Rfalconcam Forum

Member Activities => Birthdays => Topic started by: Carol P. on 12-May-18, 07:17:51 AM

Title: Some Recent Birthdays! Kat, Colleen and Patti from KY!
Post by: Carol P. on 12-May-18, 07:17:51 AM
I'm not sure if these gals check into the forum, but I wanted to wish you all a very happy birthday! In the past, all three were very active falcon fans. We miss you!

Kat - 5/4
Colleen - 5/7
Patti from KY - 5/9

 :letter_h: :letter_a: :letter_p: :letter_p: :letter_y:  :b-day:
 :letter_b: :letter_i: :letter_r: :letter_t: :letter_h: :letter_d: :letter_a: :letter_y: :birthday2: