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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 10-Jul-10, 06:11:30 AM

Title: My Witt's End Cute blog with Chad & Chris
Post by: Donna on 10-Jul-10, 06:11:30 AM
http://mywittsend.blogspot.com/ (http://mywittsend.blogspot.com/)  Scroll down to "Just one of those days"

How cool!

Title: Re: My Witt's End Cute blog with Chad & Chris
Post by: Annette on 10-Jul-10, 07:10:35 AM
A great story.

Title: Re: My Witt's End Cute blog with Chad & Chris
Post by: dale on 10-Jul-10, 10:49:11 AM
lovely portrait!
that's an unbanded juvenile...do we know whose it is?

Title: Re: My Witt's End Cute blog with Chad & Chris
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Jul-10, 11:53:22 AM
If I'm reading it all correctly, these are the eyases of Rocky (Hilliard Rd. Bridge 2006) and Lara (don't recall her origin). I'm guessing it's Valley based on this from the CMNH  (http://www.falconcam-cmnh.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?48559.80)forum:

Chad & Chris Sun Jun 20 2010, 12:18   Last two days here have been long, hot, and humid, but also very adventurous and entertaining, and certainly alot of fun. One fledged yesterday, and the other today. We started thinking that they were probably females when considering the length of time that it had taken for them to fledge, and after getting closer and better looks at them, they are both females. So, we've unoffically renamed the lighter colored one "Valley" instead of "Hale", as it seems a better fit for a female. Way too much to explain at this hour, so we'll keep this brief and post more with pics soon. Long story short, we had to pick up and release Valley from up on Riverview Road four times today, but as of this evening when we left both Valley and Summit were in separate trees (not in the greatest of spots, but at least they are up about 20-30 feet). We'll see how they do tomorrow.

Title: Re: My Witt's End Cute blog with Chad & Chris
Post by: dale on 10-Jul-10, 12:07:42 PM
Thanks, Ei. So many of those birds haven't been banded!