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Other Nature Related Information => General Nature Discussion => Topic started by: Donna on 13-Mar-13, 07:27:11 PM

Title: Wounded, rescued wolf survives.
Post by: Donna on 13-Mar-13, 07:27:11 PM
http://www.wimp.com/wolfrescue/ (http://www.wimp.com/wolfrescue/) Amazing footage! The Wolf has chosen to live.  :heart: Great caregivers!

Monday, 9 January 2012, at 13:30, arrived at the center for the Exotic and Wild Fauna and Research of Monte Adonis, a request for intervention by the Provincial Police of Montorio (BO), to rescue a wounded wolf in the municipality of Camugnano (BO ).
The surgery was carried out in active collaboration with the Provincial Police itself in a solid history of cooperation.
Immediately four operators of the (Rudi Berti Berti Elisa, Gaia Ferrara, Lara Vassena) together with the responsible health care, veterinary surgeon, Dr. Marzia Naldi, are parties to the location of the alert with 2/2 and all the necessary equipment ( containment cage, stretcher, oxygen, anesthetic rifle, first aid kit, etc. ..) and in the meantime was also contacted the veterinarian of Porretta Terme, Dr. Alberto Tovoli which is close to the location of the message, he immediately went on the spot where he awaited the arrival of the players in the center along with the Provincial Police and the citizen who reported the animal.
Routes over 60 km on our hills, the means Centro arrived on the spot: the wolf, an adult male, was found in the icy waters of the river Limentra, near the shore. The animal obviously in shock and in a state of severe malnutrition, after fording the river several times, was clearly frozen to death and showed a paresis of the hind legs.
After careful analysis of the situation and assessed, together with veterinarians, the risks associated with the animal's condition, Rudi Berti, Director of the Centre, the wolf has sedated using the rifle narcotic. After being shot in the shoulder, only body part out of the water, over the head, the wolf began taking swim in the river, just where the current was strongest. The operators of the Centre, without ever losing sight of the animal, they began to run along the rugged banks of the river, ready to take action to recover the wolf, with the effect of the sedative, was progressively losing consciousness.
Found a gateway to access to the river, Elisa Berti, followed by volunteers, was thrown into the water, being able to grasp it, despite the considerable difficulties due to the current and extremely slippery bottom, the three operators of the Centre have failed to bring the wolf to shore .

As soon secured the animal veterinarians and operators of the Centre have quickly realized that his condition was very critical, pointed out, in fact, that the animal was in cardio-respiratory arrest. Without further ado Dr. Tovoli and Elisa Berti began CPR and breathing "mouth-to-mouth", spent several minutes into the resuscitation, in front of disbelief and emotion of all, the wolf has resumed regular cardiac activity and respiratory. Loaded on the stretcher was then kept under oxygen during the entire transfer.

As the place of recovery was near about an hour's drive from the center, the staff has decided to ask Mr Maestrini, who reported the animal to the Provincial Police, to be hosted at his property in order to stabilize the wolf, dry and warm it up before the trip.
Mr. Maestrini has been very kind, caring and happy to collaborate, providing all the staff a warm environment where the wolf was placed in front of the fireplace, along with volunteers who were immersed in the river, which has provided also dry clothes. After a few hours, the wolf, which was kept constant drip, although still in a state of hypothermia, he slowly regained consciousness and with him all regained his smile.

The first few days were crucial to the condition of the animal and it was necessary to keep him in intensive care monitoring it day and night. There has been much diagnostic and laboratory immediately highlighted various issues.
The animal at the time of his arrival at the Center was alert and responsive enough, but in a state of extreme weight loss, dehydration and showed paraparesis to hindquarters, also submitted an extensive and widespread dermatitis with large bald patches, probably caused to be a bitch.
The blood tests showed initially an infection and an evident hepatic disease, the radiographic examination showed the presence of about 35 lead balls of 4mm distributed throughout the body and showed no fracture. The animal was shot, probably long before, by several shots fired, which fortunately did not cause any injury important.
Since the various investigations had not yet clear because of paresis the hind legs, it was decided to investigate further. With the authorization of the competent authorities, on 12 January, the staff of the Centre, accompanied by veterinarian Dr. Giulio Masiello, he moved with his ambulance, the wolf at the Veterinary Hospital of San Michele Tavazzano with Villavesco (LO) where Dr. Offer Zeira, the neurologist who has been working with the Centre, has decided to subject him to an MRI and various other tests. (Photo by Andrea Dalpian)
Dr. Zeira and all his well-trained staff, as always, we are dedicated to this amazing animal with professionalism and dedication failing to make a precise diagnosis of the pathology of the wolf.
From magnetic resonance was evident, in fact, the presence of a disk spondylitis between the 4 th and the 5 th thoracic vertebra, ie a form-infectious inflammatory that hit the intervertebral disc and surrounding tissues; this has led to a compression of the spinal cord that is the cause of paraparesis of the hind limbs.

Dr. Zeira immediately set to therapy and the animal was returned to the center. Diagnosed with the disease require hospitalization during which time it will be essential rest of the animal in accordance with a specific treatment protocol. Alongside with it, as practices at the Centre are used different homeopathic treatments and homotoxicological.
E 'was also made a careful investigation cardiology by Dr. Christine Castellitto, known Bolognese cardiologist who has long worked with the Centre.
To begin the delicate stage of recovery, the animals are treated weekly by Renato Magliulo with ozone therapy and Dr. Donatella Zambelli with acupuncture.
At the same time care was taken a sample of blood to the genetics laboratory of the Institute for the Protection and Research (ISPRA) which carries out all the genetic investigation of the case.
Blood analyzes made by Dr. Naldi and repeated frequently monitored to keep the delicate condition of the animal, showed a gradual improvement in all parameters.
The full recovery of the wolf Navarre require a specific rehabilitation program, the date of his arrival, his administration has required an ongoing commitment of 24 hours 24.
While not losing the pride and confidence that distinguish the species, Navarre takes patience to be treated, demonstrating day after day a strong temper and a growing desire to live.
In cooperation with the competent authorities and the scientific figures of reference, the Centre has the ambitious aim of bringing Navarre in nature.  Google translate

Title: Re: Wounded, rescued wolf survives.
Post by: MAK on 13-Mar-13, 08:11:04 PM
 :2thumbsup: It's a miracle this wolf is alive! Wonderful people came to it's aid and I am grateful to them!!  Thank you Donna!  :heart:

Title: Re: Wounded, rescued wolf survives.
Post by: OlRedHair on 14-Mar-13, 09:02:39 AM
What a great story