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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Bobbie Ireland on 08-Dec-10, 07:58:27 AM

Title: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 08-Dec-10, 07:58:27 AM

That's the link. Tho I am torn... saving this unique book is a reason for celebration... but how much better might the money have been spent in something like habitat protection?

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: MAK on 08-Dec-10, 08:53:09 AM
 :thumbsup:  Wouldn't it be awesome to look at that entire book!   ;D :wave:

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 08-Dec-10, 11:23:52 AM
:thumbsup:  Wouldn't it be awesome to look at that entire book!   ;D :wave:

At that price, MAK, they will probably charge us per page. Just hope the new owner gives a damn about the birds it shows (tho I may misjudge...).

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: anneintoronto on 08-Dec-10, 05:12:18 PM

That's the link. Tho I am torn... saving this unique book is a reason for celebration... but how much better might the money have been spent in something like habitat protection?

You've made an excellent point, Bobbie!  Gigantic payments for single items have always bothered me... We live in a "money focused" world and situations like this one only point that out too clearly...  Frankly, I find it offensive and yet another example of one-upsmanship.  I can't even imagine that this person really cares all that much about what the picture is, just if s/he can outbid all the others, thus winning...  And if that's winning...  *sigh*

Anne in Toronto   

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: dale on 08-Dec-10, 07:50:09 PM
Strangely enough, last Friday I was downtown and, walking by, took a deep breath and went into the Oppenheimer Gallery to look at the Audubon prints. As much to be appalled at the prices, actually, as to see the gorgeous prints. Hundreds and hundreds of them.  And it's a good exercise to go into places like that and not let them intimidate you. Good shot of outrage gets the old blood pumping, doesn't it. Because the prices are indeed appalling. And the prints are indeed splendid and astounding. But who would buy one and live with it hanging there while people are hungry?  There's something really wrong about it.

Framed, many cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars; unframed, most cost tens of thousands per page. And they have a full book, enormous, enclosed in a big clear case.

I've ventured into that gallery three times in my life. They're pretty severe. I ignore that, look to my heart's desire (almost) and make pleasant comments. Never have squeezed even a smile out of those done-up shrews. The book is enormous - very old and very intimidating. I asked if people used gloves to look through it; the woman sitting there said, grimly, "NO, they just wash their hands first" - it's not like I was going to ask if I could manhandle it or anything - I just wanted to know how people could touch it without having a heart attack.  You could get an ulcer in there, honestly.



Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 08-Dec-10, 09:58:22 PM
...but who would buy one and live with it hanging there while people are hungry?  There's something really wrong about it.


I have been hearing multiple news articles recently talking about the income and wealth gap being one of the major problems with the US economy (the top 1% taking home 25% of all income is the number tossed about).  The wealth and income gap is continuing to grow quickly.  What the economists have been talking about is that it's difficult to rehabilitate an economy in crisis because the wealthy simply can't spend enough to keep it going because they have more money than they can reasonably spend.  This is a perfect example...if those millions of dollars were spread out among the working/middle class, that money would be fueling consumption, growth, jobs, and generally making a lot of lives better both directly and indirectly.  But multi-million dollar purchases of big-ticket items are not going to do much to stimulate the economy...

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: falconsforever129 on 08-Dec-10, 10:47:31 PM
I agree...if I had unlimited money to spend like that I would much rather donate equally to the rehabbers and wildlife centers who work so hard to take care of the sick and injured birds and animals. These big ticket items people buy are normally just for show....

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: jantur on 09-Dec-10, 09:06:24 AM
If I had that kind of money I'd give it to people who are out of work, in danger of losing their homes or have already lost them and are hungry.  That must be a horrible place to be in.  I would do what I could to help them.  Unfortunately all we can do is donate to suitable charities in smaller amounts and to local food banks and toy collections.   If only wishes were dollars we'd be able to do more than just the small stuff.

Jan in CT

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: Shaky on 09-Dec-10, 09:12:28 AM
Are you people trying to ruin our aristocratic form of government?

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: dale on 09-Dec-10, 10:31:34 AM

No, Shaky. Maybe one of these folks could buy a complete Audubon and donate it to another one of them!  Nothing ruined - everyone happy!

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: Patti from Kentucky on 09-Dec-10, 09:47:32 PM
And apparently we're not the only species who appreciates the value of a dollar (or a silver coin):

Old but good article about monkeys learning to use money...

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: falconsforever129 on 09-Dec-10, 10:45:56 PM
If I had that kind of money I'd give it to people who are out of work, in danger of losing their homes or have already lost them and are hungry.  That must be a horrible place to be in.  I would do what I could to help them.  Unfortunately all we can do is donate to suitable charities in smaller amounts and to local food banks and toy collections.   If only wishes were dollars we'd be able to do more than just the small stuff.

Jan in CT

Yes you are so right!  I like to think a lot of the small stuff adds up too!
I see the big pile of toys we have collected so far in our office and it makes me smile to think that because of these there will be smiles on the faces of these poor kids on Christmas!  :happy:

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: Donna on 09-Dec-10, 10:46:35 PM
If I had that kind of money I'd give it to people who are out of work, in danger of losing their homes or have already lost them and are hungry.  That must be a horrible place to be in.  I would do what I could to help them.  Unfortunately all we can do is donate to suitable charities in smaller amounts and to local food banks and toy collections.   If only wishes were dollars we'd be able to do more than just the small stuff.

Jan in CT

Yes you are so right!  I like to think a lot of the small stuff adds up too!
I see the big pile of toys we have collected so far in our office and it makes me smile to think that because of these there will be smiles on the faces of these poor kids on Christmas!  :happy:

 :clap: to you both!

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: falconsforever129 on 09-Dec-10, 10:47:58 PM
If I had that kind of money I'd give it to people who are out of work, in danger of losing their homes or have already lost them and are hungry.  That must be a horrible place to be in.  I would do what I could to help them.  Unfortunately all we can do is donate to suitable charities in smaller amounts and to local food banks and toy collections.   If only wishes were dollars we'd be able to do more than just the small stuff.

Jan in CT

Yes you are so right!  I like to think a lot of the small stuff adds up too!
I see the big pile of toys we have collected so far in our office and it makes me smile to think that because of these there will be smiles on the faces of these poor kids on Christmas!  :happy:

 :clap: to you both!

Thank you Donna!  :)

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: anneintoronto on 10-Dec-10, 01:02:46 AM
And apparently we're not the only species who appreciates the value of a dollar (or a silver coin):

Old but good article about monkeys learning to use money...

Definitely a good read!  Thanks, Patti!  A of T

Title: Re: Record Price for rare Audubon
Post by: falconsforever129 on 10-Dec-10, 08:05:31 PM
And apparently we're not the only species who appreciates the value of a dollar (or a silver coin):

Old but good article about monkeys learning to use money...

Definitely a good read!  Thanks, Patti!  A of T

A really good read! Thank you!  :happy: