Title: Birthday Post by: Marion6392 on 04-Apr-11, 11:19:41 PM :silly:
Title: Re: Birthday Post by: Shaky on 05-Apr-11, 08:03:02 AM Congrats on your first post, Marion!
You may have noticed that I moved your post to the OT board. That's because you posted it to the Rfalconcam Now board, which is for alerting others about activity on camera. With so many new people joining the Forum right now, it's probably a good time to remind everyone that any new topic posted to the Rfalconcam Now board is automatically tweeted by @RfalconcamNow on Twitter. Many watchers on the street are following @RfalconcamNow and have elected to have its tweets texted to their cell phones. Depending on their cell phone service, they may have to pay for these text messages, so as a courtesy to them we don't want to post off topic messages to Rfalconcam Now and waste these watchers' time and money reading unnecessary tweets. Not to mention that these texts can become a distraction. I have yet to meet anyone who can read a text while keeping their eyes on a falcon, and all it takes is looking away for a second for someone to lose track of a falcon. I know it's only a minor annoyance at this time of year, but later when fledglings are making their firsts flights, it could be tragic. |