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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Lord G on 20-Jun-10, 10:18:34 PM

Title: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Lord G on 20-Jun-10, 10:18:34 PM
Dawn and I got to watch a mother Pileated woodpecker with her two offspring at our suet feeder today.  I managed a few pictures, and put together a short blog post (http://birdblog.marchlords.com/2010/06/woodpecker-family-stops-by-for-dinner.html) about it.

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Donna on 20-Jun-10, 10:36:57 PM
It's not too often I get to see a Pileated Woodpecker but when I do, I'm in awe. They are gorgeous and your pics show just that. BEAUTIFUL and your so lucky to have them in your yard. Thanks so much Jim.

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: MAK on 20-Jun-10, 11:21:43 PM
How lucky to see that many all at once. Very cool Jim! :thanks2:

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: margaret on 21-Jun-10, 09:17:25 AM
They are great pictures of the woodpecker family. You are so lucky to have them in your yard.  The  pileated woodpeck is on my "list" of birds that I've longed to see up close and in person!
Thanks for the pictures. 

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Lord G on 21-Jun-10, 10:18:46 AM
Thanks!  The suet feeder is only about 15 feet from my back door.  We're really spoiled with the good views of the Pileated WPs.

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Kris G. on 21-Jun-10, 11:12:48 AM
How lucky you are!  We have every size Woodpecker coming to our feeder but this one and the only Pileated I've ever seen are in pictures. Thanks for sharing, Jim!

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Amy V. on 21-Jun-10, 11:47:58 AM
Jim, feel free to come through the gate into our yard if you need a different, or closer, view! 

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: dale on 21-Jun-10, 11:50:52 AM
I think it's very, very nice to see even one - but a whole family! Teenage headbangers too! Woodpeckers look so exotic and prehistoric. A couple of years ago my neighborhood suddenly had a LOT of them...not pileateds though. Then they vanished and lately we get them rarely. I LOVE catching sight of one. Enjoy!!

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Carol P. on 21-Jun-10, 12:54:25 PM
A few weeks ago a Pileated landed on a tree in my backyard.  I jumped up and grabbed my camera.  Too late.  S/he didn't stay long, but I was thrilled to have a first time visit.   :clap:

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Lord G on 21-Jun-10, 02:36:19 PM
Jim, feel free to come through the gate into our yard if you need a different, or closer, view! 

Thanks Amy!  Last week I wandered outside to add more suet to the feeder and the adult male was there.  He let me get about 8 feet away before he flew off.  Usually they're more skittish than that.  I do notice when they leave my feeders they often end up on one of the trees in your backyard...

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Lord G on 21-Jun-10, 02:39:10 PM
Woodpeckers look so exotic and prehistoric.

I do too.  They remind me of feathered pterodactyls, especially when they're landing.

Title: Re: Watching A Woodpecker Family Having Dinner
Post by: Wing Goose on 21-Jun-10, 06:56:53 PM
Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures and narrative Jim.  I really appreciate them. 
