rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 6-15-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Another clear day with bright blue skies and sunshine-the temperature when I left for my morning watch was 56 (F) 13 (C)

I made my way downtown by 5:15am only to find no falcons in view so I drove to our Brighton site (BS). I found 1 falcon on the northwest corner of the northwest extension.


I thought it was Pigott since I didn’t see another falcon anywhere when I drove around the building but I found out soon after that it was in fact Dot.Ca (DC). 5-10 minutes later he would fly out to the southwest and double back going into the cubby on the west side. He started echupping and then Pigott flew in from the north and joined DC in the cubby. They would echup and whine for the next 2 minutes or so and then DC flew out and up to the southwest corner of the southwest extension briefly and then to the southwest corner of the west extension, while Pigott remained in the cubby whining loudly.

img_0022-dc1 img_0027-dc1

DC left a minute later and the whining stopped,  less than a minute later  Miss Pigott came out to the front  ledge of the cubby before flying up to the southwest corner of the west extension where DC had just vacated.

img_0029-pigott img_0034-pigott

15 minutes later at 6:05am Pigott flew off to the west and stooped on a small bird showing great speed. With the flick of a wing Pigott was practically upside down trying to grab the bird before it escaped into a tree. She was inches from making the catch-and were it not for that tree she would have had a meal. I’m confident in saying that the damaged and missing feathers in her tail and left wing are not hampering her ability to hunt for herself. A blurry take off shot but you can see the damage pretty well in the next pic.

img_0040-pigott-showing-damaged-and-missing-feathers Make sure to always click on my pics to view the full version

I mistakenly tweeted that Pigott flew to the southwest corner of the southwest extension after her failed stoop-I really meant to say southeast corner of southeast extension.


I stayed with Pigott for 20 minutes or so then headed back downtown to check out the action there. Arriving at 6:38am I found DC on the main cam but Beauty was nowhere that I could see her.


DC left the main cam as I drove up to the Broad St. Bridge from the hole to look around for Beauty. 5 minutes later DC was back on the main cam and Beauty arrived on the base of Mercury with prey. I went back down to the hole at this point to watch.

img_0054-beauty-with-a-catch img_0065-dc

The Beautyful one started plucking feathers and was eating a bit also for the next 15 minutes. She then flew to the nest box with the goods to feed the eyases. DC flew over to the base of Mercury and was looking around for any scraps she might have left behind.

img_0066-beauty-takes-off-for-nest-box<Beauty> img_0070-beauty-landing-on-deck-with-prey DC>img_0075-dc-looking-for-scraps

After 5 minutes DC flew back to perch on the main cam and watch as Beauty fed their kids. At around 7:30am Beauty flew out with leftovers to the base of Mercury and cached them. While I was tweeting Beauty flew to the main cam replacing DC who was now on the base of Mercury eating. I almost didn’t even figure out  they switched on me. lol Sneaky little peregrines!

img_0078-dc <DC

One minute Beauty is there on base and the next time I look after tweeting DC is there!

img_0090-beauty <Beauty   DC> img_0091-dc1

DC ate his share and took off with the rest to the nest box. Beauty took it from him and cached it somewhere while DC remained on deck. Beauty returned to the main cam and DC flew over to OCSR 2nd  ibeam south corner.

img_0093-dc-eats<DC    Beauty>img_0103-beauty DC>img_0105-dc1

img_0107-beauty <Beauty   DC> img_0111-dc

This is where I would leave them, thus ending a very eventful morning watch at 8:10am, smiling for having seen all 3 Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

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2 Responses to “Morning watch 6-15-13”

  1. margaret Says:

    You take magnificent pictures, Mak! And the narrative is pretty darn good too!

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Margaret! 🙂

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