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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 09-Apr-11, 08:27:41 PM

Title: Falcon in downtown missing a foot (The other Zephyr) South Bend
Post by: Donna on 09-Apr-11, 08:27:41 PM
Injury likely caused by trap, naturalist says.

SOUTH BEND -- Fans of downtown's resident peregrine falcons look forward to each spring with the prospect that the pair will hatch more chicks in their nest atop County-City Building.

The chance of that happening this year, unfortunately, took a serious hit in recent weeks.

Zephyr, the male falcon, is missing his right foot, and it appears to be a trap injury, said Carol Riewe, a local naturalist and raptor rehabilitator who follows the birds.

He still is able to fly, but his ability to hunt will be handicapped. Peregrine falcons feed almost exclusively on other birds, attacking and grasping them in flight.

"Obviously, this is not a good thing," Riewe said. "The question will be whether this bird will be able to hunt well enough to feed not only himself but chicks."

Guinevere, the female falcon, appears to be healthy but hasn't laid any eggs this spring, possibly because of Zephyr's injury, Riewe said. Guinevere laid the first of two eggs last year on April 5.

Riewe said she noticed earlier this week that Zephyr's right foot is gone. She said the incident likely occurred within the past two weeks.

She said some people who raise racing pigeons trap raptors because they prey on the pigeons. Another possibility, she said, is Zephyr could have been caught accidentally in a trap set for small mammals, such as rats.

Either way, the peregrine falcon is a federally protected species. It's illegal to try to trap one, Riewe said, and it also is illegal to not report one that is trapped by accident.

Guinevere and Zephyr have nested in a box on top of the 14-story County-City Building since 2007. Before that the nesting box was on Tower building.

"These birds have a following here. This is the ninth year they would have nested here -- the same two birds," Riewe said. "It's a very sad situation this year."


Title: Re: Falcon in downtown missing a foot (The other Zephyr) South Bend
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Apr-11, 08:34:29 PM
Oh dear!  But remember Dundas?  He lost a foot in his juvie year, but went on to nest just fine as I recall.  These birds are more resilient than we give them credit for.

Title: Re: Falcon in downtown missing a foot (The other Zephyr) South Bend
Post by: Donna on 09-Apr-11, 09:07:25 PM
Oh dear!  But remember Dundas?  He lost a foot in his juvie year, but went on to nest just fine as I recall.  These birds are more resilient than we give them credit for.

Yup, Dundas was an amazing falcon!  :clap:

Title: Re: Falcon in downtown missing a foot (The other Zephyr) South Bend
Post by: Bird Crazy on 10-Apr-11, 11:42:39 AM
Yes they are amazing birds. But this should never have happened. :viking: