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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 17-Sep-10, 06:40:48 PM

Title: RSPB 20 years of shame as war continues against birds of prey
Post by: Donna on 17-Sep-10, 06:40:48 PM
2009 was another shocking year for the persecution of birds of prey, with 384 reported incidents of shooting, trapping and poisoning, according to the RSPB's 20th annual Birdcrime report, launched today [16th September, 2010]. This makes 2009 the second worst year for these crimes in the last decade, with only 2007, with 389 cases, worse.

Twenty years of reporting on Birdcrime has revealed that several police force areas suffer higher levels of bird of prey persecution than others. In England, top of the league are North Yorkshire, West Mercia, Northumbria, Devon & Cornwall and Cumbria. In the report, the RSPB has identified 11 recommendations for government action, so that these appalling crimes can be eradicated.

Dr Mark Avery, the RSPB's Conservation Director, said: "Wildlife crimes are an abhorrent feature of our countryside. And for the sake of eagles, kites, harriers, buzzards, falcons and Ospreys, we have to take more action to consign these crimes to history. Over time, egg collecting has diminished, but the killing of birds of prey is as big a threat today as it was two decades ago. Earlier this year, the former Wildlife Minister — Huw Irranca-Davies — was one of more than 210,000 people to sign a pledge to protect birds of prey. This is a powerful voice and we will not rest until their cries have been heard by government."

In 2009, the government announced that bird of prey persecution was one of the top wildlife crime priorities. In view of the current spending review, the RSPB is concerned that resources to tackle wildlife crime will be seen as a soft option. The RSPB wants to see a commitment from the government to tackling these crimes, long-term funding for the National Wildlife Crime Unit and a full wildlife crime review in England.

During 2009, there were 384 reported incidents of bird of prey persecution in the UK, including 224 in England, 123 in Scotland, 17 in Wales and 11 in Northern Ireland. Nine crimes against birds of prey could not be assigned to a country and were recorded at a UK level.

The Hen Harrier  is on the brink of extinction in England as a breeding species, with just six successful pairs in 2009. This is the species most affected by persecution, despite the fact there is sufficient habitat to support well over 200 pairs. A report published by Natural England in 2008 showed that nest failures as a result of adults 'disappearing' were seven times more common on grouse moors than any other land type. Modelling suggests the UK's driven grouse moors could support 500 nesting pairs of Hen Harriers: in 2008 there were just five.

The conflict with land managed for the shooting of game birds remains the main problem for birds of prey, particularly the upland grouse-shooting estates in northern England and Scotland. The main birds of prey affected are Golden Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Hen Harrier, Goshawk, Peregrine and Red Kite.

Although crimes against birds of prey are widespread across the UK, analysis of the figures by the RSPB over the past two decades shows that some constabulary areas are hotspots for wildlife crime. In England, since 1990, the five police forces with the highest levels of 'confirmed' crimes against birds of prey have been:

    * North Yorkshire, with 64 confirmed bird of prey persecution incidents;
    * West Mercia, with 61 confirmed bird of prey persecution incidents;
    * Northumbria, with 58 confirmed bird of prey persecution incidents;
    * Devon & Cornwall, with 57 confirmed bird of prey persecution incidents;
    * Cumbria, with 47 confirmed bird of prey persecution incidents.

Shot Peregrine Falcon found dead in Gloucestershire in June 2009.  :crying:

Wildlife Minister Huw Irranca-Davies (left) accepts a 210,567-name petition from Dr Mark Avery, RSPB Director of Conservation, calling for an end to the killing of brids of prey. The giant Peregrine mosaic was held aloft by RSPB supporters in Westminster  :clap: