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Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Discussion => Topic started by: dale on 13-Apr-10, 01:22:51 AM

Title: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: dale on 13-Apr-10, 01:22:51 AM
Two historical questions - In July 2005, didn't Kaver take a kestrel? I remember that he did.
Then, I searched "kestrel" on the yahoo group -- there were hundreds of posts mentioning kestrels from 2004 and 2006 and NONE from 2005. Did we lose a ton of posts off of those archives? Like ALL of 2005? Has all evidence of Kaver's kestrel hit, as well as Shaky's secret meeting with the Godfeather (I did find my original of that) been expunged from the record??

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: dale on 14-Apr-10, 01:24:18 AM
NO ONE remembers? I was sure that Kaver took a kestrel!

I just need confirmation or details. Someone must have some memory of this!
It was kind of disturbing at the time, I remember...those kestrels were pestering the peregrines, but still...

And what DID happen to the 2005 posts on the Yahoo Group?

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Donna on 14-Apr-10, 05:49:12 AM
NO ONE remembers? I was sure that Kaver took a kestrel!

I just need confirmation or details. Someone must have some memory of this!
It was kind of disturbing at the time, I remember...those kestrels were pestering the peregrines, but still...

And what DID happen to the 2005 posts on the Yahoo Group?

dale, so far I found this on Yahoo: It happened in 2006 and your right 2005 posts are gone!

Actually, the kestrels almost seemed to taunt the peregrines, who would
mainly only give chase.....until last year when Dan witnessed Kaver
take at least one of the kestrels and make a meal of it. So, it is not
unheard of for the peregrines to snatch the kestrels.

Then there's the time Dan S. witnessed Kaver being harrassed by a
Kestrel while flying towards the old Changing Scene's Restaurant. To
make a long story short, Dan was extremely surprised when Kaver did a
180 and grabbed the Kestrel. I'll leave the rest to your
imagination. ;-)

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Shaky on 14-Apr-10, 08:50:04 AM

dale, so far I found this on Yahoo: It happened in 2006 and your right 2005 posts are gone!

I can see all the posts from 2005, They start at message #23678 and continue through message #37950. However, no matter what I type in the search box, it will not find a post from 2005.

I couldn't even find any Skye posts from 2005, not even the ones about the evening she was released with her transmitter while a crowd watched from the Kodak visitors lot.

Thanks, yahoo.  :thumbsdown:

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Donna on 14-Apr-10, 09:01:24 AM

dale, so far I found this on Yahoo: It happened in 2006 and your right 2005 posts are gone!

I can see all the posts from 2005, They start at message #23678 and continue through message #37950. However, no matter what I type in the search box, it will not find a post from 2005.

I couldn't even find any Skye posts from 2005, not even the ones about the evening she was released with her transmitter while a crowd watched from the Kodak visitors lot.

Thanks, yahoo.  :thumbsdown:

Ok yeah if your doing a search, no 2005's came up. I didn't try just looking for the whole year posts. Thanks and pfft Yahoo.

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Apr-10, 09:28:11 AM

dale, so far I found this on Yahoo: It happened in 2006 and your right 2005 posts are gone!

I can see all the posts from 2005, They start at message #23678 and continue through message #37950. However, no matter what I type in the search box, it will not find a post from 2005.

I couldn't even find any Skye posts from 2005, not even the ones about the evening she was released with her transmitter while a crowd watched from the Kodak visitors lot.

Thanks, yahoo.  :thumbsdown:

Ok yeah if your doing a search, no 2005's came up. I didn't try just looking for the whole year posts. Thanks and pfft Yahoo.

:2cents: Well, that's why we're here now...  :harhar: Yahoo   :flowers: Rfalconcam team!

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: dale on 14-Apr-10, 10:45:41 AM
thanks, guys. I thought that had been a documented kill.

so the posts seem to BE there, including re: skye, but you cannot search them?

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Shaky on 14-Apr-10, 12:28:32 PM

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Carol P. on 14-Apr-10, 05:50:52 PM
This is how Dan tells the story:

He (Dan) was watching from the pedestrian bridge.  This was during the time that the Kestrels had a nest somewhere in the BeeBee plant, which was just east of the Kodak Tower.  Peregrines and Kestrels were NOT good neighbors.  Each were doing what they thought they needed to do to protect their young.  "Kestrel Runs*" were a common occurrence.

One day, just a short while after the Peregrine young fledged, Kaver was out flying over the river heading towards the old Changing Scenes Restaurant.  Dan thought he might either be out on a hunt or maybe on his way to the elevator shaft to get some food stored there.

On his way, a Kestrel was flying behind Kaver nagging him the whole time.  At first Kaver kept flying, seeming to be ignoring the pesky Kestrel.  Not so!

Dan said he saw Kaver flip over and grab the offending Kestrel.  He dispatched it and served it to his young fledglings.

That's the story of Kaver and the Kestrel.   

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: Bird Crazy on 14-Apr-10, 06:35:10 PM
and the moral of that story is don't annoy someone who can eat you for dinner  :wave:

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: dale on 15-Apr-10, 01:53:40 AM
"flipped over and grabbed the offending kestrel"... if only I could do the same with the robin that is bellowing as I type (12:52 am - and ALL NIGHT at this time of year...). seriously. this thing sings all night and it positively ECHOES down the street.

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: tielfeathers on 29-Apr-10, 12:13:37 PM
You would kill a Robin?  :scaredblue:  Whoa! I love their singing and yes, they are early risers and night owls. But I love their music, it lulls me to sleep at night.

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: dale on 29-Apr-10, 12:19:29 PM
No, obviously I wouldn't kill one, but this one sings ALL night EVERY night, except for maybe from 1-2:45 am. CLOSE. NONSTOP. Did the same thing last year too, for months. Nothing lulling about it, it's maddeningly repetitive.

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: rushhen06 on 29-Apr-10, 01:16:20 PM
Are you sure it's a robin and not a mockingbird mimicking a robin.  Robins don't usually
sing a night, but mockingbirds do. 

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: dale on 29-Apr-10, 03:45:34 PM
it's a robin. I have seen it. It is neurotic.
the consensus seems to be that the streetlights are messing with it.

Title: Re: question - kaver and kestrel - c. July 2005
Post by: jeanne on 29-Apr-10, 11:45:53 PM
It must be a robin with it's days and nights crossed :D

I remember the year that a very loud kestral kept screeching.  We were remarking about it and how it best be quiet before Mariah got ticked.  Then off the tower she came!

I never heard the Kaver-kestral story! Wow!