Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 19-Feb-10, 08:06:46 PM

Title: Tell FWP to stop subsidizing falconry!!!!
Post by: Donna on 19-Feb-10, 08:06:46 PM
Let’s talk falcons, Montana’s wild peregrines.

Back in the early ’70s, when peregrine populations crashed, falconers were paid by the federal government to raise wild falcons in a national recovery program. In addition, when the species had reached a certain number, a percentage of the birds would be given back to the falconers through a permitting procedure. Basically, a policy was traded for a service — a policy based on emotion. Fish, Wildlife and Parks people continue to support this payback.

This is the fourth year of the peregrine giveaway in Montana. How is the resource faring? In 2009, 84 “active” nests were counted. Allowing for nonbreeding birds and uncounted nests, could it be estimated that Montana’s wild peregrine population might number fewer than 1,500? 2,000? Is that an overpopulation? Is the number so high it justifies a “take?” How productive are those active nests?

Why are we using public wildlife to pay a 40-year-old debt to a special interest group? And when will the debt be paid?

You can comment on the proposal to authorize the removal of five nestlings or fledglings from peregrine falcon nests this summer. Ask Fish, Wildlife and Parks to cease and desist placing your wild peregrines into the enslavement of falconry. Tell them to mark this debt “paid in full.” E-mail to fwp.mt.gov. Today is the deadline for comments.

Oh boy!