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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: jeanne on 28-Mar-11, 02:09:24 PM

Title: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: jeanne on 28-Mar-11, 02:09:24 PM
This is from Wild Wings-- Fly free, dear Zeus

http://www.wildwingsinc.org/store.asp?pid=33654 (http://www.wildwingsinc.org/store.asp?pid=33654)

"God of the Sky and King of the Heavens"
It is with such a sad and heavy heart that I share with you the passing of Zeus, our beloved Golden Eagle. He was 17 years old, a loved and treasured bird and educator to all of us at Wild Wings and a loyal and faithful mate to Isis for 15 years. He came to Wild Wings with a gunshot wound to his right wing and had become such an incredible bird to have had the privilege of working with. While everyone cared for him and loved him, Zeus had taken up an amazing bond and trust relationship with Buz Rose, our volunteer and educator. Buz spent many hours gloving Zeus, walking him and talking with him on a weekly basis. Their ritual was to have a special time where Buz would cut donated pheasant, venison or quail and hand feed Zeus. Everyone knew Buz was in the eagles enclosure because you would hear Zeus calling and inevitably running down the perch to meet Buz for food or a walk outside on the glove. For anyone that questions whether birds feel or know people, I can assure they do and Zeus taught me that by watching him and Buz. They trusted each other and Buz was able to speak to countless visitors with Zeus on his glove and let people know why it is illegal to injure these raptors and Zeus's sheer magnificence amazed all ages enough to respect Golden Eagles. Zeus would roust his feathers and sit on one foot completely knowing he was in good hands with Buz. Buz would be in the middle of speaking and reach over and pick a piece of pheasant out of the bowl and hand it to Zeus and he would respond by ever so gently taking his reward from Buz. It amazed everyone including me. They trusted each other and Zeus knew he had a best friend. We would joke how Zeus enjoyed time away from "his wife" who occasionally screeched in his ear and liked to steal his quail once he completely plucked it. That was his other love though and he adored Isis and his role as her mate. Isis could do anything and Zeus accepted it. He died defending her in a fierce battle with a raccoon and subsequently saved her and the other birds that surround the enclosure, but he paid the ultimate price for it. He had recently been diagnosed with a heart murmur and the fight I am sure took a lot out of him, but he did not back down and was a hero. We will forever miss and remember him. Fly free Zeus and carry on your name as King of the heavens watching over Isis and all the precious raptors.
Many time people ask us volunteers what we do and why? I can tell you the amazing people that make Wild Wings what it is are here because they love animals and they unselfishly donate time, items and many times money to help care for the animals here. There is no score sheet on who does what or raises to strive for as in the workplace. There is a sense of helping to make another life better and in our case it is animals. Although they are injured, still wild and not our pets, it never lessens the loss and sadness we feel when something happens to them. Every week we are around these animals and our hearts break because they are loved. I have to believe that they all come into our lives for a reason to teach us all. All of the amazing things that happen in between them coming to Wild Wings and passing away far outweigh us never knowing them at all. That is why we carry on our mission. For all of you who love our creatures and donate to make the animals lives better, we thank you and you too, make a difference that we are so grateful for.

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Donna on 28-Mar-11, 02:23:41 PM
What an inspiring story and such a sad ending. Poor Zeus, the majestic Eagle. Fly free!  :(

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 28-Mar-11, 02:26:59 PM
Oh no! How terribly sad! What a wonderful bird.

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Kris G. on 28-Mar-11, 03:06:48 PM
This is so sad-we made our first visit to Wild Wings last year and saw Zeus.  He was gorgeous!  Hope they find a way for this to not happen again-very scary for the other Raptors.  Fly free, Zeus.  :(

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 28-Mar-11, 04:43:48 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about Zeus, particularly since he died protecting his mate instead of from old age. Did the raccoon enter the raptor cage? Is something being done to make sure it doesn't happen again?  Oh, as a side note, the banner across the top of the Wild Wings site is just beautiful.

Dot in PA

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: MAK on 28-Mar-11, 04:57:52 PM
 :(  A very brave bird! I'm glad I got to see him at least once. He is flying with the angels now!  :angel:

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: jeanne on 28-Mar-11, 06:32:48 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about Zeus, particularly since he died protecting his mate instead of from old age. Did the raccoon enter the raptor cage? Is something being done to make sure it doesn't happen again?  Oh, as a side note, the banner across the top of the Wild Wings site is just beautiful.

Dot in PA

Dot, this seemed like something abnormal that happened.  The enclosures seem pretty strong so I'm not sure how the raccoon breached it.  This is the first I have ever heard of anything like this happening there; they are so careful.  I know they are heartbroken.  They are so devoted to the animals there -- and to the falcons here. 

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Wing Goose on 28-Mar-11, 07:23:46 PM
So sorry for the sad news.  :heart:

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Bird Crazy on 28-Mar-11, 07:56:16 PM
Poor Zeus, yet he died a hero. May he fly free once again king of the skies.

Makes me wonder about the raccoon. If it might have been diseased.

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: bess440 on 28-Mar-11, 09:04:51 PM
How awful - for Zeus and for the wonderful people who cared for him and loved him.  Sometimes you think that loving animals isn't worth the pain, but there are so many of them to love you can't help yourself.  Fly free, Zeus.   :'(

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Donna on 29-Mar-11, 02:38:03 PM
How did they know about the raccoon? Are there cameras in the enclosures? This is just so so sad!

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Shaky on 29-Mar-11, 02:45:41 PM
How did they know about the raccoon? Are there cameras in the enclosures? This is just so so sad!

I can't say if it was caught on camera, but there are cameras outside the enclosures.

Title: Re: sad news from Wild Wings-- Zeus
Post by: Donna on 29-Mar-11, 02:51:50 PM
How did they know about the raccoon? Are there cameras in the enclosures? This is just so so sad!

I can't say if it was caught on camera, but there are cameras outside the enclosures.

OK thank you.