Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => Other Nature Web Cams => Topic started by: Paul Hamilton on 18-Oct-10, 09:44:27 AM

Title: Cranes are flying (9:40 AM EDT)
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 18-Oct-10, 09:44:27 AM


Title: Re: Cranes are flying (9:40 AM EDT)
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 19-Oct-10, 10:11:51 AM
The cranes are flying again at 10 AM EDT.  The ultralight made two passes ofer the field where the cranes were waiting.  On the second pass, I could see four cranes drop into formation off the right wing of one of the ultralights.  The live camera feed is jerky and pauses often, but it's worth it for the sight of huge white birds soaring over the beautiful Wisconsin countryside, green-gold in the early morning sun.


Title: Re: Cranes are flying (9:40 AM EDT)
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 19-Oct-10, 10:26:36 AM
The cranes are flying again at 10 AM EDT.  The ultralight made two passes ofer the field where the cranes were waiting.  On the second pass, I could see four cranes drop into formation off the right wing of one of the ultralights.  The live camera feed is jerky and pauses often, but it's worth it for the sight of huge white birds soaring over the beautiful Wisconsin countryside, green-gold in the early morning sun.


Me! Me! BRING ME!!

Paul, what a privilege - and what a lovely description.

Title: Re: Cranes are flying (9:40 AM EDT)
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 29-Oct-10, 09:23:58 AM
After being stuck in Winnebago by high winds, the Whooping Cranes are flying again!  One of the airplanes just made a low pass and at least one crain has joined it in formation.  Big white birds against a dark, clear, morning sky.  Each day's flight is only about an hour, so click fast if you are online:



Title: Re: Cranes are flying (9:40 AM EDT)
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 31-Oct-10, 11:16:28 AM
Date: October 31, 2010 - Entry 1 Reporter: Heather Ray
Subject: WE'RE MIGRATING!!! Location: Main Office
Flown Today: 55 miles: Winnebago to LaSalle Total Miles 185.4
Once the danger of frost passed this morning, Joe went up to test conditions and we those of us watching the trikecam were thrilled to watch as he landed next to the pen, turned on his vocalizer and launched with the birds!

10 birds are currently still locked onto his wingtips as he advances toward our LaSalle County, IL stopover site. #2 is again traveling via crate.



Title: Re: Cranes are flying (9:40 AM EDT)
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 01-Nov-10, 08:51:55 AM
It looks like more migration today.  It's 8:46 EDT. and the ultralights are taking off. 

