Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Discussion => Topic started by: CarolKat on 22-Apr-10, 01:52:54 PM

Title: Are the Falcons Red Wings fans?
Post by: CarolKat on 22-Apr-10, 01:52:54 PM
I was at Frontier Field last night and on the wire overhead was what I thought was a falcon, eating his (her) dinner of a small bird. Possible? Many at the ball game saw it and some caught pictures, but I didn't have my camera or binoculars (rats!)

Title: Re: Are the Falcons Red Wings fans?
Post by: Shaky on 22-Apr-10, 11:52:41 PM
Thanks for the info CarolKat. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your first post!

Title: Re: Are the Falcons Red Wings fans?
Post by: Carol P. on 23-Apr-10, 11:37:25 AM
I was at Frontier Field last night and on the wire overhead was what I thought was a falcon, eating his (her) dinner of a small bird. Possible? Many at the ball game saw it and some caught pictures, but I didn't have my camera or binoculars (rats!)

Hello CarolKat.   :wave:

I've seen Kestrels in the area around Kodak Office, but it certainly could have been a Peregrine.  Although Archer and Beauty seem to be eating their meals closer to the Times Square bldg.  Thanks for reporting!

Title: Re: Are the Falcons Red Wings fans?
Post by: CarolKat on 23-Apr-10, 06:11:25 PM
I did some investigating and I bet that was it - a Kestrel. It seemed a bit small for a Peregrine.

Title: Re: Are the Falcons Red Wings fans?
Post by: Guru on 25-Apr-10, 12:35:03 AM
I saw the Krestal too.  We had bionoculars on it.  Great show and a very good ballgame too.  Good thing the "dinner' didn't fall into beer.