Rfalconcam Forum

Support => Help! => Topic started by: Bird Crazy on 30-May-11, 07:36:45 AM

Title: Link not working
Post by: Bird Crazy on 30-May-11, 07:36:45 AM
Link to Peregrinations under community isn't working.

Title: Re: Link not working
Post by: Shaky on 30-May-11, 09:23:33 AM
I've reported it.

Title: Re: Link not working
Post by: Bird Crazy on 30-May-11, 03:34:40 PM
Thank you

Title: Re: Link not working
Post by: Shaky on 02-Jun-11, 06:42:30 AM
There is an issue with the hosting service provider for that site. It will be down until further notice.