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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: dale on 02-Dec-10, 11:57:36 PM

Title: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: dale on 02-Dec-10, 11:57:36 PM
I figure several people might post QUAIL, so I'll stick with…

BUTTON QUAIL, which I go to visit regularly here in the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum.

They have assorted button quail, including silver morphs, running around like crazy in the butterfly habitat. The chicks look like fuzzy grapes with wings.

Hey! You can mail order yourself a mess of button quail and let them dash around your house, too:



Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: gayle on 03-Dec-10, 12:45:41 AM
California Quail

As a Californian, I must post our state bird, the California Valley Quail!  It is also my neighbor as a covey of them live in the hedge behind my house.They are pretty birds that scurry about eating seeds and berries.  The male has an outrageous top knot.  And he is the father protector.  While the females (yes, he has more than one) and the chicks feed, he sits atop the hedge keeping a vigilant lookout.  When the doors and windows are open, I can hear them.


Here is Sibley's drawing, a female with nearly grow chicks,  the male with a female behind him and the male as sentry.


Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: Annette on 03-Dec-10, 01:28:17 AM

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzal)

Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: anneintoronto on 03-Dec-10, 01:49:53 AM
Q  is for Quail (in this case, Mountain Quail)

The Mountain Quail is a large quail with an exclamation mark atop its head, the Moutain Quail is found throughout the mountains of the far western United States.

Adult Description
•Large quail.
•Runs on ground.
•Small round head with long plume sticking straight up.
•Round body with short tail.
•Reddish face.
•Bold white bars on flanks.

(Information from http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Mountain_Quail/id)

A group of quails can be called a "battery", "drift", "flush", "rout", and "shake" of quails.

Anne in Toronto

 Distribution Map

 Mountain Quail

Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: dale on 03-Dec-10, 02:25:21 AM
Anne, hahahahaha! What's the story behind that mountain quail arrangement!?! That's so very odd!!  I wonder where his "battery", "drift", "flush", "rout" or "shake" is...

Annette - one of the things I love about the Resplendent Quetzal (Quetzal is a Nahuatl word, I think) is the way the eye is positioned - kind of right in the middle of the head. Of course all that stuff on the other end of the beast is pretty amazing too-


Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: Donna on 03-Dec-10, 06:31:00 AM
Q is for our lovely little wanderer Quest.

Pics taken by Ian Davies and Jim P

Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 03-Dec-10, 10:48:11 AM
Here is my Gambel's Quail, which looks very similar to Gayle's California Quail.  I took this photo in Southeast Arizona, where they would come creeping cautiously out of the desert brush to feed on the ground below a set of feeders.  You had to stay very still, because they spooked easily.

Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: dale on 03-Dec-10, 06:52:17 PM
Singing QUAIL.
I found them on the internet and like the look of them:

The song (worth 20 seconds of one's life, I think):

Knut Eisermann photo below from this site:


Title: Re: ABCs of Birds - Q
Post by: anneintoronto on 04-Dec-10, 06:45:01 AM
Anne, hahahahaha! What's the story behind that mountain quail arrangement!?! That's so very odd!!  I wonder where his "battery", "drift", "flush", "rout" or "shake" is...

Well, since its eyes are so bright and shiny, I'll assume that it's just pinioned on the arrangement by its pinions. That's just an old Mountain tradition for Mountain Quail in the Autumn!!  :autumn:  Got to admit it's a pretty arrangement and it doesn't look taxed(ermied) at all!

:star: Two definitions for pinion -- the 1)noun and the 2)verb at http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pinion?show=0&t=1291458783

Oh come on! -- you've got to think that that's a pretty cool pun creation for 6am!! :hysterical:

As far as where its "battery", "drift", "flush", "rout" or "shake" is...well it's more where it was:

In the Mountains, where it was captured, the hobbyists flushed out its old battery with a slight drift to the right, then a good rout to the left, in order to shake it out, so that they could put it up on its Autumn arrangement!  Of course!!   :wave:

PS  The hobby referred to is not the small old world falcon (Falco subbuteo), but the craft!!

Hope that is some help, Dale.  And now I am going to bed, before I cause any more damage!

Anne, still yawning, in Toronto :sleepy: