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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: jeanne on 22-Feb-10, 01:09:24 PM

Title: Cesar Milan's pit bull, Daddy, dies
Post by: jeanne on 22-Feb-10, 01:09:24 PM
This sweet dog was truly a pit bull ambassador:


Cesar Millan's unique understanding of dogs earned him the name the Dog Whisperer, but he didn't work alone. He had a secret weapon, a capable assistant and constant sidekick in the form of 16-year-old pit bull Daddy, who died last week after spending nearly his entire life with Millan and his family, according to Cesar's Way magazine.

Daddy came into Millan's life when he was just a 4-month-old puppy. Too challenging for his original owner, rapper Redman, Daddy was folded into Millan's family, and eventually became an example of a calm, submissive pit bull that was always around to help Millan in a training pinch.

The chestnut-coated pup was often photographed smiling, rolling around on his back, or cuddling with other dogs, both large and small. Sensitive to emotion, Daddy would try to comfort humans or dogs that were feeling sad or upset.

At 14, Daddy was nearing the end of his life, and Millan decided to retire him. Luckily, Daddy helped nurture a protégé in the form of gray pit bull Junior. His post-retirement life included a successful battle with cancer, thanks to the help of chemotherapy, but on Feb. 19, Daddy said goodbye to his pack, and to his own daddy, Cesar Millan.

To honor Daddy's memory, Millan's foundation has set up Daddy's Emergency Animal Rescue Fund, from which assistance will go to dogs that are victims of violence, abuse or disaster

Title: Re: Cesar Milan's pit bull, Daddy, dies
Post by: Donna on 22-Feb-10, 01:20:11 PM
So sad...he lived a great life with Caesar. Thanks jeanne.

Title: Re: Cesar Milan's pit bull, Daddy, dies
Post by: Joyce on 22-Feb-10, 06:20:24 PM
Daddy was as much a star of the Dog Whisperer as Cesar Millan.  Here's a poem that was posted by a fan on Facebook:

The time has come I think you know...

the Lord is calling, so I must go.

I love you so much; I wish it wasn't so...

I wish I could stay; I don't want to go.

You're the best family a dog ever had...

so kind and gentle, never mean or mad.

I'll never forget the day that we met...

I was so lucky to become your pet.

You opened your door and showed me your heart...

I'll never forget you; we'll never part.

You loved me and cared for me over the years...

you taught me everything and took away my fears.

The Lord is calling now I must go,

but before I go I want you to know...

I know it hurts to lose a friend,

but I'll always be with you even to the end.

R.I.P. Daddy

Title: Re: Cesar Milan's pit bull, Daddy, dies
Post by: jeanne on 22-Feb-10, 07:49:23 PM
that is absolutely beautiful!  Daddy did so much to show that the stereotype of pits was just that.  What a sweet boy.