Rfalconcam Forum

Rochester Falcons => Rochester Falcon Offspring => Topic started by: Joyce on 07-Nov-17, 01:03:37 PM

Title: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Joyce on 07-Nov-17, 01:03:37 PM
Aria, Lucky & additional female at Etobicoke Sun Life. CPF posted:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 07-Nov-17, 03:21:07 PM
Thank you for making a topic for Aria  :happy:.  All is well here, quiet day for the falcons save for a Red Tail Lucky had a bit of a dance with.

We will keep an eye out for them and hope this was just a one time thing and not a reconnaissance by the mystery female for a future attempt at moving in.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 07-Nov-17, 04:03:51 PM
Thank you for making a topic for Aria  :happy:.  All is well here, quiet day for the falcons save for a Red Tail Lucky had a bit of a dance with.

We will keep an eye out for them and hope this was just a one time thing and not a reconnaissance by the mystery female for a future attempt at moving in.

I agree!  Aria definitely needed her own topic! Glad things are so far, so good!  Thanks for keeping an eye on them, Carly!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 07-Nov-17, 04:34:22 PM
Lucie stayed until about 3 pm and I just got home myself.  I did a tour around the buildings after I left the office to count heads.  Aria was perched on the ledge next to the nest ledge, she has some leftovers stashed there.  Lucky was out back of the West Tower on the Moneris sign.

Both of them stuck close to the site and rested.  Aria barely left the ledges save to go hunting and Lucky accompanied her and came back with her.  


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 07-Nov-17, 05:10:09 PM
Aria just popped up on cam, it refreshed and suddenly she had food  :surprise:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 07-Nov-17, 08:35:25 PM
A few of the photos Lucie took today.

1. Aria on the web cam perch
2. Aria flying
3. Lucky and the Red Tail

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Nov-17, 07:53:42 AM
Good morning!  Aria is perched on the web cam this morning and Lucky is on the nest box visible on cam.  Hopefully it's another peaceful day today.  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Nov-17, 04:26:53 PM
Nice quiet day here today, saw both on and off today.  Happy to say 'nothing unusual to report'  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 08-Nov-17, 04:42:37 PM
Nice quiet day here today, saw both on and off today.  Happy to say 'nothing unusual to report'  :happy:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 08-Nov-17, 05:07:35 PM
Nice quiet day here today, saw both on and off today.  Happy to say 'nothing unusual to report'  :happy:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Nov-17, 07:49:12 AM
Good morning!  Aria is perched on the web cam this morning and Lucky is on the nest box visible on cam.  Hopefully it's another peaceful day today.  :happy:

Thanks for keeping an eye on our girl Carly!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Nov-17, 08:23:11 AM
Good morning from Aria!  Cold and first snow expected tonight!  Both on site this morning.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Nov-17, 04:22:24 PM
Another quiet, peaceful day at the site.  Aria has been on the nest ledge most of the day.  Snow on the way tonight.

I notice she's been very quiet since the 'visitor' the other day, a learning experience for her I expect.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Nov-17, 04:32:07 PM
Another quiet, peaceful day at the site.  Aria has been on the nest ledge most of the day.  Snow on the way tonight.

I notice she's been very quiet since the 'visitor' the other day, a learning experience for her I expect.

        That intruder must not have been O’Connor then?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Nov-17, 06:01:05 PM
Hard to say Kris without looking at bands- from the ground at first I sure thought it was her but I wouldn't think she would leave again - it would certainly not be in keeping with the O'Connor I know.  She certainly acted like she owned the place and seemed to know the ins and outs of the buildings and ledges - I just don't know - an offspring maybe?.  I don't what we missed that day but obviously something happened when all 3 were out of our sight as she hasn't been back since.

I do think we'll have to be vigilant as Aria being young will make her a beacon for an older, more dominant female thinking they can move in easily.  Hopefully once her hormones kick in for the first time in February, she'll emulate her sister and her mother.  I think she's a smart girl, she's strong, she's a great flier and hunter and the rest Lucky will teach her until she comes into her own as an adult.  That's my sincere hope anyway.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Nov-17, 08:54:45 PM
Hard to say Kris without looking at bands- from the ground at first I sure thought it was her but I wouldn't think she would leave again - it would certainly not be in keeping with the O'Connor I know.  She certainly acted like she owned the place and seemed to know the ins and outs of the buildings and ledges - I just don't know - an offspring maybe?.  I don't what we missed that day but obviously something happened when all 3 were out of our sight as she hasn't been back since.

I do think we'll have to be vigilant as Aria being young will make her a beacon for an older, more dominant female thinking they can move in easily.  Hopefully once her hormones kick in for the first time in February, she'll emulate her sister and her mother.  I think she's a smart girl, she's strong, she's a great flier and hunter and the rest Lucky will teach her until she comes into her own as an adult.  That's my sincere hope anyway.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Nov-17, 01:36:44 PM
All quiet here today so far.  Very cold, minus 18 with the wind chill.  Lucie is on site keeping an eye on them for a few hours. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 11-Nov-17, 08:21:05 PM
New update on Aria and Lucky and some great photos posted to CPF!

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 11-Nov-17, 09:02:46 PM
New update on Aria and Lucky and some great photos posted to CPF!

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853)

Great pics!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 11-Nov-17, 10:09:38 PM
New update on Aria and Lucky and some great photos posted to CPF!

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853)

Thanks Carly and Lucie!  :clap:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 12-Nov-17, 06:49:11 AM
New update on Aria and Lucky and some great photos posted to CPF!

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1689719897759852&id=149280041803853)

Awesome report and pics Carly and Lucie! Thank you!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 16-Nov-17, 12:25:48 PM
All is well here this week.  Aria and Lucky have been spending lots of time together, flying and hunting and just hanging out.  Such a change in Aria since the intruder last Monday.  She is much quieter now and more cooperative with Lucky now in patrolling and keeping an eye on things.  She's growing up  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 16-Nov-17, 12:55:31 PM

            :2thumbsup: Thanks for sharing, Carly!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 16-Nov-17, 01:05:31 PM
Thanks, carly!  :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 16-Nov-17, 03:44:42 PM
Good that Aria has an experienced male. Thanks Carly!  :wave:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 16-Nov-17, 04:50:11 PM
Good that Aria has an experienced male. Thanks Carly!  :wave:

Lucky is great, his parents are much like B and DC are now so he was well brought up.  Chester, as you might remember was brought up by Haven and Stormin (his dad Irving died in 2011 after a collision with some cables) who by all accounts was a good foster dad.  It's great to see that even though Irving was only with us a short time, his legacy continues on through his son and grandson.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 19-Nov-17, 02:25:36 PM
Like her mother and big sister, Aria embraces the fascinator  :wub: ;D

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 19-Nov-17, 03:53:23 PM
Like her mother and big sister, Aria embraces the fascinator  :wub: ;D


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Shaky on 19-Nov-17, 06:37:37 PM
Like her mother and big sister, Aria embraces the fascinator  :wub: ;D

Move over Kardashians. We have a new trend setting family.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 19-Nov-17, 07:30:26 PM
Beak warmer!  :natale3:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-Nov-17, 11:58:17 AM
Aria was enjoying the sunshine on the ledge earlier in spite of the crazy wind.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-Nov-17, 02:50:03 PM
Had to add this one, flat head photo  ;D

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 21-Nov-17, 03:08:50 PM
OMG. Beauty 2.0.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 21-Nov-17, 04:19:05 PM
She is a Beauty!  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 23-Nov-17, 06:18:29 AM
Lucie paid a visit to the site yesterday and saw Aria eating a gull and then dive bombing the workers on the East Tower (nest ledge tower).  Here are some photos she took.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Donna on 23-Nov-17, 07:40:44 AM
Wow, the girls at that nest are rough tough!!!  :o :devil:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 23-Nov-17, 08:27:46 AM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 23-Nov-17, 09:17:22 AM
Great pics!  Hope the workers know not to swat at her, when she dives at them! When is work expected to be done?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 23-Nov-17, 09:36:25 AM
Aria is a big tough girl eh!? Thanks Lucie and Carly!  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 23-Nov-17, 10:28:22 AM
Great pics!  Hope the workers know not to swat at her, when she dives at them! When is work expected to be done?

I went to ask security just now because it's been 3 months already and he said they're hoping to be done 1st or 2nd week of December.  I also let them know I have people watching (lol) and told them Aria is new and that her dad was born here.  They were quite excited to hear that.  

Aria has been okay with them on the building, in fact she's on cam now and they're on the other side doing their work.  I was actually surprised she dive bombed them but maybe she's just practicing and letting them know who is boss here  :devil:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 23-Nov-17, 02:36:35 PM
Mom and Dad would be so proud!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 23-Nov-17, 07:17:20 PM
Carly, please thank Lucie for the photos of Aria. She is one aggressive falcon!

Thank you for checking with security on the progress of the work on the building, and updating them on the peregrines.

Aria earlier today:




Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 23-Nov-17, 09:49:14 PM
Will do Alison.  It's funny..well not funny...but the day the intruder came Aria was more confused than aggressive.  That incident though - it's like a light switch went on inside her and changed her personality, she's  a different bird now. 

For me it's been fascinating because I've seen one year old falcons on camera but I've never seen one transition from a sub adult to adult in person before so watching her transform has been a real experience.   I just always assumed it was the hormones that did it once they near the 2 year mark but it seems life experiences - just like with us - is what changes them  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 23-Nov-17, 10:12:13 PM
Great pics!  Hope the workers know not to swat at her, when she dives at them! When is work expected to be done?

I went to ask security just now because it's been 3 months already and he said they're hoping to be done 1st or 2nd week of December.  I also let them know I have people watching (lol) and told them Aria is new and that her dad was born here.  They were quite excited to hear that.  

Aria has been okay with them on the building, in fact she's on cam now and they're on the other side doing their work.  I was actually surprised she dive bombed them but maybe she's just practicing and letting them know who is boss here  :devil:

            :lol:  I’m glad they’re near completion on the building and that you’re able to keep an eye on them both!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 24-Nov-17, 07:34:41 AM
Aria and Lucky at 7 a.m.




Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 29-Nov-17, 11:19:57 AM
Aria at the nest this morning:



Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 29-Nov-17, 03:04:05 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 01-Dec-17, 10:24:44 PM
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 06-Dec-17, 06:00:08 PM
From a couple of days ago:






Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 06-Dec-17, 06:02:36 PM
 :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 07-Dec-17, 09:28:08 AM
 :wub: :wub:

Their chest colors are quite different!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 07-Dec-17, 03:10:31 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 07-Dec-17, 05:43:20 PM

              Nice pic! ❤️❤️

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Dec-17, 08:11:48 AM
Batgirl  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 08-Dec-17, 11:10:49 AM




Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 08-Dec-17, 05:01:50 PM
Thanks Alison!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Dec-17, 07:46:20 PM
Lucie was on site today and Aria brought in a long tailed duck!!   :bow: :bow: :bow:

Lucie said:  I stopped at Bloor/Islington to check on Lucky and Aria this afternoon. As I drove down Bloor Street, I saw one of them take off, hunting most likely. Lucky was on the camera, so I knew it was Aria, and that she'd probably be back soon since she's usually pretty quick. Before I could adjust my camera settings, I heard the ee-chupping and saw her struggling! I couldn't believe what she came back with! See if you can identify what was on her menu today 😲 She couldn't make it up to the ledge and had to circle around ending up on the other side of the building

***(all photos taken by Lucie as always  :happy: )***

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Shaky on 09-Dec-17, 08:01:54 PM
Lucie was on site today and Aria brought in a long tailed duck!!   :bow: :bow: :bow:

I think it's a penguin.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Dec-17, 08:08:47 PM
Lucie was on site today and Aria brought in a long tailed duck!!   :bow: :bow: :bow:

I think it's a penguin.

