Rfalconcam Forum

Member Activities => Birthdays => Topic started by: Aafke on 25-Nov-11, 05:01:34 PM

Title: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Aafke on 25-Nov-11, 05:01:34 PM
Happy Birthday

 :newyearbd: Nora

Have a nice day

How are you?

Greetings Aafke

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Carol P. on 25-Nov-11, 08:58:56 PM
Happy Birthday Nora!

 :rose: :flowers: :rose: :flowers: :rose: :flowers: :rose:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Donna on 25-Nov-11, 09:06:02 PM
Has anyone heard from Nora? She hasn't posted since Aug 2009! Is she still on KFC?

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: MAK on 25-Nov-11, 10:15:45 PM
 :b-day: :happybday: :b-day:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Annette on 26-Nov-11, 07:31:12 AM
 :the_wave: Happy birthday for you!  :b-day: (http://s6.rimg.info/86099f9dfc3be96d049cc73aae5dabb6.gif) (http://smiles.int-world.com/smile.73218.html)   :happybday: (http://s.rimg.info/ec9893294ca236f474104d45807eab81.gif) (http://smiles.int-world.com/smile.7811.html)

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: OlRedHair on 08-Mar-12, 07:18:21 PM
Thank you, Aafke!  I am doing well.  I haven't been to the forum in a while.  Molly and Wesley are doing fine.  Molly is 9 1/2 and Wesley is 10 1/2.  I have a second dog now, named Lady.  I inherited her from a close friend who died.  Lady is about 14, blind, deaf, and very arthritic.  I have had her since Oct, and she is finally adjusting and settling in.

I miss everyone.  I'll try to make it back more often.

How are you.  Do you still have Malou?

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Carol P. on 08-Mar-12, 07:39:46 PM
Hello Nora!  So nice to hear from you!  Lady sounds like a wonderful dog.

Hope to see you here more often.   :wave:

Take care.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: OlRedHair on 08-Mar-12, 08:01:16 PM
I will post a picture of Lady when I figure out how to do it.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: jeanne on 08-Mar-12, 08:39:35 PM
Happy birthday, Nora!! :happybday: :happybday: :happybday:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: OlRedHair on 08-Mar-12, 08:52:04 PM
Thank you, Jeanne!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Donna on 08-Mar-12, 08:58:51 PM
So good to see you back Nora!  Glad your well and Bless you with your dogs! That's wonderful.  :heart:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Carol P. on 08-Mar-12, 10:07:08 PM
I will post a picture of Lady when I figure out how to do it.

I look forward to seeing her Nora.   :happy:

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: OlRedHair on 08-Mar-12, 10:17:35 PM
Meet sweet old Lady.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday OlRedHair
Post by: Donna on 08-Mar-12, 10:21:29 PM
She is a pretty girl, (lady). Your blessed Nora.