Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Falcon Watches => Topic started by: Yarak on 23-Jul-17, 04:19:26 PM

Title: Fledge Watch/Chasing falcons 7-23-17
Post by: Yarak on 23-Jul-17, 04:19:26 PM

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Another overcast, dismal and dark morning with a temperature of 67 (F) 19 (C)
Remember to click on my pics to see the full version
Yesterday afternoon around 2pm I checked the Hawkeye plant from my apartment and saw a falcon below the nest box. While I was eating my supper last night...

http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=41340 (http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=41340)