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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 13-Apr-10, 06:43:44 AM

Title: 15 Brown Pelicans found dead, cause unknown (Fort Pierce, Fla)
Post by: Donna on 13-Apr-10, 06:43:44 AM

Fort Pierce- 15 Brown Pelicans were found dead earlier today near Taylor Creek spillway in Fort Pierce. Florida Fish and Wildlife says it appears that the birds had been there for some time, and that there are no obvious signs of trauma. The birds may have been poisoned in some way.

Brown Pelicans are protected under both state and federal laws. Authorities suggest that if they become a nuisance you dispose of any scraps of food, particularly fish, quickly. It is illegal to harass and feed them. Brown Pelicans are very social birds who often travel in large flocks and will return to spots where they have found previous sources of food. If they find spots where they recieve "free meals" they wont migrate and will suffer from exposure to the cold.

The Brown Pelican was placed on the endangered species list in 1970. After the 1972 ban on DDT the species' reproduction rates improved significantly, and in 1985 was removed from the endangered species list.