LOL..that was my first thought too.  It's those eye patches.  I honestly don't know much about ducks but a few other people ID'd it as the long tail duck.  Dang that girl is fierce!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Dec-17, 08:10:32 PM
Wow!   :o That’s some catch!  What a great hunter!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Dec-17, 09:16:53 AM
Another sample for the "Duck Hawk" files! Fabulous!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 10-Dec-17, 04:56:52 PM
That girl has a big appetite!  :spaghetti:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Dec-17, 10:12:33 AM
Snowy day and Aria just arrived with breakfast!  :gum:  I was just thinking, who does she remind me of...Jack, her grandfather.  He is also an amazing hunter.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 12-Dec-17, 10:30:24 AM
And Aria's hunting in Grandpa Jack's old territory too.  That's just so cool. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 12-Dec-17, 10:31:09 AM
Snowy day and Aria just arrived with breakfast!  :gum:  I was just thinking, who does she remind me of...Jack, her grandfather.  He is also an amazing hunter.

Awesome!  So glad she continues to do well!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 12-Dec-17, 11:24:51 PM
Aria in one of her more peaceful moments:



Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 05-Jan-18, 01:01:17 PM
someone is home

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 07-Jan-18, 02:10:23 PM
Aria is I'm sure very content now that the cold snap has broken.  

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 07-Jan-18, 02:51:50 PM
Aria is I'm sure very content now that the cold snap has broken.  


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 07-Jan-18, 06:55:52 PM
Aria is I'm sure very content now that the cold snap has broken.  

Beauty junior!  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 27-Jan-18, 08:14:25 AM
Early this morning:



And then both were gone.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 27-Jan-18, 06:55:35 PM
So nice to see her.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 28-Jan-18, 09:16:03 PM
Lucie went to Burlington today and saw the nest site there where DC's brother Mac is.  After we got chatting we realized that in addition to Mac being Cadence and Aria's uncle, his new mate Jo is their cousin via Beauty's side.  She is Nick and Hathor's daughter.  Too funny!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 28-Jan-18, 10:15:08 PM
It's a small falcon world.  :)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 29-Jan-18, 08:49:15 AM
Lucie went to Burlington today and saw the nest site there where DC's brother Mac is.  After we got chatting we realized that in addition to Mac being Cadence and Aria's uncle, his new mate Jo is their cousin via Beauty's side.  She is Nick and Hathor's daughter.  Too funny!
It's always nice to have family in your new hometown.   ;)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 29-Jan-18, 09:22:01 AM
Lucie went to Burlington today and saw the nest site there where DC's brother Mac is.  After we got chatting we realized that in addition to Mac being Cadence and Aria's uncle, his new mate Jo is their cousin via Beauty's side.  She is Nick and Hathor's daughter.  Too funny!

How cool is that!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 29-Jan-18, 02:40:53 PM





Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 01-Feb-18, 08:01:54 AM
Aria and Lucky came in for a bow a few minutes ago. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 01-Feb-18, 09:07:06 AM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 01-Feb-18, 11:31:16 AM
8:59 a.m., with a full crop:


9:16 a.m., more bonding:



Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 01-Feb-18, 09:20:11 PM
 :o :spaghetti: Holy moly that girl can eat!  ;D

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 03-Feb-18, 08:49:06 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Feb-18, 11:31:29 AM
Little tank  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 14-Feb-18, 11:00:28 AM
Just an FYI, they never finished the windows back in December and are back on the tower today working on them.   :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 14-Feb-18, 11:27:53 AM
Just an FYI, they never finished the windows back in December and are back on the tower today working on them.   :tickedoff: :tickedoff:



Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 18-Feb-18, 09:14:30 AM
Both there this AM

(https://s17.postimg.org/4pbf4bt9r/4_A9_B033_C-_B861-4_B53-865_C-80_D164_BB67_F6.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 24-Feb-18, 08:14:26 AM
Lots of bonding this morning  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: AlisonL on 25-Feb-18, 12:20:17 PM
Morning bonding:




Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 26-Feb-18, 10:15:06 AM
Was just outside and saw an aerial food transfer from Lucky to Aria!  She took her gift and is under the ADP sign on the other side of the nest ledge eating it!   :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 26-Feb-18, 10:23:02 AM
Was just outside and saw an aerial food transfer from Lucky to Aria!  She took her gift and is under the ADP sign on the other side of the nest ledge eating it!   :wub:
How "lucky" you were to see that!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Feb-18, 10:28:37 AM
Was just outside and saw an aerial food transfer from Lucky to Aria!  She took her gift and is under the ADP sign on the other side of the nest ledge eating it!   :wub:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 01-Mar-18, 08:30:49 AM
Aria and Lucky, early morning bonding.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 01-Mar-18, 09:07:31 AM
Aria and Lucky, early morning bonding.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Mar-18, 08:41:54 AM
Aria - 8.30 am

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Mar-18, 02:06:21 PM
Was just outside when I saw 2 birds hurtling towards the ground heading right into traffic....it was Aria and she had a pigeon but it got loose on her so she was in pursuit of it and pulled up at the last minute. I didn't realize it was a pigeon as it happened so fast so I ran across the street in case it was another falcon...and there in the pub doorway is this poor brown pigeon..wings up again the wall, pressed as tightly as he could to the wall with this stunned looked on his face. She landed on a light pole but took off after she saw me going near her intended prey. Honestly! These birds are going to kill me!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 09-Mar-18, 04:37:04 PM
Was just outside when I saw 2 birds hurtling towards the ground heading right into traffic....it was Aria and she had a pigeon but it got loose on her so she was in pursuit of it and pulled up at the last minute. I didn't realize it was a pigeon as it happened so fast so I ran across the street in case it was another falcon...and there in the pub doorway is this poor brown pigeon..wings up again the wall, pressed as tightly as he could to the wall with this stunned looked on his face. She landed on a light pole but took off after she saw me going near her intended prey. Honestly! These birds are going to kill me!

 :o :surprise:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Mar-18, 06:40:17 PM
Was just outside when I saw 2 birds hurtling towards the ground heading right into traffic....it was Aria and she had a pigeon but it got loose on her so she was in pursuit of it and pulled up at the last minute. I didn't realize it was a pigeon as it happened so fast so I ran across the street in case it was another falcon...and there in the pub doorway is this poor brown pigeon..wings up again the wall, pressed as tightly as he could to the wall with this stunned looked on his face. She landed on a light pole but took off after she saw me going near her intended prey. Honestly! These birds are going to kill me!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 12-Mar-18, 11:11:01 AM
OMG!!! Thank goodness all's well that ended well, or at least we assume so.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 12-Mar-18, 11:14:14 AM
It seems Mom and Dad taught her well, though. She went to the lightpole instead of to the ground.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Mar-18, 11:24:35 AM
OMG!!! Thank goodness all's well that ended well, or at least we assume so.

Yes all is well.  Aria is safe and well and the pigeon, I assume, escaped unharmed in that moment at least.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Donna on 13-Mar-18, 07:51:10 AM
Wow, what a story! I would have taken the pigeon to safety!!  :-[  Not a cat with 9 lives!!  :o

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 13-Mar-18, 08:46:44 AM
Wow, what a story! I would have taken the pigeon to safety!!  :-[  Not a cat with 9 lives!!  :o

Me too Donna.  :lol:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 18-Mar-18, 10:32:43 AM
And not to be outdone, little sister Aria is in her tray this morning too.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 20-Mar-18, 11:01:20 AM
Someone's at the nest tray now.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 20-Mar-18, 11:17:19 AM
That's is Miss Aria  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 20-Mar-18, 11:25:07 AM
That's is Miss Aria  :wub:
Thought so. Saw her peachey look in other stills. Like her mom.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 23-Mar-18, 03:47:01 PM
Aria and Lucky at the nest tray.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 23-Mar-18, 04:03:28 PM
Aria and Lucky at the nest tray.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 23-Mar-18, 04:22:52 PM
Just playing around with paint today.. Beauty and her girls today.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 23-Mar-18, 04:32:35 PM
 :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 23-Mar-18, 04:34:11 PM


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 23-Mar-18, 05:13:35 PM
Just playing around with paint today.. Beauty and her girls today.

Love it Carly!  :heart: :heart: :heart: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Mar-18, 09:47:36 AM
Aria is currently at the nest tray.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Mar-18, 10:30:22 AM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Mar-18, 12:01:38 PM
Aria has spent most of this morning at the nest tray.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Mar-18, 05:49:10 PM
Nice weather right now in Etobicoke.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 27-Mar-18, 05:50:49 PM
Yes it's a miserable day and cold to boot.  Warming up for 2 days starting tomorrow and then by Sunday wet snow again  :hyper:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 27-Mar-18, 06:03:31 PM
Not too different from Rochester, actually.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 29-Mar-18, 11:35:56 AM
Really cool landing!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 31-Mar-18, 02:39:37 PM
A little bonding  :heart:  :heart:

(https://s18.postimg.org/mqbwfl1s9/8_E6_A8031-_E9_F9-4746-_A45_E-_A3_C3_D2_D6_C203.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 31-Mar-18, 05:46:05 PM
Meanwhile back in Etobicoke... Aria says:  'Hold up Grandma Joyce - I don't know nothing about birthin no babies!'

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 31-Mar-18, 07:00:24 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 31-Mar-18, 08:06:02 PM
Even Lucky is looking for an egg  :lol:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 31-Mar-18, 09:51:41 PM
9.50 pm and Aria is spending the night on the tray and Lucky behind her in the corner.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 31-Mar-18, 10:07:33 PM
I hope they are able to raise young this year.  :pray:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 31-Mar-18, 11:08:57 PM
She at least seems to know that she needs to be at the nest tray. She's sure been spending a lot of time there. Perhaps Lucky is telling her that's where she needs to be. Nice to have an experience dad.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 05-Apr-18, 09:18:52 AM
Aria's doing her nails at the nest tray now.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-18, 06:58:56 AM
Aria did spend the night on the tray, I think this week we will finally have our first egg here!  I hope  :-[

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Apr-18, 08:16:46 AM
I hope so too!  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-18, 10:32:04 AM
Look at this chunky monkey  :lol: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Apr-18, 10:47:33 AM
Look at this chunky monkey  :lol: :wub:

She is a mouthy one!   :rofl:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 09-Apr-18, 12:54:10 PM
Hard to tell, but she looks eggnant to me.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-18, 02:51:11 PM
Workmen are back on the tower, was hoping the cold weather would hold them off.  Aria is quiet though so that's good.

Checked on Aria before I left work and she's quiet and on the ledge, still there now that I"m home and checking in.  She's a good girl  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-18, 08:27:15 PM
8.26 pm and Aria just came in and is in the tray.  Second night in a row...I know she could spend every night there for a week before anything happens..lol...but it's encouraging and a step forward!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Apr-18, 02:37:29 PM
Fight...okay I'm back.  Aria is back and fine.  Apologies if I freaked anyone out.  I was doing my work and had cam up on desktop when a falcon landed on ledge with feathers plucked out of chest and blood dripping down their leg and I lost my mind.

Went outside ..had 3 in the air and 2 female flew west on Bloor.  Stood out there for what seemed like an hour but wasn't ...Aria has returned and she' is okay.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 10-Apr-18, 03:12:23 PM
Fight...okay I'm back.  Aria is back and fine.  Apologies if I freaked anyone out.  I was doing my work and had cam up on desktop when a falcon landed on ledge with feathers plucked out of chest and blood dripping down their leg and I lost my mind.

Went outside ..had 3 in the air and 2 female flew west on Bloor.  Stood out there for what seemed like an hour but wasn't ...Aria has returned and she' is okay.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Apr-18, 03:17:29 PM
I'm not even sure now if it was 2 females or 2 males, honestly I freaked out when I saw the blood and of course it was a blizzard when I ran outside and could barely see looking up.  Aria is fine, I just saw her on cam so definitely not her that is injured but she was sure making a racket.  I did see her and Lucky bonding a few minutes ago from the ground but i need to see him to make sure he's not injured.  I am off work in 15 minutes then I will go out and observe. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 10-Apr-18, 03:26:11 PM
OMG! I am glad that Aria is okay, and sure hope Lucky is too.  Thanks for keeping an eye out, carly.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 10-Apr-18, 04:10:22 PM
Thanks so much for being there!  Yikes.  I hope Lucky is ok. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Apr-18, 04:46:22 PM
Okay I"m home, both Aria and Lucky are okay.  I got a photo of the injured falcon, it might be a kid from last year.   You can see a bloody feather on it's chest and blood on the leg...it seemed at home and kept landing on all the ledges.  I looked everywhere to make sure no one was grounded.  Aria just wouldn't stop yelling..holy moly - if there's a fire I want her as my alarm!

**I did lighten the photo to see that it is banded so that's throwin the color off but the bird has a lot of brownish plumage unlike jet black Aria and Dark Lucky.  I think it's male now upon calming down and looking at the photo.  AT the time I took it, I just ran as I heard the yelling from inside the office.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 10-Apr-18, 04:51:29 PM
I'm relieved for Aria and Lucky. I hope this youngster is going to be okay, and that he moves on.  Thanks for the report.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 10-Apr-18, 04:53:29 PM
Lucky's at the tray now.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Apr-18, 05:06:12 PM
Lucky's at the tray now.

Yes and he looks fine.  I think the noise with all the screeching and yelling made it sound worse than it was.  I also don't do well with this stuff.lol..I get panicked, more because I"m helpless on the ground than anything else.  I don't drink...but I think I might need one now..lol

Hopefully the little guy is okay and safe somewhere now  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Apr-18, 06:53:37 PM
Here she is  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 10-Apr-18, 07:03:44 PM
Watching and especially hearing a territorial battle is never easy. Once you hear that sound, you'll never forget it. Hopefully the young one has learned a valuable lesson and will move on.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-Apr-18, 07:55:51 PM
Okay I"m home, both Aria and Lucky are okay.  I got a photo of the injured falcon, it might be a kid from last year.   You can see a bloody feather on it's chest and blood on the leg...it seemed at home and kept landing on all the ledges.  I looked everywhere to make sure no one was grounded.  Aria just wouldn't stop yelling..holy moly - if there's a fire I want her as my alarm!

**I did lighten the photo to see that it is banded so that's throwin the color off but the bird has a lot of brownish plumage unlike jet black Aria and Dark Lucky.  I think it's male now upon calming down and looking at the photo.  AT the time I took it, I just ran as I heard the yelling from inside the office.

Definitely a first year bird. The only adult I've ever seen who still has the light feather "crown" on the back of their head is Quest.

Thanks for being there!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Apr-18, 04:36:06 PM
All calm and quiet today, mating activities continue. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Apr-18, 07:35:07 PM
Okay look at this egg butt - we are close now..

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-18, 07:09:00 PM
Aria has a few things to say about the upcoming ice storm  :hyper:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 13-Apr-18, 11:14:53 PM
Yep, that's how I feel about it too, Aria.  :thumbsdown:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 16-Apr-18, 07:52:15 AM
Aria and Lucky both safe and accounted for after the storm.  They just came to the nest tray for the first time since it began!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 16-Apr-18, 08:43:19 AM
Aria and Lucky both safe and accounted for after the storm.  They just came to the nest tray for the first time since it began!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 16-Apr-18, 08:53:40 AM
 :phew: Thanks, carly.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 16-Apr-18, 04:43:55 PM
Aria visiting the tray.  4.41 pm

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 16-Apr-18, 05:06:09 PM
Aria visiting the tray.  4.41 pm

She cracks me up...looks very vocal!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 16-Apr-18, 06:43:29 PM
Aria visiting the tray.  4.41 pm

She cracks me up...looks very vocal!

Me too, she always has something to say  :wub:  Lucky brought her some dinner.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 19-Apr-18, 09:54:16 AM
Whoa! What the heck is this? Dead Coopers Hawk, maybe?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 19-Apr-18, 10:36:10 AM
It's gone now.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 19-Apr-18, 10:42:01 AM
Saw that earlier - -now all I see is white squares.  I saw Aria on the Mondelez sign this morning - she perches there when she's hunting. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 19-Apr-18, 11:08:58 AM
I saw Lucky perched next to it for a bit. Perhaps he took it away.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 06-May-18, 12:25:25 PM
Amidst all the good hatching news for Beauty and Cadence, I have some sad news to share with everyone.  It's not a post I ever expected to make so soon but it is what it is.

Aria has been displaced by another female...before I go on - let me assure you I saw Aria just an hour ago and she is fine.  She is alive and I saw no visible injuries on her.  If any of you have been watching the cam since May 1st you may have been confused at who you were seeing as was I - Aria is still trying to come back home it seems so you may have seen her the odd time as well as this new female.

Lucky at this point only cares about eggs and whoever will lay them so he's staying out of this.  The new female has been positively ID'd by Roger as 69/BC who is Darcy from the Statler site in Buffalo, which makes her an M&K great grand child so there is that.  Her father Ralphie is RM and Tiago's son as you know.

We have all really come to love Aria - she's just been a breathe of fresh air at our site.  She even attracted the attention of younger workers at a new tech company at our site with her chattering and exceptional flying skills.  They were all so excited to learn about peregrine falcons and it's all because of her.  You just couldn't help but know when she was around and you could see and hear her exuberance.  

At this point I don't know what is going to happen, I am hoping she gives up and keeps herself safe.  Darcy is a very large falcon - much larger than both Aria and Lucky.  I suspect she is the female that came back in November as it was very much a case of deju-vu seeing all three of them in the air this morning.  Darcy chased her out of the territory and then returned a bit later but otherwise I didn't see any indication of a fight  so at this point I think it's more like a cat and mouse situation.  Lucky seems to have accepted Darcy and is providing food for her and mating with her.

I will keep you posted on any updates and you can be sure I will keep an eye out for Aria.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 06-May-18, 01:45:30 PM
It’s sad to hear she’s lost her site.  I loved watching her “chatter”!  Even though you couldn’t hear her on cam, you could see how vocal she is.  I’m really glad you got to see her today, she’s ok and, hopefully, she stays away and keeps herself safe.  Thanks for being Aria’s watcher and keeping us posted.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: MAK on 06-May-18, 02:23:33 PM
Good that nobody appears to be hurt. Maybe Aria needs to wander one more year before settling in somewhere. If she doesn't stay there maybe we'll be lucky enough to see her again elsewhere.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 06-May-18, 02:28:26 PM
Good that nobody appears to be hurt. Maybe Aria needs to wander one more year before settling in somewhere. If she doesn't stay there maybe we'll be lucky enough to see her again elsewhere.  :heart:

I think you are right MAK, as was Joyce who said the same thing to me.  Aria is a free spirit, she's all about having flying and hunting - both of which she excels at.  I hope she finds a better place quite frankly, much as I"ll miss her she deserves better than what she experienced the past few months with all the interruptions and intrusions at our site. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 06-May-18, 07:14:31 PM
What a beautiful little juvie! I find the bands hard to read in this pic, especially the numbers.

However, if the bands are indeed 69/BC, black over green, I did find that band number. The juvie would be from the Statler nest in Buffalo. There were two chicks this year, Erica and D'Arcy. At banding, one was given the bands 69/BC, and the other chick had the bands 70/BC.

Shortly after banding, D'Arcy became very ill, and she did not survive, so this juvie would be Erica. Erica was grounded at least once after fledging, and I have heard nothing of her since.

Here are a couple of pics from banding:



I'm just going to post this quote here because I also have the surviving Statler juvie from 2016 listed as Erica. I'm not sure which name is actually correct, but we can hopefully figure it out. I believe Sage had some input as well on FB since she was there at that banding. I didn't actually have a name for the one who didn't survive when I did the family tree, so I can correct that now as well as add band numbers.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 06-May-18, 08:05:24 PM
Oh god Kitty ... the heck we went through with this band ID as I too said it was Erica.  DNR has her listed as D'arcy and I was told in no uncertain terms to call her D'arcy as that is what is on record with them.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 06-May-18, 09:11:38 PM
Oh god Kitty ... the heck we went through with this band ID as I too said it was Erica.  DNR has her listed as D'arcy and I was told in no uncertain terms to call her D'arcy as that is what is on record with them.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-May-18, 04:32:02 PM
All quiet the past two days, no sign of Aria at the site which is good, hopefully she is keeping safe somewhere.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-19, 04:53:22 PM
Aria alive and on eggs with mate.  Details to come


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 13-Apr-19, 05:00:51 PM
Aria alive and on eggs with mate.  Details to come


Great news!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-19, 05:19:03 PM
At her site with Lucie, lots of photos.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-19, 07:16:09 PM
Ok I"m home...so...there is a story.  I'll start at the beginning because it's complicated.   So yesterday Mathew, from Jacks home - the private condo's emailed me to say mom was in a fight and was on a lower balcony and they didn't know if she could fly.  This morning she flew and the other female was there and chased her out.  I did see photo's of Mom that he took and it was definitely her.  She was displaced and was trying to come home I guess.  They assumed it was Mom and Jack still there.  

I of course thought..hmm could the intruder be Aria since the site is so close to ours so off Lucie and I went.  Well turns out Mom was the intruder, Jack is not there anymore.  Aria is nesting with a male banded Black/Red with a purple USFW band - I have the numbers - just confirming with a US contact first before I post.  She has 3 eggs so far and she's incubating them so they are hers, she is fine and looks fantastic.  I knew it was her soon as I looked through the bins and saw her chest and head...even before Lucie got the bands.  So Aria has now taken over her grandfather's nest site.

Apparently she was talon locked with Mom yesterday and got on top of her and pinned her down and just pecked away at her.  Mom is fine, I saw photos he took last night of her but she was obviously exhausted.  We don't know her age but she'd be 16 or 17 years of age.

Contrary to the past - people there were fantastic with us.  We had one couple invite us into their apartment and on to their balcony right across the nest so Lucie could take photos. Another gave us their number and said we could call and they'd let us in.  Mathew took us up to take photos as well and we met more people.  So that was a nice surprise.  Lucie just dropped me off - she got lots of photos she will post as soon as she's sorted them.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 13-Apr-19, 08:12:33 PM
Ok I"m home...so...there is a story.  I'll start at the beginning because it's complicated.   So yesterday Mathew, from Jacks home - the private condo's emailed me to say mom was in a fight and was on a lower balcony and they didn't know if she could fly.  This morning she flew and the other female was there and chased her out.  I did see photo's of Mom that he took and it was definitely her.  She was displaced and was trying to come home I guess.  They assumed it was Mom and Jack still there.  

I of course thought..hmm could the intruder be Aria since the site is so close to ours so off Lucie and I went?  Well turns out Mom was the intruder, Jack is not there anymore.  Aria is nesting with a male banded Black/Red with a purple USFW band - I have the numbers - just confirming with a US contact first before I post.  She has 3 eggs so far and she's incubating them so they are hers, she is fine and looks fantastic.  I knew it was her soon as I looked through the bins and saw her chest and head...even before Lucie got the bands.  So Aria has now taken over her grandfather's nest site.

Apparently she was talon locked with Mom yesterday and got on top of her and pinned her down and just pecked away at her.  Mom is fine, I saw photos he took last night of her but she was obviously exhausted.  We don't know her age but she'd be 16 or 17 years of age.

Contrary to the past - people there were fantastic with us.  We had one couple invite us into their apartment and on to their balcony right across the nest so Lucie could take photos. Another gave us their number and said we could call and they'd let us in.  Mathew took us up to take photos as well and we met more people.  So that was a nice surprise.  Lucie just dropped me off - she got lots of photos she will post as soon as she's sorted them.

Awesome news!  Can’t wait to see pics!  Thanks, Carly!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 13-Apr-19, 08:27:49 PM
WOO HOO! Thanks for your dedication carly!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-19, 09:22:34 PM
I guess it being the weekend I won't find out about the bands definitively but maybe someone here can help as well.  His band number is in the database however it doesn't specify if the USFW is purple or not?  I guess they don't as I just checked O'Connor's bands and they don't specify it either.  I just didn't want to say 'oh yeah it's this guy and then it turns out there's a twist and he's not' - it happened once before years ago so I won't say for sure it is.

He is banded Black over Red - 13/N.  The database says those bands belong to a male that was born in 2013 in Gary, Indiana at the US Steel 'old coke plant'.  I did send a pm to a contact in Indiana so we'll see what she comes back with.  There is no name listed for him in the database.  So he'd be 6 years old which is interesting - only because I expect them to be younger but there it is. 

He's a handsome lad I'll say that and a good provider from what we saw.  He brought Aria a 'banded pigeon -oops' and she went to town on it. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 13-Apr-19, 10:11:42 PM
I guess it being the weekend I won't find out about the bands definitively but maybe someone here can help as well.  His band number is in the database however it doesn't specify if the USFW is purple or not?  I guess they don't as I just checked O'Connor's bands and they don't specify it either.  I just didn't want to say 'oh yeah it's this guy and then it turns out there's a twist and he's not' - it happened once before years ago so I won't say for sure it is.

The mid-west USFWS bands are purple...and that database is for the mid-west only. (Wish we had an east coast one too). East coast USFWS is silver. If they have a resident bird with a silver band they will note it in there somewhere.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-19, 10:24:33 PM
Thanks Kitty. We don't use purple up here so it's always confusing to me.

I just got a pm back from my contact in Indy and she will check her records and if she doesn't have him then she said her colleague would as he does the bandings in Gary.  We don't often get birds from there up here so I just want to be sure but likely she thinks it is him :)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 14-Apr-19, 05:40:15 AM
Lucie has posted a few photos to her Facebook page.  For those who don't have access here they are - full credit to Lucie for the photos

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 14-Apr-19, 02:26:20 PM
This is wonderful news. Thank you.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 01-May-19, 10:53:15 AM
Just an FYI - I am keeping in touch with Mathew and bugging him weekly to ask how Aria and Indy are doing.  I've nicknamed him 'Indy' as he wasn't named :)

Mathew says all is well and quiet, incubation continues and he will let us know when/if a hatch occurs. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: schlaf374 on 01-May-19, 11:03:03 AM
Just an FYI - I am keeping in touch with Mathew and bugging him weekly to ask how Aria and Indy are doing.  I've nicknamed him 'Indy' as he wasn't named :)

Mathew says all is well and quiet, incubation continues and he will let us know when/if a hatch occurs. 

thanks Matthew & Carly

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 01-May-19, 11:36:52 AM
Just an FYI - I am keeping in touch with Mathew and bugging him weekly to ask how Aria and Indy are doing.  I've nicknamed him 'Indy' as he wasn't named :)

Mathew says all is well and quiet, incubation continues and he will let us know when/if a hatch occurs. 


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Annette on 01-May-19, 02:14:25 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 26-May-19, 08:09:02 PM
Lucie and I went out to visit Aria today.  Sadly she only has one egg left, which we confirmed when there was a shift change, that they are both incubating diligently.  Spoke to some of the watchers there and there was 2 a few days ago but it seems another was removed.  It's been about 41 days already so we were hoping that they would have hatched by now.

She is nesting on a ledge though and most of our ledge nests have failed this Spring due to the cold, the rain and the damp weather.  

I was hoping for better news for you all and for her and Indy.  On the plus side, they are both still there and doing well.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 26-May-19, 09:09:37 PM
Lucie and I went out to visit Aria today.  Sadly she only has one egg left, which we confirmed when there was a shift change, that they are both incubating diligently.  Spoke to some of the watchers there and there was 2 a few days ago but it seems another was removed.  It's been about 41 days already so we were hoping that they would have hatched by now.

She is nesting on a ledge though and most of our ledge nests have failed this Spring due to the cold, the rain and the damp weather.  

I was hoping for better news for you all and for her and Indy.  On the plus side, they are both still there and doing well.

That’s so sad..was thinking about her today.  Thanks for checking on her.  :(

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 27-May-19, 12:20:17 PM
Sad indeed. But she is young, so hopefully she'll have a thriving family someday. Thanks for keeping watch!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 27-May-19, 02:38:46 PM
Thanks Carly and Lucie for checking on Aria.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Jun-19, 07:50:28 AM
Aria and Indie did give up their last egg week before last.  They were then seen mating again and favoring a new ledge on one of the buildings at the complex.  Unfortunately the ledge they've chosen isn't visible to our watchers there as it's at the end of the same condo complex so there is no building next to it where you could go up and have a look across.   

So we don't know if they've successfully reclutched or not but Marlene and Mathew are both keeping an eye on them when they can.  It's a really nice area where they are, that complex backs onto a golf course and then there is a river that runs by and a nice wooded area with walking trails.  So no nasty reflective glass.  There are a few mid-rises across the street from the front of the complex them for kids to fledge to which is nice as well.  It's very open and peaceful there.

Lucie and I are both in touch with M & M so if we hear anything we'll let you know.  For now, she is safe and she has a mate and a home  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 09-Jun-19, 07:25:13 PM
Thank you so much for checking on Aria and Indie.  Hopefully they will be parents but at least they have been seen and are doing well!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 09-Jun-19, 10:12:02 PM
Thanks Carly!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Sep-19, 09:14:15 PM
Photos from today of Aria and Indy taken by Lucie posted to CPF Facebook!


I am happy to confirm that ARIA (black/green, 85/BA, 2016 hatch from Rochester) and her mate, we call him 'INDY' as he has no official name (black/red, 13/N, a 2013 hatch from Gary, Indiana) are still the couple at an Etobicoke Private Residence.

https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/ (https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Annette on 09-Sep-19, 05:53:06 AM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 18-Mar-20, 04:12:28 PM
Lucie and I were hoping to go see how it's going with Aria and Indie but you know 'social distancing'.  I did get this cell phone photo from Marlene (who lives there) last night...it's not clear but it shows them on the ledge where they were last year.  I can't tell who is who in the photo but one is in the usual scrape where eggs would go.  She will keep me posted and I will pass anything on that I hear.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 18-Mar-20, 06:26:40 PM
Lucie and I were hoping to go see how it's going with Aria and Indie but you know 'social distancing'.  I did get this cell phone photo from Marlene (who lives there) last night...it's not clear but it shows them on the ledge where they were last year.  I can't tell who is who in the photo but one is in the usual scrape where eggs would go.  She will keep me posted and I will pass anything on that I hear.

Thanks for the update!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 24-Mar-20, 09:01:20 PM
Received an update today that Aria was laying in her scrape and then just awhile ago another update saying she saw an egg when she got up!   :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Mar-20, 12:36:40 PM
Received an update today that Aria was laying in her scrape and then just awhile ago another update saying she saw an egg when she got up!   :wub:

Awesome! Thanks for the update!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 25-Mar-20, 02:04:31 PM
Received an update today that Aria was laying in her scrape and then just awhile ago another update saying she saw an egg when she got up!   :wub:

Wonderful news!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 25-Mar-20, 02:53:52 PM
Received an update today that Aria was laying in her scrape and then just awhile ago another update saying she saw an egg when she got up!   :wub:

Wonderful news!  :2thumbsup:

Hopefully more B&DC grandbabies!  Yay!!!  :2thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Braveheart2665 on 26-Mar-20, 09:42:53 AM
The Legacy continues  :thumbsup: :clap:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 27-Mar-20, 12:01:41 PM
Just got word that egg 2 has arrived here  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 27-Mar-20, 01:35:16 PM
Just got word that egg 2 has arrived here  :happy:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 29-Mar-20, 05:36:35 PM
I heard yesterday that an intruder was at the site and contacted Lucie and she went by today to check on Aria and Indie.  She positively ID'd Aria by her bands and Indie as well.  She got some pictures of them and also the old female who is just outside the territory on another building so it may have been her coming by...she'd be about 17 or 18 years old.   There was no 'trouble' today though.

In order of photos - I had to resize them to meet the limits here so I cropped them down:  

1. Indie on eggs
2. Aria on building
3. Old Mom
4. Indie and Aria ..ahem..making more eggs.

All Photos by Lucie.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 01-Apr-20, 12:08:35 PM
Today's update is that Aria and Indie have 4 eggs now, all is well  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Annette on 01-Apr-20, 02:42:22 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 01-Apr-20, 08:17:04 PM
Today's update is that Aria and Indie have 4 eggs now, all is well  :happy:

Awesome! Thanks!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-Apr-20, 05:37:53 AM
New photos of Aria and Indie from Lucie..you can see their bands in these too  :handshake:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Apr-20, 07:12:34 AM
Beautiful pics! Thanks Carly and Lucie! :2thumbsup: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 11-Apr-20, 02:38:03 PM
Got a nice Easter present today in my email.  A friend of Marlene's took some stunning photos of Aria and Indie...I shrunk two of Aria down so I could show them here but the rest are massive and I can't seem to get them the right size to show here.  Photos taken by Martin D.!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 11-Apr-20, 05:11:38 PM
Got a nice Easter present today in my email.  A friend of Marlene's took some stunning photos of Aria and Indie...I shrunk two of Aria down so I could show them here but the rest are massive and I can't seem to get them the right size to show here.  Photos taken by Martin D.!


Thank you!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Apr-20, 08:55:34 AM
...One more I was able to shrink down of Aria

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 12-Apr-20, 03:12:34 PM
Thank you Carly and please thank Marlene for sharing!  :clap:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 01-May-20, 01:45:46 PM
There is unfortunately some roof top work going here today and tomorrow to replace air conditioning units.  I was worried it would interfere with hatching.

Anyway just got this photo taken this morning...food to the eggs!!!!  That usually means they are hearing something!!!  Very encouraging!!!  Talons crossed!!

Lucie is on site and she says Aria and Indie are doing good and are paying attention to the eggs and not the workmen!  So that's good!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 01-May-20, 01:53:41 PM
There is unfortunately some roof top work going here today and tomorrow to replace air conditioning units.  I was worried it would interfere with hatching.

Anyway just got this photo taken this morning...food to the eggs!!!!  That usually means they are hearing something!!!  Very encouraging!!!  Talons crossed!!

Lucie is on site and she says Aria and Indie are doing good and are paying attention to the eggs and not the workmen!  So that's good!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 01-May-20, 02:13:24 PM
Anyway just got this photo taken this morning...food to the eggs!!!!  That usually means they are hearing something!!!  Very encouraging!!!  Talons crossed!!

Aria must have told him to bring food to the eggs. After all, she's Dot.ca's daughter.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 01-May-20, 02:20:54 PM
Anyway just got this photo taken this morning...food to the eggs!!!!  That usually means they are hearing something!!!  Very encouraging!!!  Talons crossed!!

Aria must have told him to bring food to the eggs. After all, she's Dot.ca's daughter.

 :laugh:  I'm so excited, I'm trying to be stoic just in case but it's a really good sign to me.  I so want this for her! 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 01-May-20, 02:34:51 PM
Anyway just got this photo taken this morning...food to the eggs!!!!  That usually means they are hearing something!!!  Very encouraging!!!  Talons crossed!!

Aria must have told him to bring food to the eggs. After all, she's Dot.ca's daughter.

 :laugh:  I'm so excited, I'm trying to be stoic just in case but it's a really good sign to me.  I so want this for her! 

Me too. I've got a soft spot in my heart for that girl!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 02-May-20, 12:46:57 PM
Woohoo...just got word that we have a hatch here!!  Waiting for photos, Lucie is heading to the site.

Congratulations Aria and Indie and Grandma B and Grandpa DC!!!

 :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 02-May-20, 12:59:55 PM
Woohoo...just got word that we have a hatch here!!  Waiting for photos, Lucie is heading to the site.

Congratulations Aria and Indie and Grandma B and Grandpa DC!!!

 :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 02-May-20, 01:39:04 PM
Woohoo...just got word that we have a hatch here!!  Waiting for photos, Lucie is heading to the site.

Congratulations Aria and Indie and Grandma B and Grandpa DC!!!

 :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 02-May-20, 02:27:27 PM
Another phone call, second hatch for Aria and Indie just a few minutes ago!!   :hatch1: :hatch1:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 02-May-20, 02:51:28 PM
Another phone call, second hatch for Aria and Indie just a few minutes ago!!   :hatch1: :hatch1:

     :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-May-20, 08:53:13 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-May-20, 06:31:12 PM
Lucie has posted some photos to her Facebook page and to CPF's FB page of Aria, Indy and the babies.  Including a photo where Aria picks up her newly hatched second baby to relocate it.  The baby is fine but they were surprised by it.  She just wanted her baby closer to her.  

Please note the photos are taken through a window as she doesn't have access to the tenants balcony we used to go on due to COVID.  They still came out decent all things considered!  I've attached a few here including the 'baby move'.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-May-20, 06:39:14 PM
Two more - one of Aria and one of Indy.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-May-20, 06:46:06 PM
Lucie has posted some photos to her Facebook page and to CPF's FB page of Aria, Indy and the babies.  Including a photo where Aria picks up her newly hatched second baby to relocate it.  The baby is fine but they were surprised by it.  She just wanted here baby closer to her.  

Please note the photos are taken through a window as she doesn't have access to the tenants balcony we used to go on due to COVID.  They still came out decent all things considered!  I've attached a few here including the 'baby move'.

AWWW!!!!!!!!!!  :wub: :wub:

We've seen that move before...Beauty has done it when she had a wanderer that she just couldn't gather with her beak.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-May-20, 06:48:20 PM
Lots more photos on CPF FaceBook:  https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/ (https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/)

I just posted a few here in case some don't have FB access.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 03-May-20, 06:51:01 PM
Lucie has posted some photos to her Facebook page and to CPF's FB page of Aria, Indy and the babies.  Including a photo where Aria picks up her newly hatched second baby to relocate it.  The baby is fine but they were surprised by it.  She just wanted her baby closer to her.  

Please note the photos are taken through a window as she doesn't have access to the tenants balcony we used to go on due to COVID.  They still came out decent all things considered!  I've attached a few here including the 'baby move'.

Thanks for sharing the pics! So happy for Aria and, if she's like her mom, she's going to do great in her new role!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-May-20, 08:43:45 PM
New photos of Aria and babies from Martin taken from his balcony.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 04-May-20, 11:27:36 AM
New photos of Aria and babies from Martin taken from his balcony.

Sweet!  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 04-May-20, 03:08:53 PM
Apparently there are three now, waiting on more photos to confirm.  Enjoy these 2 new ones from Martin.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 04-May-20, 08:17:24 PM
Apparently there are three now, waiting on more photos to confirm.  Enjoy these 2 new ones from Martin.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-May-20, 04:31:35 PM
Definitely 3 but might be 4, she thinks the last egg might have hatched yesterday afternoon and it's leaning on the one to the right at the front. But we'll see, it kind of looks like it but I'd like to see a 4th head up before we call it.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-May-20, 04:44:08 PM
Definitely 3 but might be 4, she thinks the last egg might have hatched yesterday afternoon and it's leaning on the one to the right at the front. But we'll see, it kind of looks like it but I'd like to see a 4th head up before we call it.

Aria's a messy feeder like her Dad LOL!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-May-20, 05:24:01 PM
Definitely 3 but might be 4, she thinks the last egg might have hatched yesterday afternoon and it's leaning on the one to the right at the front. But we'll see, it kind of looks like it but I'd like to see a 4th head up before we call it.

Aria's a messy feeder like her Dad LOL!

LOL..yes I noticed that.  I just heard from Marlene again and she saw the fourth egg so it is definitely 3.  I think that is perfect for a first time mom  :)   

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-May-20, 12:22:30 PM
So sadly Aria and Indy's last hatch didn't survive.  I'm not sure of what happened as everyone there was quite distraught over it so all I got was that the little one didn't make it past 24 hours.  The other 2 are doing well though.  

On the good news side - the management has given permission for CPF to band the 2 babies. Banding is set for May 21st.  

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 08-May-20, 12:46:29 PM
Poor little one! I hope the other two remain healthy.  :crying:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-May-20, 01:07:52 PM
Poor little one! I hope the other two remain healthy.  :crying:

I hope so too patsy.  By all accounts Aria is a very protective mama and she is doing a good job with the kids.  Although they have covering to some extent - with another ledge above them - they are for all intense purposes out in the open in many respects so not unusual for there to be challenges there.  The previous female also had similar challenges so I think it's fair to say it's location as opposed to the pair because the previous 2 (Mom and Jack) were a different pair.  That being said I'm hopeful the 2 kids continue to do well. 

And they have a caring bunch of people to watch over them, they are even organizing a fledge watch and will be trained by CPF for it. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 08-May-20, 02:10:15 PM
Poor little one! I hope the other two remain healthy.  :crying:

I hope so too patsy.  By all accounts Aria is a very protective mama and she is doing a good job with the kids.  Although they have covering to some extent - with another ledge above them - they are for all intense purposes out in the open in many respects so not unusual for there to be challenges there.  The previous female also had similar challenges so I think it's fair to say it's location as opposed to the pair because the previous 2 (Mom and Jack) were a different pair.  That being said I'm hopeful the 2 kids continue to do well. 

And they have a caring bunch of people to watch over them, they are even organizing a fledge watch and will be trained by CPF for it. 

So sorry about the wee one but, hopefully, the remaining two continue to do ok. So glad the family has people to watch over them and there?ll be a fledge watch!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 08-May-20, 03:59:44 PM
So sadly Aria and Indy's last hatch didn't survive.  I'm not sure of what happened as everyone there was quite distraught over it so all I got was that the little one didn't make it past 24 hours.  The other 2 are doing well though.  

On the good news side - the management has given permission for CPF to band the 2 babies. Banding is set for May 21st.  

So sad.  :(

Hopefully the others will survive.   :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-May-20, 04:28:27 PM
Just got these from Marlene via Martin who took the photos.  Aria feeding the kids and Indy watching.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-May-20, 05:28:37 PM
Two photos from today taken by Martin.  Aria brooding and then the 2 kids  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 13-May-20, 06:48:59 PM
Two photos from today taken by Martin.  Aria brooding and then the 2 kids  :wub:

Sweet! So happy things are going well here!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 19-May-20, 09:08:55 PM
New photos from Martin of Aria and her babies.  Just a big puddle of cotton really  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 19-May-20, 09:54:44 PM
New photos from Martin of Aria and her babies.  Just a big puddle of cotton really  :wub:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-May-20, 02:11:13 PM
Banding happening there now, just got a pm that it's one boy and one girl for Aria!  We'll find out later the names and see photos when CPF posts!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 21-May-20, 02:57:47 PM
Banding happening there now, just got a pm that it's one boy and one girl for Aria!  We'll find out later the names and see photos when CPF posts!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 21-May-20, 03:40:28 PM
I'm so exited! The first NAMED Beauty and Dot.ca grandbabies!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-May-20, 04:15:30 PM
I am excited too so I checked my email and Marlene sent me the names and 2 photos she took with her phone - so here is a sneak preview.

Please welcome Scarlet (810 grams!) and Milburn (535 grams) - they are only 18 and 19 days old so they'll grow a lot more before fledge!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 21-May-20, 04:40:20 PM
I am excited too so I checked my email and Marlene sent me the names and 2 photos she took with her phone - so here is a sneak preview.

Please welcome Scarlet (810 grams!) and Milburn (535 grams) - they are only 18 and 19 days old so they'll grow a lot more before fledge!

Welcome little ones and safe journeys!!  So happy for Aria!!! :wub: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 21-May-20, 04:52:46 PM
I am excited too so I checked my email and Marlene sent me the names and 2 photos she took with her phone - so here is a sneak preview.

Please welcome Scarlet (810 grams!) and Milburn (535 grams) - they are only 18 and 19 days old so they'll grow a lot more before fledge!

Awww...so sweet!  :wub: Thanks, Carly!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 21-May-20, 05:49:24 PM
Oh Scarlet and Milburn, your grandparents would be so proud!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 21-May-20, 06:39:39 PM
This is so exciting! By chance Carly, did she share the band #s?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-May-20, 06:58:56 PM
This is so exciting! By chance Carly, did she share the band #s?

She did, I was going to wait til CPF posted them but since you asked :)

Scarlet - Band is  00/AB - Red Tape
Milburn - Band is   C/12 - Blue Tape

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 24-May-20, 08:27:22 PM
By the way, I found out from Lucie that Aria and Indy's daughter Scarlet has blue feet. I'm not sure if any of Cadence's babies had blue feet. I think some of them did. Anyway, the trait has continued to the next generation!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 25-May-20, 06:26:42 AM
By the way, I found out from Lucie that Aria and Indy's daughter Scarlet has blue feet. I'm not sure if any of Cadence's babies had blue feet. I think some of them did. Anyway, the trait has continued to the next generation!

She does indeed (one of Martin's photos)  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 25-May-20, 09:40:26 AM
By the way, I found out from Lucie that Aria and Indy's daughter Scarlet has blue feet. I'm not sure if any of Cadence's babies had blue feet. I think some of them did. Anyway, the trait has continued to the next generation!

She does indeed (one of Martin's photos)  :wub:

Dot.ca's legacy carries on!   ;)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 31-May-20, 06:43:56 AM
New photo of Aria and the kids taken by Martin.  :wub: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 31-May-20, 08:52:33 AM
New photo of Aria and the kids taken by Martin.  :wub: :wub:

Great pic! Kids are growing fast!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 31-May-20, 03:53:55 PM
I think Aria is going to be a very good momma.  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-Jun-20, 12:01:13 PM
New photos of the kids from Martin.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 03-Jun-20, 01:35:19 PM
New photos of the kids from Martin.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-Jun-20, 01:40:39 PM
New photos of the kids from Martin.


They are adorable.  And I hear Scarlet is quite the greedy girl, she grabbed food from dad that he brought in the other day and took it in a corner and he couldn't get it back from her..lol.  She actually won the tug of war with him!   So he had to go get more to feed her brother.  Little brat  :laugh:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Jun-20, 06:54:43 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Jun-20, 11:40:06 AM
New photos of the kids from Martin.


They are adorable.  And I hear Scarlet is quite the greedy girl, she grabbed food from dad that he brought in the other day and took it in a corner and he couldn't get it back from her..lol.  She actually won the tug of war with him!   So he had to go get more to feed her brother.  Little brat  :laugh:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 04-Jun-20, 03:40:37 PM
Today's Martin photos:

Milburn and Aria  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Jun-20, 10:13:43 PM
Today's Martin photos:

Milburn and Aria  :happy:

Sweet! Is Milburn named after anyone?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-20, 05:45:54 AM
Today's Martin photos:

Milburn and Aria  :happy:

Sweet! Is Milburn named after anyone?

Without giving it totally away, his name hints at his location - it's two names combined.  As it is a private residence, I can't be more specific than that. :)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Jun-20, 09:15:15 AM
Today's Martin photos:

Milburn and Aria  :happy:

Sweet! Is Milburn named after anyone?

Without giving it totally away, his name hints at his location - it's two names combined.  As it is a private residence, I can't be more specific than that. :)

Ok..thought it meant something..thx! Scarlet named after anyone?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-20, 10:49:28 AM
Today's Martin photos:

Milburn and Aria  :happy:

Sweet! Is Milburn named after anyone?

Without giving it totally away, his name hints at his location - it's two names combined.  As it is a private residence, I can't be more specific than that. :)

Ok..thought it meant something..thx! Scarlet named after anyone?

They didn't include an explanation of her name to me like they did with Milburn so I"m assuming it's just a name they like?  I will ask Marlene next time we chat to confirm.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Jun-20, 10:53:41 AM
From CPF Facebook:

Fledge watch begins today at our Etobicoke Peregrine nest site, home of ARIA & INDY 💕

We have one girl and one boy SCARLET (00/AB, red tape) and MILBURN (C/12, blue tape)

Thank you to Martin Dekkers for these awesome photos!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 08-Jun-20, 06:53:00 PM
From CPF Facebook:

Fledge watch begins today at our Etobicoke Peregrine nest site, home of ARIA & INDY 💕

We have one girl and one boy SCARLET (00/AB, red tape) and MILBURN (C/12, blue tape)

Thank you to Martin Dekkers for these awesome photos!

Sweet pics..thanks!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Jun-20, 09:28:08 AM
New photos from CPF Facebook that Martin sent in - they are now on fledge watch.  There was an intruder againg a few days ago that came to the ledge - they think it's the old female again, she keeps 'intruding'.  She was chased off by both Aria and Indy but it looks like she may have gotten a peck or two in at Aria as she was protecting the kids.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 12-Jun-20, 01:11:27 PM
Oh, I hope her right eye is okay. The area around it looks a bit swollen. Poor Aria!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Jun-20, 01:43:26 PM
Oh, I hope her right eye is okay. The area around it looks a bit swollen. Poor Aria!

Marlene says she is flying well and doing her usual things. Scarlet has been really aggressive when she comes in with food and neither Aria nor Indy can win a food fight with her apparently.   On the plus side, with it being fledge watch - there are a lot of people keeping an eye on Aria. 

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 12-Jun-20, 01:47:37 PM
Here is the official report that goes with the photos:

Day 5 - SCARLET (red) and MILBURN (blue)

One fledge watcher reports: "Right now babies are on ledge. Milburn has been grooming himself getting off bits of fluff on wings and bum. No squawking. Just hanging out. Today's the day!!! I'm feeling it."

Earlier this week, fledge watchers reported an intruder at the nest. There was an altercation and ARIA was slightly injured. A hint of red can be seen on the right side of her head.

One fledge watcher reported on June 10: "Mom and dad both flew into the nest together just now 0820. I can confirm all 4 are ok!! One of the parents left food which Scarlet grabbed into the corner then now Milburn is sharing. Parents left food and didn't stay to feed. Scarlet is now sharing. Yay. It was a small meal and they appear to be done their snack. I was worried I had not seen mom but all good. Lots of squawking this morning so I waited around to see all ok."

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 12-Jun-20, 03:53:22 PM
Here is the official report that goes with the photos:

Day 5 - SCARLET (red) and MILBURN (blue)

One fledge watcher reports: "Right now babies are on ledge. Milburn has been grooming himself getting off bits of fluff on wings and bum. No squawking. Just hanging out. Today's the day!!! I'm feeling it."

Earlier this week, fledge watchers reported an intruder at the nest. There was an altercation and ARIA was slightly injured. A hint of red can be seen on the right side of her head.

One fledge watcher reported on June 10: "Mom and dad both flew into the nest together just now 0820. I can confirm all 4 are ok!! One of the parents left food which Scarlet grabbed into the corner then now Milburn is sharing. Parents left food and didn't stay to feed. Scarlet is now sharing. Yay. It was a small meal and they appear to be done their snack. I was worried I had not seen mom but all good. Lots of squawking this morning so I waited around to see all ok."

Poor Aria. Be safe little family.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 06-Mar-21, 06:45:02 AM
I received an email from Marlene last night with a new photo of Indy and Aria.  Both are doing well and mating rituals are in full swing she said.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Shaky on 06-Mar-21, 09:14:52 AM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Joyce on 06-Mar-21, 11:57:09 AM
Thanks, Carly for keeping us posted. Aria will be 5 this year.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 06-Mar-21, 05:01:37 PM
Awesome! Beautiful pair!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 27-Mar-21, 02:32:15 PM
And while we watch and wait with Beauty.  Some news on Aria.  Marlene emailed this morning to say she looks ready to drop her first egg.  Like her mom, she had to deal with an interloper the other day which caused some excitement but all is well now.  Here is the photo she sent of Aria in her nest - taken yesterday.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 27-Mar-21, 02:34:16 PM
And while we watch and wait with Beauty.  Some news on Aria.  Marlene emailed this morning to say she looks ready to drop her first egg.  Like her mom, she had to deal with an interloper the other day which caused some excitement but all is well now.  Here is the photo she sent of Aria in her nest - taken yesterday.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Apr-21, 08:12:48 AM
No good news to report from here I'm afraid.  Territorial battles continue between aria and another female, they think it may be the former resident female.  There was a bad fight yesterday on the ledge, which ended up on the ground and Aria and the other female had to pulled apart by watchers.  Both flew off after that but this has been on going for two weeks now so I fear it's not going to end well for someone.

Will keep you posted when I hear anything else.  I wish I had better news to share.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Apr-21, 09:28:06 AM
So after posting the above from emails that came overnight.  I checked my emails again because of course I"m nervous and waiting for news.  The watchers just sent an email saying Marlene was up early to check on Aria and lo and behold she laid an egg sometime during the night!  After all that, bless her little heart , I hope she can stay safe!   :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 05-Apr-21, 09:36:39 AM
So after posting the above from emails that came overnight.  I checked my emails again because of course I"m nervous and waiting for news.  The watchers just sent an email saying Marlene was up early to check on Aria and lo and behold she laid an egg sometime during the night!  After all that, bless her little heart , I hope she can stay safe!   :heart:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 05-Apr-21, 11:03:55 AM
Poor Aria. Hoping for the best.  :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Apr-21, 11:33:10 AM
CPF has posted fight photos on their FB page if you want to see.  And details about how they separated them.

https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/ (https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Apr-21, 11:50:30 AM
So after posting the above from emails that came overnight.  I checked my emails again because of course I"m nervous and waiting for news.  The watchers just sent an email saying Marlene was up early to check on Aria and lo and behold she laid an egg sometime during the night!  After all that, bless her little heart , I hope she can stay safe!   :heart:

Hoping all turns out well.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Apr-21, 11:54:56 AM
CPF has posted fight photos on their FB page if you want to see.  And details about how they separated them.

https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/ (https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/)

I see the other female is banded as well. Do we know who she is?

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Apr-21, 11:56:27 AM
CPF has posted fight photos on their FB page if you want to see.  And details about how they separated them.

https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/ (https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/)

I see the other female is banded as well. Do we know who she is?

Silver band on right leg..it might be the former resident female known as Mom - she's been parked outside the territory since Aria won it from her.  Not 100% since USFW bands are not easy to read but that is 'who' we think it is.  She only has the one band as she was banded coming through a banding site in the US many years ago.  That being said there are other females with only silver USFW that have been seen in other areas of the city so unless we can read the band...can't say for certain it's her.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 05-Apr-21, 12:13:30 PM
CPF has posted fight photos on their FB page if you want to see.  And details about how they separated them.

https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/ (https://www.facebook.com/Canadian-Peregrine-Foundation-149280041803853/)

I see the other female is banded as well. Do we know who she is?

Silver band on right leg..it might be the former resident female known as Mom - she's been parked outside the territory since Aria won it from her.  Not 100% since USFW bands are not easy to read but that is 'who' we think it is.  She only has the one band as she was banded coming through a banding site in the US many years ago.  That being said there are other females with only silver USFW that have been seen in other areas of the city so unless we can read the band...can't say for certain it's her.

Thanks. It probably is Mom. They don't give up easily.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 09-Apr-21, 10:11:11 AM
Still no word about a second egg.  I expect that, like Beauty, her second is delayed due to the intruder she had to deal with.  I did email day before yesterday and Marlene said they were both fine and seemed to be guarding the single egg quite diligently.  Hopefully things stay calm and they can continue with nesting in peace.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 09-Apr-21, 01:29:21 PM
Still no word about a second egg.  I expect that, like Beauty, her second is delayed due to the intruder she had to deal with.  I did email day before yesterday and Marlene said they were both fine and seemed to be guarding the single egg quite diligently.  Hopefully things stay calm and they can continue with nesting in peace.

Thanks for keeping us updated!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-Apr-21, 02:05:23 PM
Just got an email from Marlene and egg #2 has arrived!   :wub: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 10-Apr-21, 06:56:10 PM
Just got an email from Marlene and egg #2 has arrived!   :wub: :wub:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 15-Apr-21, 05:01:14 PM
All is well here with Aria and her mate.  They haven't been able to do a count of eggs because since Aria laid the second egg someone has been on them.  That being said, Marlene said they are doing well and it's been peaceful.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 15-Apr-21, 05:50:38 PM
All is well here with Aria and her mate.  They haven't been able to do a count of eggs because since Aria laid the second egg someone has been on them.  That being said, Marlene said they are doing well and it's been peaceful.

Good to hear!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-May-21, 09:15:28 PM
Aria had a hatch today.  It seems after the battle with the old female, she only laid one more egg so there were two.   They are very excited and said this baby is very special given everything that happened.  I don't wish her harm but I hope she is done trying to interfere here.  

Anyway 3 little photos from Martin tonight.  May the little one grow strong and prosper.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 13-May-21, 10:19:59 PM
Aria had a hatch today.  It seems after the battle with the old female, she only laid one more egg so there were two.   They are very excited and said this baby is very special given everything that happened.  I don't wish her harm but I hope she is done trying to interfere here.  

Anyway 3 little photos from Martin tonight.  May the little one grow strong and prosper.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 24-May-21, 07:21:01 AM
New photos from Marlene this morning.  Baby is doing well  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 24-May-21, 07:49:38 AM
Thanks Carly!  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 24-May-21, 07:56:37 AM
New photos from Marlene this morning.  Baby is doing well  :wub:

After what?s been going on there, this is so great to see!  :clap: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Shaky on 24-May-21, 06:42:52 PM
New photos from Marlene this morning.  Baby is doing well  :wub:

Too cute.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 30-May-21, 06:55:45 AM
Photos from Marlene (taken by Martin yesterday) of Aria and baby  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 02-Jun-21, 11:48:27 PM
Adorable :wub: :wub: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 03-Jun-21, 05:00:53 AM
Photos from Marlene (taken by Martin yesterday) of Aria and baby  :wub:

Wow! Adorable baby and Aria looks so much like Beauty!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 03-Jun-21, 06:55:12 AM
Thanks Carly. Love seeing Aria and her baby.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 05-Jun-21, 05:48:27 PM
Aria and baby - June 05.2021 - Photos by Martin.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 06-Jun-21, 12:49:51 PM
Aria and baby - June 05.2021 - Photos by Martin.

So glad to see baby is doing well! :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 07-Jun-21, 07:26:59 PM
Aria and baby - June 05.2021 - Photos by Martin.

So precious!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Jun-21, 08:46:41 PM
Aria's little one - from today - photos by Martin.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-Jun-21, 08:07:54 PM
Little one was rescued today, Mark checked him out and banded him - he's been named Noah and banded C/20.  Here's some photos of him from Saturday that Marlene sent me over the weekend.  

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 21-Jun-21, 08:25:08 PM
Just received the rescue and banding photos!  He was stuck on a balcony.  There are more photos but I don't want to bombard you.  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 27-Mar-22, 01:21:53 PM
From CPF Facebook:

March 26th First egg laid for Indie and Aria

This afternoon Aria laid an egg between 4 and 5 p.m.    I was at the window and saw the egg, then the wings flying around one level above with one bird circling - it would seem that our old mom is back from the West Mall - Aria broke loose, all three flew off - and then Aria returned to lay on her new little one - I again witnessed Indie bringing her food.   We were hopeful that we would have a big successful year this year but it seems that old mom is determined. 


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 27-Mar-22, 04:44:41 PM
From CPF Facebook:

March 26th First egg laid for Indie and Aria

This afternoon Aria laid an egg between 4 and 5 p.m.    I was at the window and saw the egg, then the wings flying around one level above with one bird circling - it would seem that our old mom is back from the West Mall - Aria broke loose, all three flew off - and then Aria returned to lay on her new little one - I again witnessed Indie bringing her food.   We were hopeful that we would have a big successful year this year but it seems that old mom is determined. 


Oh no!  :(

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 30-Mar-22, 09:22:45 AM
Well the good news is that Indy and Aria both chased her off together so they are working as a team and yesterday she laid her second egg.  Photos attached - taken by Martin Dekkers.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 30-Mar-22, 10:40:03 AM
Well the good news is that Indy and Aria both chased her off together so they are working as a team and yesterday she laid her second egg.  Photos attached - taken by Martin Dekkers.

Handsome pair! Hope things work out for them!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 30-Mar-22, 11:32:02 PM
Go Aria and Indie!    :notworthy: :clap: :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 04-Apr-22, 08:21:05 PM
Three eggs for sure, maybe four.  They're having a hard time confirming as they're incubating of course and they are tucked in a corner.  But either way, good news  :happy:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 04-Apr-22, 09:07:18 PM
Three eggs for sure, maybe four.  They're having a hard time confirming as they're incubating of course and they are tucked in a corner.  But either way, good news  :happy:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 02-May-22, 04:48:25 PM
Just got an email:  First and second hatch for Aria and Indy today, 2 eggs to go!  Photo credit to Martin Dekkers!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 02-May-22, 06:03:46 PM
Just got an email:  First and second hatch for Aria and Indy today, 2 eggs to go!  Photo credit to Martin Deckers!

Congrats to Aria & Indy! The legacy continues!❤️

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-May-22, 06:44:03 PM
Just got an email:  First and second hatch for Aria and Indy today, 2 eggs to go!  Photo credit to Martin Deckers!

Yay! Thank you!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 02-May-22, 08:57:18 PM
Just got an email:  First and second hatch for Aria and Indy today, 2 eggs to go!  Photo credit to Martin Deckers!
Oh my! Beauty and Dot.ca's line continues. I'm smiling and crying all at once.  :heart: :'(

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 04-May-22, 06:34:19 PM
Great news, Marlene just saw 3 babies lined up for dinner!!   :hatch1: :hatch1: :hatch1:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 05-May-22, 01:23:38 AM
Great news, Marlene just saw 3 babies lined up for dinner!!   :hatch1: :hatch1: :hatch1:
:heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 10-May-22, 05:47:24 AM
1...2....3....4 babies!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 10-May-22, 07:07:09 AM
1...2....3....4 babies!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 10-May-22, 09:24:58 AM
1...2....3....4 babies!

Awesome! So happy for Aria and Indy!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 10-May-22, 11:45:35 AM
1...2....3....4 babies!


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 18-May-22, 06:40:06 AM
A new photo from Martin of Aria and her babies..look at those crops  :spaghetti:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 18-May-22, 07:04:19 AM
A new photo from Martin of Aria and her babies..look at those crops  :spaghetti:

Aria is beautiful and her babies look very well taken care of!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 18-May-22, 07:11:56 AM
A new photo from Martin of Aria and her babies..look at those crops  :spaghetti:

Such a beautiful family!
  :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon2:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 24-May-22, 12:18:25 PM
Banding today for the kids.  3 'big' girls and one little boy.  I said to some of the people there that I"m surprised the little guy gets any food with the size of those girls and they said that Aria will either pull him forward or go behind them and make sure that he gets fed.  That just made me misty, sooo like her mama  :wub: :wub:  

The theme for naming was the Queen's Golden Jubilee so some 'royal' names for the kids.

Duchess, 885 grams,  Blk/Blk 09/AB - Red Tape
Victoria, 900 grams - Blk/Blk 10/AB - Yellow Tape
Diana, 820 grams - Blk/Blk 14/AB - Green Tape
Braveheart, 625 grams - Blk/Blk C/30 - Blue Tape

I couldn't get past the wall of older people with their cell phones to get decent photos but Martin was there and he will send some really good photos I can share with you once I get them.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 24-May-22, 06:29:54 PM
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: jeanne on 24-May-22, 08:04:21 PM
Such beautiful names!   So happy for Aria and her family!!!!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 24-May-22, 10:08:23 PM
Banding today for the kids.  3 'big' girls and one little boy.  I said to some of the people there that I"m surprised the little guy gets any food with the size of those girls and they said that Aria will either pull him forward or go behind them and make sure that he gets fed.  That just made me misty, sooo like her mama  :wub: :wub:  

The theme for naming was the Queen's Golden Jubilee so some 'royal' names for the kids.

Duchess, 885 grams,  Blk/Blk 09/AB - Red Tape
Victoria, 900 grams - Blk/Blk 10/AB - Yellow Tape
Diana, 820 grams - Blk/Blk 14/AB - Green Tape
Braveheart, 625 grams - Blk/Blk C/30 - Blue Tape

I couldn't get past the wall of older people with their cell phones to get decent photos but Martin was there and he will send some really good photos I can share with you once I get them.

I?m so happy for Aria and her beautiful family and to know she?s a great mom, just like Beauty.  Love all the names too! Glad you got to see the banding, Carly, and can?t wait to see some pics!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 24-May-22, 11:37:23 PM
Aria had a clutch just like the one she came from. Three girls and a boy.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 25-May-22, 11:59:23 AM
Banding photos posted to CPF web site for those interested.

http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2022/05/sightings/banding-day-for-indie-and-arias-chicks-may-24th-2022/ (http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2022/05/sightings/banding-day-for-indie-and-arias-chicks-may-24th-2022/)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 25-May-22, 01:49:09 PM
Banding photos posted to CPF web site for those interested.

http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2022/05/sightings/banding-day-for-indie-and-arias-chicks-may-24th-2022/ (http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2022/05/sightings/banding-day-for-indie-and-arias-chicks-may-24th-2022/)

Aria's a good mom. Thanks Carly.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 25-May-22, 02:37:10 PM
Banding photos posted to CPF web site for those interested.

http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2022/05/sightings/banding-day-for-indie-and-arias-chicks-may-24th-2022/ (http://peregrine-foundation.ca/w/2022/05/sightings/banding-day-for-indie-and-arias-chicks-may-24th-2022/)


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 15-Jun-22, 10:45:29 AM
From CPF Facebook - just posted!

Aria and Indie's chick Noah (C/20 - banded in 2021) was seen at the Port Stanley Lagoons in March. Great to see he survived the first Migration. He reminds me of DC in looks so far  :wub:

Photos taken by Jeff Vandewyngaerde

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 15-Jun-22, 10:51:41 AM
From CPF Facebook - just posted!

Aria and Indie's chick Noah (C/20 - banded in 2021) was seen at the Port Stanley Lagoons in March. Great to see he survived the first Migration. He reminds me of DC in looks so far  :wub:

Photos taken by Jeff Vandewyngaerde

What fabulous news!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 15-Jun-22, 03:23:03 PM
From CPF Facebook - just posted!

Aria and Indie's chick Noah (C/20 - banded in 2021) was seen at the Port Stanley Lagoons in March. Great to see he survived the first Migration. He reminds me of DC in looks so far  :wub:

Photos taken by Jeff Vandewyngaerde

Wonderful news!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 15-Jun-22, 08:27:12 PM
From CPF Facebook - just posted!

Aria and Indie's chick Noah (C/20 - banded in 2021) was seen at the Port Stanley Lagoons in March. Great to see he survived the first Migration. He reminds me of DC in looks so far  :wub:

Photos taken by Jeff Vandewyngaerde

Great news!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 16-Jun-22, 09:23:37 AM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 26-Jun-22, 11:17:06 AM
Just got an update from Marlene.  The kids are all doing well and flying high now.  Mom and dad are teaching them to hunt.  Here is a nice collage of the them I wanted to share that she sent me.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 26-Jun-22, 11:26:40 AM
Just got an update from Marlene.  The kids are all doing well and flying high now.  Mom and dad are teaching them to hunt.  Here is a nice collage of the them I wanted to share that she sent me.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 26-Jun-22, 06:02:22 PM
Just got an update from Marlene.  The kids are all doing well and flying high now.  Mom and dad are teaching them to hunt.  Here is a nice collage of the them I wanted to share that she sent me.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 25-Nov-22, 08:46:28 PM
A few weeks ago it was reported that a new male was courting Aria and Indy was MIA.  Sadly CPF has posted that his body has been found in Mississauga.  Indy (or Indie) was named by watchers up here to honor his birth home as he was not named at banding.  He was born in 2013 in Gary, Indiana.  Fly high Indy, you were a good mate to Aria and a great dad to your offspring.

The new male is Equinox, a 2014 hatch from our Canada Square site.

Post and photo of his body on CPF Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 25-Nov-22, 09:04:27 PM
A few weeks ago it was reported that a new male was courting Aria and Indy was MIA.  Sadly CPF has posted that his body has been found in Mississauga.  Indy (or Indie) was named by watchers up here to honor his birth home as he was not named at banding.  He was born in 2013 in Gary, Indiana.  Fly high Indy, you were a good mate to Aria and a great dad to your offspring.

The new male is Equinox, a 2014 hatch from our Canada Square site.

Post and photo of his body on CPF Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)

Thanks for letting us know Carly. Fly free Indy! ♥️

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Nov-22, 09:31:00 PM
A few weeks ago it was reported that a new male was courting Aria and Indy was MIA.  Sadly CPF has posted that his body has been found in Mississauga.  Indy (or Indie) was named by watchers up here to honor his birth home as he was not named at banding.  He was born in 2013 in Gary, Indiana.  Fly high Indy, you were a good mate to Aria and a great dad to your offspring.

The new male is Equinox, a 2014 hatch from our Canada Square site.

Post and photo of his body on CPF Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064583174251)

Very sad to hear this news. Fly free, Indy.  :sorrow:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 02-Apr-23, 03:47:08 PM
Received an email this afternoon from Marlene to announce the arrival of Aria and Equinox's first egg.  No photos yet, will share if I get any.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 02-Apr-23, 03:50:05 PM
Received an email this afternoon from Marlene to announce the arrival of Aria and Equinox's first egg.  No photos yet, will share if I get any.
Hurray!  One more step for the Beauty and Dot.ca legacy!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 02-Apr-23, 04:13:42 PM
Received an email this afternoon from Marlene to announce the arrival of Aria and Equinox's first egg.  No photos yet, will share if I get any.

Wonderful news!  :clap:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 02-Apr-23, 10:19:00 PM
Received an email this afternoon from Marlene to announce the arrival of Aria and Equinox's first egg.  No photos yet, will share if I get any.

Awesome news!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 04-Apr-23, 04:08:27 PM
Egg #2 for Aria and Equinox

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 04-Apr-23, 05:33:37 PM
Egg #2 for Aria and Equinox

 :heart: :wub: :heart:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 13-Apr-23, 05:44:00 AM
Marlene has been away visiting her son so I didn't get updates on the last 2 eggs but CPF posted last night.

Aria laid her 4th egg April 8th. Could be a busy season for the watchers.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 11-May-23, 01:33:11 PM
Just read on CPF that 2 of Aria and Equinox's eggs have hatched.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 11-May-23, 01:34:29 PM
And Aria's chicks will be banded on May 30.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 16-May-23, 08:56:35 PM
Oh boy...Equinox's brother seems to have displaced him! From CPF FB:  

"Aria has yet another suitor or perhaps new mate. Groucho 07 over AW hatched banded in 2020 again at Canada Square and Equinox's brother. There was a fight seen between 2 peregrines on Sunday and now Groucho is at the nest helping feed and brood the young not sure what happened to Equinox or if he will be back to claim his family or if it his could be they are Groucho's chicks???  A big thank you to the photographer and resident of the building for the photos and report."

(They have his hatch year wrong - he's a 2020 bird, they said 2022 - I've posted the correct year for them in the comments)

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 16-May-23, 09:54:06 PM
Oh boy...Equinox's brother seems to have displaced him! From CPF FB:  

"Aria has yet another suitor or perhaps new mate. Groucho 07 over AW hatched banded in 2020 again at Canada Square and Equinox's brother. There was a fight seen between 2 peregrines on Sunday and now Groucho is at the nest helping feed and brood the young not sure what happened to Equinox or if he will be back to claim his family or if it his could be they are Groucho's chicks???  A big thank you to the photographer and resident of the building for the photos and report."

(They have his hatch year wrong - he's a 2020 bird, they said 2022 - I've posted the correct year for them in the comments)


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Carol P. on 16-May-23, 09:54:22 PM
Oh boy...Equinox's brother seems to have displaced him! From CPF FB:  

"Aria has yet another suitor or perhaps new mate. Groucho 07 over AW hatched banded in 2020 again at Canada Square and Equinox's brother. There was a fight seen between 2 peregrines on Sunday and now Groucho is at the nest helping feed and brood the young not sure what happened to Equinox or if he will be back to claim his family or if it his could be they are Groucho's chicks???  A big thank you to the photographer and resident of the building for the photos and report."

(They have his hatch year wrong - he's a 2020 bird, they said 2022 - I've posted the correct year for them in the comments)

Sigh. Change is a constant in the world of the Pefas. Thanks for the update Carly. Hopefully Equinox is ok.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 25-May-23, 05:53:45 PM
Banding for Aria's kids moved to next Monday as they felt the kids are still a bit too young this week.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 04-Jun-23, 01:12:59 PM
Banding info for this year:

Atlas weighed 590 grams his band number is C over 39 and he has yellow tape on the silver band
Turner weighed 660 grams and his band number is C over 40 he has Red tape on this silver band.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 08-Jul-23, 09:35:16 PM
Turner and Atlas both doing well.  Marlene sent this photo today.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 08-Jul-23, 10:27:04 PM
Turner and Atlas both doing well.  Marlene sent this photo today.

Sweet! :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 22-Mar-24, 03:16:17 PM
Marlene emailed me this morning.  Aria laid her first egg of the season at 10.00 am today.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Annette on 22-Mar-24, 04:46:35 PM
Marlene emailed me this morning.  Aria laid her first egg of the season at 10.00 am today.

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 22-Mar-24, 07:58:11 PM
Marlene emailed me this morning.  Aria laid her first egg of the season at 10.00 am today.


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 22-Mar-24, 09:29:38 PM

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 25-Mar-24, 02:03:33 PM
Egg #2 arrived for Aria last night at 7.00 pm  :dance1: :dance1:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 25-Mar-24, 10:13:19 PM
Egg #2 arrived for Aria last night at 7.00 pm  :dance1: :dance1:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 27-Mar-24, 05:54:53 PM
Egg #3 is here!   :wub: :wub: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 28-Mar-24, 11:30:20 AM
Egg #3 is here!   :wub: :wub: :wub:



Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 29-Apr-24, 01:27:23 PM
First hatch for Aria and Groucho!  Marlene just emailed me  :handshake:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Annette on 29-Apr-24, 01:30:28 PM
First hatch for Aria and Groucho!  Marlene just emailed me  :handshake:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 29-Apr-24, 02:49:31 PM
First hatch for Aria and Groucho!  Marlene just emailed me  :handshake:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 29-Apr-24, 04:52:37 PM
First hatch for Aria and Groucho!  Marlene just emailed me  :handshake:

 :hatch1: :yippee:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Shaky on 29-Apr-24, 05:13:42 PM
First hatch for Aria and Groucho!  Marlene just emailed me  :handshake:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 29-Apr-24, 08:41:29 PM
Two hatches for Aria now!  :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 29-Apr-24, 09:48:14 PM
Two hatches for Aria now!  :wub:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Shaky on 30-Apr-24, 11:30:34 AM
Two hatches for Aria now!  :wub:


Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 02-May-24, 06:38:05 PM
Looks like all 4 hatched  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 02-May-24, 07:14:58 PM
Looks like all 4 hatched  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

 :clap: :hatch1: :hatch1: :hatch1: :hatch1:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 03-May-24, 08:20:22 PM
New photo of Aria feeding her 4 babies, taken by Martin Decker  :handshake:

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 04-May-24, 12:42:34 PM
New photo of Aria feeding her 4 babies, taken by Martin Decker  :handshake:

So happy for her! Precious!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: patsy6 on 21-May-24, 11:43:40 PM
Here are Aria and Groucho's 2024 eyasses. Beauty and Dot.ca's grandbabies. Little Orion will sadly never know that he has an uncle somewhere named Orion. 😊❤️

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: carly on 22-May-24, 05:31:25 AM
Band numbers from the CPF banding post:

Aurora, female, 935g, 36/AB, red tape
Orion, male, 630g, C/51, blue tape
Solar, male, 630g, C/52, green on yellow tape
Luna, female, 880g, 37/AB, white tape

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Kris G. on 22-May-24, 09:25:41 AM
Band numbers from the CPF banding post:

Aurora, female, 935g, 36/AB, red tape
Orion, male, 630g, C/51, blue tape
Solar, male, 630g, C/52, green on yellow tape
Luna, female, 880g, 37/AB, white tape

Great names! Yay for Aria and her mate!

Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Dumpsterkitty on 14-Jun-24, 11:49:56 AM
And, in Legacy news from our friends at CPF...Aria (2016) and Groucho successfully fledged 4 young this year!

Martin reports that all of the chicks have flown successfully and now are fledglings!!!  Congrats on another great year for Aria and Groucho ❤️
Thanks for the reports and pictures Martin and Maggie .
Stay high, stay safe Aurora, Orion, Solar and Luna!









Title: Re: Aria - 85/BA (2016)
Post by: Annette on 14-Jun-24, 12:14:19 PM