Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Offspring => Topic started by: Donna on 16-Apr-18, 09:32:49 PM

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Donna on 16-Apr-18, 09:32:49 PM
harlequin peregrines
both flying
quest with food on top of 225  Ann B

She said Quest was in nest on eggs when she got there then Mystery man brought food, she left the nest, he tried to mate more than once but of course, she said NO!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: DebInTexas on 16-Apr-18, 10:56:00 PM
Good to know Ann B is keeping an eye on her and that she's got eggs again this year.  Thanks for the update.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 17-Apr-18, 06:50:59 AM
Glad things are going well here this year for Quest.  Thanks for posting, Donna.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 17-Apr-18, 07:21:25 AM
Good news for Quest and her Mystery Man!  :wub:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: MAK on 17-Apr-18, 01:00:43 PM
harlequin peregrines
both flying
quest with food on top of 225  Ann B

She said Quest was in nest on eggs when she got there then Mystery man brought food, she left the nest, he tried to mate more than once but of course, she said NO!

Atta girl Quest-she keeps her men in check!  LOL  :laugh:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Donna on 14-May-18, 07:59:11 AM
(https://s7.postimg.cc/snwzwv1nb/5-13_Q_mate.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/snwzwv1nb/)  Mystery Man, Quests mate, brings food
(https://s7.postimg.cc/i136rg17r/5-13_Quest.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/i136rg17r/) Quest comes out to get it

Ann said she saw at least 2 babies, could be more!   :devil:

Photos by Ann B

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: MAK on 14-May-18, 10:41:26 AM
(https://s7.postimg.cc/snwzwv1nb/5-13_Q_mate.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/snwzwv1nb/)  Mystery Man, Quests mate, brings food
(https://s7.postimg.cc/i136rg17r/5-13_Quest.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/i136rg17r/) Quest comes out to get it

Ann said she saw at least 2 babies, could be more!   :devil:

Photos by Ann B

Yay, thanks Donna and Ann!  :wave:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: MAK on 30-May-18, 12:39:54 AM
Quest and Mystery have 4 boys!!! Woohoo!  :surprise:

From CPF

4 boys at Duncan Mills! A few pics from today's (May 29) banding. We welcome THOR (X/83, 19 days, 700 g, green tape), TT (X/84, 19 days, 625 g, red tape), LOKI (X/85, 17 days, 520 g, yellow tape), VELCRO (X/87, 18 days, 520 g, blue tape). Quest and Mystery Guy have been feeding their boys very well .. all had full crops! Wishing them safe and successful fledges! Cheers, Lucie

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Donna on 22-Jun-18, 06:36:05 AM
Update from Duncan Mill. Today was a MARVELous day indeed! First thing in the morning, I found LOKI on the ground directly below the nest ledge. When I arrived 3 juvies were on the nest ledge, but thanks to Quest sitting on the ledge below and looking down, I was able to figure out where #4 was. Loki had a chance to rest all day and is being released on the roof tonight. Just before I was to leave around 6 pm, THOR decided to fledge and was found walking the ledge off the upper parking lot between #220 and #240. Great team effort rescue and he is also being released with his brother tonight.

Yesterday, a banding took place for the male juvie from Mount Sinai hospital. (named CHASE, X/05) And it took place in the office that looks onto the nest ledge! Thank you to the owner of the unit who let us use his office for banding ... what a bonus to see a different perspective of Quest's nest ledge too!! Cheers, Luci
(https://s33.postimg.cc/5zalhhn5n/6-21_LOKI.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/5zalhhn5n/) LOKI

(https://s33.postimg.cc/maapdt7d7/6-21_Thor.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/maapdt7d7/) THOR

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Jun-18, 09:20:42 AM
Great story from FB!

An incredible story of 'brotherly love' from Duncan Mill that deserves to have its own post!   VELCRO continues to amaze us with his flying skills and now he has done something even more amazing!

THOR was back on the roof of the nest building after his second rescue last night and ready to start another day.  When he took flight this afternoon from the southwest corner of the roof, he headed into open space and we had no idea where he was going to land.  Suddenly, another falcon took off at jet speed after him and guided him back, but THOR, now heading towards #225, looked like he was going to hit the building.  Again, he was intercepted and guided back to the roof of the nest building where both falcons landed safely.  When we looked through our bins, we were flabbergasted! to find that it was not a parent but his brother VELCRO!!!! who came to his assistance.   I immediately took this photo (Velcro on the left).   An intervention like this is done by a parent, and none of the fledge watchers have witnessed another fledgling performing this action!!  Way to go VELCRO <3  Cheers, Lucie 🙂


Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 26-Jun-18, 10:09:25 AM
So awesome! I saw Mariah do this with Isaura. This year we were pleasantly surprised when Mike dropped off food with Sundara. That was a first for me.  :wub:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Jun-18, 11:47:49 AM
So awesome! I saw Mariah do this with Isaura. This year we were pleasantly surprised when Mike dropped off food with Sundara. That was a first for me.  :wub:

He’s a sweetie..a great brother.  :heart:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 02-Sep-18, 10:23:14 AM
Loki banded X/85 earlier this year has been found injured yesterday in Hamilton and is currently in care.  

Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge
50 mins ·

This gorgeous young Peregrine Falcon was picked up by City of Hamilton Animal Services yesterday from downtown #Hamilton.

This youngster broke his right wrist. He is scheduled for x-rays and we will be consulting with the expert surgeons to see if this fracture can be surgically repaired.

For those of you watching peregrine’s: the bird is banded and wears auxiliary band X85.

https://www.facebook.com/Hobbitstee/photos/a.711317945587858/2043483292371310/?type=3&theater (https://www.facebook.com/Hobbitstee/photos/a.711317945587858/2043483292371310/?type=3&theater)

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: MAK on 02-Sep-18, 03:13:01 PM

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Sep-18, 03:46:39 PM
That’s so sad..hope it’s able to be surgically repaired.  :(

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Sep-18, 02:43:13 PM
I hope they are able to help Loki and that he will continue his journey.  :heart:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 05-Sep-18, 04:54:33 PM
Loki UPdate:

Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge


- the opossum with the eye injury: Dr. Lee removed the sutures today. The eye is healing, but the ulcer is still there, so we will continue with the medication and hopefully it will resolve itself.

-the Peregrine from Hamilton: X-rays show a fracture of the metacarpus. It is being dealt with and hopefully he will recover fully.

Many thanks to the always amazing Dr. Lee and her staff at Scott Veterinary Clinic.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Donna on 06-Sep-18, 08:57:29 AM
Loki UPdate:

Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge


- the opossum with the eye injury: Dr. Lee removed the sutures today. The eye is healing, but the ulcer is still there, so we will continue with the medication and hopefully it will resolve itself.

-the Peregrine from Hamilton: X-rays show a fracture of the metacarpus. It is being dealt with and hopefully he will recover fully.

Many thanks to the always amazing Dr. Lee and her staff at Scott Veterinary Clinic.

I wish him a speedy recovery so he can speed outta there! Thanks Carly!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: MAK on 06-Sep-18, 12:31:36 PM
Loki UPdate:

Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge


- the opossum with the eye injury: Dr. Lee removed the sutures today. The eye is healing, but the ulcer is still there, so we will continue with the medication and hopefully it will resolve itself.

-the Peregrine from Hamilton: X-rays show a fracture of the metacarpus. It is being dealt with and hopefully he will recover fully.

Many thanks to the always amazing Dr. Lee and her staff at Scott Veterinary Clinic.

I wish him a speedy recovery so he can speed outta there! Thanks Carly!

Yeah, what Donna said!  :wave:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 06-Sep-18, 07:49:26 PM
This is very hopeful news.  Thanks Carly! Be well young Loki!  :pray:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 07-Sep-18, 08:51:08 AM
            Thanks for the update, Carly!

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 11-Apr-19, 12:19:00 PM
Long time follower Alison Brown sent me this:

Quest is on eggs!! (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/04/sightings/quest-is-on-eggs/)
April 09, 2019 - Toronto - Don Mills
Cathy Kerr Reports:

I stopped by today to check on Quest and Mystery Guy and found Quest down on eggs in the nest box!!  She was peeking out from the nest box–I could hardly see her. I got a few pictures but I was across the street, in the parking lot but she looked pretty cute!  We will have to wait for hatch to find out how many this year…Sure miss the camera and all our friends at Harlequin with their great observations!

Posted on April 9, 2019 8:01 pm
Observation for Toronto - Don Mills (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/04/sightings/quest-is-on-eggs/)

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Annette on 11-Apr-19, 03:26:59 PM
Long time follower Alison Brown sent me this:

Quest is on eggs!! (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/04/sightings/quest-is-on-eggs/)
April 09, 2019 - Toronto - Don Mills
Cathy Kerr Reports:

I stopped by today to check on Quest and Mystery Guy and found Quest down on eggs in the nest box!!  She was peeking out from the nest box–I could hardly see her. I got a few pictures but I was across the street, in the parking lot but she looked pretty cute!  We will have to wait for hatch to find out how many this year…Sure miss the camera and all our friends at Harlequin with their great observations!

Posted on April 9, 2019 8:01 pm
Observation for Toronto - Don Mills (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/04/sightings/quest-is-on-eggs/)

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 12-May-19, 03:46:05 PM
Happy Mothers Day to Quest!! As reported on our website (www.peregrine-foundation.ca (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca)) we confirmed a hatch on Tuesday. So Sally and I decided to spend some time yesterday trying to see how many! And we weren't disappointed!! We definitely saw 3 babies!!! And possibly a fourth, but it's a long way from the parking garage roof top and we can't confirm it... Yet!! We will be keeping an eye on this nest and we will keep you posted!! Here are some of our pictures.. A bit grainy due to the distance but still... Cuties!

Photos on CPF Facebook!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 12-May-19, 06:09:24 PM
Happy Mother's Day Quest!  :clap:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 12-May-19, 06:20:52 PM
Happy Mothers Day to Quest!! As reported on our website (www.peregrine-foundation.ca (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca)) we confirmed a hatch on Tuesday. So Sally and I decided to spend some time yesterday trying to see how many! And we weren't disappointed!! We definitely saw 3 babies!!! And possibly a fourth, but it's a long way from the parking garage roof top and we can't confirm it... Yet!! We will be keeping an eye on this nest and we will keep you posted!! Here are some of our pictures.. A bit grainy due to the distance but still... Cuties!

Photos on CPF Facebook!

Great news!  Thanks, Carly!

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 02-Jun-19, 11:44:43 AM
This is from Alison Brown.

2 boys and 2 girls for QUEST and MYSTERY GUY!! (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/05/sightings/2-boys-and-2-girls-for-quest-and-mystery-guy/)
May 30, 2019 - Toronto - Don Mills
Cathy Kerr Reports:

It was a great banding day at Don Mills! Here is Lucie's report and pics:

Each name bears special meaning to those who selected them.

Welcome DOHA (f, Z/70, 985g, 26 days, red tape), RZLBD (m, C/57, 715g, 26 days, yellow tape), MATRIX (m, C/58, 720g, 25 days, green tape), BOBAK (f, Z/71, 965g, 25 days, blue tape)

We extend a huge thank you to Reza Aliabadi, who invited us to do the banding in his office. The nest ledge is located outside his window and he gets the best view of this family! Since moving in last year, he has been watching Quest, Mystery guy, and their kids, and you can follow his photos on instagram: khatoon_falcon

It was a pleasure to meet him, his staff and a couple of his clients, who absolutely adore the peregrines and were so excited to be a part of this event!

The first photo (after our matriarch) is Reza and RZLBD (nicknamed Rzee). He is named after Reza???s boutique art and architecture practice: Atelier RZLBD

We wish our eyases safe and successful fledges. <3 Cheers, Lucie

http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/05/sightings/2-boys-and-2-girls-for-quest-and-mystery-guy/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2019/05/sightings/2-boys-and-2-girls-for-quest-and-mystery-guy/)

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 08-Sep-19, 09:36:22 PM
Also today - Doha was caught at a Simcoe banding station - she weights 1009 grams now and she's a beauty!

https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/ (https://www.facebook.com/simcoecountybanding/)

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 20-May-20, 09:58:20 PM
Banding took place here today - 2 boys and 1 girl!

From CPF FB:

Our second banding was at Don Mills/old Harlequin: Its also 2 girls and a boy for Quest & Mystery!

Welcome: Hope(female, 760g, banded Z/32, Red tape), Seven of Nine(female, 805g, banded Z/31, White tape) and Canuck(male, 605g, banded C/11, Yellow/green tape).

Quest was her usual amazing self, buzzing everyone and Mystery was also very present and very vocal. All quiet when we left-beautiful family! Fledge watch begins before we know it!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 20-May-20, 10:26:54 PM
Banding took place here today - 2 boys and 1 girl!

From CPF FB:

Our second banding was at Don Mills/old Harlequin: Its also 2 girls and a boy for Quest & Mystery!

Welcome: Hope(female, 760g, banded Z/32, Red tape), Seven of Nine(female, 805g, banded Z/31, White tape) and Canuck(male, 605g, banded C/11, Yellow/green tape).

Quest was her usual amazing self, buzzing everyone and Mystery was also very present and very vocal. All quiet when we left-beautiful family! Fledge watch begins before we know it!

Our first Star Trek name. A big girl named after a Borg. lol  Thanks Carly! This is great news.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 17-Jun-20, 10:14:32 PM
Sad news from CPF...:sorrow:

Absolutely heartbreaking news-on her second flight this morning, our beautiful Hope hit an unmerciful glass building and was killed instantly.  Bruce saw her first flight, which she kept height and landed on 240, second ledge from the top.  He missed her second one, but saw Quest and Mystery on the pink building at the back, looking down and went around to find her .  Quest flew low over her baby and away.  

Fly forever sweet one

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Annette on 18-Jun-20, 02:00:11 AM
Sad news from CPF...:sorrow:

Absolutely heartbreaking news-on her second flight this morning, our beautiful Hope hit an unmerciful glass building and was killed instantly.  Bruce saw her first flight, which she kept height and landed on 240, second ledge from the top.  He missed her second one, but saw Quest and Mystery on the pink building at the back, looking down and went around to find her .  Quest flew low over her baby and away.  

Fly forever sweet one
  :crying: :crying:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 18-Jun-20, 07:47:47 PM
Sad news from CPF...:sorrow:

Absolutely heartbreaking news-on her second flight this morning, our beautiful Hope hit an unmerciful glass building and was killed instantly.  Bruce saw her first flight, which she kept height and landed on 240, second ledge from the top.  He missed her second one, but saw Quest and Mystery on the pink building at the back, looking down and went around to find her .  Quest flew low over her baby and away.  

Fly forever sweet one

So sad.  Fly Free Hope.  :(

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 05-Apr-21, 04:48:36 PM
Alison Brown forwarded me these two Facebook posts by CPF.

Canadian Peregrine Foundation
March 24 at 3:31 PM

Don Mills : I have been stopping by almost every day, so the pictures are from different days. But I am starting with this afternoon's pics as I observed an exchange!! Dad was in the nest box when I arrived. He came out after 10 minutes or so (its a warm day here), then preened. Quest came in after 15 minutes or so, they echupped (just love hearing them!!) and dad flew off. Quest then headed into the nest box, looked like she rolled a bit then settled in the nest box. Let's hope for successful hatches in just over a month from now 😊

Canadian Peregrine Foundation
April 3 at 4:14 PM

Don Mills update : I stopped by on my way home Thursday to find Quest hanging out on a balcony, south side, of the copper building. It was a cold, very windy day. At first her back was to me but she turned shortly after (to show me her good side😉). Mystery was down on the eggs in the nest box. All good there❤️

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 30-Apr-21, 09:02:54 AM
From the CPF Facebook page:

DON MILLS UPDATE:  Great news!  We have a hatch...or two?  Congrats to Quest & Mystery!  I have been dropping by daily, waiting to catch a feeding and was rewarded tonight!!  Mystery brought a nice package for his growing family.  There was even a nice moment where they both looked at the kids!  Mystery was off and Quest got down to business and fed her brood.  She lovingly  talked to them the whole time, it was so sweet.  I will be watching to find out how many we have over the next week and of course, as they grow.  I added a couple of pics from the last few days as well.

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 08-May-21, 09:36:53 PM
Alison Brown forwarded me this Facebook post by CPF.

Banding Of The Chicks Will Be May 18th at 2:30

May 06, 2021 - Toronto - Don Mills
Marion Nash Reports:

Banding day will not be a public event this year due to COVID-19 restrictions but we will post all photos and information about the chicks after the banding.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 13-May-21, 09:20:26 PM
DON MILLS UPDATE :  It's three for Quest and Mystery! I have been stopping by and have seen some lovely feedings. And three adorable bobble heads! They sure have great appetites and are growing fast.

Photos on CPF FB site.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 13-May-21, 10:18:18 PM
DON MILLS UPDATE :  It's three for Quest and Mystery! I have been stopping by and have seen some lovely feedings. And three adorable bobble heads! They sure have great appetites and are growing fast.

Photos on CPF FB site.


Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 18-May-21, 10:31:36 PM
From the Canadian Peregrine Foundation...

DON MILLS UPDATE : Welcome Sydney, Nico and Bluey!! It's 2 boys and a girl for Quest and Mystery! All three are very healthy, vocal chicks. Thanks to our amazing climber John for another job well done, Mark Heaton for banding (with an assist from me! Made my day) and Lucie for the great pics and always, Mark and Marion Nash for making this happen 😊. Here are their stats lol:
Nico, male, banded C/15, 535 g, blue tape
Bluey, male, banded C/16, 560 g, yellow tape
And our beautiful girl, Sydney, female, banded X/16, 780 g, red tape
Here's to a healthy family and a great fledge watch!


Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 06-Sep-21, 06:42:38 PM
Alison Brown forwarded me this Facebook post by CPF.

July 28

Hate this. It is with such heavy hearts that Sally and I have to tell you that we lost our beautiful Sydney . She was found alive on a glass balcony... We believe she hit the glass and fell in the balcony, could not get out due to a head injury. She was taken to TWC. X-rays showed no broken bones but she succumbed to her injuries hours later. She was a beauty, a big girl, and strong. She took her first flight June11th and unlike her brothers, she never needed rescuing. She got to fly, play with her brothers, and learn to hunt in her short life, so we can be glad for that. Soar high little one

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 06-Sep-21, 06:56:43 PM
Alison Brown forwarded me this Facebook post by CPF.

July 28

Hate this. It is with such heavy hearts that Sally and I have to tell you that we lost our beautiful Sydney . She was found alive on a glass balcony... We believe she hit the glass and fell in the balcony, could not get out due to a head injury. She was taken to TWC. X-rays showed no broken bones but she succumbed to her injuries hours later. She was a beauty, a big girl, and strong. She took her first flight June11th and unlike her brothers, she never needed rescuing. She got to fly, play with her brothers, and learn to hunt in her short life, so we can be glad for that. Soar high little one

Fly free, Sydney. :sorrow:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Annette on 07-Sep-21, 10:15:13 AM
 :crying: :crying:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 07-Sep-21, 08:59:26 PM
Fly free Sydney.  :(

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 10-Mar-22, 11:47:45 AM
One of Quest's 2017 offspring was just on the ledge in Hamilton!!  Sent the info to their admin!  Yikes!  There has also been a female unbanded intruder here.

Here's is a photo of Nemo's bands I grabbed while he was on the ledge just now and one of him so you can see him as a grown up!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 10-Mar-22, 01:02:22 PM
One of Quest's 2017 offspring was just on the ledge in Hamilton!!  Sent the info to their admin!  Yikes!  There has also been a female unbanded intruder here.

Here's is a photo of Nemo's bands I grabbed while he was on the ledge just now and one of him so you can see him as a grown up!

So handsome! Wonder where he?s been these past years and hope he doesn?t cause problems at this site. :eeeeek:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Mar-22, 01:27:44 PM
One of Quest's 2017 offspring was just on the ledge in Hamilton!!  Sent the info to their admin!  Yikes!  There has also been a female unbanded intruder here.

Here's is a photo of Nemo's bands I grabbed while he was on the ledge just now and one of him so you can see him as a grown up!

He reminds me of Mariah...white over his cere...

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 10-Mar-22, 01:55:27 PM
One of Quest's 2017 offspring was just on the ledge in Hamilton!!  Sent the info to their admin!  Yikes!  There has also been a female unbanded intruder here.

Here's is a photo of Nemo's bands I grabbed while he was on the ledge just now and one of him so you can see him as a grown up!

He reminds me of Mariah...white over his cere...

Yes, he does. ♥️

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 04-May-22, 06:48:30 PM
From CPF Facebook - just posted tonight:

Well, after being on hatch watch for the past 4 days, I am happy to report at least 3 hatches for Quest and Mystery!!!(Don Mills). Saw a great feeding this afternoon.  Pictures are from the parking lot across the street and into the box,  so not the greatest but gold to me cause I saw 3(maybe a fourth, time will tell) beautiful faces! It was reported that window washers were there on Friday (parents NOT happy)and saw 4 eggs, so fingers crossed for that! Fledge watch in around 38 days!!!!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: patsy6 on 05-May-22, 01:27:36 AM
From CPF Facebook - just posted tonight:

Well, after being on hatch watch for the past 4 days, I am happy to report at least 3 hatches for Quest and Mystery!!!(Don Mills). Saw a great feeding this afternoon.  Pictures are from the parking lot across the street and into the box,  so not the greatest but gold to me cause I saw 3(maybe a fourth, time will tell) beautiful faces! It was reported that window washers were there on Friday (parents NOT happy)and saw 4 eggs, so fingers crossed for that! Fledge watch in around 38 days!!!!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-May-22, 01:53:11 AM
From CPF Facebook - just posted tonight:

Well, after being on hatch watch for the past 4 days, I am happy to report at least 3 hatches for Quest and Mystery!!!(Don Mills). Saw a great feeding this afternoon.  Pictures are from the parking lot across the street and into the box,  so not the greatest but gold to me cause I saw 3(maybe a fourth, time will tell) beautiful faces! It was reported that window washers were there on Friday (parents NOT happy)and saw 4 eggs, so fingers crossed for that! Fledge watch in around 38 days!!!!

 :hatch1: :hatch1: :hatch1:


Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 05-May-22, 09:17:47 AM
From CPF Facebook - just posted tonight:

Well, after being on hatch watch for the past 4 days, I am happy to report at least 3 hatches for Quest and Mystery!!!(Don Mills). Saw a great feeding this afternoon.  Pictures are from the parking lot across the street and into the box,  so not the greatest but gold to me cause I saw 3(maybe a fourth, time will tell) beautiful faces! It was reported that window washers were there on Friday (parents NOT happy)and saw 4 eggs, so fingers crossed for that! Fledge watch in around 38 days!!!!

       Awesome! Thanks, Carly!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 05-May-22, 04:52:39 PM
From CPF Facebook - just posted tonight:

Well, after being on hatch watch for the past 4 days, I am happy to report at least 3 hatches for Quest and Mystery!!!(Don Mills). Saw a great feeding this afternoon.  Pictures are from the parking lot across the street and into the box,  so not the greatest but gold to me cause I saw 3(maybe a fourth, time will tell) beautiful faces! It was reported that window washers were there on Friday (parents NOT happy)and saw 4 eggs, so fingers crossed for that! Fledge watch in around 38 days!!!!

This is wonderful news!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 26-May-22, 11:06:51 PM
From Canadian Peregrine Foundation FB page-
It's 4 boys for Quest and Mystery!!  Great banding day today, everything went smoothly. John did his usual great job of rappelling down and scooping up the kids while Quest and Mystery kicked up a storm! But they left him alone this year,  glaring at him from across the street.  The kids were brought into the lovely electrical room to be checked out and blinged up by Mark and Eve from the Ministry.  Marion took pictures from outside (she'll be adding her pictures to this post) and Mark (Nash) coordinated everything beautifully.  Thanks to building management and security for allowing us use their building once again and for their usual great support! Details as follows:

1st male, 695 g, C/31, red tape  , Yeager
2nd male, 655 g, C/32, blue tape, Nitro
3rd male, 685 g, C/33, green tape, Ace
4th male, 640 g, C/34, yellow tape, Zigzag

All names were submitted by the building management!

It's going to be a wild ride with 4 boys!! Fledge watch starts June 9th!!


Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 02-Apr-23, 07:31:09 PM
Alison Brown forwarded me this.

From Canadian Peregrine Foundation FB page-
March 21 at 6:13 PM
DON MILLS : Before the season starts, I just want to say a proper goodbye to another one of our resident peregrines, Mystery. He was a great mate to Quest since 2016. They had 22 successful hatches and fledges (tho some were lost after). He was a great Dad, taught his young well, looked out for them, fed them and was always on the alert! He was famous for his many, many alarm calls, which his young picked up quickly and were known to join in on the calls lol. I loved watching their interactions... He would try so hard to get egg time and then try to look after or feed the kids but Quest would only give him small amounts of time... It was so funny and cute. He will be missed.

But there are posts on the real Peregrine Foundation website with a hint that there is a new man, Quest's son from a couple of broods ago: http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/toronto-don-mills/ (http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/toronto-don-mills/)

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Apr-23, 08:58:14 PM
Alison Brown forwarded me this.

From Canadian Peregrine Foundation FB page-
March 21 at 6:13 PM
DON MILLS : Before the season starts, I just want to say a proper goodbye to another one of our resident peregrines, Mystery. He was a great mate to Quest since 2016. They had 22 successful hatches and fledges (tho some were lost after). He was a great Dad, taught his young well, looked out for them, fed them and was always on the alert! He was famous for his many, many alarm calls, which his young picked up quickly and were known to join in on the calls lol. I loved watching their interactions... He would try so hard to get egg time and then try to look after or feed the kids but Quest would only give him small amounts of time... It was so funny and cute. He will be missed.

But there are posts on the real Peregrine Foundation website with a hint that there is a new man, Quest's son from a couple of broods ago: http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/toronto-don-mills/ (http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/toronto-don-mills/)

I hope that Mystery is ok. Happy that Quest is still with us.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 22-Aug-23, 08:57:58 PM
From Canadian Peregrine Foundation on FB. Sad news
Well, I didn't think things could get much worse but they have. Horrible news from Don Mills. I am totally devastated to have to tell you this but our beautiful girl Quest has died. Mark got the call late this afternoon of an adult peregrine down in the Don Mills area. He rushed over to find our beloved Quest. Two fabulous women, Alexis and Tiana, watched over her all day(unfortunately they did not know to call us), keeping her safe until Mark could get there. He took her right away to TWC where they x-rayed her. She had a catastrophic injury to her wing.  Mark and the vet knew she would never fly again, she was in extreme pain and they did the right thing for her, they put her down. We are just gutted. I don't know how else to put it. I can't believe this. I saw her yesterday morning outside her nest box. Her home. Canuck was there this morning, now I know he was waiting for her. I'll do a proper good bye later... RIP our beautiful, fierce, amazing girl.. Fly high❤️💔💔💔
Fly free, beautiful Quest. :sorrow:

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 22-Aug-23, 09:13:36 PM
We followed her for 15 years and tracked her over portions New York, New England, and Canada. She had quite the journey.

Fly free, Quest.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Aug-23, 09:21:24 PM
Such sad news...but what a wonderful journey she took us on! Fly free Quest!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Annette on 23-Aug-23, 02:48:16 AM
Fly free beautiful Quest  :kleenex:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 23-Aug-23, 10:18:35 AM
 :heart: :crying:

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 14-Mar-24, 06:52:19 PM
One of Quest and Mystery's 2018 hatches has been spotted in Oshawa, Ontario.  He is Velcro and yes, same name as Linn's daughter nesting at Detroit Zoo - in case you are wondering where you heard that name before  :happy:

Photo on CPF Facebook.

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Kris G. on 14-Mar-24, 08:30:20 PM
One of Quest and Mystery's 2018 hatches has been spotted in Oshawa, Ontario.  He is Velcro and yes, same name as Linn's daughter nesting at Detroit Zoo - in case you are wondering where you heard that name before  :happy:

Photo on CPF Facebook.

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)


Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 25-Mar-24, 04:58:47 PM
One of Quest and Mystery's 2018 hatches has been spotted in Oshawa, Ontario.  He is Velcro and yes, same name as Linn's daughter nesting at Detroit Zoo - in case you are wondering where you heard that name before  :happy:

Photo on CPF Facebook.

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)


Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 30-Mar-24, 04:19:45 AM
Velcro has been confirmed as the resident male at Lakeridge Hospital in Oshawa. Alfrieda laid their first egg on Thursday. 

From CPF Facebook:

Sally, Lucie and I decided to head out to the Lakeridge Hospital site to confirm the identity of the nesting pair. We are very excited to confirm that our boy VELCRO has been confirmed as the resident male at this site!! And it's been confirmed that he was here last year as well(thanks to Linda) !! We also confirmed (thank you Sally for that pic!!) that Alfrieda, 73/AW, 2012 hatch out of Buffalo NY is still the resident female (& since 2014!!).  They had 2 chicks last year(Grandkids of our Quest & Mystery) . We have no way, atm, of knowing if Velco was there before that. But he has a wonderful site and a good mate, great news!! And even better, as they have a wonderful camera there, we can follow them.  Here is the link :

Linda also reports that there has been a sub adult intruder. She has a sequence which I include in the pictures at the end.

Thanks to Linda, Scott and Sally for the pictures.

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 30-Mar-24, 09:19:40 AM
Velcro has been confirmed as the resident male at Lakeridge Hospital in Oshawa. Alfrieda laid their first egg on Thursday.

From CPF Facebook:

Sally, Lucie and I decided to head out to the Lakeridge Hospital site to confirm the identity of the nesting pair. We are very excited to confirm that our boy VELCRO has been confirmed as the resident male at this site!! And it's been confirmed that he was here last year as well(thanks to Linda) !! We also confirmed (thank you Sally for that pic!!) that Alfrieda, 73/AW, 2012 hatch out of Buffalo NY is still the resident female (& since 2014!!).  They had 2 chicks last year(Grandkids of our Quest & Mystery) . We have no way, atm, of knowing if Velco was there before that. But he has a wonderful site and a good mate, great news!! And even better, as they have a wonderful camera there, we can follow them.  Here is the link :
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xNo3y_gyLm4.. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xNo3y_gyLm4..)

Linda also reports that there has been a sub adult intruder. She has a sequence which I include in the pictures at the end.

Thanks to Linda, Scott and Sally for the pictures.

Link to Facebook post w/photos:
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 30-Mar-24, 09:42:22 AM
Velcro has been confirmed as the resident male at Lakeridge Hospital in Oshawa. Alfrieda laid their first egg on Thursday. 

From CPF Facebook:

We also confirmed (thank you Sally for that pic!!) that Alfrieda, 73/AW, 2012 hatch out of Buffalo NY is still the resident female (& since 2014!!).  They had 2 chicks last year(Grandkids of our Quest & Mystery) .

Thanks to Linda, Scott and Sally for the pictures.

And Alfrieda is a daughter of Diamante, son of M&K. She was hatched at Central Terminal Buffalo.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 05-May-24, 06:36:46 PM
First hatch for Alfrieda and Velcro  :handshake:

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 05-May-24, 07:51:00 PM
First hatch for Alfrieda and Velcro  :handshake:

The legacy continues!

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 27-May-24, 09:07:13 PM
Alfrieda and Velcro's only hatch was banded today.  Quite an exciting story from CPF FB:

Echo, male, 595g, X/70, red tape

Lakeridge Health  banding :  It's a boy for Velcro and Alfrieda! Grandson of Quest and Mystery, and extra special, Marion named Velcro ❤️

He is a healthy beautiful chick named Echo. The hospital named him.  Everyone enjoyed seeing him get his bling up in the mechanical room.

Mark Heaton got him out of the nest box and removed the 3 unhatched eggs, which will be sent out for testing.

When Mark came in, I asked him where the broom was he left it on the ledge.  I said she might take it, he said nah. And it was gone when we went to put him back. This would not be the first time a broom had been snatched BUT its the first time we have pictures!! Linda sat out in the pouring rain while we were inside banding, and she got some great pics!! We could hear the screaming outside, and little Echo was doing his best impression inside. Nice and fiesty... Apparently like his mom!

Linda reported that Alfrieda picked at it, then attacked it and then picked it up and flew it across the road where she dropped it, narrowly missing a van!! Linda was kind enough to put it on the boulevard for me. When I left, I stopped and got it, Alfrieda came screaming at me, swooping, got Velcro into the mix! Boy, she was mad. Don't blame her lol.

Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 28-May-24, 07:17:43 AM
That broom learned its lesson.

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Carol P. on 28-May-24, 02:59:19 PM
 :wub: Echo. Another M&K kid! You have to wonder how many M&K kids are out there? 100's, 1,000's? We'll never know for sure. 🙂

Title: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: carly on 28-Jun-24, 09:48:18 PM
And here we go again...the new male at Brampton courthouse has just been positively ID'd as another son of Quest & Mystery.  (CPF Facebook).  They have one fledgling, a boy named Percy who was just banded on rescue and released back to mom and dad.  (Percy, X/71)


Lucy and I are so thrilled to announce that the resident male at Brampton Courthouse has been positively ID'd as NICO, 2021 hatch out of Don Mills, son of our beloved Quest and Mystery!!!! Percy is their grandson! Beautiful ❤️

Sally, Bob, Mark and Marion and I fledge watched him... His first flight found him landing on a hydro pole, in wires, on a blistering hot day. We waited anxiously and he finally took off low, came down and Mark rescued him.  Obviously, he was released successfully and now has a wonderful mate and the cutest son!!

I asked Lucie and Winston to try and get an ID as soon as Toivo let me know that the male was banded. Winston got a partial, and we suspected Nico but we needed positive ID. And Lucie got it!!  Thanks guys for this wonderful news.

I've dug up some of Nico's fledge watch pics but the best one is Lucie's... Our boy all grown up.  Sorry if this is a bit sappy, but we put so much into our fledge watches and CPF, and it's for moments like this, that make it all worth while.


Title: Re: Re: Quest (2008) and Mystery man - Toronto/Don Mills
Post by: Shaky on 28-Jun-24, 10:02:36 PM
The legacy continues.