Rfalconcam Forum

Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 28-Jun-11, 07:10:23 AM

Title: Falcons nesting in wine barrels on the ground
Post by: Donna on 28-Jun-11, 07:10:23 AM
http://www.wildtomato.co.nz/articles/wairau-falcon.aspx (http://www.wildtomato.co.nz/articles/wairau-falcon.aspx)

Wairau Falcon
The Marlborough Falcon Conservation Trust is saving raptors and the grape harvest all at the same time.

As falcons nest on the ground, the eggs are prey to foraging pests; and offspring are particularly vulnerable to the vast numbers of feral cats roaming the countryside.

An interesting read! June16, 2011