Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: dale on 30-Nov-10, 11:43:44 PM

Title: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 30-Nov-10, 11:43:44 PM
I would like to take this opportunity to say something I've never said here before...


PUKEKO is the Maori name for the PURPLE SWAMP HEN
I took these in Rotorua, NZ, in a house's back yard and in a public park.

** to see mama PUKEKO holding bread in her foot and feeding her chick -- and to see the SIZE of that FOOT (both very cool), PLEASE check out the photo at this link:  


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 30-Nov-10, 11:45:58 PM
buncha PELICANS  from far away

Near Cape Town SA; I think this was at the Cape Flats Water Treatment (i.e., sewer) Works.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 30-Nov-10, 11:54:37 PM

Puffins are members of the Auk family (alcids)  They are spectacular, dramatic looking pelagic birds.  They have colorful large bills, are stocky in build and have wings designed for swimming under water.  They breed on remote cliffs in borrows.  There are three species in the US.  Those of you in the east may have seen the Atlantic Puffin.  The Horned Puffin and the Tufted Puffin are resident in the North Pacific.  The southernmost breeding colony of tufted puffins is on the Farallone islands, 25 miles off San Francisco.  There have been about 160 puffins there for the last 20 years.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 30-Nov-10, 11:57:45 PM

In actuality, puffins are not all that photogenic for the average birder. The glorious close-ups are usually taken from blinds.  The first photograph was made at the Marine Center in Seward, Alaska of an injured puffin and the two water shots, in the Aleution Islands.  The fourth is of a cliff on the Pribilof Islands where common murres, kittiwakes and puffins were nesting together.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 01-Dec-10, 12:01:02 AM
Galapagos Penguin

This penguin is endemic to the Galapagos and is the northern most of the penguin species.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 01-Dec-10, 12:03:44 AM
Black-footed penguin

This is an intimate look at a Black footed penguin at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  You can view a live video cam at http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/efc/efc_splash/splash_cam.aspx

They are from South Africa, and oops, Dale, they are also known as Jackass Penguins.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 01-Dec-10, 12:05:10 AM
Gayle, tufted puffin is WILD-looking. He could have it out with Darth Vader any day and probably win; especially if he gets extra credit points for his nicely alliterative name!

To quote Patti, I'll see your penguins and raise you one:
I already posted a few African PENGUIN shots from Boulders Beach SA (yes, under "J" for "Jackass") -
but here are FAIRY (LITTLE BLUE, Korora) PENGUINS - from NZ.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 01-Dec-10, 12:06:54 AM
Pigeon Guillemot

Pigeon Guillemot

The pigeon guillemot is another member of the auk family.  Its range is in the Pacific from Kanchatka through  the Aleutians down along the California coast.    No, they do not normally sit on branches.  This is another injured bird from the Seward Marine Center,


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 01-Dec-10, 12:11:28 AM

Dale, and I will see your pelican and raise you one!  Here are a few more brown pelicans, from San Francisco Baylands, Galapagos, and Monterey.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 01:05:48 AM
Wow, you chicks are on a roll tonight!  You collectively have saved me from having to dig through my Galapagos and New Zealand photo albums for the Pukeko and Penguins. 

OK...P is for Ptarmigan (and I don't know which one this is...maybe Willow Ptarmigan.  It was taken in Denali National Park, Alaska.

I think I have a slightly better shot elsewhere...need to dig around.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 01:10:18 AM
And P, of course, is for Peregrine Falcon (waiting for Donna and some more Kaver photos).

This is Rhea Mae from the 2006 Falcon Watchers Weekend.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 01:17:07 AM
Well...it may not be a better photo, but a cuteness alert may be in order.

This is a White-tailed Ptarmigan; we took the photos hiking in Glacier National Park.  The first is mother Ptarmigan, and the second are her two chicks, to whom Mom was clucking softly.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 01:24:30 AM
Prothonotary Warbler

It's one of my favorite birds; I saw it for the first time this past May on the shores of Lake Erie.  They were very active, foraging for insects all around, seemingly unfazed by all of the gawking humans.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 01-Dec-10, 01:24:52 AM
I'd love to see more pukeko.

and i LOVE ptarmigan-of-the-feathery-toes

That warbler is an unimaginably gorgeous color

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 01:30:15 AM
The Pukeko may have to wait until tomorrow night; I've almost reached my bedtime...

But here's my final entry for the night (morning?): the Black-capped Parakeet.

I took this photo from a canopy tower in Peru.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 01-Dec-10, 01:32:25 AM
Wow, you chicks are on a roll tonight!

some play strip poker; this is no doubt more attractive ;)

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: anneintoronto on 01-Dec-10, 03:32:28 AM
Good Grief!!  P and I almost slept through it!!  This is my big moment!!!  What I've been waiting for!!!

P is for my second favourite birds, PIGEONS!

I live in downtown Toronto.  In a highrise.  On the 21st floor.  And I have the most delightful visitors 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on my balcony!  PIGEONS!!  They are the most maligned, most badly treated of all city birds.  The things I've seen make tears come to my eyes!  But on my balcony, they are king and queen, with all their little princes and princesses!!  Couples stay for years, raising their little squabs, teaching them to feed themselves, groom themselves and the most wonderful, how to fly out into our world!  The parents are just as careful and skilled as Mariah and Kaver.  Nothing is overlooked right from the beginning!  Squab bumps its head -- mom or dad grooms the scare and ruffled feathers for a long time.  Can't pick up a seed -- the parents will teach the skill over and over again!  Getting the nerve up to take off into the wild blue yonder, the lesson is taught over and over again, grooming is done to placate a bad case of nerves, little bumps and tweeks are applied, and that little bird flies in tandem with a parent -- never alone!!  Altitude lost -- on the wrong balcony -- by little leaps, flutters, pushes, the little one is always led home!  And there is intergenerational interaction -- older "children" come back to visit, "grandchildren" are dropped off for a visit and are are fed and groomed by the grandparents, even if they have eggs of their own!

I know that most of you probably think I'm nutty, but I have had the priviledge of watching these wonderful birds for many years and I can't say enough good about them.  Even when I had to invite the last little squab into my apartment, as my balcony was being rennovated for 3 months, and he hatched at completely the wrong time, I was not disappointed -- Mom and Dad flew in the window, fed, cleaned, taught, despite the circumstances!  These are not pet birds -- they are completely wild -- but they braved the indoors and looked after their funny wee offspring, right down to teaching flying out over the livingroom and diningroom, until the squab was ready to fledge off the balcony!  And NOT ONCE did any of them drop a piece of dodo anywhere, except next to the squab's tub, where there was an old piece of carpet.  Of course, I did threaten to wring the neck of the first offender, but they knew I didn't mean it!  I think...
I wish I could show you all the photos I have -- but I think there are a few thousand too many.  So I will try to pick a few...just to show you a little of my wild family!  If anyone wants to see a better range, them PM me...(but don't all rush at once!  :hysterical: )  I don't have time tonight to do more.  This is just the last little squab and his dad.

Anne in Toronto

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 01-Dec-10, 03:46:25 AM
AHA!!  Brava!  I would never have seen a squab if Anne hadn't shared hers with me, for which I am eternally grateful. Anne, I really really think you ought to show a few more. They'e amazing - especially when they're really young and science-fiction-like. Their beaks are weird. I find it astounding that I can live in a veritable SEA of pigeons and never see a squab. I hear them in train underpasses, but never ever see them.

Since Pigeons have been mentioned...once, while wandering around in bird names, I found the name WONGA PIGEON - when I followed it up, I discovered an awfully nicely patterned pigeon. Photo below is by Glen Fergus - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wonga_Pigeon.jpg


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: anneintoronto on 01-Dec-10, 06:55:57 AM
Anne, I really really think you ought to show a few more. They'e amazing - especially when they're really young and science-fiction-like. Their beaks are weird.  dale

Only as you requested them...  Hard to pick from so many...

Anne in Toronto -- have to get ready to go to work... probably enough anyway!

Pigeons hatching and growing

Mom -- Black Dove -- egg and Fortuna trying to help or demanding a space herself...

Two squabs -- only their first day!

Father -- Squiggles -- taking his turn on the squabs.

Squabs about 2 weeks old -- no cere on their beak -- looking a litte alien, as Dale says!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: annieinelkhart on 01-Dec-10, 07:44:28 AM
I pick Pelicans since we see them around us now!  Picture from last year in Dunedin, FL

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Carol P. on 01-Dec-10, 07:46:20 AM
And P, of course, is for Peregrine Falcon (waiting for Donna and some more Kaver photos).

This is Rhea Mae from the 2006 Falcon Watchers Weekend.

WooHoo Peregrine Falcons!  Love that picture of the beautiful Rhea Mae Patti!  Thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Carol P. on 01-Dec-10, 07:47:34 AM
Anne - You should definitely post more pics of the baby Pigeons aka Rock Doves.   :clap:

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: anneintoronto on 01-Dec-10, 07:54:22 AM
Anne - You should definitely post more pics of the baby Pigeons aka Rock Doves.   :clap:
Too tired to find what I was looking for and have to leave for work...  Maybe I can get some together by the time we get up to
R is for Rock Dove!!  If you're sure...  At lot of people find pigeons either offensive or boring...

Anne yawning in Toronto!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Donna on 01-Dec-10, 07:58:58 AM
Of course Patti, I will post my P for P2T: Kaver , naturally.

Gee, it's such a big pic, sorry!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Annette on 01-Dec-10, 08:05:08 AM
Pine Siskin

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Siskin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Siskin)

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Carol P. on 01-Dec-10, 08:21:44 AM
Anne - You should definitely post more pics of the baby Pigeons aka Rock Doves.   :clap:
Too tired to find what I was looking for and have to leave for work...  Maybe I can get some together by the time we get up to
R is for Rock Dove!!  If you're sure...  At lot of people find pigeons either offensive or boring...

Anne yawning in Toronto!

I like Pigeons.  Of course, I like ALL birds.  If I can find it, I'll post the picture of the Pigeon I took a few years ago that Dale liked so much.   :happy:

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 01-Dec-10, 11:55:56 AM
Right...those "hatching and growing" shots of squabs are the ones I meant. That's so wild....willya look at those beaks...

Peregrine -
a few drawings based on the 2005 Rochester clutch: http://pesmen.com/falcons/

just a few of the later drawings: http://www.pesmen.com/2009/023.html

Here's one drawn from a shot Linn Pierson took of the Jersey City birds. She called the photo "Two and a Beak" because she realized after she took it that there was a third chick hiding there:


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Annette on 01-Dec-10, 12:24:29 PM
Pied Wheatear

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied_Wheatear (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied_Wheatear)

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: anneintoronto on 01-Dec-10, 03:14:22 PM
Pied Wheatear

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied_Wheatear (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied_Wheatear)

What a handsome bird, Annette!  Another that most of us won't see in person, so will enjoy via your photo!  Thank you!

Anne in Toronto

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Kris G. on 01-Dec-10, 03:20:26 PM
Anne - You should definitely post more pics of the baby Pigeons aka Rock Doves.   :clap:
Too tired to find what I was looking for and have to leave for work...  Maybe I can get some together by the time we get up to
R is for Rock Dove!!  If you're sure...  At lot of people find pigeons either offensive or boring...

Anne yawning in Toronto!

I'd love to see more pics too, Anne!  And I loved your stories-very interesting-didn't know anything about them!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Annette on 01-Dec-10, 03:35:02 PM
Pygmy Nuthatch

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_Nuthatch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_Nuthatch)

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Annette on 01-Dec-10, 03:39:56 PM

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Pochard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Pochard)

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: ~Ruth on 01-Dec-10, 04:53:00 PM
P- PINTAIL   Northern Pintail duck...Easy to ID cause of the long pointed tail.
Maybe someone can post a pic for me

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Dec-10, 04:57:43 PM
P- PINTAIL   Northern Pintail duck...Easy to ID cause of the long pointed tail.
Maybe someone can post a pic for me

Here you go!


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Donna on 01-Dec-10, 05:00:55 PM
P- PINTAIL   Northern Pintail duck...Easy to ID cause of the long pointed tail.
Maybe someone can post a pic for me

Here you go!


a few seconds too late.. LOL

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: ~Ruth on 01-Dec-10, 06:45:49 PM
thanks, they are good looking

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 07:37:20 PM
Here is one more Pukeko from New Zealand, this one taken right in Christchurch.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 01-Dec-10, 07:40:43 PM
This is a funky-looking Pyrrhuloxia (not to imply that this one is particular in that regard; they are all funky-looking).  If you're not familiar with them you can probably tell that they are in the same genus as the Northern Cardinal.

