Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Falcon Watches => Topic started by: Yarak on 14-Mar-13, 05:00:25 PM

Title: Morning watch 3-14-13
Post by: Yarak on 14-Mar-13, 05:00:25 PM

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Brr, winter is back with a vengeance today! It was 18 cold degrees (F) -8 (C) when I left for my watch with a bitter wind. And it snowed on and off in varying degrees of intensity.
Upon arriving on the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) it was a great way to start...

http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=8776 (http://rfalconcam.com/falconwatching/?p=8776)