Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 03-Apr-11, 08:30:58 AM

Title: Gravely injured peregrine falcon makes full recovery, is released in Mountain VA
Post by: Donna on 03-Apr-11, 08:30:58 AM
A peregrine falcon that suffered life-threatening injuries a year ago after flying into a PG&E high voltage tower was released back into the wild Friday in Mountain View.

Wildlife experts didn't expect the bird of prey to survive her injuries -- all of the flight feathers on her left wing were burned off and her talons were severely wounded, according to a statement released by PG&E. It took workers 12 hours to rescue the raptor.

But with constant care and treatment by Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley staff and volunteers -- funded by PG&E -- the falcon slowly recovered. Exactly a year after she was injured, she made her first tethered flight in February and showed enough progress in recent weeks that officials decided to release her Friday.

Ashley Kinney, shown above releasing the falcon at the Shoreline Park Observation Deck in Mountain View, took care of the bird. "She seemed like a fighter. ... I am very happy she is back home where she belongs," said Kinney, a wildlife rehabilitation supervisor at the Wildlife Center.

-- Daily News Staff Report

Title: Re: Gravely injured peregrine falcon makes full recovery, is released in Mountain VA
Post by: MAK on 03-Apr-11, 11:55:17 AM
I love  goodnews: :yes: