Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 10-Dec-10, 07:10:27 AM

Title: Over 8,000 birds collected so far in the Gulf of Mexico because of BP oil spill
Post by: Donna on 10-Dec-10, 07:10:27 AM
Over a month ago, the US Fish and Wildlife Service reported that over 6,000 birds had perished as a result of the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil gush and some 100 dolphins. Yet, that was a month ago and as of December 8 it is unclear just how many of various species - marine wildlife and other wildlife - have perished, except that the number of bird losses has definitely spiked.

For,  Nov. 30, the FWS reported that 8,000 birds (of numerous species) had been collected in the Gulf of Mexico. Of this number, over three quarters - or 6,039 - were collected dead or died after collection. Also, on this report the FWS states that of the 8,000 mentioned, 10 percent were counted twice because they were collected alive but died later.*

It is important to remember these numbers as the news comes in about fishing area reopenings and "safe" seafood. The numbers are staggering, after all.

According to the Nov. 30 report, 911 brown pelicans have been collected from all five Gulf states - Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, Florida and Mississippi - and of that number, 555 perished.

The FWS states on their reports that the numbers are accurate to the best of their knowledge at the time of publication.

This evening, the Examiner reached out to the FWS to explain the lack of a report on all wildlife since early Nov., whereas the bird data was released far more recently. In the coming days, this space will feature an interview with a representative of the FWS. The numbers will be more throughly explained following that conversation.*

The examiner.com

Title: Re: Over 8,000 birds collected so far in the Gulf of Mexico because of BP oil spill
Post by: MAK on 10-Dec-10, 09:35:35 AM
Just imagine how many more there are that they didn't find! :crying:

Title: Re: Over 8,000 birds collected so far in the Gulf of Mexico because of BP oil spill
Post by: anneintoronto on 10-Dec-10, 08:17:18 PM
Just imagine how many more there are that they didn't find! :crying:

I presume that nobody is surprised that all the information is not getting out...  Once again, money and power speak.  I fear we are in for a nasty surprise when the birds we always saw, as a natural course of things, just don't come back.  Of all the "up north water birds, I love the loon the most...  I don't suppose we'll ever hear or see one again, as there weren't that many to start with...

Anne in Toronto