Title: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 23-Dec-09, 09:30:09 PM
A PAIR of spotted eagle owls, who nested in the pot plant of a Johannesburg townhouse, are celebrities in the publishing world.
Their owl family of four stars in a book called Pot Plant Owl, which was published by the townhouse owners last month, and records the 54-day drama.
Pot Plant Owl was so happy with the accommodation that she returned in October, a year later, to nest on the Eccles’ balcony again in her favourite pot plant.
It all began on an early August morning last year when Allan and Tracy Eccles woke up to find a spotted eagle owl crouching in the ficus tree pot plant, hiding from two crows. The owl had chosen well — the balcony belonged to keen bird enthusiasts, one of whom had conducted bird tours in the Okavango delta in Botswana.
“We thought, oh sweet, isn’t it nice that we have her for one day,” recalls Tracy.
That evening she and her husband were watering the plants on the balcony when they discovered an egg in the pot plant.
Her husband suggested they leave the egg there and contact a wildlife rehabilitation centre. The response? “You’ve lost your balcony,” FreeMe’s senior clinic manager Nicci Wright told them.
“The female spotted eagle owl has chosen your balcony and your pot plant to lay her eggs. She will lay one egg every three to four days until her clutch is laid and she will sit on the eggs for the incubation period to begin.
“If all goes well the female will return every year to within a few metres of the same nesting spot and raise her chicks,” said Wright.
The couple set up a hide in their bedroom to observe and document the movements of Pot Plant Owl and her family every day. The resulting book tells the tale of Big Chick and Little Chick learning how to eat, hunt and fly, and Pappa, the ever-protective male owl, hunting for his family and keeping an eye on them, albeit from a distance.
Once, Allan assumed it was safe to water the plants on the balcony when Pot Plant Owl had left her nest for moment.
“Out of nowhere — thud! — a big whack on the side of my head. The male swoops down and hits me, sending my head sideways with the force of his talons. When Tracy arrives home my ear and head are still bleeding profusely,” he writes.
For Tracy, the worst moments were the loss of the third chick, whom the Eccles believe was snatched by a crow on day eight, and the day one of the chicks fell off the balcony and went missing.
The chicks’ learning-to-fly lessons were a highlight, she says.
“The night that they actually left us, Big Chick flew up to the roof. Little Chick watched, and we held our breath, and she just made it to the roof. That’s when we knew we were probably not seeing them again. It was a lovely moment, but bitter sweet.”
The Eccles waited to see if their owl family would return this year, but August came and went. “Then, on the morning of October 4, Allan went to the curtains and shouted: ‘We’ve got an owl back, we’ve got an owl back!’”
Three eggs have been laid this season and Pappa is back again to support his family. Sapa
Title: potted plant owl 2011
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 26-Sep-11, 08:00:37 PM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6163/6186751763_0c212cc912_o.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) Someone on the WCV blog said she's sitting on 3 eggs! Spotted Eagle Owl cam...AKA Pot plant owl (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam)
Title: Re: potted plant owl 2011
Post by: MAK on 26-Sep-11, 09:19:07 PM
:2thumbsup: SweeeeeT!!!! :wave:
Title: Re: potted plant owl 2011
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 27-Sep-11, 05:26:56 AM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6163/6186751763_0c212cc912_o.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) Someone on the WCV blog said she's sitting on 3 eggs! Spotted Eagle Owl cam...AKA Pot plant owl (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam)Make that a Potted Eagle Owl. What a hoot.
Title: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Sep-12, 08:48:42 PM
Spotted eagle owl momma & poppa are on 2 eggs so far!
http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/ (http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/)
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam)
you will need to disable ad blocking for the cam
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Donna on 10-Sep-12, 09:05:26 PM
Spotted eagle owl momma & poppa are on 2 eggs so far!
http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/ (http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/)
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam)
you will need to disable ad blocking for the cam
I did, still doesn't work! :frustrated:
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Sep-12, 09:24:57 PM
Spotted eagle owl momma & poppa are on 2 eggs so far!
http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/ (http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/)
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam)
you will need to disable ad blocking for the cam
I did, still doesn't work! :frustrated: They had a link to how to shut it off-should have written it down... I think it had to be disabled on the main africam page: http://www.africam.com/wildlife/index.php (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/index.php) In firefox, I went to tools-adblock plus-disable on africam.com Then pot plant owl worked.
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Donna on 10-Sep-12, 09:33:32 PM
Spotted eagle owl momma & poppa are on 2 eggs so far!
http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/ (http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/)
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/potted_plant_owl_webcam)
you will need to disable ad blocking for the cam
I did, still doesn't work! :frustrated: They had a link to how to shut it off-should have written it down... I think it had to be disabled on the main africam page: http://www.africam.com/wildlife/index.php (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/index.php) In firefox, I went to tools-adblock plus-disable on africam.com Then pot plant owl worked. Ahh, I'm on Chrome, nothing works on Chrome except Rfalconcam!
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Bird Crazy on 14-Sep-12, 07:03:17 AM
Ahh, I'm on Chrome, nothing works on Chrome except Rfalconcam!
isn't that the truth I have Chrome on my lap top and it stinks :-\
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Sep-12, 07:16:24 AM
Forgot I copied the instructions when I got to work...
Chrome: Adblock 1.Go onto the Africam Front Page (www.africam.com (http://www.africam.com)) and then click on the Adblock Plus icon at the top right of the browser. 2.Select the “Don't turn on pages in this domain” option.
Internet Explorer: Simple Adblock 1.Left click on the Simple Adblock icon on the bottom right of the browser. 2.Select the “Disable Simple Adblock on....africam.com”
Firefox: Adblock Plus 1.Go onto the Africam Front Page (www.africam.com (http://www.africam.com)) and then click on the Adblock Plus icon on your toolbar. (At the top right or bottom left) [I had to go to tools-adblock plus on my 'puters-don't have an icon I can find-DK] 2. Select the "disable on africam.com" option.
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Donna on 14-Sep-12, 07:20:43 AM
Ahh, I'm on Chrome, nothing works on Chrome except Rfalconcam!
isn't that the truth I have Chrome on my lap top and it stinks :-\ It's good for some things but Live streams, yes, it stinks! *Ei, I did just that and it still didn't work. Did the don't turn on pages, refreshed, um nada. It's Chrome Dome! I used to like it.
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Sep-12, 07:23:07 AM
Ahh, I'm on Chrome, nothing works on Chrome except Rfalconcam!
isn't that the truth I have Chrome on my lap top and it stinks :-\ It's good for some things but Live streams, yes, it stinks! *Ei, I did just that and it still didn't work. Did the don't turn on pages, refreshed, um nada. It's Chrome Dome! I used to like it. Oh well! I switched to Firefox YEARS ago and haven't had any reason to switch...
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Donna on 14-Sep-12, 07:36:17 AM
Ahh, I'm on Chrome, nothing works on Chrome except Rfalconcam!
isn't that the truth I have Chrome on my lap top and it stinks :-\ It's good for some things but Live streams, yes, it stinks! *Ei, I did just that and it still didn't work. Did the don't turn on pages, refreshed, um nada. It's Chrome Dome! I used to like it. Oh well! I switched to Firefox YEARS ago and haven't had any reason to switch... I need to do something with FF, it's soooooooooo slow! Takes forever to open a page. That's why I went back to Chrome. I'm sure it's my PC or connection but Chrome is much faster than FF.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 08-Dec-12, 06:31:19 AM
8 Dec and we have chicks! We've got two little chicks sitting in the new pot plant nest with a very proud mom. We've been out the past few evenings and every time we've returned home, we've found PPO sitting in the nest. Last night we came home and noticed that she was sitting more upright and stared at me when I tried to say hello.Pappa hooted on the rooftops for a long time last night and didn't fly too far away. This morning, I opened the bedroom curtains, and there they were! Two little heads popping up from under their mom. We watched a few more minutes until feeding time... ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-z4KAzkwMUhY/UMLZn34AMkI/AAAAAAAAAPk/9-nxYsgrHVI/s1600/First%2BChicks%2B2012.JPG]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) http://www.ustream.tv/africampottedplantowl (http://www.ustream.tv/africampottedplantowl)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 08-Dec-12, 06:41:08 AM
:hatch1: :hatch1: :cheerleader:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 08-Dec-12, 09:23:23 AM
OMG! This is their second clutch. The first failed & the homeowners removed the eggs...
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Second nesting attempt for PPO PPO is nesting again. She started with an egg last Monday, and a second egg on Wednesday. We half expected to find a third egg on Saturday, but it wasn't to be.
I'm not sure if these eggs will be viable. We noticed very little copulating and frantic activity which is usually evident at this stage of the pre-breeding season.
For the moment, we have decided not to turn the webcam back on, until we know for sure that there is a family with chicks to watch. A lesson that I have learned these past few months is that it is heart-breaking watching PPO sit faithfully on eggs that we all knew were not viable (and ended up not being fertilised). We will spare any angst and only switch the camera back on when the right time comes.
Will let you know what happens!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 08-Dec-12, 11:03:22 AM
This is good news as they didn't think these would be viable either! PPO laid these eggs in a new pot plant that's close to the driveway and cars, according to their FB page! :scaredblue: Hope they'll all be safe!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 10-Dec-12, 06:48:31 AM
Shaky, could you merge this with the Pot Plant Owl under the Raptor Web Cams. Thanks Sorry!
Title: Re: Pot Plant Owl
Post by: Donna on 10-Dec-12, 07:12:11 AM
9 Dec: Family are doing well. Chicks only spotted briefly during the day, and at night when PPO left the nest. As soon as the balcony light was put on, PPO flew back to her chicks.
The webcam should go back up soon. I can't give a date / time as it is a technical issue and work needs to be done on it first
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Shaky on 10-Dec-12, 07:58:23 AM
Shaky, could you merge this with the Pot Plant Owl under the Raptor Web Cams. Thanks Sorry!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 10-Dec-12, 08:18:21 AM
Look how cute!! :heart: :heart: from fb
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: carla on 10-Dec-12, 12:51:31 PM
This is such Great news ! I followed them earlier this year and was very sad when the eggs didn't hatch.. I knew they started egg laying for the second time,but didn't expect the eggs were viable this time! Nature is a miracle. Thanks for posting ! :hatch1: :hatch1:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 10-Dec-12, 12:57:41 PM
Look how cute!! :heart: :heart: from fb :wub:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Dec-12, 02:08:59 PM
The Africam link is working! Warning-cannot block ads there without paying...
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/lc_player_kim.php?sub=nn&ch=popup&sh=owl-1 (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/lc_player_kim.php?sub=nn&ch=popup&sh=owl-1)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 10-Dec-12, 08:26:23 PM
The owlets are so cute! Mom watching through the foliage: ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/December%202012/ppodec102a-1.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) A view of the owlets: ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/December%202012/ppodec105b-1.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 11-Dec-12, 08:10:33 AM
The wind howled around us last night as the rain fell. I thought of the chicks out there on the balcony and remembered that PPO is the most wonderful mother in the world. Just to reconfirm this fact to myself, I took a quick peak and there she was - wings spread out over her chicks offering them full protection from the elements. She is an amazing mother. Pappa returned when the wind and rain subsided to deliver something delicious to his family.
http://youtu.be/nIv7Y_iaC3Q (http://youtu.be/nIv7Y_iaC3Q) Welcome little owlettes!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 11-Dec-12, 04:50:28 PM
A look at the owlets today . . . ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/December%202012/ppodec114a-1-1.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) . . . until Mom came home. ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/December%202012/ppodec116a-1.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 15-Dec-12, 08:59:12 PM
The owlets a few minutes ago: ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/December%202012/ppodec155a-1.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 15-Dec-12, 09:05:30 PM
Thanks for the heads-up! I haven't been successful in seeing them in days...but I caught a few seconds before PPO got back.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 21-Dec-12, 08:09:02 AM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/71761_10151258366439230_430755742_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) PPO on her balcony... Look at the fluffs!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 23-Dec-12, 08:04:20 PM
Pot Plant Owl post (http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/2012/12/21-december-and-end-of-world-as-we-know.html#comment-form) quoted below 21 December and the end of the world as we know itI like to think that today, the 21st December, marks the end of the world as we know it. Now before devout religious fanatics or athiests alike get up in arms with my statement, hear me out. I love new beginnings. A New Year where all ones past woes are left behind as one starts afresh. I love birthdays that mark another milestone in ones life. I love the dawn - the beginning of a new day unlike any other. I love the start of a new life form - a seed that grows into a magnificent tree, and a small egg that reveals a tiny chick. And I love the idea, however far-fetched it may sound to others, that a New Dawn is beginning for us here on Earth. Right here. Right now. We have the chance to start afresh - to look at the beauty that is all around us and appreciate it. All of you who have followed PPO and her family (for months or years) are already there. You love and appreciate Nature. You respect and admire the trials and tribulations that our owl family has gone through to be with us again today. I'd like to believe, no, I need to believe, that others, who have not taken the time to notice the natural world around them, are waking up for the first time and starting to 'get' this thing called Life. Life isn't about fancy cars, or lots of money, or designer shoes. Yes, those items can make living more comfortable, but they are not the real deal. The real deal is right in front of us all. In my garden, it is in this pot plant nest where two little owl chicks are finding their feet (and soon their wings). I like to think that today marks a new beginning - for us all.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Wing Goose on 23-Dec-12, 08:18:37 PM
Well said! :wub: :wub: Lola
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Dec-12, 08:58:47 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Dec-12, 09:18:46 PM
I just read on their FB page that little Rosie (what people were calling her) passed away this AM. :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Dec-12, 09:24:45 PM
So very sad . . . I had checked the blog, and there was no update there, but it looked as if the other little owlet was on the left of the pic. Mom came in at least twice and kept trying to get a response from the owlet, and tried to move her, then left again, looking distraught. The surviving owlet looks lost; they were always together.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Dec-12, 09:26:56 PM
So very sad . . . I had checked the blog, and there was no update there, but it looked as if the other little owlet was on the left of the pic. Mom came in at least twice and kept trying to get a response from the owlet, and tried to move her, then left again, looking distraught. The surviving owlet looks lost; they were always together.
Here is the FB posting by someone that follows the webcam: I so sorry to see that the youngest PPO owlet suddenly took ill. Here is what I saw. It seemed fine yesterday. Then this morning it appeared to be sleeping in the back corner but did not get up all day even when PPO tried to feed it. She fretted over it between feeding the other owlet but finally at about 12:30am Wednesday(nest time) appeared to decide that it would no longer respond and carried its inert body to the front of the nest where we could see that it was no longer alive. She has moved it a couple of more times as I write this and may remove it from the nest by morning. My condolences to all the chatters who love this little owl and especially to Tracy and Allan. Rest in peace little Rosie (as some of us had taken to calling her/him) PPO appears to be taking it in stride and concentrating on caring for the remaining owlet. What a trooper!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Dec-12, 09:44:23 PM
Here is the FB posting by someone that follows the webcam:
I so sorry to see that the youngest PPO owlet suddenly took ill. Here is what I saw. It seemed fine yesterday. Then this morning it appeared to be sleeping in the back corner but did not get up all day even when PPO tried to feed it. She fretted over it between feeding the other owlet but finally at about 12:30am Wednesday(nest time) appeared to decide that it would no longer respond and carried its inert body to the front of the nest where we could see that it was no longer alive. She has moved it a couple of more times as I write this and may remove it from the nest by morning. My condolences to all the chatters who love this little owl and especially to Tracy and Allan. Rest in peace little Rosie (as some of us had taken to calling her/him) PPO appears to be taking it in stride and concentrating on caring for the remaining owlet. What a trooper!
Thank you, Kris. That is pretty much what I saw happen early Wednesday morning (nest time). Mom is looking after the surviving owlet; I saw him/her being fed, and Mom also had something to eat. One of the owlets was larger than the other, and always seemed to be a little more active.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Dec-12, 09:50:21 PM
Here is the FB posting by someone that follows the webcam:
I so sorry to see that the youngest PPO owlet suddenly took ill. Here is what I saw. It seemed fine yesterday. Then this morning it appeared to be sleeping in the back corner but did not get up all day even when PPO tried to feed it. She fretted over it between feeding the other owlet but finally at about 12:30am Wednesday(nest time) appeared to decide that it would no longer respond and carried its inert body to the front of the nest where we could see that it was no longer alive. She has moved it a couple of more times as I write this and may remove it from the nest by morning. My condolences to all the chatters who love this little owl and especially to Tracy and Allan. Rest in peace little Rosie (as some of us had taken to calling her/him) PPO appears to be taking it in stride and concentrating on caring for the remaining owlet. What a trooper!
Thank you, Kris. That is pretty much what I saw happen early Wednesday morning (nest time). Mom is looking after the surviving owlet; I saw him/her being fed, and Mom also had something to eat. One of the owlets was larger than the other, and always seemed to be a little more active. You're welcome, Alison. It's so sad to lose one-I hope the other one continues to thrive.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 25-Dec-12, 10:11:08 PM
What a bummer to come on after all day and read this first! RIP little owlette! :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 26-Dec-12, 08:28:26 AM
Pot Plant Owl 26 Dec: This morning we switched the cam off to remove the little chick who passed away. I went right up to the nest and spoke to PPO the whole time, while she watched me intently. With gloved hands, I reached out into the pot right next to PPO, and took the little chick. The other chick appears to be happy and healthy. We are not sure what happened to the chick but can only hope that the other chick is strong and survives. RIP little one.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: carla on 26-Dec-12, 09:25:08 AM
What a bummer to come on after all day and read this first! RIP little owlette! :crying:
So sad.................... :'( :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 27-Dec-12, 03:25:07 PM
From the blog, a thoughtful and poignant post. I am glad that the owls are nesting in a place with such caring people.
26 Dec and our chick is buried
Last year, after much debate and thought about it, we removed an unviable egg from the nest after it became clear that it was not going to hatch. I'll never forget the feeling of calm that washed over the balcony as I stepped back inside the house with the egg in my hand. Within minutes, PPO appeared more relaxed and threw her energy and attention into preening her chicks.
The same thing happened this morning. We looked at the frail body of the dead chick in the nest, and decided to bury it for PPO. We switched the cam off and I headed out onto the balcony - without an umbrella. Carefully, I crept to the nest - all the while talking softly to PPO. PPO kept a beady eye on me, while pushing her chick under her for protection.
I crouched down right next to the nest and slowly reached out and grabbed the dead chick. PPO froze in place and kept watching me. Slowly, I backed away and closed the balcony door.
We buried the chick in our 'bird' garden - a small section of the garden fenced off to allow birds an area to eat and bath in peace. Our dog, Destin, cannot access the area, so it is a perfect spot for our chick to be buried.
We are saddened and shocked by the sudden passing of the chick. Unlike Teeny, this chick did not deteriorate slowly in front of our eyes. The chick was up and about one minute, and lying still the next. Without going into detail, the chick had a big wound which may, or may not, have been the cause of its death. I'm not sure if the chick had anything internally wrong with it.
It's difficult to lose a chick after what this breeding season has already brought. Can you imagine what it must feel like for our sweet PPO? And for Pappa?
I can only send out all my love and prayers to the remaining chick, and hope that not survives, but thrives.
RIP little one!
