Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Bobbie Ireland on 29-Dec-15, 08:00:45 AM

Title: Wildlife Winners in 2015
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 29-Dec-15, 08:00:45 AM
Always heartening to hear some good news!

Does anyone else have wildlife news to share that will encourage us to continue our efforts, now matter how small? I think mine would be the increased awareness of stopping the songbird slaughter in the Mediterranean. It took a while, but it IS happening!

http://www.defendersblog.org/2015/12/the-year-that-was-2015/ (http://www.defendersblog.org/2015/12/the-year-that-was-2015/)

Title: Re: Wildlife Winners in 2015
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 29-Dec-15, 08:01:28 AM
"no matter..."

Title: Re: Wildlife Winners in 2015
Post by: Donna on 29-Dec-15, 08:30:28 AM
"no matter..."

I'd like to stop unnecessary HUNTING and the killing of our beautiful Raptors!! I would like for POACHERS to be put in jail for a long time and stiffer fines. I would like for people to stop dumping in our Oceans causing havoc on our sea life! I would like for my neighbors cat to stay out of my yard and stop stalking my squirrels and birds. My own ferals don't do that! I want too much, I know!  :(

Title: Re: Wildlife Winners in 2015
Post by: MAK on 29-Dec-15, 11:19:20 AM
"no matter..."

I'd like to stop unnecessary HUNTING and the killing of our beautiful Raptors!! I would like for POACHERS to be put in jail for a long time and stiffer fines. I would like for people to stop dumping in our Oceans causing havoc on our sea life! I would like for my neighbors cat to stay out of my yard and stop stalking my squirrels and birds. My own ferals don't do that! I want too much, I know!  :(

You don't want too much-if only it were a perfect world where no harm came to man or beast-now that's asking for too much!  :wave: