Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Paul Hamilton on 01-May-10, 07:59:04 PM

Title: Loons
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 01-May-10, 07:59:04 PM
While we are all waiting for the eggs to hatch, here is a movie of a Common Loon (Gavia immer)  family on Lake Winnipesaukee, in New Hampshire.  Loons, sometimes calld Divers are goose-size swimming birds.  We often wake up to their cries when we are on Sandy Island.  If we are lucky, we get a good look, but it does not happen often because they are very shy birds.  Let's go to the lake for a quiet summer morning. (http://www.blip.tv/file/3564971?filename=Phamilton-Loons731.mov)


Title: Re: Loons
Post by: Carol P. on 01-May-10, 09:29:25 PM
So peaceful.  I love Loons.  Thanks for sharing this beautiful video Paul.  :happy:

Title: Re: Loons
Post by: Donna on 01-May-10, 11:09:45 PM
Great video Paul...besides the call of the Loon...I  :heart: the sounds of the waves hitting the shore. Thanks. :titanic: