Title: June 16, 2024 Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 05:06:57 AM Mighty spent the night in the boy cave. She went out to the end of the platform at 3:37 and flew off at 4:38.
Title: Nova on Main Cam Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 05:28:13 AM Juvie on Wilder chimney
Title: 2 juvies on Wilder chimney Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 05:44:26 AM Justice landed with food. Other juvie took it from him and is eating. In the yellow light of sunrise, I cannot tell if its band is silver or yellow.
Title: Justice left chimney Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 05:48:21 AM and another juvie replaced him. Still 2 on Wilder chimney
Title: Neander in nest box and left when Mighty landed on north wall Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 06:02:14 AM Mighty went to bump and then left.
Title: one on bucket roof Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Jun-24, 06:12:17 PM east side currently-flitting around. 18:11 ei
Title: one at NB Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Jun-24, 06:15:00 PM 18:14 ei
Title: Walker at NB Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Jun-24, 06:17:08 PM with a snack ei
Title: No one on Wilder now Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Jun-24, 06:19:10 PM likely Mighty. She left after I spotted the one at the NB. ei
Title: Falcon on south side of Powers top railing Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 07:43:38 PM -shaky
Title: The falcon on Powers is a juvie Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 07:49:10 PM Has been there over an hour, since 18:41. I think I see a blue band in one photo. Very blurry. -shaky
Title: Juvie on Powers flew off after a lot of crying Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 07:54:38 PM -shaky
Title: Walker to boy ccave Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Jun-24, 07:59:49 PM 19:58 ei
Title: This cam op closing up shop early tonight Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Jun-24, 08:16:54 PM Goodnight! 20:15 ei
Title: Mighty joined Walker in the boy cave Post by: Shaky on 16-Jun-24, 08:43:03 PM -shaky