The blog also has a photo of Pappa and one of PPO with the surviving owlet.
http://potplantowl.blogspot.ca/ (http://potplantowl.blogspot.ca/)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 27-Dec-12, 04:37:55 PM
A wound huh? Wonder what from? :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 04-Jan-13, 04:05:33 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Jan-13, 04:08:19 PM
Great catches! I saw it wingersizing quite a bit last night so wondered if it wasn't going to be too much longer before it hopped out of the box!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 04-Jan-13, 07:16:49 PM
What a cute baby, thanks!! :baby:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 07-Jan-13, 06:24:02 AM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/541969_521220601243945_1313075942_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) Before the fall. ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/388232_521220871243918_1316989150_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/530491_521221031243902_424428351_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/580557_10152431801230301_1216361859_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) All's well in PPO land. After our chick fell off the perch this morning (flapping its wings too hard), it explored the balcony floor. We found it huddled against the bottom of the pot plant this morning when we woke up. We decided to help the chick get back up to the nest by pushing an old parrot jungle gym out onto the balcony floor. This gym is half the height of the nest pot, so if the chick can get up to this jungle gym, it can hop back up onto the wooden perches around the pot. At this stage, it is quite content in a corner next to the pot plant container out of the sun. PPO is dozing on the perch watching over her chick. ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/398111_356628071103021_457564864_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) after ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/543377_356652694433892_1031784727_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) Meet Azizi, yup, that's her name. Means "precious one"
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 07-Jan-13, 06:36:15 AM
Love the name! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 09-Jan-13, 12:24:03 PM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/397739_10151285938819230_1513760699_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/217740_10151290547014230_1537031312_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) As big as mom!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 09-Jan-13, 07:23:58 PM
I like the wink! ;)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Jan-13, 07:53:46 PM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/397739_10151285938819230_1513760699_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) ![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/217740_10151290547014230_1537031312_n.jpg]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) As big as mom! They grow too fast! :o
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 16-Jan-13, 10:49:39 AM
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/ow_14_jan_2013_01_01_38flv (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/ow_14_jan_2013_01_01_38flv) Azizi enjoying a meal, after the commercial!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 16-Jan-13, 05:53:39 PM
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/ow_14_jan_2013_01_01_38flv (http://www.africam.com/wildlife/ow_14_jan_2013_01_01_38flv) Azizi enjoying a meal, after the commercial!
Big gulp! ;D
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 17-Jan-13, 08:56:48 PM
http://youtu.be/SoWS_-136s0 (http://youtu.be/SoWS_-136s0) Azizi learns to fly.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 17-Jan-13, 11:05:08 PM
:clap: YAY! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 20-Jan-13, 12:15:44 AM
http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/ (http://potplantowl.blogspot.com/) Azizi has left the balcony!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 20-Jan-13, 02:24:14 PM
We were lucky to be watching at the exact moment that Azizi took off from a garage roof across the road and to the complex near us. We ran out to the road (under our trusty umbrellas) and watched Azizi until it flew back into our complex. Azizi is flying very well for being so inexperienced. At the moment - 20h40 our time- - Azizi is in the neighbour's with PPO and Pappa watching over it.
from fb
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 20-Jan-13, 03:50:00 PM
We were lucky to be watching at the exact moment that Azizi took off from a garage roof across the road and to the complex near us. We ran out to the road (under our trusty umbrellas) and watched Azizi until it flew back into our complex. Azizi is flying very well for being so inexperienced. At the moment - 20h40 our time- - Azizi is in the neighbour's with PPO and Pappa watching over it.
from fb
So far, so good!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 20-Jan-13, 05:00:57 PM
Fingers crossed for Azizi! :yes:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 21-Jan-13, 06:46:45 AM
Last night we thought we saw Azizi on the roof flying off, with PPO in pursuit. After we saw that, the neighbour's garden was very quiet - no hissing at all. PPO and Pappa were'nt around either so we suspect that our first instinct was correct. This was confirmed early this morning when we woke to see three owls flying from rooftop to rooftop. The owls were heading in the direction of the usual roosting spot (where Pappa sleeps when PPO is here with us).
We took a walk around the neighbourhood but couldn't see any owls about. This is great news because it indicates that Azizi is strong enough to fly onto a wall or into a tree to protect itself.
Well done PPO and Pappa - you raised a wonderful, healthy chick! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 21-Jan-13, 09:43:39 AM
Last night we thought we saw Azizi on the roof flying off, with PPO in pursuit. After we saw that, the neighbour's garden was very quiet - no hissing at all. PPO and Pappa were'nt around either so we suspect that our first instinct was correct. This was confirmed early this morning when we woke to see three owls flying from rooftop to rooftop. The owls were heading in the direction of the usual roosting spot (where Pappa sleeps when PPO is here with us).
We took a walk around the neighbourhood but couldn't see any owls about. This is great news because it indicates that Azizi is strong enough to fly onto a wall or into a tree to protect itself.
Well done PPO and Pappa - you raised a wonderful, healthy chick! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 21-Jan-13, 03:00:02 PM
Oh yeah! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 24-Jan-13, 10:16:27 AM
Thank you to all of you who followed the owl season this year. It was certainly a season of ups and downs, and unique sightings. I'm grateful that two eggs hatched after the first attempt at the breeding season failed. I am sorry that we lost Rosie so unexpectedly, but I am thankful for Azizi's strength and determination. We haven't seen Azizi since its epic flight on Monday but I am confident that our chick is alive and well. The fact that we haven't seen PPO and Pappa around means that they must be busy teaching our chick how to hunt and look after itself. We've heard Pappa's loud hooting from far down the wetland, so they are still in the greater territory.
From PPO fb
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 24-Jan-13, 08:06:18 PM
Safe travels on your lifes journey Azizi! :pray:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 04-Feb-13, 07:41:22 PM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Gwc62qE1KqQ/UP1lswtqagI/AAAAAAAAAWk/xgDWnSNzyB4/s1600/21%2Bjan%2B003.JPG]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) Monday, January 21, 2013 Family together Not a good picture but shows the whole family together. Pappa is to the left of the satellite dish. Azizi is directly below the satellite dish on a smaller roof. PPO is on the top roof - on the right hand side.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: carla on 04-Feb-13, 07:50:49 PM
Thanks for posting. It was fun watching them.I was so happy with the second clutch. Azizi is a Miracle
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Feb-13, 07:51:07 PM
![](http://shakymon.com/cgi-bin/iserv.pl?load=name[a],url[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Gwc62qE1KqQ/UP1lswtqagI/AAAAAAAAAWk/xgDWnSNzyB4/s1600/21%2Bjan%2B003.JPG]&scale=geometry[128x128]&send) Monday, January 21, 2013 Family together Not a good picture but shows the whole family together. Pappa is to the left of the satellite dish. Azizi is directly below the satellite dish on a smaller roof. PPO is on the top roof - on the right hand side. :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 08-Mar-13, 06:43:31 AM
Got woken up this morning to Pappa's loud hooting. Best alarm clock ever! I also heard PPO returning the call - much quieter and more respectfully than Pappa who seemed to think it was a competition for the loudest 'voice' in the 'hood. We saw Azizi with PPO a couple of nights ago. We could tell it was Azizi when it took off from the roof - the flight was not quite as graceful as its mom, but Azizi still looked strong. :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 08-Mar-13, 02:45:30 PM
Got woken up this morning to Pappa's loud hooting. Best alarm clock ever! I also heard PPO returning the call - much quieter and more respectfully than Pappa who seemed to think it was a competition for the loudest 'voice' in the 'hood. We saw Azizi with PPO a couple of nights ago. We could tell it was Azizi when it took off from the roof - the flight was not quite as graceful as its mom, but Azizi still looked strong. :clap:
:thumbsup: ;D
Title: Re: potted plant owl 2011/13
Post by: Donna on 02-Sep-13, 01:34:54 PM
Thought was had a current topic on this cam!
Oh well: Update
This year has brought with it many exciting challenges that have demanded a lot of our time and attention. Work has brought the opportunity to travel with groups. Our sport has seen us fitting in races that I never thought possible – the most recent being our trip to Colorado. A few weeks ago we adopted a new young female Border Collie to keep our dog, Destin, company. Like Destin, Layla is a 100% rescue dog – found under-nourished, cowering and in need of some TLC wandering around a dusty township. And I have been working on a animated movie script with a great conservation message in it. PPO is a character in the story, but is not the hero. The hero is a young Rhino – and more of that to come.
So what does all this have to do with PPO, Pappa and their family? Is PPO still around? Will she choose to nest on our balcony again, or will she find a new nesting spot?
Firstly, our movements have a lot to do with PPO – at least in the sense of monitoring her and Pappa, and 'checking in' on facebook. Travelling a lot means we're not at home to report all the good stuff – when the owls visit the balcony, how long they stay and which pot plant they are likely to choose for their nest this time around. Judging by the mess on the balcony floor (soil kicked everywhere), I'd say that PPO hasn't yet decided which pot plant container to choose. She's still seeing which one fits better, and will probably decide on the day. By all accounts, PPO plans on nesting again. Usually, she lays at least one egg in August and now we are into September and no egg in sight. Although this is later than usual, it is by no means an indication that she definitely won't lay eggs this season. We've just had a long cold spell which may account for a delay of a week or two. The winter has also been drier than usual so perhaps food availability is tight (until the rains come and insects come out). Perhaps PPO wants a longer break after the second attempt at breeding this past season.
The good news is that whatever she decides to do, we will be around (between our travels) to report the goings on. The bad news is that this year we've decided to give the webcam a break.
Yes, I know. I can hear the sighs, upsets, and tears from here. I appreciate that you may be upset and will miss being able to see PPO, Pappa and their family 24/7. This was not an easy decision to come to, and we spent a lot of time writing out the pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision boils down to not enough time in the day to tweak cameras, amend angles, cut branches, work on sound, check internet settings and fix problems that arise from having a 24/7 webcam operating from our home. We may not be home for a week and if something goes wrong with the webcam then, you will be upset – and likely to lose interest in PPO. At the end of the day, we have to look at what's practical for us (the ones who have to troubleshoot webcam issues at home). We are not deciding never to broadcast PPO again. This is a decision for this season only (should PPO nest), and we will review our decision next time.
When we can, we will keep you updated on all movements in PPO land via facebook and the PPO blog, which will start up when PPO decides to nest again.
Right now, my movie script is finished and I'm ready to pitch my Rhino story. If any PPO fan has a contact at an animation production house or a movie financing house, please let me know. It's near on impossible to pitch a story idea when everyone states “no unsolicitated ideas”.
Well, that's it for now. We acquired a small HD movie camera so when we figure out how to work it, we will also post video clips of PPO, Pappa and the family (hopefully). Warm regards to you all!
Title: Re: potted plant owl 2011/13
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Sep-13, 02:31:17 PM
Thought was had a current topic on this cam!
Oh well: Update
This year has brought with it many exciting challenges that have demanded a lot of our time and attention. Work has brought the opportunity to travel with groups. Our sport has seen us fitting in races that I never thought possible – the most recent being our trip to Colorado. A few weeks ago we adopted a new young female Border Collie to keep our dog, Destin, company. Like Destin, Layla is a 100% rescue dog – found under-nourished, cowering and in need of some TLC wandering around a dusty township. And I have been working on a animated movie script with a great conservation message in it. PPO is a character in the story, but is not the hero. The hero is a young Rhino – and more of that to come.
So what does all this have to do with PPO, Pappa and their family? Is PPO still around? Will she choose to nest on our balcony again, or will she find a new nesting spot?
Firstly, our movements have a lot to do with PPO – at least in the sense of monitoring her and Pappa, and 'checking in' on facebook. Travelling a lot means we're not at home to report all the good stuff – when the owls visit the balcony, how long they stay and which pot plant they are likely to choose for their nest this time around. Judging by the mess on the balcony floor (soil kicked everywhere), I'd say that PPO hasn't yet decided which pot plant container to choose. She's still seeing which one fits better, and will probably decide on the day. By all accounts, PPO plans on nesting again. Usually, she lays at least one egg in August and now we are into September and no egg in sight. Although this is later than usual, it is by no means an indication that she definitely won't lay eggs this season. We've just had a long cold spell which may account for a delay of a week or two. The winter has also been drier than usual so perhaps food availability is tight (until the rains come and insects come out). Perhaps PPO wants a longer break after the second attempt at breeding this past season.
The good news is that whatever she decides to do, we will be around (between our travels) to report the goings on. The bad news is that this year we've decided to give the webcam a break.
Yes, I know. I can hear the sighs, upsets, and tears from here. I appreciate that you may be upset and will miss being able to see PPO, Pappa and their family 24/7. This was not an easy decision to come to, and we spent a lot of time writing out the pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision boils down to not enough time in the day to tweak cameras, amend angles, cut branches, work on sound, check internet settings and fix problems that arise from having a 24/7 webcam operating from our home. We may not be home for a week and if something goes wrong with the webcam then, you will be upset – and likely to lose interest in PPO. At the end of the day, we have to look at what's practical for us (the ones who have to troubleshoot webcam issues at home). We are not deciding never to broadcast PPO again. This is a decision for this season only (should PPO nest), and we will review our decision next time.
When we can, we will keep you updated on all movements in PPO land via facebook and the PPO blog, which will start up when PPO decides to nest again.
Right now, my movie script is finished and I'm ready to pitch my Rhino story. If any PPO fan has a contact at an animation production house or a movie financing house, please let me know. It's near on impossible to pitch a story idea when everyone states “no unsolicitated ideas”.
Well, that's it for now. We acquired a small HD movie camera so when we figure out how to work it, we will also post video clips of PPO, Pappa and the family (hopefully). Warm regards to you all!
This should be merged -General Nature Discussion-Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Shaky on 02-Sep-13, 02:51:59 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 02-Sep-13, 02:52:51 PM
Sheesh, I looked and couldn't find it, thank you!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 03-Sep-13, 12:58:44 PM
Woke up this morning to a big, fat mess of soil on the balcony floor. PPO / Pappa 'dug' a big hole in the soil of last year's nest. Looks like this might be the nest of choice. Both owls came to the balcony before sundown, which is a sign that they are getting a little more serious about possibly laying eggs sometime soon. Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 16-Sep-13, 11:12:38 AM
Pot Plant Owl As of the 15th September, we have one egg! PPO has laid an egg in the newer nest pot (one used last year). We had quite a storm on Saturday night so hopefully this didn't affect the egg at all. Waiting to see if today or tomorrow brings a second one. :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 23-Sep-13, 07:34:02 AM
Pot Plant Owl And two eggs it is this season. Last night we checked and there were still only two eggs. PPO is very relaxed. Pappa visited the balcony in the early hours of this morning and made a big racket - hooting and hooting. Lovely listening to them.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 03-Oct-13, 06:57:45 AM
Pot Plant Owl All is going well with PPO and her two eggs. Pappa is doing his duty of bringing food to her which is great. Will upload pics when we get a decent one.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 03-Oct-13, 07:12:05 PM
Wish they had a cam this year. :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 10-Oct-13, 07:06:37 AM
Pappa and PPO kicked up a racket last night! Constant hooting - calling and answering. I was lying in bed and I thought it went on for at least half an hour nonstop. PPO is spending her days on her eggs facing away from the window so the few shots we've taken have been poor. Hopefully if eggs hatch, we will get great ones to post. Will keep trying though.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 15-Oct-13, 07:50:05 AM
We're getting closer to hatch day. Fingers crossed that the eggs are viable - at least one of them. PPO is doing a wonderful job sitting on the eggs. Pappa is vocal all night and brings in food for PPO.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 07-Nov-13, 06:12:18 AM
Oh dear! Gremlins seem to be at work on facebook. Over a week ago, I posted an entry explaining that the eggs didn't hatch and PPO took it upon herself to abandon them. We took the eggs away and they were infertile. Since then, both owls have been back every evening to the nest and visiting. Pappa seems very keen on trying ago; PPO less certain. Fingers crossed for a second try! :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 07-Nov-13, 08:59:53 AM
Oh dear! Gremlins seem to be at work on facebook. Over a week ago, I posted an entry explaining that the eggs didn't hatch and PPO took it upon herself to abandon them. We took the eggs away and they were infertile. Since then, both owls have been back every evening to the nest and visiting. Pappa seems very keen on trying ago; PPO less certain. Fingers crossed for a second try! :(
That's too bad about the eggs. :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 15-Sep-14, 08:42:20 AM
One egg in the nest and PPO relaxed and well. Lots of hooting from Pappa tonight. Sept 6th
Two eggs confirmed on 9 Sept. All is well with PPO. Pappa stayed close by last night and hooted throughout the night. Seems he's pleased with the second egg.
Still two eggs on 14 Sept. Looks like PPO has decided that two are enough. It has been very hot here and the plants on the balcony needed watering. PPO allowed me to crawl on the balcony floor to her pot plant nest to water the plant. She kept a beady eye on me from the rooftop nearby. Pappa plays Mr Delivery every evening - bringing in food for PPO. Lots of small bites that we've seen. Photos to come later today.
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/9-5PPO_zpsc7ab0ea6.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/9-5PPO_zpsc7ab0ea6.jpg.html) 9-5
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 15-Sep-14, 03:34:54 PM
One egg in the nest and PPO relaxed and well. Lots of hooting from Pappa tonight. Sept 6th
Two eggs confirmed on 9 Sept. All is well with PPO. Pappa stayed close by last night and hooted throughout the night. Seems he's pleased with the second egg.
Still two eggs on 14 Sept. Looks like PPO has decided that two are enough. It has been very hot here and the plants on the balcony needed watering. PPO allowed me to crawl on the balcony floor to her pot plant nest to water the plant. She kept a beady eye on me from the rooftop nearby. Pappa plays Mr Delivery every evening - bringing in food for PPO. Lots of small bites that we've seen. Photos to come later today.
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/9-5PPO_zpsc7ab0ea6.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/9-5PPO_zpsc7ab0ea6.jpg.html) 9-5
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: PatriciaRose on 15-Sep-14, 04:13:00 PM
Very nice! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 20-Dec-14, 06:42:32 AM
We have a Xmas baby....that is, PPO does! She's been sitting on another three eggs for the past month and today we glimpsed a tiny white wing under her fluffed out feathers. Too early to confirm how many there are, but we know at least one is alive and wriggling. Congrats PPO! Will keep you posted with pics as soon as we can get them.
GREAT NEWS!! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 20-Dec-14, 11:07:14 AM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 21-Dec-14, 07:09:32 AM
PPO is sitting upright over her chick(s) this morning, looking bleary-eyed. We're hoping to catch another glimpse of white bundles this eve, and perhaps see how many there are.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 21-Dec-14, 07:15:15 AM
DG, is there a live cam for this? I cannot seem to find it... Ta!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 21-Dec-14, 07:47:07 AM
DG, is there a live cam for this? I cannot seem to find it... Ta!
Used to be Bobbie, they took it down last year! They just blog and post pics once in a while.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 21-Dec-14, 07:50:23 AM
DG, is there a live cam for this? I cannot seem to find it... Ta!
Used to be Bobbie, they took it down last year! They just blog and post pics once in a while. Ahhhhh! Too bad. Thanks!! :wave:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 22-Dec-14, 06:22:55 PM
Such great news about a second clutch for PPO and Pappa. So happy for them.
From the site this evening:
Two chicks confirmed. One egg still in the nest.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 26-Dec-14, 08:16:17 AM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/PPOkids_zps1d0740b4.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/PPOkids_zps1d0740b4.jpg.html)
Meet Santa and Claus, so it say's on fb! :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 01-Jan-15, 09:44:39 AM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/PPO2015_zpsea7bb78a.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/PPO2015_zpsea7bb78a.jpg.html)
We survived the horrible firecrackers last night and are here to say Happy New Year! (Claus / Santa hiding under PPO) from fb :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 01-Jan-15, 06:37:06 PM
So pretty! ;D
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 06-Jan-15, 06:32:27 AM
Today we put up the additional perches around the sides of the pot. Within an hour, PPO is sitting on one of the perches and given us our full view of Santa and Claus in the daytime. They are getting so big, so fast. Eyes are open and the white, fluffy feathers have been replaced by grey feathers. 1-5
A strange 'CLUNK' sound woke Allan up last night. Thinking a burglar was prowling outside, he got up and checked outside carefully before going back to sleep. A short while later, another 'CLUNK' woke Allan up again, followed by a soft hoot. This time Allan looked onto the balcony and there, on the new wooden perches we put up for the owls, Pappa was delivering food. The 'CLUNK' was him landing on the new perches. Mystery of the prowler solved, Allan fell asleep again and didn't wake up 'til 'true' morning. 1-6
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 06-Jan-15, 11:46:14 AM
Today we put up the additional perches around the sides of the pot. Within an hour, PPO is sitting on one of the perches and given us our full view of Santa and Claus in the daytime. They are getting so big, so fast. Eyes are open and the white, fluffy feathers have been replaced by grey feathers. 1-5
A strange 'CLUNK' sound woke Allan up last night. Thinking a burglar was prowling outside, he got up and checked outside carefully before going back to sleep. A short while later, another 'CLUNK' woke Allan up again, followed by a soft hoot. This time Allan looked onto the balcony and there, on the new wooden perches we put up for the owls, Pappa was delivering food. The 'CLUNK' was him landing on the new perches. Mystery of the prowler solved, Allan fell asleep again and didn't wake up 'til 'true' morning. 1-6
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 21-Jan-15, 06:21:14 AM
All quiet and good on the PPO home front. Santa and Claus are big now - but still in the pot and no signs of exploring - just yet. Seems like we may have a situation of chicks only exploring and leaving the nest when both are ready and able. Will post pics soon.
From FB
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 23-Jan-15, 07:41:04 PM
It's 7pm and both chicks are running around the balcony floor. One chick (think Claus) knocked over the broom, then jumped on the brush part and attacked it. Really funny to watch them.
That's all she wrote! :devil:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 06-Feb-15, 03:32:38 PM
Very sad news to report: A few hours ago, our neighbour called us over to her garden. Her dogs had attacked an owl. I rushed over, and there, lying with its badly broken wings, was one of the chicks. We're not 100% sure who it is - Santa or Claus. I rested the broken owl on my chest, its wings splayed out mangled, and we rushed it off to our bird specialist vet. Unfortunately, its injuries and suffering was too much, and it had to be put down. I ask that you are aware of the plight of wild creatures, especially in an urban environment. I ask that you pass on this message to anyone within close proximity of nesting owls, or other young wild creatures. Despite our warnings of owls moving around to everyone living near us, and despite us asking repeatedly for people to be mindful of dogs, this happened. The poor chick didn't stand a chance with three mauling dogs. I ask that you do not reply to this post with tales of similar horror stories. Now is not the time to share this 'information' as the hurt is very much raw - for us, and especially for PPO and Pappa. On our return home from the vet, another neighbour told me the surviving chick had just flown into the same neighbour's garden (with the dogs). Again, I rushed over and searched high and low for the chick, and couldn't see anything. All the time, PPO was sounding her alarm call when I approached the area that we found the chick. Eventually PPO flew away - realising that her chick wasn't there. A short time after that, I saw two owls on the rooftop. As one of the owls flew off, I heard a familiar hissing sound coming from over the wall (on the wetland side). PPO flew in some food that Pappa had just given her for the surviving chick. I hope not to see the chick again anywhere near here - until it is flying perfectly. The thought of what happened to the other one, and what it looked like dying on my chest and looking up at me, is something I never wish to repeat.
Fly free, little one. :sorrow:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Annette on 06-Feb-15, 04:25:00 PM
That is so sad :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 06-Feb-15, 05:39:18 PM
:kleenex: :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: carla on 07-Feb-15, 05:50:48 AM
So sad.I used to follow them when there was a cam. Thanks for posting Kris
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 07-Feb-15, 06:00:06 AM
Oooooooooo! So sorry! Little thing.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 07-Feb-15, 06:18:16 AM
I felt sick when I read that on FB. I was stunned. This is horrific, the poor little one!! Hope #2 stays away from that yard!! I would be traumatized for life if I saw that! Fly free, at least you tried!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 10-Feb-15, 09:40:25 AM
Our surviving chick fledged with its parents, and we are once again alone until next breeding season. As ever, it was special having the family here again, and wonderful that two healthy chicks spent a few weeks with us. The recent attack and death of one of the chicks brought home how dangerous it is for these owls to nest in our built-up suburban area. They have all sorts of things to contend with - cars, electric fences, dogs, cats, rat poisons, and of course the evil human being as well (maiming and hurting owls for pleasure or superstition). Again, I am reminded to make every opportunity count. To count ones blessings. To appreciate Life's gifts - however transient. To love unconditionally. To be respectful and mindful of Nature. Until next time... Namaste
Good luck little one!!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 10-Feb-15, 10:08:45 AM
Our surviving chick fledged with its parents, and we are once again alone until next breeding season. As ever, it was special having the family here again, and wonderful that two healthy chicks spent a few weeks with us. The recent attack and death of one of the chicks brought home how dangerous it is for these owls to nest in our built-up suburban area. They have all sorts of things to contend with - cars, electric fences, dogs, cats, rat poisons, and of course the evil human being as well (maiming and hurting owls for pleasure or superstition). Again, I am reminded to make every opportunity count. To count ones blessings. To appreciate Life's gifts - however transient. To love unconditionally. To be respectful and mindful of Nature. Until next time... Namaste
Good luck little one!!
Stay safe baby owl! :chick3:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 11-Aug-15, 12:40:18 PM
Sitting now listening to Pappa hooting loudly on the balcony. The days and nights are warmer now and our jasmine is already flowering. All indications that soon we'll have PPO and family back.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 04-Sep-15, 06:59:03 AM
As of this morning, we have owls....
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/9-4%20PP%20Owl_zpskmew59bw.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/9-4%20PP%20Owl_zpskmew59bw.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Sep-15, 12:57:11 PM
First egg!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 05-Sep-15, 01:02:39 PM
Yay, wishing them luck!! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 09-Sep-15, 08:45:06 AM
2 eggs!!
We've already been asked the inevitable question...will there be a cam on the owls this year? Unfortunately, there won't be. The main reason is that Telkom, our ISP, can't cope with normal bandwidth for this area. If we were to put up a cam again, we'd need a huge increase in line speed. Right now, even normal email usage is problematic. If anyone can get fibre cables put into our area, we'd be able to get cams up. But don't be disheartened... we'll post pictures and short video clips as this new season unfolds. Peace
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 11-Sep-15, 08:10:28 AM
We have two eggs but expect a third in a day or two. Its lovely to hear them calling at sunset and during the night as we lie in bed, only a few metres away.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 11-Sep-15, 12:36:22 PM
We have two eggs but expect a third in a day or two. Its lovely to hear them calling at sunset and during the night as we lie in bed, only a few metres away.
Cool! :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 23-Oct-15, 12:00:05 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/10-23%20PP%20Owlette_zpsqcixq4mi.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/10-23%20PP%20Owlette_zpsqcixq4mi.jpg.html)
We have a PPOwlette!! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 09-Nov-15, 05:42:27 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/11-9%20PPOwlette_zpswccmu7nm.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/11-9%20PPOwlette_zpswccmu7nm.jpg.html)
Guess only 1 hatched but how adorable!!! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 09-Nov-15, 05:56:05 PM
Too cute! :yes:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 13-Nov-15, 01:26:55 PM
http://youtu.be/LkZBtpOgXZI (http://youtu.be/LkZBtpOgXZI)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 16-Nov-15, 06:23:57 AM
http://youtu.be/yhK74hGRyoI (http://youtu.be/yhK74hGRyoI)
Little one fell or got blown out of nest, so they quickly built some perches for it to get back in! Not very graceful but it worked! :wub:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 16-Nov-15, 12:13:03 PM
:phew: That was a lot of work! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 16-Nov-15, 04:37:10 PM
Donna and Kris, thank you so much for posting those videos.
It was hard to watch the little owlet struggling to get back into the planter. I hope he/she is okay and did not have any kind of wing injury. What a beautiful family of owls.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 22-Nov-15, 12:10:04 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/11-22%20PPO_zps0i7wktuk.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/11-22%20PPO_zps0i7wktuk.jpg.html) Little chick has fledged. It's in the stone water feature
Good luck little guy!!! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 23-Nov-15, 06:16:15 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/11-23%20PPOwlette_zpszrlnpdjd.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/11-23%20PPOwlette_zpszrlnpdjd.jpg.html)
PPOwlette chillin with PPO in tree, keeping a watchful eye!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 29-Nov-15, 03:25:59 PM
No pictures, but...
Confirmation tonight that our little chick and both parents are alive and well. As the sun set, we watched the three owls on the rooftops nearby. Very happy!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 29-Nov-15, 05:12:18 PM
No pictures, but...
Confirmation tonight that our little chick and both parents are alive and well. As the sun set, we watched the three owls on the rooftops nearby. Very happy!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 30-Nov-15, 03:56:14 AM
No pictures, but...
Confirmation tonight that our little chick and both parents are alive and well. As the sun set, we watched the three owls on the rooftops nearby. Very happy!
Phew! How we love these owls!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 07-Dec-15, 02:04:50 PM
I am saddened and horrified by the news below. For eight years, Allan and I have been campaigning for people to assist FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. Under the guidance of Nicky Wright, we personally saw that all birds and animals were well looked after. Nicky was the one who helped catch PPO when we had to take her to the vet. During that time, the birds, animals and owls were treated respectfully. Nicky has left and apparently the new management is disgusting. OWL LOVERS: Please do NOT pledge funding to FreeMe until such time as the new management sorts itself out. Gautengers: if you have any injured birds, please take them to the Bryanston Vet (Dr Brett Russell) and PLEASE donate some money for their valuable knowledge and assistance, and for any medicine the bird may need.
http://randburgsun.co.za/277108/mismanagement-causes-freeme-shut-down/ (http://randburgsun.co.za/277108/mismanagement-causes-freeme-shut-down/)
OMG!!! :scaredblue:
Mismanagement causes FreeMe shut-down
This is horrible, nothing to do with PPOwlette!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Jan-16, 04:24:56 PM
From FB..maybe bad news :(
I've been putting off writing this post. After eight years, and hundreds of hours of watching, fretting, assisting, talking about and sharing 'our' owls with the world, the tide has turned. Weeks ago, I walked into my room and saw PPO standing on the balcony railing. She let me get up closer to her as she stood - terribly thin and barely able to draw a breath. I called Allan who came up and saw her and listened to her breathing labour. PPO flew to the neighbour's roof before we could catch her and we could still hear her struggling to draw a breath. Moments later, she flew off. We haven't seen her since. Pappa is in the territory, hooting alone on the rooftops. At night, I see him fly around and keep looking for a second owl. We alerted all our neighbours and have asked them to look out for PPO. Nobody has seen her. I'm hoping - perhaps against hope - that she has somehow split from Pappa for a while (perhaps with the little chick) and she will return soon enough. If I hadn't heard her, and seen what she looked like, I would definitely be thinking this. The ugly truth is that the longer she is away, the less likely this scenario is. I haven't given up hope and I ask that you all don't too.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 25-Jan-16, 05:37:33 PM
From FB..maybe bad news :(
I've been putting off writing this post. After eight years, and hundreds of hours of watching, fretting, assisting, talking about and sharing 'our' owls with the world, the tide has turned. Weeks ago, I walked into my room and saw PPO standing on the balcony railing. She let me get up closer to her as she stood - terribly thin and barely able to draw a breath. I called Allan who came up and saw her and listened to her breathing labour. PPO flew to the neighbour's roof before we could catch her and we could still hear her struggling to draw a breath. Moments later, she flew off. We haven't seen her since. Pappa is in the territory, hooting alone on the rooftops. At night, I see him fly around and keep looking for a second owl. We alerted all our neighbours and have asked them to look out for PPO. Nobody has seen her. I'm hoping - perhaps against hope - that she has somehow split from Pappa for a while (perhaps with the little chick) and she will return soon enough. If I hadn't heard her, and seen what she looked like, I would definitely be thinking this. The ugly truth is that the longer she is away, the less likely this scenario is. I haven't given up hope and I ask that you all don't too.
I'm glad she came back to say goodbye to her people....fly free PPO!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Jan-16, 05:40:48 PM
From FB..maybe bad news :(
I've been putting off writing this post. After eight years, and hundreds of hours of watching, fretting, assisting, talking about and sharing 'our' owls with the world, the tide has turned. Weeks ago, I walked into my room and saw PPO standing on the balcony railing. She let me get up closer to her as she stood - terribly thin and barely able to draw a breath. I called Allan who came up and saw her and listened to her breathing labour. PPO flew to the neighbour's roof before we could catch her and we could still hear her struggling to draw a breath. Moments later, she flew off. We haven't seen her since. Pappa is in the territory, hooting alone on the rooftops. At night, I see him fly around and keep looking for a second owl. We alerted all our neighbours and have asked them to look out for PPO. Nobody has seen her. I'm hoping - perhaps against hope - that she has somehow split from Pappa for a while (perhaps with the little chick) and she will return soon enough. If I hadn't heard her, and seen what she looked like, I would definitely be thinking this. The ugly truth is that the longer she is away, the less likely this scenario is. I haven't given up hope and I ask that you all don't too.
I'm glad she came back to say goodbye to her people....fly free PPO! I don't know what his chances are for finding a new mate there but hope he does.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 25-Jan-16, 06:02:09 PM
I have been enjoying these owls for many years now and I'm so very sorry to hear this news. Although it must have been terrible, I'm glad PPO came back to you, perhaps to say goodbye. I too will hope for the best. But if she's gone, I wish Pappa the best of luck finding a new mate.
Dot in PA
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 26-Jan-16, 05:40:48 AM
Such a wonderful bird! Bless her for sharing her life and legacy with all of us.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 26-Jan-16, 06:30:25 AM
Read this on FB yesterday and felt sick after. She is a very special Owl as you can see here on this video. Some is in English. PPO has a book out and she has won an award.
http://kyknet.dstv.com/2016/01/14/kwela-uile/ (http://kyknet.dstv.com/2016/01/14/kwela-uile/)
I pray she is not suffering out there. :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Jan-16, 11:47:16 AM
Follow-up posted today on FB
Death of a Legend - We beg the people of SA not to use poisons in their gardens.
For the past 8 years we have enjoyed the privilege of watching a pair of Spotted Eagle Owls breed on a our balcony. PPO (Pot plant Owl) starred in a book, was viewed by thousands across the globe on wedcam, was recently seen on Kwela (Kyknet) and received an International Award for Owl conservation in the USA. Her Facebook page is followed by 4 826 people across the world.
We believe she has succumbed to rat poisoning. We saw her last about 2 weeks ago, sitting on our balcony, thin and struggling to breath. A horrible 'cough' racked her body. The male and immature chick have visited us, but not PPO and we fear the worst.
Since then we have seen dead rats in our complex. Despite pleas to units in the complex not to use rat poison, it has clearly been used. After posting our concern on her Facebook page, we have received tearful responses from across the globe.
https://www.facebook.com/Pot-Plant-Owl-148721154229/ (https://www.facebook.com/Pot-Plant-Owl-148721154229/)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 26-Jan-16, 12:46:01 PM
How awful this is. :crying: In Johannesburg and NYC's Central Park and in all too many other locations, people seem not to understand the far-reaching consequences of poisoning rats. My best wishes to to Pappa and the juvenile. This is a most horrible ending to a truly wonderful saga.
Dot in PA
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Jan-16, 01:34:15 PM
How awful this is. :crying: In Johannesburg and NYC's Central Park and in all too many other locations, people seem not to understand the far-reaching consequences of poisoning rats. My best wishes to to Pappa and the juvenile. This is a most horrible ending to a truly wonderful saga.
Dot in PA
Hard to understand..people really need to be educated about secondary rodenticide poisoning. If true, it is a horrible ending..fly free, PPO. :sorrow:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 26-Jan-16, 01:36:30 PM
After reading yesterday's post, I tried to keep hoping that PPO might recover and return, despite how bad the situation seemed.
But having just read today's post, I am heartbroken and devastated that PPO was very probably poisoned. This is a huge loss. PPO has simply been the most remarkable, most beautiful owl anywhere for the past number of years, and she has taught and charmed countless people in so many countries.
I also feel so bad for Pappa and their young owlet. I so much hope that they will stay safe.
Cannot write anything more at the moment . . . :crying: :crying: :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Jan-16, 02:58:37 PM
After reading yesterday's post, I tried to keep hoping that PPO might recover and return, despite how bad the situation seemed.
But having just read today's post, I am heartbroken and devastated that PPO was very probably poisoned. This is a huge loss. PPO has simply been the most remarkable, most beautiful owl anywhere for the past number of years, and she has taught and charmed countless people in so many countries.
I also feel so bad for Pappa and their young owlet. I so much hope that they will stay safe.
Cannot write anything more at the moment . . . :crying: :crying: :crying:
With them saying Pappa and baby are still around, I also worry about them getting poisoned too. :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 26-Jan-16, 04:51:55 PM
:( :crying: :'(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 26-Jan-16, 05:44:33 PM
So sad..... :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 27-Jan-16, 07:01:38 AM
I'm not keeping up with messages pouring in on face book and email. Thank you to everyone who shared with us the PPO experience. Some good news in amongst this tragedy: We saw Pappa on a rooftop a short while ago, hooting. A minute later, their little owlet chick started 'hissing' / calling for food. We saw both of them fly together into the wetland. PPO's little one is still alive and well, and Pappa is not alone now.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 27-Jan-16, 08:06:42 AM
excellent news! I'm not keeping up with messages pouring in on face book and email. Thank you to everyone who shared with us the PPO experience. Some good news in amongst this tragedy: We saw Pappa on a rooftop a short while ago, hooting. A minute later, their little owlet chick started 'hissing' / calling for food. We saw both of them fly together into the wetland. PPO's little one is still alive and well, and Pappa is not alone now.
Dot in PA
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 28-Jan-16, 01:32:45 PM
For South African PPO fans: Grab a copy of "Die Beeld" newspaper today - 28 Jan. There's a nice article about PPO. I've been asked to provide a rough translation to the link that Cheryl Decker copied and paste below. Here is the rough summary: "The Spotted Eagle Owl known as Pot Plant Owl who won the hearts of people around the world, is possibly dead from rat poisoning. She became well known in 2008 when she chose to nest in a pot plant on the balcony of Allan and Tracy Eccles. Allan said "We suspect she ate a poisoned rat from somewhere in the complex after we told people not to use rat poison. She came to the balcony and was struggling to breath a few weeks ago and we suspect she came to say goodbye." Pappa and the little chick are okay. "No poisons should be used in gardens for any reason" says Allan. And then the article talks about how PPO helped save a wetland with the petition everyone signed and her coffee-table book / photos. Allan ends off quoted in the article as saying "It was an honour to know PPO. I hope the male (Pappa) and the young owlet (little chick) will come and still visit".
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 28-Jan-16, 06:22:50 PM
Hopefully dad finds a new mate! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 03-Mar-16, 06:13:08 AM
Life here goes on....Pappa found a new mate and brought her to the nest site. He showed her the pot plant and kicked around soil. She watched and hopped in the pot plant after him, 'talking' to him as she did. The jury is still out whether she's a keeper and if the pot plant will be the chosen nest site. In other news: the neighbours who put down rat poison were asked to remove the outside aviary attracting rats. Hopefully, this will spell the end of rat poisons required. Will keep you posted
:( and :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 03-Mar-16, 12:36:36 PM
Glad to hear there may be a new mate there! :yes:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 20-May-16, 06:55:21 PM
(http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r32/djweeds/5-20%20PPO%20girl_zpsectrvoxt.jpg) (http://s140.photobucket.com/user/djweeds/media/5-20%20PPO%20girl_zpsectrvoxt.jpg.html)
PPO (right), with his new love interest, (left) :heart: :wub:
Hope they like the POT!!! :devil:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 25-Aug-16, 07:32:43 PM
From Pot Plant Owl on FB
And this morning, we have an owl... New lady is quite calm. I said hello and she looked at me cautiously before looking slightly away.
Picture at PPOs FB page (https://www.facebook.com/potplantowl/photos/a.10150224811929230.322847.148721154229/10154181548019230/?type=3&theater)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Aug-16, 11:53:08 AM
From FB
Confirmation of one egg. All going well. Pappa visited the balcony last night and spent a good few minutes looking at the egg from the pillar. Then he hooted...as if pleased...and flew away
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 26-Aug-16, 12:19:24 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Sep-16, 10:48:16 PM
As of September 8, Lady has been incubating three eggs.
A few hours ago:
I think we may have our first chick. Pappa has been on the rooftop hooting loudly for ages. I can't see into the pot with Lady there but she seems more alert. If there's a gap when / if she gets off the nest, I'll confirm if we have a new arrival.
I am happy for Pappa and Lady. It is good that he was able to convince her to accept the planter as her nest. She is a beautiful owl.
(http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/July%202016/lady-johannesburg-1a_zpsuw1hhgxz.jpg) (http://s1195.photobucket.com/user/falcoperegrinus1/media/July%202016/lady-johannesburg-1a_zpsuw1hhgxz.jpg.html)
I cannot watch this site without thinking of the senseless loss of PPO.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Sep-16, 10:55:36 PM
As of September 8, Lady has been incubating three eggs.
A few hours ago:
I think we may have our first chick. Pappa has been on the rooftop hooting loudly for ages. I can't see into the pot with Lady there but she seems more alert. If there's a gap when / if she gets off the nest, I'll confirm if we have a new arrival.
I am happy for Pappa and Lady. It is good that he was able to convince her to accept the planter as her nest. She is a beautiful owl.
(http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/July%202016/lady-johannesburg-1a_zpsuw1hhgxz.jpg) (http://s1195.photobucket.com/user/falcoperegrinus1/media/July%202016/lady-johannesburg-1a_zpsuw1hhgxz.jpg.html)
I cannot watch this site without thinking of the senseless loss of PPO.
Me either, Alison. Hopefully, the neighbors have been educated about secondary rodenticide poisoning and are aware of rodent control using alternate methods other than rat poison.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 26-Sep-16, 02:42:37 PM
As of September 8, Lady has been incubating three eggs.
A few hours ago:
I think we may have our first chick. Pappa has been on the rooftop hooting loudly for ages. I can't see into the pot with Lady there but she seems more alert. If there's a gap when / if she gets off the nest, I'll confirm if we have a new arrival.
I am happy for Pappa and Lady. It is good that he was able to convince her to accept the planter as her nest. She is a beautiful owl.
(http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa393/falcoperegrinus1/July%202016/lady-johannesburg-1a_zpsuw1hhgxz.jpg) (http://s1195.photobucket.com/user/falcoperegrinus1/media/July%202016/lady-johannesburg-1a_zpsuw1hhgxz.jpg.html)
I cannot watch this site without thinking of the senseless loss of PPO.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 30-Sep-16, 09:05:44 PM
An update today:
Unfortunately no hatched eggs yet. I was called away on a family emergency so haven't been able to check. This evening I can confirm that no eggs have hatched. Will keep hoping.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 30-Sep-16, 10:20:44 PM
An update today:
Unfortunately no hatched eggs yet. I was called away on a family emergency so haven't been able to check. This evening I can confirm that no eggs have hatched. Will keep hoping.
I hope everything is alright Alison. Best wishes to you and your family. :wave:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Tapper Gal on 01-Oct-16, 10:15:01 PM
I have viewed all the posting on this site.Fascinating and educational.I wish good luck to the owls and hope a baby comes. Thanks to you all. :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 07-Oct-16, 09:59:43 PM
An update today:
Still no confirmation of hatching. Pappa visited the balcony this evening and stood there for a long time looking in the pot plant.
We're trying not to dwell on the eggs not hatching and instead spend time saying hello to Lady and Pappa.
What's lovely is that Pappa has moved his roosting spot to above our gate in a nearby palm tree. It's reassuring waking up and seeing him.each morning.
Perhaps the breeding won't be successful this time round. Maybe Pappa is getting on in breeding years. Maybe Lady is not quite ready. Maybe there are environmental factors at play. It has been very hot here...and unbelievably dry too.
Will keep you posted.
Even if the eggs are not going to hatch, it is still good to have Pappa and his new Lady on territory. I hope they both stay safe.
I also hope that everything is okay with Tracy and her family.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 16-Nov-16, 01:18:13 PM
Just spotted on FB that Lady has re-clutched. 2 eggs currently in the old pot plant nest!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 16-Nov-16, 03:13:33 PM
Just spotted on FB that Lady has re-clutched. 2 eggs currently in the old pot plant nest!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 16-Nov-16, 07:29:10 PM
Just spotted on FB that Lady has re-clutched. 2 eggs currently in the old pot plant nest!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: I saw that too, MAK! Unexpected news but good news. http://picload.org/image/rdwadigg/pot-plant-owl-nov-15-2a.jpg (http://picload.org/image/rdwadigg/pot-plant-owl-nov-15-2a.jpg) http://picload.org/image/rdwadigd/pot-plant-owl-nov-16-1a.jpg (http://picload.org/image/rdwadigd/pot-plant-owl-nov-16-1a.jpg) Having to use a different image site, from which I can only post links: Photobucket has been down all month so far. >:(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 16-Nov-16, 09:32:51 PM
Nice pics Alison, hope they hatch!! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Tapper Gal on 17-Nov-16, 11:53:23 AM
GreatPicture of the eggs.Good luck!!!!! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 17-Dec-16, 11:40:34 AM
Since the two eggs were seen on November 16, the hatch window should be close. Hoping for the very best for Lady and Pappa.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 17-Dec-16, 12:22:56 PM
Since the two eggs were seen on November 16, the hatch window should be close. Hoping for the very best for Lady and Pappa.
Hope they have a successful hatch! :hatch1:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 18-Dec-16, 11:50:08 AM
Posted on the site one hour ago:
We're 90% certain that there's a newly hatched chick (or two) in the nest. Will get confirmation this evening.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 18-Dec-16, 11:52:32 AM
Posted on the site one hour ago:
We're 90% certain that there's a newly hatched chick (or two) in the nest. Will get confirmation this evening.
Just read that on FB! Great news!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 18-Dec-16, 02:50:43 PM
Lady and Pappa have their very first chick!
And here it is! The confirmation of the first little chick / owlet for Pappa and Lady. Still another egg so fingers crossed that this one will hatch. Lady was on our closest neighbour's roof watching me as I took one step onto the balcony to peer around the tree in the pot. Nothing more than watching which shows that she's comfortable enough with me thus far. Will definitely not take any chances and risk getting hit on the head..again.
High-speed fibre cables are being put into our suburb. When this is complete, it will mean that our tiny area of the world, and in particular our balcony, may be able to stream live videos again. No cam up this year..workers are off now until January..but perhaps we can make a plan before the end of this breeding season.
Contratulations to Lady and Pappa on their brand new little owlet!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 18-Dec-16, 02:56:21 PM
The little beauty:
Photo from the site.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 18-Dec-16, 03:41:08 PM
I'm so excited for them. I hope all goes well!! THANKS!!!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 18-Dec-16, 05:38:24 PM
goodnews: :thanx:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 18-Dec-16, 06:09:19 PM
On a FB video, you can hear the little Owlet hiss..cute!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 28-Dec-16, 10:57:02 AM
(http://i65.tinypic.com/15nqgr7.jpg) Look how huge!!!!!!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 28-Dec-16, 06:59:46 PM
(http://i65.tinypic.com/15nqgr7.jpg) Look how huge!!!!!!
Thanks, Donna! This little beauty has grown so much in the last few days! Great photo of Lady and the little one.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 28-Dec-16, 11:36:26 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 05-Jan-17, 07:45:44 AM
So cute this little PPOwlette!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Jan-17, 08:01:19 AM
They grow so fast! Thanks Donna! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: patsy6 on 05-Jan-17, 09:15:20 AM
What a cutie!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jan-17, 09:21:53 AM
Wow! They do grow fast! So cute!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 09-Jan-17, 06:19:42 PM
(http://i66.tinypic.com/2e0uywn.jpg) On a happier note! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Jan-17, 06:43:28 PM
(http://i66.tinypic.com/2e0uywn.jpg) On a happier note! :heart:
They've named her Joy-Ithemba..pretty name!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 09-Jan-17, 06:48:44 PM
(http://i66.tinypic.com/2e0uywn.jpg) On a happier note! :heart:
Before we know it this baby will be flying off! ;)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 10-Jan-17, 07:04:46 AM
They've named her Joy-Ithemba..pretty name! That is a nice name!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 10-Jan-17, 09:58:37 AM
Love the chosen name. :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Tapper Gal on 10-Jan-17, 10:28:09 PM
What a nice picture as well as name. :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 16-Jan-17, 09:41:04 PM
(http://i64.tinypic.com/10zqyrl.jpg) :heart: Look how sweet!!!
Here's little Joy-Ithemba playing with a feather.
From FB
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 16-Jan-17, 09:54:14 PM
So beautiful! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 16-Jan-17, 09:55:22 PM
I just can't get over how fast birds grow up! :o
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 20-Jan-17, 08:29:59 AM
Pot Plant Owl 4 hrs · A few days of quiet. We're in Dubai at the moment and left the care of our little owl family in the very capable hands of our neighbours and complex residents.All is well. Pappa is around and trying to coax Joy-Ithemba out the pot. We get back tomorrow so will send pics then.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 22-Jan-17, 03:19:45 PM
So this is what we have come home to....Joy-Ithemba on the lip of the pot looking oh-so naughty and cute at the same time. We're in for a night of exploring, I think.
From FB
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 22-Jan-17, 04:53:11 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 22-Jan-17, 06:17:19 PM
Little fluff ball! ;D :chick3:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 24-Jan-17, 06:15:02 AM
(I don't blame her, I'd stay too)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 24-Jan-17, 07:00:17 AM
Such a cutie!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Tapper Gal on 28-Jan-17, 03:08:15 PM
How Sweet she is!!! Thanks for these great pictures,she sure is growing up. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 29-Jan-17, 09:04:50 AM
First time on perch, outside the box!! :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 29-Jan-17, 09:34:01 AM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 29-Jan-17, 02:42:06 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 29-Jan-17, 05:48:46 PM
Update posted 3 hrs ago on FB: :o
Joy-Ithemba has flown off our balcony. This happened a couple of hours ago right after sunset. Our chick flew down into our garden and ran around the grass for a while. Lady flew in and fed it, but it still didn't stop Joy-Ithemba from exploring more.
It flew up onto our garden bin then onto our wall, before flying across to the neighbour's wall. The neighbour is entertaining tonight which poses a problem when guests leave. Pappa and Lady are keeping a close eye on Joy-Ithemba and will attack anyone / anything close to it that they deem to be a threat.
We've contacted the neighbours so they've aware of what's happened. Let's see what the next few hours brings.
Hope everyone stays safe!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 30-Jan-17, 04:02:31 PM
Thank you for the update, Kris!
Posted today:
Joy-Ithemba had quite a night of successful vertical flight. It ended up visiting two neighbours and this morning flew into a garden. Here it managed to get back on our dividing wall. Both parents are watching from a tree nearby.
Well done, Joy-Ithemba!
And from two hours ago:
Our adorable Joy-Ithemba made it to the top of the rooftops! How it scrambled / flew up we don't know but we were so relieved to see it at the top when we returned home. Well done beautiful chick! Super proud of you!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: MAK on 30-Jan-17, 07:38:41 PM
Well it sounds like Joy-Ithemba is doing very well! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 30-Jan-17, 09:43:15 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Sep-17, 09:37:55 PM
Pot Plant Owls are back and have their first egg! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 09-Sep-17, 09:52:20 PM
That's good news! Thank you, Kris!
I hope everything will go well for Pappa and Lady.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 12-Sep-17, 10:24:57 PM
From FB..2 eggs for Lady and Pappa!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 13-Sep-17, 11:31:36 PM
Thanks, Kris! It is nice to see Lady and Pappa with eggs again. :heart:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 14-Sep-17, 09:34:26 AM
Pot Plant Owls are back and have their first egg! :clap:
It's that time again already??? WOW!!!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 23-Sep-17, 01:48:29 PM
We haven't been able to confirm if there is a third egg. Lady has been vigilant and hasn't moved much. Will try look this weekend.
https://www.facebook.com/potplantowl/photos/a.10153379932454230.1073741827.148721154229/10155329449299230/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/potplantowl/photos/a.10153379932454230.1073741827.148721154229/10155329449299230/?type=3)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 23-Sep-17, 09:26:59 PM
Great photo of Lady, Donna. Thanks!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Annette on 11-Oct-17, 02:42:53 PM
I read this in an other forum
Pot Plant Owl is live now with 2 eggs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ0RcQ9MXes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ0RcQ9MXes)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 11-Oct-17, 09:58:40 PM
I read this in an other forum
Pot Plant Owl is live now with 2 eggs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ0RcQ9MXes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ0RcQ9MXes)
That's great news, Annette! Thank you!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 11-Oct-17, 10:04:29 PM
From the site:
Yesterday afternoon Johannesburg was rocked by severe thunderstorms. Strong winds, mini tornadoes, large hail stones and heavy rain caused damage to roofs, cars and roads with loss of life and injuries.
I watched the nest as Lady crouched low staying out of the wind. Thankfully, she was not hit by any large hailstones. At the back of the house, Pappa hid in the branches of the tree. As soon as the weather cleared he came to check up on the nest. Watch him here as he arrives:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_PEuP1LPXM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_PEuP1LPXM)
Lady, soaking wet, with hailstones. I'm so glad she and Pappa are both okay after the storm.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Oct-17, 06:28:33 PM
Unfortunately, the eggs did not hatch, and it is way past the time when they might still be viable. I feel really bad for Lady and Pappa. Lady incubated so faithfully, and Pappa provided food and support.
From the site yesterday:
Sadly, the eggs are so far overdue that they cannot be viable. To save Lady from the stress of sitting on infertile eggs , and Pappa from the stress of feeding her, we will remove the eggs at the first opportunity.
You Tube viewers may see their 'mating ritual' in the nest as she prepares to lay the next clutch. This could be in a week or two.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 25-Oct-17, 06:56:48 PM
I wonder what is going on with the eggs!!! How very sad for them. :(
Thanks for the update Alison!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Tapper Gal on 25-Oct-17, 07:54:22 PM
:crying: I wonder what is going on with the eggs!!! How very sad for them. :(
Thanks for the update Alison!
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Tapper Gal on 25-Oct-17, 07:56:33 PM
:crying: Sorry for this news.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Oct-17, 08:56:13 PM
I wonder what is going on with the eggs!!! How very sad for them. :(
Thanks for the update Alison!
She did the same last yr then successfully 2nd clutched.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Oct-17, 09:43:23 PM
I wonder what is going on with the eggs!!! How very sad for them. :(
Thanks for the update Alison!
She did the same last yr then successfully 2nd clutched. You're right, Kris, she did. Last year's first clutch was her first with Pappa. Of course, there is never any guarantee, but I hope that she will be able to reclutch successfully this year.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 26-Oct-17, 09:30:54 PM
From the site, posted eight hours ago:
Those of you following on You Tube will have seen that we have removed the eggs. On examination, they were infertile.
As I sit here now, the owls are on the neighbours roof and I expect them back on our balcony shortly for the mating 'dance'. The web cam is streaming.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 13-Nov-17, 10:25:08 PM
From FB.. :2thumbsup:
And here we have it. Confirmation of two new eggs in the other pot plant on the balcony with a proud mom keeping watch.
Streaming will stop until...sigh...we get the experts back in....sigh...to move the camera to focus on this other pot plant nest...sigh.
They love playing games and keeping us on our toes.
(https://s18.postimg.org/y1c7fj0h1/60_FA3_C71-65_F1-4_A9_E-8648-_EB7_BD28_D8_A36.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/y1c7fj0h1/)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: AlisonL on 09-Dec-17, 01:44:52 AM
Posted on the site an hour ago:
We've had a wonderful amount of much-needed rain recently. This has left gardens absolutely soaking wet. Of course, garden birds have not escaped the heavy rainfall.
In this rain, Lady has sat diligently on her eggs, doing her best to keep the eggs dry and warm.
Until this morning.
After heavy rain again last night, we woke up to find Lady gone and the eggs abandoned. We're not sure if this persistently heavy rain influenced her decision or if there are other reasons.
Pappa isn't around this morning either which leads us to believe that it was a deliberate decision to abandon eggs they feel are unviable.
Of course I'll only rest well when I see them both flying around again. Will keep you posted.
I hope Lady and Pappa are both safe. Very sad that the eggs have been abandoned. :(
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Dec-17, 09:13:58 AM
Posted on the site an hour ago:
We've had a wonderful amount of much-needed rain recently. This has left gardens absolutely soaking wet. Of course, garden birds have not escaped the heavy rainfall.
In this rain, Lady has sat diligently on her eggs, doing her best to keep the eggs dry and warm.
Until this morning.
After heavy rain again last night, we woke up to find Lady gone and the eggs abandoned. We're not sure if this persistently heavy rain influenced her decision or if there are other reasons.
Pappa isn't around this morning either which leads us to believe that it was a deliberate decision to abandon eggs they feel are unviable.
Of course I'll only rest well when I see them both flying around again. Will keep you posted.
I hope Lady and Pappa are both safe. Very sad that the eggs have been abandoned. :(
How sad! :( I hope they’re both safe too, Alison.
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Dec-17, 12:17:40 PM
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Donna on 10-Dec-17, 07:18:50 PM
Bad luck at this site lately!! Hope they are both OK!! :crying:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 26-Oct-18, 07:10:17 AM
PPOs eggs failed again this year, but she and Poppa will have a chance to raise babies! A nearby rescue had 2 orphaned spotted eagle owl chicks that have now been fostered into PPOs nest! So far, so good!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq12aa5Srh0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq12aa5Srh0)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Dot_Forrester on 26-Oct-18, 08:33:45 AM
Best pf luck to all involved! Dot in PA PPOs eggs failed again this year, but she and Poppa will have a chance to raise babies! A nearby rescue had 2 orphaned spotted eagle owl chicks that have now been fostered into PPOs nest! So far, so good!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq12aa5Srh0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq12aa5Srh0)
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Oct-18, 09:08:53 AM
PPOs eggs failed again this year, but she and Poppa will have a chance to raise babies! A nearby rescue had 2 orphaned spotted eagle owl chicks that have now been fostered into PPOs nest! So far, so good!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq12aa5Srh0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq12aa5Srh0)
I had read that on FB..so happy for them! :clap:
Title: Re: Potted Plant Owls are back in Johannesburg
Post by: Carol P. on 31-Oct-18, 05:13:06 PM
This is wonderful news! :heart: