Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: valhalla on 17-Jul-10, 08:07:32 PM

Title: Tracys Creek, MD Osprey
Post by: valhalla on 17-Jul-10, 08:07:32 PM

I grabbed the Nikon and long lens last night on our way to dinner, as I know the osprey are fledging. Lots of kids still remain in all of the nests, but imagine my delight when I found this couple in Bald Bart's tree! Male on left, Female with her visible necklace is on the right. Both are mature - yellow eyes. When leaving I saw one of the kids a few branches above and to the right. Very hot - both had their mouths open and tongues are visible. It was good to watch them for a bit!

FYI, Paul - read your Kodak comment - no comparrison to NM (I like and can buy in the store) and Barboursville and Keswick - do the Charlottesville trip  ;)

Title: Re: Tracys Creek, MD Osprey
Post by: Annette on 18-Jul-10, 12:44:08 AM
These osprey pictures are beautiful.

Title: Re: Tracys Creek, MD Osprey
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 18-Jul-10, 01:55:59 AM

Beautiful pictures, as usual.  Thanks for sharing...

Title: Re: Tracys Creek, MD Osprey
Post by: dale on 18-Jul-10, 03:03:06 AM
especially #s 7-11. Terrific!! Thanks, Janet. I've never watched osprey, so it's new to me.

Title: Re: Tracys Creek, MD Osprey
Post by: valhalla on 18-Jul-10, 06:39:40 AM
Thanks - Osprey are fun to watch because they have these great goofy expressions and (to me) are like Jack Russells - always in motion.  You never know when they are going to leap off a platform or a tree branch (always an especially great sign when they are in the trees, as there is the hope that a natural nest will be built) and go fishing.  Then comes the build up - will the osprey catch the fish, will the fish be too big and drag the bird down, will the osprey come out of the water looking like a wet pile of feathers?  And of course, when will they sing their song  :clap: