Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Falcon Watches => Topic started by: Yarak on 13-Sep-15, 06:59:25 PM

Title: Sunday AM/PM Falcon Watch - Big Frank(ie) at the Mall - 8/13/15
Post by: Yarak on 13-Sep-15, 06:59:25 PM

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Dark, overcast, rainy and downright chilly! -I believe Joyce said it was 55 degrees (F) during our watch.
After receiving MAK's tweet at 8:53 am that Big Frank(ie) (BF) had caught an adult duck for breakfast, I got ready as quickly as I could to join her....

http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=34666 (http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=34666)