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About Us

Genesee Valley Audubon Society is the local chapter of the National Audubon Society in Rochester, NY. The vision of Genesee Valley Audubon Society (GVAS) is to promote environmental conservation. Our mission is to educate and advocate for protection of the environment, focusing on birds, wildlife and habitat. GVAS sponsors the Rochester Falconcam (Rfalconcam) as part of our education and awareness programs. Rfalconcam offers the opportunity to learn to about the behavior of the once endangered Peregrine Falcon and their important place in the ecosystem. For more information on GVAS visit our website,

Rfalconcam's mission is to increase environmental awareness and education by providing high quality still images and video of the peregrine falcons in their nest box as well as information about the peregrines, educational material and other items of interest.

Our commitment to our mission is demonstatrated by continuous improvements to the cameras, network, and electronics used to deliver these images and videos to our viewers. A recent example of this is the acquisition of two very important pieces of equipment from CCTV Camera World Inc ( that enable streaming of our HD cameras.

We encourage you to join our online community. You can also follow us on Facebook, X, Bluesky, and YouTube. Learn more.

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