Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Discussion => Topic started by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Sep-10, 08:20:10 PM

Title: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 21-Sep-10, 08:20:10 PM
I'm trying to fill in some history blanks.  Is there anyone around who might have-or know someone who might have-banding information from the Cabot-Sirocco & Mariah years?  Any pictures from those days would be greatly appreciated too!

Thanks in advance for any help or hints you can give me!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: valhalla on 22-Sep-10, 05:16:41 AM
Carol F would.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Sep-10, 07:18:46 AM
I'm trying to fill in some history blanks.  Is there anyone around who might have-or know someone who might have-banding information from the Cabot-Sirocco & Mariah years?  Any pictures from those days would be greatly appreciated too!

Thanks in advance for any help or hints you can give me!

I don't have much from the C-S/M era, but I'll look to see what I have.  I don't believe anyone has banding information (except for the DEC).  I'll also check with Tom H.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Tokira on 22-Sep-10, 11:28:30 AM
Carol F would.

I wish I had more, but Carol P. or Shaky probably have better access at this point.  I will poke around in the archived stuff in MY computer, and see what I can come up with...
I think the earliest stuff I have is 2002.
Here's one from then...
Carol F

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 12:20:52 PM
Thanks Carol & Carol for whatever you can come up with!  It seems like everyone started saving stuff & keeping notes in 2002 when Kaver arrived...and when the KFC Yahoo group started.   

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Lord G on 22-Sep-10, 02:01:48 PM
2001 introduced the Kodak Birdcam discussion board, on which you could attach up to 3 pictures to a post.  The problem was that, at that time, the 4 available Birdcam cameras did not produce very good images, and I suspect viewers were not as sophisticated about things such as capturing/archiving images a decade ago.  Banding was also a pretty low-key affair, and the available consumer-grade digital cameras were in the 1-3MP range, so I can't say whether any pictures were taken at those early events.

I used a Kodak DC3400 to take pictures of the fledglings in 2001 and post them on the Kodak Birdcam board; a very primitive version of my Pereginations posts.  I used a teleconverter to extend the camera's 2x zoom range, but I recall most of the pictures being pretty poor quality, and I don't have any of them from that time.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: valhalla on 22-Sep-10, 05:02:25 PM
You know, Ei, this information might be worthwhile as filler, too.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 05:38:11 PM
2001 introduced the Kodak Birdcam discussion board, on which you could attach up to 3 pictures to a post.  The problem was that, at that time, the 4 available Birdcam cameras did not produce very good images, and I suspect viewers were not as sophisticated about things such as capturing/archiving images a decade ago.  Banding was also a pretty low-key affair, and the available consumer-grade digital cameras were in the 1-3MP range, so I can't say whether any pictures were taken at those early events.

I used a Kodak DC3400 to take pictures of the fledglings in 2001 and post them on the Kodak Birdcam board; a very primitive version of my Pereginations posts.  I used a teleconverter to extend the camera's 2x zoom range, but I recall most of the pictures being pretty poor quality, and I don't have any of them from that time.

Ah hah!  That explains why there wasn't a "community" earlier like there is now!  Lots of history for me to still learn.  I know technology wasn't as good-heck, I upgraded my film camera in 2000...just hoping to dig up whatever I can!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 05:38:53 PM
You know, Ei, this information might be worthwhile as filler, too.

Oh, I'm keeping notes  ;)

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 22-Sep-10, 05:53:45 PM
Here are a few images from May of 2001.


Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 06:01:37 PM
Here are a few i mages from May of 2001.


AWWW! Thank you!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: valhalla on 22-Sep-10, 07:30:04 PM
Here are a few i mages from May of 2001.


AWWW! Thank you!

Thanks Paul and the "Baby" M is adorable.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Shaky on 22-Sep-10, 08:39:25 PM
I found some pictures of pre-2002 bands.

Ranger from 2001 as an Adult in Toronto

Unknown eyas in 1998

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 08:55:11 PM
I found some pictures of pre-2002 bands.

Ranger from 2001 as an Adult in Toronto

Unknown eyas in 1998

Finally!  A safe-for-work picture of Ranger! Only one I had was the infamous duck picture-thanks!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Shaky on 22-Sep-10, 09:54:19 PM
I also found a picture of Mary Ann with her transmitter in 2000. It shows her black/red band but not well enough to read it.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 09:56:21 PM
I also found a picture of Mary Ann with her transmitter in 2000. It shows her black/red band but not well enough to read it.

I'll take whatever you have...it's better than nothing!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Sep-10, 10:11:12 PM

Click on this link to see a wealth of pics of Cabot-Sirocco, Mariah and their young.  Just click on the pictures for a larger view.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Sep-10, 10:29:56 PM
From 2000.


Well, if you fancy watching 'Peregrines in Cyberspace', check out:

