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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 04-May-10, 07:13:25 AM

Title: A great story: Young birders make a difference
Post by: Donna on 04-May-10, 07:13:25 AM
http://www.audubonmagazine.org/features1005/citizenscience.html (http://www.audubonmagazine.org/features1005/citizenscience.html)

Band of Brothers
Not even a tragic accident could derail two young men’s inspiring project to study one of North America’s least-understood birds. Their groundbreaking research is helping ornithologists understand how to help these birds as a warming climate alters their mountain home.

One night four years ago, two boys were driving outside of Roswell, New Mexico, after a day of birding, when suddenly the unimaginable happened: a terrible car wreck. Ryan Beaulieu, 17, a bird enthusiast who had helped bring national attention to Sandia Crest, the highest point in New Mexico’s Sandia Mountains, and to the rosy-finches that congregate there in winter, was killed instantly.  (Continued)