The bird in front, who stopped just short of a whirlyhead, is a House Finch, sharing the feeder with the Pyrrhuloxia.

I took this photo in Southeast Arizona.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 02-Dec-10, 12:22:32 AM
The wheatear is exactly handsome. Great bird

Pyrrhuloxia and House Finch were cast for this role on a purely chromatic basis - I'd have loved to see the auditions.  Cool picture.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: anneintoronto on 02-Dec-10, 03:48:24 AM
P- PINTAIL   Northern Pintail duck...Easy to ID cause of the long pointed tail.
Maybe someone can post a pic for me

Here you go!


What a splendid duck!  Sleek, wonderful lines!  And a really cool tail!!

Anne in Toronto

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Aafke on 02-Dec-10, 04:58:36 PM
P is for me the Pintail too
I always like it to see a Pintail

The Puzzle of the Week 186 is from a picture of a Pintail

Northern Pintail (186) Jigsaw Puzzle (http://www.jigzone.com/puzzles/A2136C2F30A?z=0&m=DA5931D.1D23FD8)

and the Puzzle of the Week 127 is also from a picture of a Pintail

Northern Pintail (127) Jigsaw Puzzle (http://www.jigzone.com/puzzles/28120B05F6F?z=0&m=DA5931D.1D23FD8)
greetings Aafke

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Aafke on 02-Dec-10, 05:17:56 PM
P is (of course) for the Peregrine Falcon

In the last couple of years I learned a lot about them here on the forum, first the yahoogroup and

before that the Kodak discussionboard.
When you see a real Peregrine Falcon, it's fantastic!!!
greetings Aafke

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Aafke on 02-Dec-10, 05:19:34 PM
And one of my favourite webcam pictures
greetings Aafke

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: MAK on 02-Dec-10, 05:51:53 PM
"When you see a real Peregrine Falcon, it's fantastic!!!"

You got that right Aafke! :yes:
:pfalcon: :foxbinocs:

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Shaky on 02-Dec-10, 06:21:25 PM
And one of my favourite webcam pictures
greetings Aafke


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: jeanne on 02-Dec-10, 06:44:38 PM
What a cutie :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Donna on 02-Dec-10, 08:22:56 PM
And one of my favourite webcam pictures
greetings Aafke

I wish we knew where Chayton was these days. Thanks Aafke, he's your boy!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 02-Dec-10, 09:23:07 PM
P is for Parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Habitat includes the computer keyboard, windowsill, and an artificial tree consisting of a bamboo trellis with a ficus plant.  Food consists of pellets, seeds, vegetables, and whatever he can snatch from your plate when you aren't looking.  Also enjoys bathing in one's glass of ice water (see below).  Expresses affection by grooming your hair and offering you regurgitated food.  Large number of calls, including "good bird", "chirp!", "Fidget bird", "I love you", and the ever-popular, "I think that's enough now."


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: schlaf374 on 02-Dec-10, 10:21:16 PM
Plymouth Barred Rock
Prolific egg layer till she reaches Henopause.
Beside worms, wiilling to  eat almost anything you are eating.
Loves dirt barhs, having her head scratched, comb and wattle rubbed, sitting on your lap or perch and watching  TV( not too spoiled).
Makes a great pet, gentle but willing to be feisty if needed.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 02-Dec-10, 11:49:15 PM
Paul, That yellow feather cocktail looks powerful!!

Linda - a genuine highlight of falcon-watching weekends was hen-feeding. Here's another -


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 04-Dec-10, 08:01:50 PM

I want to re-visit ptarmigans!  These members of the grouse family are most well adapted for their surroundings.    The Willow Ptarmigan and her chicks  and the Rock Ptarmigans are so well camouflaged they are difficult to see in their surroundings in Denali National Park.  The mounted specimen at the Arctic Audubon in Fairbanks shows how the birds turn completely white in winter and are virtually invisible in the snow.  The last photograph shows the feathered feet, a necessary adaptation to Alaska’s cold.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 04-Dec-10, 08:17:39 PM
Prairie Falcon

The Prairie Falcon is about the same size as the peregrine, but is  more drab and frankly not as beautiful!  Its range is in the west, roughly west of the Rockies.  It prefers open areas.  I have seen one twice in the northern part of California's Central Valley.  In the photograph below, look to the right and slightly above the topmost guano stain!  The second image from Wikipedia shows what it actually looks like!