Four cameras have been monitoring a breeding pair of Peregrine Falcons named Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco at their nest site on top of the Kodak building in Rochester, New York, USA. The webcam's pics are virtually real-time, being updated every five minutes and expanded on through a 'recent highlights' section. Admirably adaptable, the Peregrines have replaced their usual cliff-face habitat with a lofty, city-slicker lifestyle on top of a man-made mountain. The latest news is that four eggs had hatched by May 7th 2000 and the chicks were not camera shy, indeed they showed very well! This was the pair's 3rd brood at the site, and of the four chicks that hatched two have survived. One, a female named Mary Ann, was fitted with a Global Satellite Positioning device, the other - a male - is yet to be identified as either Mr Money or McKeever. The GPS currently reports Mary Ann's location every 96 hours, while the live webcams are shut down during the Peregrine's annual migration (they will be reactivated next spring). Meanwhile. if you visit the website, the Peregrine's Family Tree page is an impressive body of work, a well-researched must. Indeed the whole site is well designed and informative, with many interesting features including the Peregrine Postcard facility, which offers you the opportunity to e-mail an image and personalised message gratis...nice touch and no doubt an effective way to promote the project! Obviously, they are a shrewd pair of Peregrines that selected the Kodak building, knowing full well that Kodak's executives would snap up the eco-friendly publicity, guaranteeing website fame and an 'all mod-cons' nest box. It's an imaginative example of the modern approach to nature management/conservation, working with industry to benefit all parties involved, as opposed to being at odds (which can sometimes be counterproductive). I am reminded of the RSPB Reserve at Dungeness (where I have been treated to superb Peregrine sightings). Positioned adjacent to a bleak nuclear power station, the reserve reclaims neighbouring land after the ARC gravel companies' endeavours have scarred the landscape (producing vast watery quarries). Nature is then allowed to regenerate new habitat, turning the shingle excavations into precious wildlife sanctuaries. Do visit the Peregrine Kodak website, and in particular click on to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) as it offers lots of valuable Peregrine info, whilst we await their return to the nest box sometime in spring 2001.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 10:43:13 PM
Cool finds Carol!  Added to my history bookmarks...never know when you might need something like that!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Donna on 22-Sep-10, 10:46:05 PM
 Found this also

Mary Ann
June 23, 2000

Mary Ann has spent the last few days resting and feasting on quail at the vet's office. This morning she was outfitted with a very small and lightweight GPS (Global Positioning System) transmitter to help us learn more about her migration path. For approximately one year, Mary Ann's location will be reported to a satellite every 96 hours.

Around noon, Mary Ann was taken up to the nestbox area and the door of her carrier was opened. She walked out of the carrier and continued to walk around the area just below the nestbox. As soon as Mary Ann was released, both Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco arrived and perched on the Kodak tower where they could watch the activities. Shortly after that, one of Mary Ann's siblings landed on the railing right by her and appeared to be encouraging her with his constant squawking.

Mark Nash, from the Canadian Peregrine Foundation, was one of the people monitoring Mary Ann's release. He knew that Mary Ann's release caused the parents' squawking that he interpreted as a summons for a family meeting. All the siblings should have gathered within an hour or so. Mark became concerned when, after an hour, only one sibling had returned.

Meanwhile, people from the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and Kodak people associated with the project, continued to monitor Mary Ann's attempts to fly. By nightfall, she still had not taken off.

June 18, 2000

Mary Ann has had trouble staying airborne. Around 9 p.m. she was seen on the sidewalk of State Street, so trained bird rescuers took her to a veterinarian for examination. After receiving medicine for hydration and nutrition, Mary Ann is in good health and now rests at the vet’s office. She’ll most likely be released in one or two days.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 10:51:19 PM
Somewhere I have a link to the way back original birdcam page that opens with a kakking falcon-scared me half to death the first time I opened it.  It was still live the last time I tried it a couple of years ago.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Sep-10, 10:53:19 PM
Mary Ann reminds me of Alkyonis.  and we know Alkyonis made it!  Let's hope Mary Ann is still out there flying free.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Donna on 22-Sep-10, 10:56:48 PM
Somewhere I have a link to the way back original birdcam page that opens with a kakking falcon-scared me half to death the first time I opened it.  It was still live the last time I tried it a couple of years ago.

I remember that, I had it saved but it's on my CRASHED Laptop.  :(  I know someone has it saved. Yes, it scared me too Ei. Never expected it!  :scaredblue:

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Sep-10, 11:05:53 PM
Mary Ann reminds me of Alkyonis.  and we know Alkyonis made it!  Let's hope Mary Ann is still out there flying free.

You know my opinion-they're all safe & well unless positively proven otherwise.  I recall reading something somewhere that she ultimately did OK...her transmitter kept working for a bit over a year and she was seen alive after the signal stopped.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Carol P. on 23-Sep-10, 07:55:01 AM
Tom H aka Cornpoppy, just sent me a couple early pics and one of them is from 1999 of  Mariah standing over one egg.  It has to be Mariah and her first egg if I'm thinking correctly this morning!  :clap:

I'll share it with everyone later.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Shaky on 23-Sep-10, 08:07:21 AM
Mariah laid her first egg at Kodak in 1998. There are no pictures of this egg.

The first remote Birdcam pictures were taken from the cupola after fledging. Manual photography was taken earlier during banding.

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Carol P. on 23-Sep-10, 08:35:21 AM
OK, I stand corrected.  So this Mariah's first egg of her 2nd brood.   :clap:

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Shaky on 23-Sep-10, 06:10:29 PM
I also found a picture of Mary Ann with her transmitter in 2000. It shows her black/red band but not well enough to read it.

I'll take whatever you have...it's better than nothing!

Mary Ann

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: jeanne on 23-Sep-10, 06:39:59 PM
I also found a picture of Mary Ann with her transmitter in 2000. It shows her black/red band but not well enough to read it.

I'll take whatever you have...it's better than nothing!

Mary Ann

Awww, Mary Ann!!!  Dan S. rescued her!!!

Title: Re: Info help needed!
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Sep-10, 08:08:20 PM
Somewhere I have a link to the way back original birdcam page that opens with a kakking falcon-scared me half to death the first time I opened it.  It was still live the last time I tried it a couple of years ago.

I don't think this is the page that had the kakking...maybe it was & the sound is gone...anyway...

Birdcam 2000 (http://www.kodak.com/US/plugins/flash/en/corp/features/birdcam2000/habitat.shtml)