Rfalconcam Forum

Member Activities => Pets => Topic started by: Neil Grubb on 13-Jun-10, 09:54:26 AM

Title: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Neil Grubb on 13-Jun-10, 09:54:26 AM
Here are a few pics of Sylvester, one of two rabbits in the household. Also known as 'Bozo' because of his somewhat gormless personality, my wife and I obtained him as an unwanted (!!!) animal from the local pet store adoption section. The final pic shows Molly (Bozo's current friend), Snoops (now in bunny heaven after 10 years) and Bozo himself. You have no idea how long it took to set that last one up! I'll see if I can find the video of Bozo chasing me around the house....!


Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Annette on 13-Jun-10, 10:03:58 AM
Bozo is a so cute rabbit.  :wub:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Donna on 13-Jun-10, 10:13:10 AM
Cute bunnies...the last pic, Molly has her ears back like she's aggravated...how long did it take you to get them to stay in a row like that? Ok, maybe I shouldn't ask.  :hyper:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: valhalla on 13-Jun-10, 04:04:09 PM
Miss my bunnies!  Had them as a kid - good pets.

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Neil Grubb on 13-Jun-10, 04:52:58 PM
Molly not aggravated ; ears down = chilled! It was Bozo who was out of control - and who could blame him with two gorgeous girls at his side :)

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: valhalla on 13-Jun-10, 05:26:23 PM
Molly not aggravated ; ears down = chilled! It was Bozo who was out of control - and who could blame him with two gorgeous girls at his side :)

Oh, Yeah!  Bet he was doing the rear foot- stomp thing, too  ;)

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 13-Jun-10, 07:45:15 PM
Neil-I often share bird stories from woman who blogs as Birdchick (http://www.birdchick.com/wp/).  She also has a blog called Disapproving Rabbits (http://www.disapprovingrabbits.com/) that I'm sure you'll enjoy!

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Neil Grubb on 14-Jun-10, 05:37:31 PM
Bozo in a bouncy mood in the hallway of my house:


Bozo burning off pent up energy including, at the end, a full 180 degree flip! :



Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: MAK on 14-Jun-10, 06:20:46 PM
 :clap: Thanks Neil that was fun!    :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: carla on 14-Jun-10, 06:38:06 PM
Hi Neil ,

Great video's ,
Bozo is amazing...

Greetings Carla

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: jeanne on 15-Jun-10, 12:00:10 AM
The pictures and videos are adorable!!!!

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: dale on 15-Jun-10, 02:22:55 AM
Bozo burning off pent up energy including, at the end, a full 180 degree flip! :

My rabbits used to do that too (although Bozo's is a particularly virtuous performance) - they often looked so shocked when they found themselves facing some arbitrary direction because their butts had unexpectedly fired!  Imagine living with such an unpredictable hindquarters!
Loved seeing it!  Thanks!

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: valhalla on 15-Jun-10, 05:38:53 AM
 :heart:  Love them!   :clap:  Thanks Neil - Bozo is fun  :bunny:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Donna on 15-Jun-10, 06:36:44 AM
What a ham...er Rabbit. He was burnin up some energy for sure. Very cute. He's a BIG boy. Thanks Neil.  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Jun-10, 07:31:18 AM
I met Bozo the clown when I was little.   :laugh:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: valhalla on 15-Jun-10, 08:20:50 AM
I met Bozo the clown when I was little.   :laugh:

I work with an assortment of them  :devil:

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: huddiecat on 16-Jun-10, 10:16:03 AM
There is a wild rabbit in my neighborhood who comes close to me when I go out and feed the critters.  S/he has been around my yard for the past three years; I can recognize him/her by a little mark on the face.  Also, this is the only rabbit who does not hop at a high speed for the next county!  He is fondly known as Buns the Bunny  :happy: 

Title: Re: Bozo the Rabbit
Post by: MAK on 16-Jun-10, 11:20:07 AM
 :wave:   Cute name!    :2thumbsup: