Title: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Kris G. on 01-May-11, 07:44:07 PM
Just read this on the CPF site!
!!! Ranger Is The Resident Female- Linda Woods Reports: Ranger has been clearly identified as the resident female peregrine falcon setting up house at Mt.Sinai. A wonderful opportunity for Tracy to snap this photo and make a positive ID.
Ranger was hatched in Rochester, N.Y in 2001 and is the grand-daughter of Toronto’s first ever nesting peregrine falcons from King St, Pounce Kingsley and his mate Victoria.
Ranger’s mate has not been positively Identified as yet, but Peregrine Falcons mate for life, indications are that her mate is still Hunter, who was hatched in Columbus, Ohio in 2000. Ranger is wearing red and black bands on the left leg. Hunter wears green and black bands on his left leg.
Nesting behaviour continues, and we are continuing to monitor and observe. Hopefully soon we will have photos of the nest itself. Mother Nature has to bring us some warm weather and sunny skies to allow the adults a little time away from the nest.
Thank you to the staff at Mt.Sinai and Princess Margaret Hospitals for their ongoing support and updates.
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-May-11, 07:51:28 PM
Just read this on the CPF site! !!! Ranger Is The Resident Female- Linda Woods Reports: Ranger has been clearly identified as the resident female peregrine falcon setting up house at Mt.Sinai. A wonderful opportunity for Tracy to snap this photo and make a positive ID.
:yippee: :yippee: :yippee: I hope she has a successful nest this year!
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: carly on 01-May-11, 08:10:28 PM
Wow...you guys are taking over our city :laugh: I'm so glad she's alive and well, that's fantastic news after all these years. :notworthy:
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 01-May-11, 10:42:38 PM
Party across the border!!! (http://i989.photobucket.com/albums/af20/xxtop_II/flags/Canada.png)
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: chlosmom on 01-May-11, 11:25:55 PM
are they crossing the border for canadian health care????
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Bird Crazy on 01-May-11, 11:44:14 PM
are they crossing the border for canadian health care????
To a Falcon there is NO BORDER its all theirs :wave:
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-May-11, 06:37:08 AM
Wow...you guys are taking over our city :laugh: I'm so glad she's alive and well, that's fantastic news after all these years. :notworthy:
Well, the Ranger story did START in Toronto! :handshake: In all seriousness, I suspect Mariah & Kaver were hatched in Canada too...just too many offspring seem to wind up there for it to be coincidence.
Title: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-May-11, 06:39:18 AM
:secret2: Big Frank-could you see if they can fix the picture of Ranger? Thanks!
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: BIGFRANK on 04-May-11, 04:41:47 AM
Will ask about it tomorrow(Wed) ASAP.
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Carol P. on 05-May-11, 10:20:54 PM
http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/)
Not good news for poor Ranger (and Hunter?). Seems she is not destined to be a mom. :(
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Kris G. on 05-May-11, 10:24:59 PM
http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/)
Not good news for poor Ranger (and Hunter?). Seems she is not destined to be a mom. :(
I don't know her history. She's never had any babies?
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: valhalla on 06-May-11, 05:21:41 AM
http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/)
Not good news for poor Ranger (and Hunter?). Seems she is not destined to be a mom. :(
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Carol P. on 06-May-11, 04:55:45 PM
As far as we know, Ranger and Hunter have never had a successful hatch. There have been suspicions that one or the other is infertile. I would absolutely love to see her finally have a young one to raise. :heart: Her legacy is strong and important. She is the grandaughter of Victoria and Ponce-Kingsley from Toronto, daughter of Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco from Rochester. :heart: http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/ (http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2011/05/sightings/current-clutch-of-eggs-has-failed/)
Not good news for poor Ranger (and Hunter?). Seems she is not destined to be a mom. :(
I don't know her history. She's never had any babies?
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Kris G. on 06-May-11, 07:31:43 PM
As far as we know, Ranger and Hunter have never had a successful hatch. There have been suspicions that one or the other is infertile. I would absolutely love to see her finally have a young one to raise. :heart: Her legacy is strong and important. She is the grandaughter of Victoria and Ponce-Kingsley from Toronto, daughter of Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco from Rochester. :heart:
I knew she was a daughter of Mariah and C-S but wondered what her history has been since she left the nest. Has she always been in Toronto with Hunter? Where was their original nest site if this is a new place for them?
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Carol P. on 06-May-11, 08:52:45 PM
Ranger and Hunter have been together for a long time, always in the Toronto area. I believe they've changed nesting locations quite frequently and that they may have been at Mt Sinai Hosp for a couple years. As far as we know, Ranger and Hunter have never had a successful hatch. There have been suspicions that one or the other is infertile. I would absolutely love to see her finally have a young one to raise. :heart: Her legacy is strong and important. She is the grandaughter of Victoria and Ponce-Kingsley from Toronto, daughter of Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco from Rochester. :heart:
I knew she was a daughter of Mariah and C-S but wondered what her history has been since she left the nest. Has she always been in Toronto with Hunter? Where was their original nest site if this is a new place for them?
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 06-May-11, 09:01:48 PM
Hunter is from a strong line too...he's half brother of Erie (Beauty's father), Leopold & Roosevelt. We can only hope they had some success before they were identified. They have been a faithful pair-some couples are just meant to care for each other. Ranger and Hunter have been together for a long time, always in the Toronto area. I believe they've changed nesting locations quite frequently and that they may have been at Mt Sinai Hosp for a couple years. As far as we know, Ranger and Hunter have never had a successful hatch. There have been suspicions that one or the other is infertile. I would absolutely love to see her finally have a young one to raise. :heart: Her legacy is strong and important. She is the grandaughter of Victoria and Ponce-Kingsley from Toronto, daughter of Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco from Rochester. :heart:
I knew she was a daughter of Mariah and C-S but wondered what her history has been since she left the nest. Has she always been in Toronto with Hunter? Where was their original nest site if this is a new place for them?
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Carol P. on 06-May-11, 09:50:00 PM
I agree Ei! These two have been very faithful to each other over the years. :heart: Hunter is from a strong line too...he's half brother of Erie (Beauty's father), Leopold & Roosevelt. We can only hope they had some success before they were identified. They have been a faithful pair-some couples are just meant to care for each other. Ranger and Hunter have been together for a long time, always in the Toronto area. I believe they've changed nesting locations quite frequently and that they may have been at Mt Sinai Hosp for a couple years. As far as we know, Ranger and Hunter have never had a successful hatch. There have been suspicions that one or the other is infertile. I would absolutely love to see her finally have a young one to raise. :heart: Her legacy is strong and important. She is the grandaughter of Victoria and Ponce-Kingsley from Toronto, daughter of Mariah and Cabot-Sirocco from Rochester. :heart:
I knew she was a daughter of Mariah and C-S but wondered what her history has been since she left the nest. Has she always been in Toronto with Hunter? Where was their original nest site if this is a new place for them?
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 08-May-11, 10:53:49 AM
No offspring, but still a falcon to be reckoned with. Imagine looking out your office window to find this scene:  A 2003 photo by Todd Sharman from the CPF website. Paul
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 08-May-11, 11:01:48 AM
 Ranger 2011 (thanks for fixing the picture CPF!)
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: MAK on 08-May-11, 01:30:51 PM
No offspring, but still a falcon to be reckoned with. Imagine looking out your office window to find this scene:  A 2003 photo by Todd Sharman from the CPF website. Paul Beautiful! ;D
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: margaret on 08-May-11, 04:00:29 PM
No offspring, but still a falcon to be reckoned with. Imagine looking out your office window to find this scene:  A 2003 photo by Todd Sharman from the CPF website. Paul Beautiful! ;D Ranger is quite the beauty. Did you see what she is sitting on? She flew that duck up to the window ledge of a skyscraper? Trying to keep track...Ranger is the offspring of Mariah and C-S? Hatched 2003? And no one has record of any offspring of Ranger? So sad; she is a beauty!
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Shaky on 08-May-11, 04:14:27 PM
Ranger was hatched in 2001.
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Bird Crazy on 08-May-11, 10:03:15 PM
No offspring, but still a falcon to be reckoned with. Imagine looking out your office window to find this scene:  A 2003 photo by Todd Sharman from the CPF website. Paul I could only wish :wub:
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: dale on 08-May-11, 10:14:56 PM
 Paul one of the toughest peregrine photographs ever. Great.
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 08-May-11, 10:20:36 PM
And the poor duck! :( Oh well, such is life, well in this case...NOT! It is a great pic.
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: valhalla on 09-May-11, 05:09:11 AM
 Paul one of the toughest peregrine photographs ever. Great. Absolutely! :bow: I love this photo :clap:
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-Jun-11, 07:40:25 PM
!!! Tough time for Turkey Vulture June 02, 2011 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital Linda Woods Reports: This morning as I was walking north on University Ave, approaching Elm St. I caught sight of a Turkey Vulture high tailing it off the University Ave building of Sick Children’s Hospital. It flew low past the south side of Mt.Sinai Hospital. I kept my eyes to the sky and Ranger was in hot pursuit chasing it out of the area. I think the peregrines may have grounded the bird since it was flying so low. I believe the bird made a safe getaway while, both Hunter and Ranger did regular patrols coming back to the east elevation of Mt.Sinai. No indication that Ranger and Hunter have laid a new clutch of eggs.
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Aug-13, 02:40:45 PM
Ranger and Hunter Still Rule the Mount Sinai Territory August 08, 2013 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital Tracy Simpson Reports: On Sunday, Bruce and I were out and about checking on Toronto nest sites and decided to pop in on the Mount Sinai territory. As many of you may know, this site has been in the talons of Ranger, now 12 years old from Rochester, New York and Hunter who is an Ohio male of 13 years of age. This pair have unfortunately never successfully hatched eggs since they began courting and mating at Yonge and Eglinton almost a decade ago. Even so, the pair has remained together and continue to control the skies around the Mount Sinai Hospital. On Sunday, Bruce and I were treated to an up close version of the pair as they rocketed down Elm Street over towards the hospital. First Hunter arrived and landed on the low roof of the Toronto General Hospital. It wasn’t long before another falcon, this one an enormous flying fortess, came flapping up the street with a pigeon in her talons. Ranger! She landed three floors above street level on the east side of Mount Sinai and began to eat. Hunter, thinking this was a great idea, landed next to her and begged for a taste. That did not go over as well as he’d hoped. He tried to sneak in and grab a bite after patiently waiting for 15 minutes and Ranger simply turned sharply and knocked him right off the ledge and into the air. Brave man that Hunter trying to sneak a bite!! After feeding for about 20 minutes, Ranger attempted to cache the remains which Hunter was glad to take over to the Toronto General to eat. It was great to see the pair and confirm that it is still Ranger and Hunter in the area. They are both very impressive birds to watch and it was a treat for us to see them at such a great vantage point. I have posted a couple of pictures and will post others soon.  Ranger Hunter
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Aug-13, 02:43:28 PM
More Pictures of Hunter and Ranger August 09, 2013 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital Tracy Simpson Reports: It was so great to see the pair active around Mount Sinai and we enjoyed watching the dynamics between the pair. Here are a few more photos of the two of them. I don’t often have them down so low that I can get anything reasonably good so I was pleased to have this opportunity. They are both so gorgeous. It was difficult in the low light to get great shots but I hope you enjoy seeing the pair pictured here.  Hunter  Ranger
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: MAK on 09-Aug-13, 04:00:28 PM
I think we can consider :star: Ranger :star: and :star: Hunter :star: a super couple as they have stayed together despite not reproducing. :clap: :clap:
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: valhalla on 09-Aug-13, 04:11:31 PM
I think we can consider :star: Ranger :star: and :star: Hunter :star: a super couple as they have stayed together despite not reproducing. :clap: :clap:
Ranger's parents are M&K, so I'm not surprised....
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 09-Aug-13, 05:07:14 PM
I think we can consider :star: Ranger :star: and :star: Hunter :star: a super couple as they have stayed together despite not reproducing. :clap: :clap:
Ranger's parents are M&K, so I'm not surprised.... Actually Mariah & Cabot-Sirocco
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 03-Jan-14, 12:20:11 AM
!!! Sad news to report to end 2013. Ranger from Rochester NY has been recovered dead! January 02, 2014 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital CPF Postmaster Reports: December 27th - 2013 It is with sad news that we must report about news received this afternoon - (Jan 2nd 2014) that a deceased adult female peregrine was recovered from the downtown city streets of Toronto. We have been able to identify the peregrine as being one of our long standing resident territorial adults,, named Ranger, a peregrine produced in 2001 at the Kodak nest site in Rochester New York, USA. Both Ranger and her mate (named Hunter,,, a 2000 year produced peregrine from Ohio USA) has been nesting here in Toronto at several different nest locations for almost 12 years. Both peregrines have been closely monitored by the Canadian Peregrine Foundation staff and volunteers for a very long time indeed and have been part of Toronto’s landscape. Sadly, Ranger and Hunter were never successful in hatching any of their eggs year after year despite all of their dedicated efforts. It certainly was not from the lack of trying, as the pair remained fateful to one another since their arrival almost 12 years ago! They produced several clutches of eggs every year, (some years, they produced three clutches of eggs),,, and underwent continuous prolonged incubation periods on every clutch of eggs!! The pair spent some 50 days of prolonged incubation on several of the clutches and refused to give up incubating until the eggs finally imploded. Ranger and Hunter spent time at the old up-town Toronto nest site, - (the Canadian Tire building at Yonge & Eglinton),,, at the Four Seasons Hotel nest site at Bay Street & Yonge Street,,, and their final nest territorial nest site in downtown Toronto at the Mt Sinai Hospital nest site. We received communication from Mark Heaton from Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources today - (Jan. 2nd - 2014) that a deceased peregrine was picked up from the streets on Dec. 27th 2013. Photos were forwarded along to us clearly showing the Black A over Red 0 leg band numbers. One of the photos shows evidence of a wrist injury on her left wing, but as of this date, we have no details of the cause of her death. Despite the minor injury to her wrist, Ranger appears to be in very good condition and very good weight. You are advised that some of the images may be disturbing to look at. Stay tuned…..  Rest in Peace sweet Ranger! So so sad! :sorrow: :kleenex:
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: MAK on 03-Jan-14, 12:26:52 AM
Ranger was one heck of a determined Peregrine to have babies-a STAR in my book. :star:
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 03-Jan-14, 12:31:56 AM
Ranger, our lil duck hunter!! Hope she didn't suffer! :(
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: patsy6 on 03-Jan-14, 12:33:21 AM
Oh, poor Ranger! At least she is no longer suffering. And poor Hunter now that Ranger is lost. :( :'(
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 03-Jan-14, 12:40:44 AM
Oh, poor Ranger! At least she is no longer suffering. And poor Hunter now that Ranger is lost. :( :'(
Hunter is 14, Ranger was almost 13, no babies but so many eggs! Tears me up!
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: MAK on 03-Jan-14, 01:20:16 AM
Oh, poor Ranger! At least she is no longer suffering. And poor Hunter now that Ranger is lost. :( :'(
Hunter is 14, Ranger was almost 13, no babies but so many eggs! Tears me up! Me too! :'(
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Annette on 03-Jan-14, 02:20:34 AM
Fly free Ranger :crying:
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: carly on 03-Jan-14, 07:01:46 AM
Fly free Ranger :crying: :crying:
Poor Hunter, they've been together for so long - I hope he does okay on his own.
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Kris G. on 03-Jan-14, 08:20:22 AM
Fly free, Ranger. :sorrow:
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Jan-14, 08:30:51 AM
Just read this very sad news.
I feel so honored that I was able to have seen you fly.
Fly free beautiful Ranger. :falcon2:
I will dearly miss you. :(
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Jan-14, 08:37:39 AM
Even though you know they can't last forever...sigh...
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: jeanne on 03-Jan-14, 09:26:33 AM
Oh precious Ranger :( fly free little one.
Title: Re: Ranger in Toronto
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 03-Jan-14, 09:35:28 AM
Here's how I remember her. What a bird! No offspring, but still a falcon to be reckoned with. Imagine looking out your office window to find this scene:  A 2003 photo by Todd Sharman from the CPF website. Paul
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Joyce on 03-Jan-14, 11:23:33 AM
Ranger was her Mom's daughter...a wonderful peregrine dedicated to her mate Hunter and her city of Toronto. Fly free Ranger...you were a true "duck hawk"!
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 03-Jan-14, 11:25:40 AM
 FROM CPF One of my absolute favorite pictures of Ranger was this one as I took it and it has a great story behind it. Linda and I were up to a local building mechanical balcony area to check on the nesting progress of Hunter and Ranger as they had a clutch of eggs on the Mount Sinai Hospital they were incubating. We went up with two gentlemen from the building management to the balcony and we were prepping these gents on the way up with tales of how aggressive and full contact Ranger was. I think by the time we got up there they were pretty spooked. We get out onto the balcony area as quietly as we could and I made my way over towards the retaining wall for a look at the nest. Just then I hear a high pitched shriek which consequently came from one of the guys and I turned around to find that I was now the only one on the balcony and the access door was closed which by the way does not open from the outside. *sigh* Oh, man... I turn back to find that Ranger was now sitting on the retaining wall about 10 feet from me huffing and puffing in an attempt to blow my house down. I backed away towards the door slowly, getting this shot as I went, and gently tapped on the door which had now opened a crack and three sets of eyes peering out at me. I squished my way in as Ranger was the kind of girl that would follow you in a door so I had to be careful not to give her an opening. A great memory. Good times Linda. Grateful for such an awesome experience. P.S. I never did get near enough to see the nest. Ranger was all over me if I did!!
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Bird Crazy on 05-Jan-14, 01:09:38 PM
 FROM CPF Fly free, you gorgeous falcon, every year I hoped this would be the one she had a successful hatching. sigh :'(
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: Donna on 20-Jan-14, 10:54:24 AM
Canadian Peregrine Foundation A report just in from Linda. On the south side of Mount Sinai Hospital she has located a single peregrine sitting in the same position as Hunter and Ranger habitually used to sit on cold days for the morning warm up. While we cannot confirm that this is in fact Hunter, there is a very good chance that it is. It looks like he is still in the area and holding on to the Mount Sinai territory on his own. When the frigid weather breaks, we will be down to the territory to see if we can locate the bird and confirm whether this is indeed Hunter. Thank you so much Linda for this important update.
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: patsy6 on 20-Jan-14, 07:16:44 PM
:( Visualizing Hunter still in the area, probably looking for and wondering about Ranger, makes my heart ache for him. To lose a mate after being so faithful and so persistent for so long must be very hard. I hope he does not grieve for long. I am glad he is holding onto his territory, at least for the moment.
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: MAK on 20-Jan-14, 10:47:19 PM
I hope Hunter has a peaceful and safe remainder of his life with no battles. :yes:
Title: Re: Ranger (2001) in Toronto
Post by: valhalla on 21-Jan-14, 11:42:04 AM
I hope Hunter has a peaceful and safe remainder of his life with no battles. :yes:
Me, too! Just catching up and was very saddened to read that our Duck Hunter has passed (Ranger and that duck has to be one of the great images).