Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Discussion => Topic started by: dale on 25-Jul-10, 03:37:51 AM

Title: Callidora question
Post by: dale on 25-Jul-10, 03:37:51 AM
Am I correct that no one has witnessed a kill by C.? I haven't had much time to read lately...
Has she seemed to be trying to hunt in earnest yet or is she still just terrorizing ducks and branches and things?
thanks. dale

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 25-Jul-10, 06:31:31 AM
dale, I don't think there is documented proof of C catching her own yet. She's giving it her best shot though, stooping on anything that moves, ducks, crows, pigeons even the little guys. She's doing pretty well with food exchanges. Someone will see it soon, I'm sure. A & B are teaching her well.

Still hoping Jemison will come back soon.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Carol P. on 25-Jul-10, 06:51:55 AM
Am I correct that no one has witnessed a kill by C.? I haven't had much time to read lately...
Has she seemed to be trying to hunt in earnest yet or is she still just terrorizing ducks and branches and things?
thanks. dale

Hey Dale - She's definitely learning the mechanics of hunting.  Besides all her stoops that have been witnessed on miscellaneous birds, I saw her go talons up on a small bird.  As if to say "excuse me, but please let me grab you, I'm very hungry".  Then she chased it around for a little while.  Since she doesn't have a sibling (at this time) to practice with, she's doing the best she can. Oh, and I saw her chasing a pigeon.

With the heat, A,B&C haven't been too active. 

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 25-Jul-10, 09:45:08 AM
It is so good to read these great stories about Callidora...I am praying that our sweet little  :falcon:
Jemison will be healed soon and come back to join her....
Have a good day everyone...still hot here in NJ..one more day of threatened bad storms and then they promise it to be a little cooler....Even the mockingbirds around my house seem exhausted from this heat!  :-\

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 25-Jul-10, 09:54:11 AM
It is so good to read these great stories about Callidora...I am praying that our sweet little  :falcon:
Jemison will be healed soon and come back to join her....
Have a good day everyone...still hot here in NJ..one more day of threatened bad storms and then they promise it to be a little cooler....Even the mockingbirds around my house seem exhausted from this heat!  :-\

I agree with the HEAT in NJ...it's awful. I was hoping for some hail on Fri...like they predicted. Oh well, Fall will be here soon. Come on Jemison, your sister's waiting. Stay cool FF.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 25-Jul-10, 05:21:53 PM
We had rain here this afternoon, the wind really picked up and it poured for about 2 hours..It is actually cool out there now and the birds are all happily singing around the yard...Fall will be here soon and after that comes snow  :(
I hope we get word on Jemison tomorrow...I am haunting this forum hoping for word on him...

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 25-Jul-10, 06:03:16 PM
We had rain here this afternoon, the wind really picked up and it poured for about 2 hours..It is actually cool out there now and the birds are all happily singing around the yard...Fall will be here soon and after that comes snow  :(
I hope we get word on Jemison tomorrow...I am haunting this forum hoping for word on him...

WE had very little rain...not the storm they expected, (I guess you got that), still thick here, no relief..The birds here are probably craving the rain. Glad your cooled FF. :)

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: dale on 25-Jul-10, 06:21:27 PM
Fall will be here soon

it will NOT.

(from Chicago, where the climate is for amphibians or something. Not people.)

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 01-Aug-10, 11:08:49 AM
Is it possible that Callidora has left the area already? I know she hasn't had a documented hunt/kill yet but maybe she decided she wants to go. If not, she's hiding very well, her last sighting was yesterday at 2:30 on Mercury. I just hope she's OK. Do we worry or do we worry? It just can't be helped.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 01-Aug-10, 11:13:14 AM
I can't help it..I am worried :-(((
It seems a little soon for her to migrate.......

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Aug-10, 11:30:05 AM
No worrying permitted  ;)

The normal progression is for juvies is to travel further & further from home base.  As that happens they are seen at home less frequently.  They're just perching somewhere we haven't seen them go before so we don't know to look there. 

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Aug-10, 11:46:44 AM
Addendum to my last note-just rummaged through Quest's maps.  At the same age, Quest was still in Rochester, but traveling outside normal viewing spots.  At 10 days older (July 31, 2008) she made her first big move to Schenectady and then on to Cape Cod a few days later.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 01-Aug-10, 12:20:47 PM
Addendum to my last note-just rummaged through Quest's maps.  At the same age, Quest was still in Rochester, but traveling outside normal viewing spots.  At 10 days older (July 31, 2008) she made her first big move to Schenectady and then on to Cape Cod a few days later.

I remember Quest leaving at the end of July and yes, she was a bit older than Callidora, (they got a late start) and of course she could be out exploring new areas. It's good to talk about it so others know what's going on instead of just "wondering". She could very well be in a nook some where being Callidora. There's quite a few watcher's out so hopefully someone will figure out this puzzle. When she's hungry enough, she'll show herself.

Thanks Ei.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Aug-10, 12:33:27 PM
Addendum to my last note-just rummaged through Quest's maps.  At the same age, Quest was still in Rochester, but traveling outside normal viewing spots.  At 10 days older (July 31, 2008) she made her first big move to Schenectady and then on to Cape Cod a few days later.

I remember Quest leaving at the end of July and yes, she was a bit older than Callidora, (they got a late start) and of course she could be out exploring new areas. It's good to talk about it so others know what's going on instead of just "wondering". She could very well be in a nook some where being Callidora. There's quite a few watcher's out so hopefully someone will figure out this puzzle. When she's hungry enough, she'll show herself.

Thanks Ei.

You know me...I will not speculate, but I will do research and find whatever facts I can to put things in perspective.   :nerd:

The last to leave in 2008 was Susan B.-last report with a positive ID that I found was August 9th.  The report was from Lou, but there were other watchers out that day...Mariah was trying to chase her out of the gorge.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bird Crazy on 01-Aug-10, 01:50:24 PM
she is probably just hiding

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 01-Aug-10, 01:52:27 PM
she is probably just hiding

Wouldn't be the first time!  :foxbinocs:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Aug-10, 02:01:56 PM
For some perspective for those who haven't actually watched them live...

Watcher's weekend, Saturday evening, a few of us were on the South Ave. garage for...I really don't recall how long...over an hour, probably closer to 2 hours...not a PEFA in sight.  I was lucky that I turned around to look at Chase...

This was all I saw of Callidora before she stooped on a duck over the river...

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Braveheart2665 on 01-Aug-10, 02:26:45 PM
I know - it is amazing how the watchers are able to locate them. I would love to be down there looking but just holding binocs up a short time kills my back. Going to another Chiro tomorrow for a second opinion. I hope I feel better next year so i can do it.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Braveheart2665 on 01-Aug-10, 09:49:59 PM
C -  I  am praying you are ok wherever you are out there.  :( but  :sleepy: You & J stole my  :heart: I'll never forget you  :wub:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 01-Aug-10, 09:55:40 PM
 :wave:You can do it Braveheart!  It's painful but it's sooooo worth it.  Alot of us watchers have medical issues. I look at it as I can sit home and be in pain or I can do something useful. Pain is pain.  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 01-Aug-10, 09:56:30 PM
This is the hard part every season...fewer and fewer sightings until you just know they've moved on.  

I have a feeling Callidora hasn't gone far yet, just don't know where to look for her.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Braveheart2665 on 01-Aug-10, 10:14:53 PM
:wave:You can do it Braveheart!  It's painful but it's sooooo worth it.  Alot of us watchers have medical issues. I look at it as I can sit home and be in pain or I can do something useful. Pain is pain.  :2thumbsup:

Thanks MAK - I know it is & I have other medical issues as well but I do very physical work all week & I need to find out if I  can continue to do it or if I have to stop - Doc say I have a slipped disc & it keeps going out from working. I can take the pain as long as I'm enjoying myself. Thanks for your support  :happy:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: KapiVT on 01-Aug-10, 10:22:34 PM
This is the hard part every season...fewer and fewer sightings until you just know they've moved on.  
I think it is made more difficult this year because we are only following one.  With four or five out there, one missing for a day is not as noticeable.
Kapi in VT

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 01-Aug-10, 10:49:41 PM
C -  I  am praying you are ok wherever you are out there.  :( but  :sleepy: You & J stole my  :heart: I'll never forget you  :wub:

I feel the same way ! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 01-Aug-10, 11:56:20 PM
Thanks Ei for all your great informative and reassuring information.  :happy:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 02-Aug-10, 12:00:44 AM
And I feel the same way....C & J both stole my  :heart: too....
So it is hard to let go  :crying:
Calli wherever you are I pray you find a good life and Jemi please heal and fly the skies again... :wub:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: valhalla on 02-Aug-10, 05:39:30 AM
:wave: You can do it Braveheart!  It's painful but it's sooooo worth it.  Alot of us watchers have medical issues. I look at it as I can sit home and be in pain or I can do something useful. Pain is pain.  :2thumbsup:

:bow:  Words to live by MAK!  :clap:  We all have choices and some of them include living life to the fullest  to simply spite the "stuff" thrown in our paths!   ;)  

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 02-Aug-10, 06:40:31 AM
Logged on this morning to get the news of Callidora - when was she last seen? Keeping my fingers crossed! And (sorry if I missed this...) how is Jemison doing?

Thanks, Gang!


Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 02-Aug-10, 06:54:52 AM
Logged on this morning to get the news of Callidora - when was she last seen? Keeping my fingers crossed! And (sorry if I missed this...) how is Jemison doing?

Thanks, Gang!


Hi Bobbie, Callidora has not been seen since Sat at 2:30, she was on Mercury whining. Jemison is in a flight cage by now practicing flying. I think it was for 2 weeks, 1 week left if I'm correct. Hoping to hear soon how she is doing with that. Miss them both.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 02-Aug-10, 08:13:53 AM

Hi Bobbie, Callidora has not been seen since Sat at 2:30, she was on Mercury whining. Jemison is in a flight cage by now practicing flying. I think it was for 2 weeks, 1 week left if I'm correct. Hoping to hear soon how she is doing with that. Miss them both.

Thanks, Donna. I will watch with interest today to see how things develop with C. Good news that J only has one more week left before "the sky's the limit"!

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Aug-10, 09:18:53 AM
Logged on this morning to get the news of Callidora - when was she last seen? Keeping my fingers crossed! And (sorry if I missed this...) how is Jemison doing?

Thanks, Gang!


Hi Bobbie, Callidora has not been seen since Sat at 2:30, she was on Mercury whining. Jemison is in a flight cage by now practicing flying. I think it was for 2 weeks, 1 week left if I'm correct. Hoping to hear soon how she is doing with that. Miss them both.

We were in Rochester yesterday and while watching Archer on OCSR, we asked Dana if she thought Jemison was in a flight cage because the post on Imprints said that she was still healing.  She thought that she wasn't in one yet but probably in a smaller cage which allows her to stretch her wings only. Also, I hope and pray that Callidora is safe in her travels wherever she may go.  :wub:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Carol P. on 02-Aug-10, 09:35:44 AM
You are correct Kris.  So sorry we didn't hang around with you and Bill yesterday.  Everyone was in high-Watch mode, looking for Callidora.   :foxbinocs:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 02-Aug-10, 09:59:30 AM
Oops! Forgot to say - thanks, Kris, for the Jemison update. Let's hear it for some serious flapping!

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: huddiecat on 02-Aug-10, 10:27:12 AM
You are correct Kris.  So sorry we didn't hang around with you and Bill yesterday.  Everyone was in high-Watch mode, looking for Callidora.   :foxbinocs:

Kris, that goes for Don and me!!  We were so focussed on locating Callidora yesterday, and when the call came to bring the scope...we just took off!  My apologies.  We should have had you and Bill follow us to the comm. tower! 


Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Paul Hamilton on 02-Aug-10, 10:28:07 AM
I did a little bit of research.  In 2008, Quest fledged on June 21 -- just one week earlier in the year than Callidora did.  Exactly 40 days later, she was in Duanesburg, NY, on her way to Cape Cod.  So if Callidora follows Quest's schedule, she will be leaving for good sometime this week.  

It's sad for me to see the falcon season end, but it's a good feeling to know that one more falcon has been reared to independance.


Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: huddiecat on 02-Aug-10, 10:30:38 AM
Paul, thanks for the info!  Don and I were discussing that this morning.  Always good to have facts, though.


Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Aug-10, 10:31:18 AM
You are correct Kris.  So sorry we didn't hang around with you and Bill yesterday.  Everyone was in high-Watch mode, looking for Callidora.   :foxbinocs:

Kris, that goes for Don and me!!  We were so focussed on locating Callidora yesterday, and when the call came to bring the scope...we just took off!  My apologies.  We should have had you and Bill follow us to the comm. tower! 


That's OK.  We tried to follow but not knowing where we were going, ended up in the Corn Hill mess and went home.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 02-Aug-10, 10:55:36 AM
I did a little bit of research.  In 2008, Quest fledged on June 21 -- just one week earlier in the year than Callidora did.  Exactly 40 days later, she was in Duanesburg, NY, on her way to Cape Cod.  So if Callidora follows Quest's schedule, she will be leaving for good sometime this week.  

It's sad for me to see the falcon season end, but it's a good feeling to know that one more falcon has been reared to independance.


Isn't that interesting! Thanks, Paul. Now we know even more why "peregrine" is such a good name for these wanderers.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: valhalla on 02-Aug-10, 10:56:50 AM
I did a little bit of research.  In 2008, Quest fledged on June 21 -- just one week earlier in the year than Callidora did.  Exactly 40 days later, she was in Duanesburg, NY, on her way to Cape Cod.  So if Callidora follows Quest's schedule, she will be leaving for good sometime this week.  

It's sad for me to see the falcon season end, but it's a good feeling to know that one more falcon has been reared to independance.


Good Info, Paul.  :thanx:  I think it is amazing and wonderful that one day we wake up and realize that the kids are gone and begining their wandering falcon routine.  It's all good.  I'm not surprised the Callidora left "quickly" as I will never forget the way she explosively cracked her shell to enter this world and begin her adventures. 

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 02-Aug-10, 11:01:35 AM
I did a little bit of research.  In 2008, Quest fledged on June 21 -- just one week earlier in the year than Callidora did.  Exactly 40 days later, she was in Duanesburg, NY, on her way to Cape Cod.  So if Callidora follows Quest's schedule, she will be leaving for good sometime this week.  

It's sad for me to see the falcon season end, but it's a good feeling to know that one more falcon has been reared to independance.


Good Info, Paul.  :thanx:  I think it is amazing and wonderful that one day we wake up and realize that the kids are gone and begining their wandering falcon routine.  It's all good.  I'm not surprised the Callidora left "quickly" as I will never forget the way she explosively cracked her shell to enter this world and begin her adventures. 

This makes me think of something that I somehow started saying when my nieces and nephews were doing some serious wing-flapping, wanting to get out of the nest as soon as they could. And all I could think of was a bird analogy: "You teach them to fly, then you pray to God that they don't crash into a window."

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 02-Aug-10, 12:54:31 PM
You are correct Kris.  So sorry we didn't hang around with you and Bill yesterday.  Everyone was in high-Watch mode, looking for Callidora.   :foxbinocs:

Kris, that goes for Don and me!!  We were so focussed on locating Callidora yesterday, and when the call came to bring the scope...we just took off!  My apologies.  We should have had you and Bill follow us to the comm. tower! 


My apologies also. I didn't realize you were there until after the fact. :wave:   MAK

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Aug-10, 02:05:59 PM
You are correct Kris.  So sorry we didn't hang around with you and Bill yesterday.  Everyone was in high-Watch mode, looking for Callidora.   :foxbinocs:

Kris, that goes for Don and me!!  We were so focussed on locating Callidora yesterday, and when the call came to bring the scope...we just took off!  My apologies.  We should have had you and Bill follow us to the comm. tower! 


My apologies also. I didn't realize you were there until after the fact. :wave:   MAK

That's alright.  We realize that you were all concentrating on finding Callidora.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 02-Aug-10, 02:46:49 PM
:wave:You can do it Braveheart!  It's painful but it's sooooo worth it.  Alot of us watchers have medical issues. I look at it as I can sit home and be in pain or I can do something useful. Pain is pain.  :2thumbsup:

Thanks MAK - I know it is & I have other medical issues as well but I do very physical work all week & I need to find out if I  can continue to do it or if I have to stop - Doc say I have a slipped disc & it keeps going out from working. I can take the pain as long as I'm enjoying myself. Thanks for your support  :happy:

 :wave:  I never had a slipped disc but I've had a few herniated discs.  Hopefully you'll be good to go for next years watch!   :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Lord G on 02-Aug-10, 03:25:18 PM
I did a little bit of research.  In 2008, Quest fledged on June 21 -- just one week earlier in the year than Callidora did.  Exactly 40 days later, she was in Duanesburg, NY, on her way to Cape Cod.  So if Callidora follows Quest's schedule, she will be leaving for good sometime this week.  

It's sad for me to see the falcon season end, but it's a good feeling to know that one more falcon has been reared to independance.


I'm also thinking that she's probably moving farther out, possibly even striking out on her own.  Given the later hatching for this year's brood, I'm not surprised that the watchers haven't spotted Callidora for a couple of days.  The juveniles usually get scarce at about this stage in their development...

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 02-Aug-10, 03:27:12 PM
   I never had a slipped disc but I've had a few herniated discs.  Hopefully you'll be good to go for next years watch! 

Yeah but considering all that, ya put in a good 15 hours yesterday.  :2thumbsup: That would so be me if I lived there. Told ya, I'd pitch a tent.  :stupid: Well, it's been over 48 hours since Callidora was seen last. I have a feeling she's on her way to .....where ever she want's. I hope I'm wrong and she went on a fly-a-bout and will be back soon. "Callidora, where ever you are, please make it so someone can read your bands." Seems like yesterday, she was an egg!   :hatch1: and now she's all grown up!  :crying:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: pattysue on 02-Aug-10, 04:11:57 PM
I'm a long time "stalker" -lived on Selye Terr., 2 prox. miles north of Kodak tower.  I now live in Hamlin and still watch the falcons every day on line.  I miss Mariah and Kaver.  I'm so happy for Beauty and Archer and hope Callidora is doing well on her apparent new adventure into adulthood.  I also pray that Jemison will recover nicely and come home to get flying and stooping lessons from mom & dad.

Thank you sooooo much to all of the watchers.  You take such good care to make sure the new fledges go well.   Just wanted to say Hi and let everyone know that you have a wider audience than you even realize.  Take care and keep up the great work.  PattySue 

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-Aug-10, 04:17:23 PM
I'm a long time "stalker" -lived on Selye Terr., 2 prox. miles north of Kodak tower.  I now live in Hamlin and still watch the falcons every day on line.  I miss Mariah and Kaver.  I'm so happy for Beauty and Archer and hope Callidora is doing well on her apparent new adventure into adulthood.  I also pray that Jemison will recover nicely and come home to get flying and stooping lessons from mom & dad.

Thank you sooooo much to all of the watchers.  You take such good care to make sure the new fledges go well.   Just wanted to say Hi and let everyone know that you have a wider audience than you even realize.  Take care and keep up the great work.  PattySue 

Welcome aboard, pattysue!  Oh, we know there are lurkers out there...actually we usually have a lurkers' coming out day in the fall.  But you're a lurker no more! 

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: valhalla on 02-Aug-10, 04:41:50 PM
I'm going to hope that "my" Helga Jean turns up in Arlington, VA - lots of pigeons and some good nesting spots!  Of course, Paul and I would be out of work  ;)

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 02-Aug-10, 04:58:29 PM
I'm going to hope that "my" Helga Jean turns up in Arlington, VA - lots of pigeons and some good nesting spots!  Of course, Paul and I would be out of work  ;)

Maybe in a couple weeks Janet! Hope she stays put for now!

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 02-Aug-10, 05:02:38 PM
I'm going to hope that "my" Helga Jean turns up in Arlington, VA - lots of pigeons and some good nesting spots!  Of course, Paul and I would be out of work  ;)

Maybe in a couple weeks Janet! Hope she stays put for now!

 :yes: :happy: ;D :wave:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 02-Aug-10, 05:12:52 PM
That girl is going to be crying for food all night...(unless she caught her own), on her mini vaca.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Aug-10, 05:13:12 PM
I'm so glad that Callidora is back!   :clap:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 02-Aug-10, 05:23:59 PM
I'm so glad she was on a trip and not hurt or worse somewhere. PHEW! :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: huddiecat on 02-Aug-10, 05:37:23 PM
I'm so glad she was on a trip and not hurt or worse somewhere. PHEW! :heart:

MAK, I agree!!  It was a long day yesterday for everyone!  So glad she is back  :clap: :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-Aug-10, 05:39:03 PM
I'm so glad she was on a trip and not hurt or worse somewhere. PHEW! :heart:

I'm happy too...it was just too soon for me!

It also gives me even more confidence that when she's away she's OK.  

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Calli_adorer on 02-Aug-10, 07:24:34 PM
Phew - I've been on a long holiday, so I've been catching up on events here through the imprints and the forum.  I was getting very, very worried reading this thread about Calli, but now I can heave a sigh of relief.

Now we just need Jem to get back into the skies.  Honestly, it's like being their mothers.  We want them to be independent, but when they're not seen for a little while we start having sleepless nights!  I know I'm never going to rest until one day I tune in to the falcon cam and it's Calli or Jem we're watching sitting on eggs  :)

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Tokira on 02-Aug-10, 07:41:45 PM
  Honestly, it's like being their mothers.  We want them to be independent, but when they're not seen for a little while we start having sleepless nights!  I know I'm never going to rest until one day I tune in to the falcon cam and it's Calli or Jem we're watching sitting on eggs  :)

Do you actually think you'll be able to rest then?  You'll be well addicted by that time  :devil:
web watcher since C-S days

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 02-Aug-10, 09:22:54 PM
  Honestly, it's like being their mothers.  We want them to be independent, but when they're not seen for a little while we start having sleepless nights!  I know I'm never going to rest until one day I tune in to the falcon cam and it's Calli or Jem we're watching sitting on eggs  :)

Do you actually think you'll be able to rest then?  You'll be well addicted by that time  :devil:
web watcher since C-S days

No doubt!. It may already be too late!    :laugh:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 02-Aug-10, 11:00:07 PM
Has anyone seen Callidora since Carol's sighting this afternoon? Now would she just take off again? Wonder if she got fed. I'm wondering a lot lately, sorry. Hopefully Dan will spot her in the AM. No MAK tomorrow.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 02-Aug-10, 11:37:46 PM
I am so relieved!!!!   :clap:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Bobbie Ireland on 03-Aug-10, 04:39:05 AM
Yay to hear that Callidora is back - wouldn't we all love to know what she was up to!



Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Kris G. on 03-Aug-10, 12:32:24 PM
Has anyone seen Callidora since Carol's sighting this afternoon? Now would she just take off again? Wonder if she got fed. I'm wondering a lot lately, sorry. Hopefully Dan will spot her in the AM. No MAK tomorrow.

I'm wondering the same things, Donna. All Carol said in her Twitter posts were that she heard her crying but she never posted that she was ever seen.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Aug-10, 12:53:03 PM
Yes, I did see her fly up to the Frontier comm twr and she continued to cry for about 10 mins, then she was quiet.  I think she cried herself to sleep.  After that she didn't make a peep.  Archer and Beauty were up there with her for a long time.

Dana joined me while Callidora was still vocalizing and we looked and looked, but could only see A&B.  She was probably as flat as a pancake up on the platform.  I didn't think to take video until too late.  I think I got just a tiny bit of her crying.

Has anyone seen Callidora since Carol's sighting this afternoon? Now would she just take off again? Wonder if she got fed. I'm wondering a lot lately, sorry. Hopefully Dan will spot her in the AM. No MAK tomorrow.

I'm wondering the same things, Donna. All Carol said in her Twitter posts were that she heard her crying but she never posted that she was ever seen.

Title: Callidora question
Post by: Braveheart2665 on 22-Aug-10, 08:16:36 PM
It is time to assume that Callidora has left the area to start off on her own. I know she hasn't been seen for several days now & just wondered if she has gone for good. I will miss her but she has grown into such a big beautiful girl & will have her own beautiful falcon chicks one day. Her & J were my 1st falcons to watch grow up & it was a wonderful experience. I pray J will someday be able to fly free as well.  :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 22-Aug-10, 08:57:52 PM
I certainly could be wrong, but I have a feeling Callidora has moved on to her next adventure.  Stay safe!

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: MAK on 22-Aug-10, 10:08:18 PM
Braveheart, I'm confident that Jemison will fly free again.  :heart:  As for Miss Callidora, I couldn't confirm but I strongly feel that she was on the platform of the FCT this past Friday. I think she's still around somewhere near. :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Joyce on 22-Aug-10, 10:14:07 PM
We are all keeping a watch for Callidora, but it is that time of year when the juvies are off on their own.  You never know, she may be still be in the area or coming back for visits.

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: Donna on 22-Aug-10, 10:16:23 PM
We are all keeping a watch for Callidora, but it is that time of year when the juvies are off on their own.  You never know, she may be still be in the area or coming back for visits.

Or maybe she doesn't want to leave, it's been known to happen!  ;)

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: chlosmom on 23-Aug-10, 04:43:24 PM
here's a "wanderful" thought---maybe c is hanging around with j---who free and soaring

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 25-Aug-10, 08:29:13 AM
I hope Callidora meets up with Jemison and they soar the skies and share adventures together!  :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: huddiecat on 25-Aug-10, 01:23:43 PM
Maybe they were two of the juvies flying around Montezuma Monday afternoon :heart:

Title: Re: Callidora question
Post by: falconsforever129 on 26-Aug-10, 04:02:55 AM
That would be so lovely!  :heart: :heart:
They were so sweet together when they were growing up...I used to love to watch them snuggle up in the nest box to sleep at night when they were just little fluff balls!  :happy: :heart: