Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Discussion => Topic started by: Dot_Forrester on 18-Mar-11, 10:40:00 AM

Title: Is Mr. T the new male at KP?
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 18-Mar-11, 10:40:00 AM
A couple of days ago, someone mentioned photos of the lady peregrine at KP and the new male that had joined her soon after Archer arrived home, but I haven't seen any more mention of this.  :stupid: Is the male Mr. T??  That would really be great, since I've been worried about him.

Dot in PA

Title: Re: Is Mr. T the new male at KP?
Post by: Kris G. on 18-Mar-11, 11:26:40 AM
She was in the company of a tiercel last fall that left around the same time Archer did, if I remember right. Maybe this is the same one who's returned from migration. Her companion last year was banded and Mr. T isn't so will be interesting to see if this one's banded or not.

Title: Re: Is Mr. T the new male at KP?
Post by: Carol P. on 18-Mar-11, 05:01:02 PM
Dot/all,  We're trying hard to get pictures that will allow us to ID the Tiercel hanging out with Lady Pefa.  So far, they have been too far away from where we park to do that.  We cannot get any closer.  This is Kodak property and they have been very accommodating, letting us park where we have a view of the area.  We'll keep trying.  I too hope it's Mr. T.

Title: Re: Is Mr. T the new male at KP?
Post by: Bird Crazy on 18-Mar-11, 09:49:47 PM
Dot/all,  We're trying hard to get pictures that will allow us to ID the Tiercel hanging out with Lady Pefa.  So far, they have been too far away from where we park to do that.  We cannot get any closer.  This is Kodak property and they have been very accommodating, letting us park where we have a view of the area.  We'll keep trying.  I too hope it's Mr. T.
we need someone with a really long lens.  :-[  Dana (I think), Jim

Title: Re: Is Mr. T the new male at KP?
Post by: Carol P. on 18-Mar-11, 10:00:24 PM
Dana has been out with her camera a couple nights this week.  No luck due to distance.  Maybe if we get a nice sunny afternoon.

Dot/all,  We're trying hard to get pictures that will allow us to ID the Tiercel hanging out with Lady Pefa.  So far, they have been too far away from where we park to do that.  We cannot get any closer.  This is Kodak property and they have been very accommodating, letting us park where we have a view of the area.  We'll keep trying.  I too hope it's Mr. T.
we need someone with a really long lens.  :-[  Dana (I think), Jim