Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 17-Jun-11, 08:54:45 PM

Title: Time to fly: Two Bettys meet in rare air high above Jackson
Post by: Donna on 17-Jun-11, 08:54:45 PM
http://blog.mlive.com/bradosphere/2011/06/time_to_fly_two_bettys_meet_hi.html (http://blog.mlive.com/bradosphere/2011/06/time_to_fly_two_bettys_meet_hi.html) Story

Betty Dahlem Desbiens, a philanthropist and nature lover, had one small request when a rare peregrine falcon chick was named in her honor last week in Jackson.

Desbiens wanted to see the chick in its nest high on the Jackson County Tower Building.

Her request was granted in memorable style Friday.