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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Bobbie Ireland on 15-Apr-10, 08:14:51 AM

Title: Wicklow Red Kites poisoned
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 15-Apr-10, 08:14:51 AM
News is not good elsewhere re the world's raptors. Here is a report of poisoned Red Kites in my own county, Wicklow. Should the culprits ever be found, I fear they will hardly suffer for their actions. I will have to check this, but I think the UK has much harsher punishments in place (largely thanks for groups like the RSPB) - for example, if a car was used in the event, they could see that confiscated, in addition to hefty fines and imprisonment. In Ireland? Alas such things are not treated with the seriousness they deserve... Here's the piece from The Irish Times...

Two Red Kites test positive for poison
Saturday, 27 March 2010 22:19

Two young Red Kites, found dead in Co Wicklow, have tested positive for poison.

The birds, which were released last July as part of a project by the Golden Eagle Trust to reintroduce the species to Ireland, were discovered by members by the public.

Just over a month after the discovery of a poisoned eagle chick in Co Sligo, two more rare birds have been found poisoned in Wicklow.

One Red Kite was found on a road near Aughrim in Co Wicklow, while a second was discovered floating in the sea, just off Wicklow Head.

The birds were released last July as part of a five-year project run by the Golden Eagle Trust, to reintroduce Red Kites, which became extinct here two hundred years ago.

The Golden Eagle Trust says while survival rates of the kites to date have been high, this latest poisoning is a setback and a worry.

A spokesperson for the Wicklow Branch of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Association has called on farmers to be cautious putting out bait.

Title: Re: Wicklow Red Kites poisoned
Post by: Annette on 15-Apr-10, 08:20:55 AM
 :thumbsdown:  :no:

Title: Re: Wicklow Red Kites poisoned
Post by: MAK on 15-Apr-10, 08:26:52 AM
 :grumble: :banghead: