Rfalconcam Forum

Support => Help! => Topic started by: Shaky on 14-Mar-11, 10:53:40 PM

Title: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Shaky on 14-Mar-11, 10:53:40 PM
Has anyone put together a list of frequently used Rfalconcam terms, acronyms, and abbreviations? If not, maybe we could each post a few in this help topic. Then I could compile them into a list and add it to the FAQ for the benefit of all the new people who will be joining us in the coming months.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Donna on 14-Mar-11, 11:00:37 PM
    * B=Beauty
    * A=Archer
    * TS=Times Square building
    * OCSR=Old Changing Scenes Restaurant, properly known as the First Federal Building
    * FCT=Frontier Communications Towers
    * KP=Kodak Park, properly known as Eastman Business Park
    * PF or PeFa=Peregrine Falcon
    * Mercury=Statue o...
    * PC=Psyche Center
    *CB=Charbay=Charlotte Falcon
    *KO=Kodak Tower
    *BL=Bausch & Lomb

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: jeanne on 15-Mar-11, 12:19:12 AM
Lady Pefa-- Our other Kodak peregrine
HSBC-- building across from Xerox where Beauty and Archer hang out
M/K-- Mariah and Kaver

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Shaky on 15-Mar-11, 07:57:02 AM
A great start on the acronyms and abbreviations, but let's expand on the definitions. Who is Beauty? What is the significance of Times Square building, etc?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 15-Mar-11, 07:59:11 AM
A great idea, Shaky et al. Very useful to people at a distance especially.



Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 15-Mar-11, 08:03:19 AM
Just thought of a couple of things I would like to understand...


I know they are sounds, but... When are they done? Why? Difference? Song (if there is such a thing for PeFas), call, warning?

Shaky will probably tell me (and why not!) that these are defined in the "Learn More" but they might qualify as glossary terms...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: jeanne on 15-Mar-11, 09:33:42 AM
I added some things.  Question-- where was the hack box?

Mariah-- Peregrine Falcon matriarch-- first falcon on Kodak tower (1998).  First mate was Cabot Scirocco (1998-2002), then with Kaver (2002-2008.  She spent most of her time at Kodak tower until the nestbox was moved to Times Square in 2009.

Archer-- (hatched 2006 in Port Colborn, Ontario).  Mariah and Kaver's grandson.  His father is Freedom (hatched 2002).  He was a mate to Mariah for a very brief time in 2009 before pairing with Beauty

Beauty-- (hatched 2007, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburg)h.  First was seen with Zephyr (M/K's offspring)in the winter of 2009. She tthen fought Mariah for territorial dominance in downtown Rochester in 2009.

Kodak tower -- original nestbox site and birthplace of close to 50 peregrine babies

Times Square building (TS)-- new site of nestbox, used by Beauty and Archer

Powers Building-- another nestbox site after the box was removed from Kodak.  Birds have been seen near there but the nestbox has not been used.

Old Changing Scene Restaurant (OCSR)-- place where falcons seem to go but not for mating or nesting.  Mariah  and Kaver (M/K) used to store food in the elevator shaft of that building.  Archer and Beauty seem to do the same.  This is still used for those purposes by Archer and Beauty.  Fledglings in 2010 also would go there with their parents.

 Frontier Communication Tower (FCT(-- hang out. This is across from City Hall. A/B seemed to bring their fledglings  there .  Calidora (hatched 2010) used to frequent that, screaming for food from her parents.  

Kodak Park (KP)-- ironically, where Mariah had been seen for awhile after she relinquished territory.  It is a few miles down the same road as Kodak tower.  Lady Pefa is on one of the buildings of that complex

Mercury-- across the road from Times Square building.  Favorite spot of A/B.  Seems to be the the statue they prefer for mating and eating purposes.

Psych Center(PC) -- about 3-5 miles from Times Square.  We have seen Pefas there through the years (including Zephyr in 2009).  Again this winter, 2010, two have been seen on that building.  It is privately owned so viewing is restricted

HSBC-- this is a building in downtown Rochester.  Often, A/B  are seen there at night.  It is across the street from Xerox -- A/B seem to perch on certain areas of that building at night. (They consistently will perch on certain columns).

echupping-- a sound of affection.  Heard often with the adults

kakking-- if done in a hurried manner, can be an alarm call but regular kakking can be done also for attention

wailing-- used by eyases/fledglings when begging for food.  Adults will also wail when laying on eggs to indicate change from one adult to another

Thanks to Jim P. for  help with the sounds!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Donna on 15-Mar-11, 09:45:02 AM
Very nicely done jeanne!  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: MAK on 15-Mar-11, 10:21:09 AM
 :clap: :wave:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Shaky on 15-Mar-11, 01:16:37 PM
Anthropomorphziing - a favorite watcher activity

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Donna on 15-Mar-11, 01:22:50 PM
FF=Falcon Flakes!! :wave:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Mar-11, 05:21:36 PM
Midtown Plaza - Going, going, almost gone.  An almost nest site for Mariah and Archer, then Archer and Beauty.  Watchers witnessed many a coming and going of Falcons at the Midtown Tower, which is the only section of Midtown that will remain in the future.

Good job Jeanne!   :clap:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Penelope99 on 15-Mar-11, 05:45:54 PM
No pefa at Powers Building?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 15-Mar-11, 05:50:43 PM
No pefa at Powers Building?

You know, I think either winter visitor last year or Whiney Tiny Guy perched there once in view of the camera.  And maybe one of the fledglings last year.  But it really is not a popular perch at all.  There has been some speculation it's the flag on top that makes it undesirable.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Penelope99 on 15-Mar-11, 05:55:11 PM
There is a new box at Kodak Tower?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: jeanne on 15-Mar-11, 06:07:36 PM
Anthropomorphziing - a favorite watcher activity

 :wave:  Never :hysterical:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: jeanne on 15-Mar-11, 06:09:15 PM
There is a new box at Kodak Tower?

There was a box at Kodak Tower.  It was put up there a couple of years before Mariah used it. And it was taken down when construction work was started on Kodak (after the 2008 nesting season).

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Penelope99 on 15-Mar-11, 06:16:10 PM
Someone of you has known Cabot-Sirroco?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: jeanne on 15-Mar-11, 07:06:19 PM
Dan S. one of the watchers, used to watch Cabot Scirocco and Mariah

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Penelope99 on 15-Mar-11, 07:11:15 PM
Thanks Jeanne
Cabot-Scirocco is the first falcon who had interrested me

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: ~Ruth on 15-Mar-11, 07:28:33 PM
Wonder if Lady Pefa at KP does woo a mate this year there if the Powers Bldg box could be put up there?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: valhalla on 15-Mar-11, 08:00:46 PM
Someone of you has known Cabot-Sirroco?

Carol F. in West Virginia, too

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: rssport on 15-Mar-11, 08:12:35 PM
Same here Janet. Think it was their 2nd year when I started.

Rita in SYR

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Joyce on 15-Mar-11, 08:32:29 PM
Nice job Jeanne.  A Here are a couple of clarifications and additions:

CB = Charbay = Charlotte/Irondequoit Bay Falcon (sighted at both locations)
IB or Ibay = Irondeqouit Bay
KO = Kodak Office = Kodak Tower
LP = Lady Pefa = Kodak Park (KP) falcon from Ohio (possibly Unity from Toledo)
M&K = Mariah & Kaver
RFW = Rochester Falcon Watchers
RM+T - Rhea Mae and Tiago = 2006 daughter of M&K and mate

Organizations we commonly refer to...
BBRR = Braddock Bay Raptor Research
CMNH = Cleveland Museum of Natural History (Forum where observations of Seneca were documented)
CPF = Canadian Peregrine Foundation
GVAS = Genesee Vally Audubon Society
RFC = RFALCONCAM = Rochester Falcon Cam

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Mar-11, 09:50:11 PM
Someone of you has known Cabot-Sirroco?

I watched C-S a little bit, before I became an official Watcher.  He was a gorgeous Falcon and a good mate to Mariah.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Shaky on 18-Mar-11, 08:22:06 AM
Don't stop yet. There are plenty more.

Kaver? Nest box? Scrape? Eyas? Fledgling? Orville? Changing Scenes? High Falls? Jail Tower? Braddock Bay Raptor Research? Cleveland Museum of Natural History? Seneca? Canadian Peregrine Foundation? Genesee Valley Audubon Society? Rochester Falcon Cam?

Would a newbie know what these things are?

Also, go through the tweets and the FalconWatch reports and pick out the terms that would be unfamiliar to a newbie.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 18-Mar-11, 09:12:02 AM
Newbies? What about me?! I still get confused, not having clapped eyes on everything in person - perhaps, tho, it is a matter of retention...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Nic1Pic on 18-Mar-11, 10:03:37 AM
T D and J for the G of the RFC. N.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 18-Mar-11, 11:36:48 AM
T D and J for the G of the RFC. N.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 18-Mar-11, 11:55:12 AM
Well, my brain is far too full at the moment to interpret N's contribution ;)

But it gave me a thought-perhaps those who are finding it difficult to follow could ask which entries they would like to see in the glossary.  Many of us have been here so long now that we can't see where there could possibly be a question when it's clear as mud for a newcomer.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Carol P. on 18-Mar-11, 05:16:54 PM
ORB = Orange Railing Bldg - the section of the building below the chute that Lady Pefa and friend are landing together and ee-chupping.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Nic1Pic on 18-Mar-11, 09:53:34 PM
T D and J for the G of the RFC. N.

Thanks Donna and Jeanne for the Glossary of the Rochester Falcon Cam. Nicole

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Penelope99 on 18-Mar-11, 10:13:08 PM
A third language Nicole?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Donna on 18-Mar-11, 10:14:13 PM
T D and J for the G of the RFC. N.

Thanks Donna and Jeanne for the Glossary of the Rochester Falcon Cam. Nicole

 :hysterical:  I never would have got that!!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: jeanne on 19-Mar-11, 01:26:10 AM
T D and J for the G of the RFC. N.

Thanks Donna and Jeanne for the Glossary of the Rochester Falcon Cam. Nicole

 :hysterical:  I never would have got that!!

Me either!!! :wave:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Wing Goose on 19-Mar-11, 03:48:38 PM

Thanks so much for the Rfalconcam glossary.  I have
been getting a little bit confused lately.  This helps
a lot.


Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Bird Crazy on 27-Mar-11, 03:54:01 PM
Someone of you has known Cabot-Sirroco?

Carol F. in West Virginia, too
He was Mariah's mate the first two years I watched then some how I lost you guys for a couple of years then when I found you again it was my main man Kaver  :wub:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Mar-11, 04:20:06 PM
OK...I've collected all the suggestions and put them together in alpha order.  All comments and suggestions for other entries are more than welcome!

A    Archer Resident tiercel Rochester, NY since 2009 (hatched 2006 in Port Colborn, Ontario).  Mariah and Kaver's grandson. His father is Freedom (hatched 2002). He was a mate to Mariah for a very brief time in 2009 before pairing with Beauty

anthropomorphizing   attributing human characteristics, motives, and emotions to animals; a favorite watcher activity

B  Beauty Resident falcon Rochester, NY since 2009  (hatched 2007, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA)  First seen with Zephyr (M/K's offspring) in the winter of 2009. She then fought Mariah for territorial dominance in downtown Rochester in 2009.

BBRR  Braddock Bay Raptor Research  Hawk watch and banding station on the shore of Lake Ontario

BL Bausch & Lomb  Building in downtown Rochester, NY; occasional perch

Cabot-Sirocco   Hatched in 1997 to Victoria & Pounce-Kingsley in Toronto, ON. First mate of Mariah (1998-2002)

CB  Charbay Peregrine falcon seen at Charlotte, NY & Irondequoit Bay

cere Fleshy part of the upper beak containing the nostrils

CMNH   Cleveland Museum of Natural History   Forum where we followed Seneca (Rochester, NY 2008) and her nest with Cheyenne in 2010

CPF     Canadian Peregrine Foundation     Our neighbors to the north who keep watch on many Rochester offspring residing there

ee-chup    a sound of affection.  Heard often with the adults

eyas     newly hatched peregrine falcon

falcon     female peregrine

FCT     Frontier Communications Towers     Favorite perch. This is across from City Hall. A/B seemed to bring their fledglings there.  Calidora (hatched 2010) used to frequent the tower, screaming for food from her parents.  

FF     Falcon Flakes     The dedicated watchers who keep an eye on the peregrines no matter the weather

fledgling    A young peregrine after it makes it's first flight

GVAS     Genesee Valley Audubon Society     Sponsor of Rfalconcam

HSBC     building across from Xerox     A building in downtown Rochester.  Often, A/B areseen there at night.  It is across the street from Xerox. A/B will consistently perch on certain columns of the Xerox building at night.

IB     Irondequoit Bay     Large bay on the shore of Lake Ontario

Jail Tower    Communication tower on the Monroe County Jail building.  A favorite perch.

kakk    if done in a hurried manner, can be an alarm call but regular kakking can also be done for attention

Kaver     Wild hatched. Second mate of Mariah (2002-2008) Known affectionately as QTP2T. An extraordinarily faithful mate.  In 2006 when Mariah was injured he successfully hunted for her and the newly hatched eyases.

KO     Kodak Tower     original nestbox site and birthplace of close to 50 peregrine eyases

KP     Kodak Park     Ironically, where Mariah had been seen for awhile after she relinquished territory.  It is a few miles down the same road as Kodak Tower.  Lady Pefa is on one of the buildings of that complex

LP     Lady Pefa     Peregrine falcon with a purple midwest USFWS band residing at Kodak Park.

M&K; M/K     Mariah & Kaver     Resident peregrine pair 2002-2008

Mariah     Peregrine Falcon matriarch-- first falcon on Kodak tower (1998).  First mate was Cabot Scirocco (1998-2002), then with Kaver (2002-2008).  She spent most of her time at Kodak tower until the nestbox was moved to Times Square in 2009.

Mercury    Statue across from Times Square Building     across the road from Times Square building.  Favorite spot of A/B.  Seems to be the statue they prefer for mating and eating purposes.

Midtown Plaza     Going, going, almost gone.  An almost nest site for Mariah and Archer, then Archer and Beauty. Watchers witnessed many a coming and going of Falcons at the Midtown Tower, which is the only section of Midtown that will remain in the future.

NB     Nestbox     Manmade box with gravel substrate used to simulate the peregrine's preferrednest site of a gravel ledge on a cliff face

OCSR    Old Changing Scenes Restaurant.  Properly the First Federal Building     place where falcons seem to go but not for mating or nesting.  Mariah  and Kaver (M&K) used to store food in the elevator shaft of that building. This is still used for those purposes by Archer and Beauty.  Fledglings in 2010 also would go there with their parents.

Orville      A round white stone from the original scrape on Kodak Tower that was often mistaken for an egg.  During the long days of waiting for the eggs to hatch the stone was given the name Orville.  When the nest box was moved, Orville was taken to the new nest box where he is proudly overseeing the newest generations of Rochester Peregrines from the back left corner

PC     Psych Center     about 3-5 miles from Times Square.  We have seen Pefas there through the years (including Zephyr in 2009).  Again this winter, 2010, two have been seen on that building.  It is privately owned so viewing is restricted

PF or PeFa Peregrine Falcon

Powers Building    Another nestbox site after the box was removed from Kodak.  Birds have been seen near there but the nestbox has not been used.

RFC     Rfalconcam The place that brings all the falcon fans, both on the ground and on the internet, together!

RFW     Rochester Falcon Watchers

RM&T     Rhea Mae & Tiago     Rhea Mae (Rochester, NY 2006) is nesting with Tiago at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, ON

scrape     Peregrine falcon nest; the depression scraped in the gravel to hold the eggs during incubation

Seneca     Hatched in 2008.  Nested in 2010 with Cheyenne at Brookpark Rd. Bridge near Cleveland, OH.

tiercel     male peregrine

TS    Times Square Building     new site of nestbox, used by Beauty and Archer

USFWS     US Fish and Wildlife Service     Issues the sequential numeric bands used in bird banding.  On peregrine falcons, the band color often indicates the region the bird was banded

wailing     used by eyases/fledglings when begging for food.  Adults will also wail when laying on eggs to indicate change from one adult to another

Wild Wings     Rehabilitation center and sanctuary for injured and unreleasable birds of prey

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: margaret on 27-Mar-11, 09:08:04 PM
Wonderful job!   Any newcomer to the falconcam will be aided by this great glossary!  It's also a nice trip down memory lane....thank you to all who contributed!  And to Ei who put it all together.  :clap:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Kris G. on 27-Mar-11, 09:24:35 PM
Good job, Ei!  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Carol P. on 27-Mar-11, 10:06:12 PM
Addition:  Quest our transmitter bird.

and KO actually stands for Kodak Office (world headquarters) of which the Kodak Tower is the highest structure.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 28-Mar-11, 05:25:26 AM
Excellent, Ei! Thank you so much!



Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 28-Mar-11, 06:20:56 AM
Addition:  Quest our transmitter bird.

and KO actually stands for Kodak Office (world headquarters) of which the Kodak Tower is the highest structure.

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking...OMG!  I forgot Quest!

I'll make the corrections when I get home tonight...thanks!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: MAK on 28-Mar-11, 11:34:59 AM
Can we add FC. Falcon Central-the stairs on Broad St. across from the Blue Cross Arena that go down to Aqueduct St.  Next to the Reuters Thomson building and the empty Phillips building.   ;D

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 28-Mar-11, 12:35:26 PM
Can we add FC. Falcon Central-the stairs on Broad St. across from the Blue Cross Arena that go down to Aqueduct St.  Next to the Reuters Thomson building and the empty Phillips building.   ;D

Of course we can!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 28-Mar-11, 07:03:50 PM
Updates below in blue.  Just one opinion question-should it be falcon central or falcon-watch central?

Any other suggestions?

A    Archer Resident tiercel Rochester, NY since 2009 (hatched 2006 in Port Colborn, Ontario).  Mariah and Kaver's grandson. His father is Freedom (hatched 2002). He was a mate to Mariah for a very brief time in 2009 before pairing with Beauty

anthropomorphizing   attributing human characteristics, motives, and emotions to animals; a favorite watcher activity

B  Beauty Resident falcon Rochester, NY since 2009  (hatched 2007, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA)  First seen with Zephyr (M/K's offspring) in the winter of 2009. She then fought Mariah for territorial dominance in downtown Rochester in 2009.

BBRR  Braddock Bay Raptor Research  Hawk watch and banding station on the shore of Lake Ontario

BL Bausch & Lomb  Building in downtown Rochester, NY; occasional perch

Cabot-Sirocco   Hatched in 1997 to Victoria & Pounce-Kingsley in Toronto, ON. First mate of Mariah (1998-2002)

CB  Charbay Peregrine falcon seen at Charlotte, NY & Irondequoit Bay

cere Fleshy part of the upper beak containing the nostrils

CMNH   Cleveland Museum of Natural History   Forum where we followed Seneca (Rochester, NY 2008) and her nest with Cheyenne in 2010

CPF     Canadian Peregrine Foundation     Our neighbors to the north who keep watch on many Rochester offspring residing there

ee-chup    a sound of affection.  Heard often with the adults

eyas     newly hatched peregrine falcon

falcon     female peregrine

FC   falcon central     stairs on Broad St. across from the Blue Cross Arena that go down to Aqueduct St.  Next to the Thomson Reuters building and the empty Philippone building

FCT     Frontier Communications Towers     Favorite perch. This is across from City Hall. A/B seemed to bring their fledglings there.  Calidora (hatched 2010) used to frequent the tower, screaming for food from her parents.  

FF     Falcon Flakes     The dedicated watchers who keep an eye on the peregrines no matter the weather

fledgling    A young peregrine after it makes it's first flight

GVAS     Genesee Valley Audubon Society     Sponsor of Rfalconcam

HSBC     building across from Xerox     A building in downtown Rochester.  Often, A/B areseen there at night.  It is across the street from Xerox. A/B will consistently perch on certain columns of the Xerox building at night.

IB     Irondequoit Bay     Large bay on the shore of Lake Ontario

Jail Tower    Communication tower on the Monroe County Jail building.  A favorite perch.

kakk    if done in a hurried manner, can be an alarm call but regular kakking can also be done for attention

Kaver     Wild hatched. Second mate of Mariah (2002-2008) Known affectionately as QTP2T. An extraordinarily faithful mate.  In 2006 when Mariah was injured he successfully hunted for her and the newly hatched eyases.

KO     Kodak Office   Kodak Tower, the highest building in the complex, was the original nestbox site and birthplace of close to 50 peregrine eyases

KP     Kodak Park     Properly, Eastman Business Park.  Ironically, where Mariah had been seen for awhile after she relinquished territory.  It is a few miles down the same road as Kodak Tower.  Lady Pefa is on one of the buildings of that complex

LP     Lady Pefa     Peregrine falcon with a purple midwest USFWS band residing at Kodak Park.

M&K; M/K     Mariah & Kaver     Resident peregrine pair 2002-2008

Mariah     Peregrine Falcon matriarch-- first falcon on Kodak tower (1998).  First mate was Cabot Scirocco (1998-2002), then with Kaver (2002-2008).  She spent most of her time at Kodak tower until the nestbox was moved to Times Square in 2009.

Mercury    Statue across from Times Square Building     across the road from Times Square building.  Favorite spot of A/B.  Seems to be the statue they prefer for mating and eating purposes.

Midtown Plaza     Going, going, almost gone.  An almost nest site for Mariah and Archer, then Archer and Beauty. Watchers witnessed many a coming and going of Falcons at the Midtown Tower, which is the only section of Midtown that will remain in the future.

NB     Nestbox     Manmade box with gravel substrate used to simulate the peregrine's preferrednest site of a gravel ledge on a cliff face

OCSR    Old Changing Scenes Restaurant.  Properly the First Federal Building     place where falcons seem to go but not for mating or nesting.  Mariah  and Kaver (M&K) used to store food in the elevator shaft of that building. This is still used for those purposes by Archer and Beauty.  Fledglings in 2010 also would go there with their parents.

Orville      A round white stone from the original scrape on Kodak Tower that was often mistaken for an egg.  During the long days of waiting for the eggs to hatch the stone was given the name Orville.  When the nest box was moved, Orville was taken to the new nest box where he is proudly overseeing the newest generations of Rochester Peregrines from the back left corner

PC     Psych Center     about 3-5 miles from Times Square.  We have seen Pefas there through the years (including Zephyr in 2009).  Again this winter, 2010, two have been seen on that building.  It is privately owned so viewing is restricted

PF or PeFa Peregrine Falcon

Powers Building    Another nestbox site after the box was removed from Kodak.  Birds have been seen near there but the nestbox has not been used.

Quest    Hatched Rochester, NY 2008.  Outfitted with a transmitter that is still broadcasting her position as she wanders along the north shore of Lake Ontario.

RFC     Rfalconcam The place that brings all the falcon fans, both on the ground and on the internet, together!

RFW     Rochester Falcon Watchers

RM&T     Rhea Mae & Tiago     Rhea Mae (Rochester, NY 2006) is nesting with Tiago at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, ON

scrape     Peregrine falcon nest; the depression scraped in the gravel to hold the eggs during incubation

Seneca     Hatched in 2008.  Nested in 2010 with Cheyenne at Brookpark Rd. Bridge near Cleveland, OH.

tiercel     male peregrine

TS    Times Square Building     new site of nestbox, used by Beauty and Archer

USFWS     US Fish and Wildlife Service     Issues the sequential numeric bands used in bird banding.  On peregrine falcons, the band color often indicates the region the bird was banded

wailing     used by eyases/fledglings when begging for food.  Adults will also wail when laying on eggs to indicate change from one adult to another

Wild Wings     Rehabilitation center and sanctuary for injured and unreleasable birds of prey

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Shaky on 28-Mar-11, 07:42:53 PM
I think Phillips should be Philippone.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 28-Mar-11, 07:49:07 PM
I think Phillips should be Philippone.


Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Wing Goose on 28-Mar-11, 08:01:27 PM
What a nice glossary.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Apr-11, 06:33:07 PM

Another update below in blue.  

Any other suggestions?

A    Archer Resident tiercel Rochester, NY since 2009 (hatched 2006 in Port Colborn, Ontario).  Mariah and Kaver's grandson. His father is Freedom (hatched 2002). He was a mate to Mariah for a very brief time in 2009 before pairing with Beauty

anthropomorphizing   attributing human characteristics, motives, and emotions to animals; a favorite watcher activity

B  Beauty Resident falcon Rochester, NY since 2009  (hatched 2007, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA)  First seen with Zephyr (M/K's offspring) in the winter of 2009. She then fought Mariah for territorial dominance in downtown Rochester in 2009.

BBRR  Braddock Bay Raptor Research  Hawk watch and banding station on the shore of Lake Ontario

BL Bausch & Lomb  Building in downtown Rochester, NY; occasional perch

Cabot-Sirocco   Hatched in 1997 to Victoria & Pounce-Kingsley in Toronto, ON. First mate of Mariah (1998-2002)

CB  Charbay Peregrine falcon seen at Charlotte, NY & Irondequoit Bay

cere Fleshy part of the upper beak containing the nostrils

CMNH   Cleveland Museum of Natural History   Forum where we followed Seneca (Rochester, NY 2008) and her nest with Cheyenne in 2010

CPF     Canadian Peregrine Foundation     Our neighbors to the north who keep watch on many Rochester offspring residing there

ee-chup    a sound of affection.  Heard often with the adults

eyas     newly hatched peregrine falcon

falcon     female peregrine

FC     falcon central     Stairs on Broad St. across from the Blue Cross Arena that go down to Aqueduct St.  Next to the Thomson Reuters building and the empty Philippone building

FCT     Frontier Communications Towers     Favorite perch. This is across from City Hall. A/B seemed to bring their fledglings there.  Calidora (hatched 2010) used to frequent the tower, screaming for food from her parents.  

FF     Falcon Flakes     The dedicated watchers who keep an eye on the peregrines no matter the weather

fledgling    A young peregrine after it makes it's first flight

GVAS     Genesee Valley Audubon Society     Sponsor of Rfalconcam

HSBC     building across from Xerox     A building in downtown Rochester.  Often, A/B areseen there at night.  It is across the street from Xerox. A/B will consistently perch on certain columns of the Xerox building at night.

IB     Irondequoit Bay     Large bay on the shore of Lake Ontario

Jail Tower    Communication tower on the Monroe County Jail building.  A favorite perch.

kakk    if done in a hurried manner, can be an alarm call but regular kakking can also be done for attention

Kaver     Wild hatched. Second mate of Mariah (2002-2008) Known affectionately as QTP2T. An extraordinarily faithful mate.  In 2006 when Mariah was injured he successfully hunted for her and the newly hatched eyases.

KO     Kodak Office   Kodak Tower, the highest building in the complex, was the original nestbox site and birthplace of close to 50 peregrine eyases

KP     Kodak Park     Properly, Eastman Business Park. Ironically, where Mariah had been seen for awhile after she relinquished territory.  It is a few miles down the same road as Kodak Tower.  Lady Pefa is on one of the buildings of that complex

LP     Lady Pefa     Peregrine falcon with a purple midwest USFWS band residing at Kodak Park.

M&K; M/K     Mariah & Kaver     Resident peregrine pair 2002-2008

Mariah     Peregrine Falcon matriarch-- first falcon on Kodak tower (1998).  First mate was Cabot Scirocco (1998-2002), then with Kaver (2002-2008).  She spent most of her time at Kodak tower until the nestbox was moved to Times Square in 2009.

Mercury    Statue across from Times Square Building     across the road from Times Square building.  Favorite spot of A/B.  Seems to be the statue they prefer for mating and eating purposes.

Midtown Plaza     Going, going, almost gone.  An almost nest site for Mariah and Archer, then Archer and Beauty. Watchers witnessed many a coming and going of Falcons at the Midtown Tower, which is the only section of Midtown that will remain in the future.

NB     Nestbox     Manmade box with gravel substrate used to simulate the peregrine's preferrednest site of a gravel ledge on a cliff face

OCSR    Old Changing Scenes Restaurant.  Properly the First Federal Building     place where falcons seem to go but not for mating or nesting.  Mariah  and Kaver (M&K) used to store food in the elevator shaft of that building. This is still used for those purposes by Archer and Beauty.  Fledglings in 2010 also would go there with their parents.

ORB     Orange Rail Building.  A building at Kodak Park where Lady Pefa and a tiecel have been perching.

Orville      A round white stone from the original scrape on Kodak Tower that was often mistaken for an egg.  During the long days of waiting for the eggs to hatch the stone was given the name Orville.  When the nest box was moved, Orville was taken to the new nest box where he is proudly overseeing the newest generations of Rochester Peregrines from the back left corner

PC     Psych Center     about 3-5 miles from Times Square.  We have seen Pefas there through the years (including Zephyr in 2009).  Again this winter, 2010, two have been seen on that building.  It is privately owned so viewing is restricted

PF or PeFa Peregrine Falcon

Powers Building    Another nestbox site after the box was removed from Kodak.  Birds have been seen near there but the nestbox has not been used.

Quest    Hatched Rochester, NY 2008.  Outfitted with a transmitter that is still broadcasting her position as she wanders along the north shore of Lake Ontario.

RFC     Rfalconcam The place that brings all the falcon fans, both on the ground and on the internet, together!

RFW     Rochester Falcon Watchers

RM&T     Rhea Mae & Tiago     Rhea Mae (Rochester, NY 2006) is nesting with Tiago at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, ON

scrape     Peregrine falcon nest; the depression scraped in the gravel to hold the eggs during incubation

Seneca     Hatched in 2008.  Nested in 2010 with Cheyenne at Brookpark Rd. Bridge near Cleveland, OH.

tiercel     male peregrine

TS    Times Square Building     new site of nestbox, used by Beauty and Archer

USFWS     US Fish and Wildlife Service     Issues the sequential numeric bands used in bird banding.  On peregrine falcons, the band color often indicates the region the bird was banded

wailing     used by eyases/fledglings when begging for food.  Adults will also wail when laying on eggs to indicate change from one adult to another

Wild Wings     Rehabilitation center and sanctuary for injured and unreleasable birds of prey

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Apr-11, 07:05:05 PM
I think Phillips should be Philippone.


I kind of like the Phillips building.   :2funny:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Kris G. on 03-Apr-11, 07:29:20 PM
Although they don't frequent the gorge like M/K and their fledglings did, would you want to put in gorge landmarks-Pride's Rock, Skye's building, Pont de Rennes bridge, observation deck, FST just in case?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Apr-11, 07:43:40 PM
Although they don't frequent the gorge like M/K and their fledglings did, would you want to put in gorge landmarks-Pride's Rock, Skye's building, Pont de Rennes bridge, observation deck, FST just in case?

All those places are marked on the Landmarks map (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&gl=us&ie=UTF8&view=map&msa=0&msid=205710850252386003057.00046b277dfa2d0212e58&ll=43.157078,-77.608109&spn=0.020944,0.02944&t=h&z=15) which was recently updated with pictures and better descriptions of the KP area

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Apr-11, 07:45:06 PM
Although they don't frequent the gorge like M/K and their fledglings did, would you want to put in gorge landmarks-Pride's Rock, Skye's building, Pont de Rennes bridge, observation deck, FST just in case?

All those places are marked on the Landmarks map which was recently updated with pictures and better descriptions of the KP area

Which reminds me...where exactly is the ORB so I can put in a marker?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: MAK on 03-Apr-11, 08:01:50 PM
It's the little building type structure with the orange railing on it below the slanted grey shoot thing at the east end of it. If that makes sense. :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Apr-11, 08:06:07 PM
It's the little building type structure with the orange railing on it below the slanted grey shoot thing at the east end of it. If that makes sense. :rolleyes:

Actually, i think it does!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Donna on 03-Apr-11, 08:27:02 PM
It's the little building type structure with the orange railing on it below the slanted grey shoot thing at the east end of it. If that makes sense. :rolleyes:

 :stupid:   :hysterical:

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Apr-11, 08:36:38 PM
It's the little building type structure with the orange railing on it below the slanted grey shoot thing at the east end of it. If that makes sense. :rolleyes:

Actually, i think it does!

And the grey thing at the top of the slanted chute is the -carol, did you call it the pigeon chute?  or pigeon box?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 04-Apr-11, 12:05:32 PM
A small correction:

"USFWS     US Fish and Wildlife Service     Issues the sequential numeric bands used in bird banding.  On peregrine falcons, the band color often indicates the region the bird was banded"

Actually, the USFWS band (placed on the bird's right leg) is always silver.  The colored band with larger, more readable numbers and letters (on the left leg) is the one which can indicate the region in which the bird was banded.

Marcia L.

Have they stopped using the purple USFWS bands in the Midwest?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Marcia L. on 04-Apr-11, 02:12:32 PM
My mistake - forgot about the purple Fish and Wildlife bands in the Midwest.

With apologies for my confusion,

Marcia L.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Carol P. on 04-Apr-11, 05:06:30 PM
Yep, I did call it the Pigeon Box.  It's a big metal, hollowed out box.  The Pigeons and the Pefas enter from below and sit on spots near the bottom of the box.  I saw Lady Pefa go up inside about a week or so ago and was able to see her tail hanging down with the scope.  lol

It's the little building type structure with the orange railing on it below the slanted grey shoot thing at the east end of it. If that makes sense. :rolleyes:

Actually, i think it does!

And the grey thing at the top of the slanted chute is the -carol, did you call it the pigeon chute?  or pigeon box?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 06-Apr-11, 05:00:44 AM
My mistake - forgot about the purple Fish and Wildlife bands in the Midwest.

With apologies for my confusion,

Marcia L.

Not a problem, Marcia-I'm amazed some days I remember my own name!  And you are correct-there is regionality to VID as well-Canada uses all black-I think California too. Thanks for the reminder!

(note to self-add VID to the glossary-& bird banding lab link)

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 06-Apr-11, 05:05:19 AM

Bumping this most recent version of the glossary up to the top.  Please...newcomers...long time members...we are looking for suggestions to improve this and we can't do it without everyone's help! 
Any other suggestions?


A    Archer Resident tiercel Rochester, NY since 2009 (hatched 2006 in Port Colborn, Ontario).  Mariah and Kaver's grandson. His father is Freedom (hatched 2002). He was a mate to Mariah for a very brief time in 2009 before pairing with Beauty

anthropomorphizing   attributing human characteristics, motives, and emotions to animals; a favorite watcher activity

B  Beauty Resident falcon Rochester, NY since 2009  (hatched 2007, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA)  First seen with Zephyr (M/K's offspring) in the winter of 2009. She then fought Mariah for territorial dominance in downtown Rochester in 2009.

BBRR  Braddock Bay Raptor Research  Hawk watch and banding station on the shore of Lake Ontario

BL Bausch & Lomb  Building in downtown Rochester, NY; occasional perch

Cabot-Sirocco   Hatched in 1997 to Victoria & Pounce-Kingsley in Toronto, ON. First mate of Mariah (1998-2002)

CB  Charbay Peregrine falcon seen at Charlotte, NY & Irondequoit Bay

cere Fleshy part of the upper beak containing the nostrils

CMNH   Cleveland Museum of Natural History   Forum where we followed Seneca (Rochester, NY 2008) and her nest with Cheyenne in 2010

CPF     Canadian Peregrine Foundation     Our neighbors to the north who keep watch on many Rochester offspring residing there

ee-chup    a sound of affection.  Heard often with the adults

eyas     newly hatched peregrine falcon

falcon     female peregrine

FC     falcon central     Stairs on Broad St. across from the Blue Cross Arena that go down to Aqueduct St.  Next to the Thomson Reuters building and the empty Philippone building

FCT     Frontier Communications Towers     Favorite perch. This is across from City Hall. A/B seemed to bring their fledglings there.  Calidora (hatched 2010) used to frequent the tower, screaming for food from her parents.  

FF     Falcon Flakes     The dedicated watchers who keep an eye on the peregrines no matter the weather

fledgling    A young peregrine after it makes it's first flight

GVAS     Genesee Valley Audubon Society     Sponsor of Rfalconcam

HSBC     building across from Xerox     A building in downtown Rochester.  Often, A/B areseen there at night.  It is across the street from Xerox. A/B will consistently perch on certain columns of the Xerox building at night.

IB     Irondequoit Bay     Large bay on the shore of Lake Ontario

Jail Tower    Communication tower on the Monroe County Jail building.  A favorite perch.

kakk    if done in a hurried manner, can be an alarm call but regular kakking can also be done for attention

Kaver     Wild hatched. Second mate of Mariah (2002-2008) Known affectionately as QTP2T. An extraordinarily faithful mate.  In 2006 when Mariah was injured he successfully hunted for her and the newly hatched eyases.

KO     Kodak Office   Kodak Tower, the highest building in the complex, was the original nestbox site and birthplace of close to 50 peregrine eyases

KP     Kodak Park     Properly, Eastman Business Park. Ironically, where Mariah had been seen for awhile after she relinquished territory.  It is a few miles down the same road as Kodak Tower.  Lady Pefa is on one of the buildings of that complex

LP     Lady Pefa     Peregrine falcon with a purple midwest USFWS band residing at Kodak Park.

M&K; M/K     Mariah & Kaver     Resident peregrine pair 2002-2008

Mariah     Peregrine Falcon matriarch-- first falcon on Kodak tower (1998).  First mate was Cabot Scirocco (1998-2002), then with Kaver (2002-2008).  She spent most of her time at Kodak tower until the nestbox was moved to Times Square in 2009.

Mercury    Statue across from Times Square Building     across the road from Times Square building.  Favorite spot of A/B.  Seems to be the statue they prefer for mating and eating purposes.

Midtown Plaza     Going, going, almost gone.  An almost nest site for Mariah and Archer, then Archer and Beauty. Watchers witnessed many a coming and going of Falcons at the Midtown Tower, which is the only section of Midtown that will remain in the future.

NB     Nestbox     Manmade box with gravel substrate used to simulate the peregrine's preferrednest site of a gravel ledge on a cliff face

OCSR    Old Changing Scenes Restaurant.  Properly the First Federal Building     place where falcons seem to go but not for mating or nesting.  Mariah  and Kaver (M&K) used to store food in the elevator shaft of that building. This is still used for those purposes by Archer and Beauty.  Fledglings in 2010 also would go there with their parents.

ORB     Orange Rail Building.  A building at Kodak Park where Lady Pefa and a tiecel have been perching.

Orville      A round white stone from the original scrape on Kodak Tower that was often mistaken for an egg.  During the long days of waiting for the eggs to hatch the stone was given the name Orville.  When the nest box was moved, Orville was taken to the new nest box where he is proudly overseeing the newest generations of Rochester Peregrines from the back left corner

PC     Psych Center     about 3-5 miles from Times Square.  We have seen Pefas there through the years (including Zephyr in 2009).  Again this winter, 2010, two have been seen on that building.  It is privately owned so viewing is restricted

PF or PeFa Peregrine Falcon

Powers Building    Another nestbox site after the box was removed from Kodak.  Birds have been seen near there but the nestbox has not been used.

Quest    Hatched Rochester, NY 2008.  Outfitted with a transmitter that is still broadcasting her position as she wanders along the north shore of Lake Ontario.

RFC     Rfalconcam The place that brings all the falcon fans, both on the ground and on the internet, together!

RFW     Rochester Falcon Watchers

RM&T     Rhea Mae & Tiago     Rhea Mae (Rochester, NY 2006) is nesting with Tiago at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, ON

scrape     Peregrine falcon nest; the depression scraped in the gravel to hold the eggs during incubation

Seneca     Hatched in 2008.  Nested in 2010 with Cheyenne at Brookpark Rd. Bridge near Cleveland, OH.

tiercel     male peregrine

TS    Times Square Building     new site of nestbox, used by Beauty and Archer

USFWS     US Fish and Wildlife Service     Issues the sequential numeric bands used in bird banding.  On peregrine falcons, the band color often indicates the region the bird was banded

wailing     used by eyases/fledglings when begging for food.  Adults will also wail when laying on eggs to indicate change from one adult to another

Wild Wings     Rehabilitation center and sanctuary for injured and unreleasable birds of prey

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 08-Apr-11, 08:47:21 PM
Photos will be a nice addition to the final glossary.  For now, as the chatter is about KP, the stills, the ORB etc., a picture of the primary buildings & structures the watchers are referring to.  Original photo by MAK...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 01:23:07 PM
A view of KP from a slightly different angle by Carol P

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 01:28:18 PM
A suggestion was made to add the glossary to the Learn More tab at the top.  Well, we do want to do that, but we want the glossary to be the best it can be before it takes a permanent place in the archives.  So, I'll ask again...

Any suggestions...comments...additional items...anything at all?


Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: margaret on 09-Apr-11, 05:01:22 PM
Suggestion:  Carol just posted a great picture of KP with the structures labeled etc.  Can this pic be included by the KP in the glossary?  Watchers and viewers of this cam might find it helpful. 

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Bird Crazy on 09-Apr-11, 05:26:14 PM
Have a question not sure it belongs in the glossary though. Is KP north of down town. You always say a falcon is flying south. Is that towards down town and TS?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 05:56:16 PM
Suggestion:  Carol just posted a great picture of KP with the structures labeled etc.  Can this pic be included by the KP in the glossary?  Watchers and viewers of this cam might find it helpful. 

If you click on the picture 2 posts back it will open that photo big enough to see it

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 06:00:12 PM
Have a question not sure it belongs in the glossary though. Is KP north of down town. You always say a falcon is flying south. Is that towards down town and TS?

KP is north west of Times Square...

Falcon landmarks Rochester NY - Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&gl=us&ie=UTF8&view=map&msa=0&msid=205710850252386003057.00046b277dfa2d0212e58&ll=43.157078,-77.608109&spn=0.020944,0.02944&t=h&z=15)

Click link to open bigger-the green markers = downtown, purple = Kodak Park, pink = sightings of Mariah, aqua = Charbay

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: margaret on 09-Apr-11, 06:22:28 PM
Suggestion:  Carol just posted a great picture of KP with the structures labeled etc.  Can this pic be included by the KP in the glossary?  Watchers and viewers of this cam might find it helpful. 

If you click on the picture 2 posts back it will open that photo big enough to see it

Thanks, Ei.  I did click on the thumbnail of  the KP pic from CP.  The photo and Carol's labeling of the buildings/structures helped me...and I was there last evening!   I wish I had studied a pic like that before I was there.   I was just thinking that having the pic/labels in the glossary will be helpful...for new viewers and those of us with memory overload  :-) Thanks to Carol's labels, I now know what/where the ORB is, and the PPH (although I still don't know why it is called that). I think I missed something along the way...and I check in daily, all day!    WHY is it called PPH and do you think there is a nest in there?  Is it an enclosed structure?   It looks that way to me.  If that's the case, isn't it unusual for PFs to have such a nest? 
I learn more every day here...Thanks!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 06:33:37 PM

Thanks, Ei.  I did click on the thumbnail of  the KP pic from CP.  The photo and Carol's labeling of the buildings/structures helped me...and I was there last evening!   I wish I had studied a pic like that before I was there.   I was just thinking that having the pic/labels in the glossary will be helpful...for new viewers and those of us with memory overload  :-) Thanks to Carol's labels, I now know what/where the ORB is, and the PPH (although I still don't know why it is called that). I think I missed something along the way...and I check in daily, all day!    WHY is it called PPH and do you think there is a nest in there?  Is it an enclosed structure?   It looks that way to me.  If that's the case, isn't it unusual for PFs to have such a nest? 
I learn more every day here...Thanks!

Sorry-I misunderstood-we do intend to put pictures into the glossary once it's ready to publish properly.  Until then, most of the points on the map have the pictures inserted already, so if you go there (there's a link at the bottom of every page Community "Ei's Landmark Map") you can see what the other places look like. 

Now, the PPH is new to me as well.  One of today's tweets called it the pigeon poop hole.  I suspect it's a hole in the wall with whitewash below it.  I wouldn't think a peregrine would nest in a hole per se, but there could be an open area not visible from the watch spot.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 06:41:45 PM
I wouldn't think a peregrine would nest in a hole per se, but there could be an open area not visible from the watch spot.

Memories sneaking back in...although I seem to recall the Niagara Falls pair getting to their presumed but never confirmed scrape by entering a structure through a window or hole in the wall...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Apr-11, 09:35:47 AM

Suggested changes are posted below in BLUE.  If the wording needs improving, please chime in!
Any other suggestions?


A    Archer Resident tiercel Rochester, NY since 2009 (hatched 2006 in Port Colborn, Ontario).  Mariah and Kaver's grandson. His father is Freedom (hatched 2002). He was a mate to Mariah for a very brief time in 2009 before pairing with Beauty

anthropomorphizing   attributing human characteristics, motives, and emotions to animals; a favorite watcher activity

B  Beauty Resident falcon Rochester, NY since 2009  (hatched 2007, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA)  First seen with Zephyr (M/K's offspring) in the winter of 2009. She then fought Mariah for territorial dominance in downtown Rochester in 2009.

BBRR  Braddock Bay Raptor Research  Hawk watch and banding station on the shore of Lake Ontario

BL Bausch & Lomb  Building in downtown Rochester, NY; occasional perch

Cabot-Sirocco   Hatched in 1997 to Victoria & Pounce-Kingsley in Toronto, ON. First mate of Mariah (1998-2002)

CB  Charbay Peregrine falcon seen at Charlotte, NY & Irondequoit Bay

cere Fleshy part of the upper beak containing the nostrils

CMNH   Cleveland Museum of Natural History   Forum where we followed Seneca (Rochester, NY 2008) and her nest with Cheyenne in 2010

CPF     Canadian Peregrine Foundation     Our neighbors to the north who keep watch on many Rochester offspring residing there

ee-chup    a sound of affection.  Heard often with the adults

eyas     newly hatched peregrine falcon

falcon    small to medium-size birds of prey with long pointed wings,  female peregrine (falconry term)

FC     falcon central     Stairs on Broad St. across from the Blue Cross Arena that go down to Aqueduct St.  Next to the Thomson Reuters building and the empty Philippone building

FCT     Frontier Communications Towers     Favorite perch. This is across from City Hall. A/B seemed to bring their fledglings there.  Calidora (hatched 2010) used to frequent the tower, screaming for food from her parents.  

FF     Falcon Flakes     The dedicated watchers who keep an eye on the peregrines no matter the weather

fledgling    A young peregrine after it makes it's first flight

GVAS     Genesee Valley Audubon Society     Sponsor of Rfalconcam

HSBC     building across from Xerox     A building in downtown Rochester.  Often, A/B areseen there at night.  It is across the street from Xerox. A/B will consistently perch on certain columns of the Xerox building at night.

IB     Irondequoit Bay     Large bay on the shore of Lake Ontario

Jail Tower    Communication tower on the Monroe County Jail building.  A favorite perch.

kakk    if done in a hurried manner, can be an alarm call but regular kakking can also be done for attention

Kaver     Wild hatched. Second mate of Mariah (2002-2008) Known affectionately as QTP2T. An extraordinarily faithful mate.  In 2006 when Mariah was injured he successfully hunted for her and the newly hatched eyases.

Kestrel      A small falcon species; very colorful with a red dish brown back and blue-grey head; most common falcon in North America

KO     Kodak Office   Kodak Tower, the highest building in the complex, was the original nestbox site and birthplace of close to 50 peregrine eyases

KP     Kodak Park     Properly, Eastman Business Park. Ironically, where Mariah had been seen for awhile after she relinquished territory.  It is a few miles down the same road as Kodak Tower.  Lady Pefa is on one of the buildings of that complex

LP     Lady Pefa     Peregrine falcon with a purple midwest USFWS band residing at Kodak Park.

M&K; M/K     Mariah & Kaver     Resident peregrine pair 2002-2008

Mariah     Peregrine Falcon matriarch-- first falcon on Kodak tower (1998).  First mate was Cabot Scirocco (1998-2002), then with Kaver (2002-2008).  She spent most of her time at Kodak tower until the nestbox was moved to Times Square in 2009.

Mercury    Statue across from Times Square Building     across the road from Times Square building.  Favorite spot of A/B.  Seems to be the statue they prefer for mating and eating purposes.

Midtown Plaza     Going, going, almost gone.  An almost nest site for Mariah and Archer, then Archer and Beauty. Watchers witnessed many a coming and going of Falcons at the Midtown Tower, which is the only section of Midtown that will remain in the future.

NB     Nestbox     Manmade box with gravel substrate used to simulate the peregrine's preferrednest site of a gravel ledge on a cliff face

OCSR    Old Changing Scenes Restaurant.  Properly the First Federal Building     place where falcons seem to go but not for mating or nesting.  Mariah  and Kaver (M&K) used to store food in the elevator shaft of that building. This is still used for those purposes by Archer and Beauty.  Fledglings in 2010 also would go there with their parents.

ORB     Orange Rail Building.  A building at Kodak Park where Lady Pefa and a tiecel have been perching.

Orville      A round white stone from the original scrape on Kodak Tower that was often mistaken for an egg.  During the long days of waiting for the eggs to hatch the stone was given the name Orville.  When the nest box was moved, Orville was taken to the new nest box where he is proudly overseeing the newest generations of Rochester Peregrines from the back left corner

PC     Psych Center     about 3-5 miles from Times Square.  We have seen Pefas there through the years (including Zephyr in 2009).  Again this winter, 2010, two have been seen on that building.  It is privately owned so viewing is restricted

PF or PeFa Peregrine Falcon

Powers Building    Another nestbox site after the box was removed from Kodak.  Birds have been seen near there but the nestbox has not been used.

Quest    Hatched Rochester, NY 2008.  Outfitted with a transmitter that is still broadcasting her position as she wanders along the north shore of Lake Ontario.

Raptor     birds of prey that generally hunt on the wing, using powerful talons and beak as well as keen eyesight to capture prey

RFC     Rfalconcam The place that brings all the falcon fans, both on the ground and on the internet, together!

RFW     Rochester Falcon Watchers

RM&T     Rhea Mae & Tiago     Rhea Mae (Rochester, NY 2006) is nesting with Tiago at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, ON

RTH      Red-tailed hawk; large hawk with brown back, pale chest and brick-red tail; probably the most common hawk in North America

scrape     Peregrine falcon nest; the depression scraped in the gravel to hold the eggs during incubation

Seneca     Hatched in 2008.  Nested in 2010 with Cheyenne at Brookpark Rd. Bridge near Cleveland, OH.

tiercel     male peregrine

TS    Times Square Building     new site of nestbox, used by Beauty and Archer

USFWS     US Fish and Wildlife Service     Issues the sequential numeric bands used in bird banding.  On peregrine falcons, the band color often indicates the region the bird was banded

VID band     Visual ID band Colored band with numbers &/or letters large enough to read with a spotting scope or strong binoculars

wailing     used by eyases/fledglings when begging for food.  Adults will also wail when laying on eggs to indicate change from one adult to another

Wild Wings     Rehabilitation center and sanctuary for injured and unreleasable birds of prey

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: chlosmom on 05-Jun-11, 04:47:25 PM
what a wonderful glossary--really helped me--
sure it is just a work in progress--arent we all
thanks for all the hard work--chlosmom : :bow::

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: ezsha on 12-Jun-11, 06:03:39 AM
How about TV (turkey vulture), and I can't remember if there are any other abbreviations for commonly chased intruders...

Falcon - approximately a third larger in size than a tiercel... (recommend side-by-side comparison of B and A that someone so kindly posted previously)

BWF/BYF (big white feet / big yellow feet) and the age approximately that they change...

Crop (picture most definitely helpful, especially a full one)

Egg-turning - done frequently during incubation to keep one side from sticking, and helps ensure fertilized eggs develop properly

The reason bad eggs must be removed from the nest (bad for feathers, I think?)

The major landmarks in eyas development - pin feathers, body temperature regulation, etc...

Money bag / purse and foot - parts of Mercury statue

Courtship behaviors - bowing, food deliveries, etc.


Falcon eating eggshells - helps replenish mama's calcium levels

Brooding, mantling, and other eyas-protecting behaviors

Food-exchange, talon tag, stoop, and any other flying behaviors

We don't have any little ones locally to watch this year, so if we dig through our memory banks to other behaviors or characteristics we have watched during the past summers, I'm sure there are more... and a pleasant reason to reminisce...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: ezsha on 12-Jun-11, 06:22:45 AM
Watcher! The dedicated locals and visitors who volunteer to help educate the public while observing and, if necessary, intervening to protect sick/injured/disoriented peregrines (and occasionally other strays) should they become unable to properly care for themselves.

Wildlife rehabilitator - An authorized specialist devoted to taking care of sick/injured wild animals, who works with the goal of releasing healthy animals back into the wild. Often works in concert with a veterinarian, providing longer-term care for wild animals. Some provide sanctuary for animals otherwise unable to be released back to the wild.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: margaret on 12-Jun-11, 01:17:27 PM
Excellent suggestions for the glossary!

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: ezsha on 12-Jun-11, 09:21:46 PM
Cache or food caching - storing dead birds in known 'larders' (a.k.a. various building nooks and crannies) for later consumption... especially helpful when dealing with hungry eyases...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 12-Jun-11, 09:52:43 PM
Thanks for the suggestions!  Any others are more than welcome!

I'll do some updating later in the week-haven't had time to restore the master copy from my backup...

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: chlosmom on 13-Jun-11, 10:25:58 PM
question: what does hacked or hacked out mean?  thanks

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Jun-11, 06:44:55 AM
question: what does hacked or hacked out mean?  thanks

Quick answer-release of a young bird (usually raptors) from an artificial nest box.  Usually after they've been rescued/rehabbed or something happens to the parents before they're flighted.  It was used in the reintroduction of peregrines to the east coast-eyases hatched in captivity were released from hack boxes.

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: chlosmom on 14-Jun-11, 03:30:49 PM
thanks Ei--so Jemison wouldnt qualify, because she was already flighted?

Title: Re: Rfalconcam glossary - a work in progress
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Jun-11, 03:34:49 PM
thanks Ei--so Jemison wouldnt qualify, because she was already flighted?

Correct.  Once they've actually flown there's no need to use the gradual release method of hacking.