it:) These are still some of my best owl shots ever. The fact that it was a nearly perfect winter day didn't hurt. It's amazing how large these birds become when they spread their wings - compared to when they're just sitting there when they are so compact, probably to conserve warmth considering they are visitors from the arctic circle.

As always, please feel free to share on Facebook, or any of your other social media sites. And if you like seeing these posts, make sure to click to *Like* Montanus Photography to keep getting them in your newsfeed.
And remember that if you're shooting moving subjects, set your autofocus to the setting that allows for 'continuous' or predictive follow focus. Make sure to consult your camera's manual because it's called different things based on the camera manufacturer. I had the wrong focus settings when I shot these pictures so it was miraculous that I even got these shots.