Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Discussion => Topic started by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-15, 02:42:56 PM

Title: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-15, 02:42:56 PM
Yesterday there was a tragedy at the osprey nest of Rachel & Steve in Maine...another bird, perhaps an eagle, took the 2 osprey chicks. The Explore cams that follow them were founded by Charles Annenberg. He wrote this piece for the osprey cam followers...

Message from Charles Annenberg

The Hog Island Osprey Nest and its viewers are saddened today as what appeared to be an eagle took both young osprey chicks from their nest in the afternoon hours Friday. Explore founder Charlie Annenberg reflects on a nest that feels so much emptier tonight.

“The beauty of our cams is that it allows us to connect with nature in its highest form of purity. That said, the dark side of this intimacy is accepting that the natural world is not the Disney film we all hope for. The lesson for all of us is to appreciate the fragile world we live in and how delicate the balance between life and death is a compliment to how the cameras have connected emotional bounds with the wonders of the world.

On the most personal note, it breaks my heart to see these events. I want the Disney story, but that is just not the natural order of the world. We will miss our little friends and today I even admire the courage of them more.”

Never stop learning,


I of course thought of the loss of Bronx as I read his words and thought I'd share them here.

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 27-Jun-15, 05:25:23 PM
That was thoughtful and something we always need to remember. Thanks for posting.

Dot in PA

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Kris G. on 27-Jun-15, 08:09:26 PM
I follow that nest and was devastated to know the Eagle took the babies...how horrifying for them.  I also think of dear Bronx every single day and how frightened he must have been, not being able to move his legs, fly, get out of the situation.  Losing him was devastating but I'm just so thankful that Rich found him or we might never have known where he was or what happened.  I really wanted the Disney story.... 

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-15, 08:26:35 PM
I follow that nest and was devastated to know the Eagle took the babies...how horrifying for them.  I also think of dear Bronx every single day and how frightened he must have been, not being able to move his legs, fly, get out of the situation.  Losing him was devastating but I'm just so thankful that Rich found him or we might never have known where he was or what happened.  I really wanted the Disney story.... 

We have been very lucky here to have mostly gotten the Disney story...Bronx is the first I've lost this young...still very hard...

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Jun-15, 09:15:46 PM
Thanks, Ei.  The loss of Bronx has been very hard indeed.  Those of us here in Rochester have been lucky to have each other these past few days.  For me, fledge watching has helped.  In some ways I imagine it may be harder and lonelier for long distance cam watchers when a loss is suffered.  I am glad I don't watch that osprey cam.  :crying:

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Kris G. on 27-Jun-15, 09:31:57 PM
I follow that nest and was devastated to know the Eagle took the babies...how horrifying for them.  I also think of dear Bronx every single day and how frightened he must have been, not being able to move his legs, fly, get out of the situation.  Losing him was devastating but I'm just so thankful that Rich found him or we might never have known where he was or what happened.  I really wanted the Disney story.... 

We have been very lucky here to have mostly gotten the Disney story...Bronx is the first I've lost this young...still very hard...

My first too, Ei..wasn't fair, just 5 days out and flying so well. I was really looking forward to seeing the 3 flying, playing together. 

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Jun-15, 09:48:52 PM
In some ways I imagine it may be harder and lonelier for long distance cam watchers when a loss is suffered.   :crying:

Very true...having no one to share it with is tough. I tried to tell one person why I was a sobbing mess when we got the news about Bronx and they just didn't get it...no, he wasn't just a bird...

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Jun-15, 10:16:18 PM
In some ways I imagine it may be harder and lonelier for long distance cam watchers when a loss is suffered.   :crying:

Very true...having no one to share it with is tough. I tried to tell one person why I was a sobbing mess when we got the news about Bronx and they just didn't get it...no, he wasn't just a bird...
We will all share on Watchers Weekend.

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: Kris G. on 27-Jun-15, 11:19:56 PM
In some ways I imagine it may be harder and lonelier for long distance cam watchers when a loss is suffered.   :crying:

Very true...having no one to share it with is tough. I tried to tell one person why I was a sobbing mess when we got the news about Bronx and they just didn't get it...no, he wasn't just a bird...

I had Bill to talk to but he's emotionless when it comes to the Falcons and my friends could care less..think I'm nuts to get so involved.

Title: Re: Thoughts on the loss of young raptors
Post by: carla on 28-Jun-15, 06:01:52 AM
In some ways I imagine it may be harder and lonelier for long distance cam watchers when a loss is suffered.   :crying:

Very true...having no one to share it with is tough. I tried to tell one person why I was a sobbing mess when we got the news about Bronx and they just didn't get it...no, he wasn't just a bird...

I had Bill to talk to but he's emotionless when it comes to the Falcons and my friends could care less..think I'm nuts to get so involved.
I understand. It's the same here. :'( :'( :'(