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 04-Dec-10, 08:32:59 PM
Blacksmith Plover

The Blacksmith Plover is a sub-Saharan African bird.  It is strikingly beautiful with is bold black and white coloration.  It is found at ponds ,eating worms, insects and small crustaceans,  It is so named because its song resembles the sound of metal being hit.  Images are screen captures from Nkorho cam.


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 04-Dec-10, 08:54:04 PM
Western Snowy Plover

More plovers!  The Snowy Plover is a bird of concern for Northern Californians.  It is listed as a threatened species.It nests right on the beach and is at risk by every passing hiker, dog or horse.  During nesting season, hundreds of volunteers man the beaches to protect the nests.  To read about measures being taken see:


or :



Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: gayle on 04-Dec-10, 09:20:04 PM

I have long been curious about phalaropes since I read Paton’s seminal novel about South Africa and apartheid, Too Late the Phalarope, as a child, although I no longer remember the significance of the bird in the title.  If anyone remembers it, I would love to know.

Phalaropes are small, about 8 inches, pelagic birds with lobed toes.  The Red Phalarope shows up on California beaches.  I have seen the Red-necked phalaropes feeding in close association with humpback whales in Southeast Alaska.  They grab the leftover bits from the whales’ feeding lunges.

You can read about this bird’s feeding habits by creating vortexes here:



Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 04-Dec-10, 10:13:21 PM
Since Gayle put the idea in my head, I thought I'd add to the collection of plovers with this Black-bellied Plover, who is busy molting out of his breeding plumage.  We took this photo in Rhode Island in August, when this bird was on his way south, presumably, for the winter.

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 05-Dec-10, 09:25:05 AM
The plovers are all beautiful.


Wikipedia: "The Greater Prairie Chicken, Tympanuchus cupido, is a large bird in the grouse family. This North American species was once abundant, but has become extremely rare or extinct over much of its range due to habitat loss. There are current efforts to help this species gain the numbers that it once had. One of the most famous aspects of these creatures is the mating ritual called booming."


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: dale on 05-Dec-10, 09:30:19 AM
since Scratch ended up in "P" for Plymouth Barred Rock,

here's one more of Herself:

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Dec-10, 08:05:02 PM
I spotted this one browsing through some blog bookmarks.  This fellow, Bob Aek, is doing a Big Bird Year.  He blogged  (http://bobsbirds.blogspot.com/)about finding these Pink footed geese in New Brunswick, Canada


His blog is interesting reading!


Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: schlaf374 on 05-Dec-10, 08:12:57 PM
since Scratch ended up in "P" for Plymouth Barred Rock,

here's one more of Herself:

Although Dale doesn't mention it, her attachment is a beautiful charcoal rendition of a picture I sent her!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 05-Dec-10, 09:59:23 PM
P is for Pride...demonstrating how Pride's Rock acquired its name!

Title: Re: the ABCs of Birds **P**
Post by: anneintoronto on 08-Dec-10, 07:05:18 PM
Sorry -- just one last photo of a Pigeon.  I just came across this photo and fell into a mood...  This ordinary looking, but pristine pigeon, was the sole pigeon in a small, local country fair "Petting Zoo" this past Fall...  And he was on a low table, inside a little cage.  And he had the biggest, the most red 1st Place Winner bow you can imagine!!  Practially bigger than he was!  But, little children were poking their sticky, grubby little fingers in at him, squealing as only little children can...  And he didn't move, didn't flinch, nothing...  Just stood there...

Now, today I was feeling sorry for my balcony visitors...  It is so bitterly cold out there, so windy...  And they are having to find shelter the best they can...   This little fellow is probably sitting happily somewhere in a nice cozy room...

So, who do I feel sorry for?  The cold, wild pigeons...or...the warm, captive pigeon?  I'm sure you know...  You, who have taken so many wonderful photos of wild birds around the globe...  Even of birds in spacious areas in zoos...  Just the mood I'm in...

Anne in Toronto

And, yes, I did do something temporary about it -- moved the cage out of reach of the grubby little fingers...  Much to the annoyance of the loving, caring parents...  And I wrote a letter...but never got an answer...and forgot, until just now... *sigh*