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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 7-8-13

By Rochester Falcon watcher MAK

More hot humid conditions and a couple pop up t-storms were the weather story today with a starting temperature of 71 (F) 21 (C).

Donna and I started our watch at 5:25am from the hole. We could see 2 young falcons up on the deck but no adults from there so we went up to the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) where Dan was sitting in his chair. He let us know Beauty was on the jail tower and as I turned to look she stooped off only to return with no catch. This is how the day started.  Some of the days highlights for me were 1st finding Beauty on HSBC trying to hunt while ducking from a small bird who obviously didn’t want her there.

img_0017-beauty-on-hsbc Click pics for full version

I think the biggest thing I noted was how  much the girls Rosetta and Voyager hang out with each other since Baron started flying and leaving them.

img_0012-sisterly-love img_0054-falalalala img_0056-hey-gimme-some img_0059-how-they-do-that img_0060-watching-a-flight-lesson

The next feature of the watch was Baron taking control of dad as he knocked him off ledges  3 or 4 times today and taking dads spot. I think Dot.Ca (DC) is enjoying his only son this season with the best yet to come.

img_0023-dc img_0065-dc-and-baron

Baron is flying really well and his landings are good for the most part. I think it’s amazing that he can land on the gridwork. Not to many other falcons have been seen on it. I also got a big kick out of  Beauty getting mobbed by the girls a few times when she landed on the deck. It was like she barely got her big yellow feet planted before the Rosetta and/or Voyager would rush her sending her right off again. This falcon family is fun and they haven’t all fledged yet!

Click it>img_0085-beauty-up-to-deck Beauty on-Beauty off img_0086-beauty-chased-off-deck-lol img_0068-im-right-up-here-girls img_0073-the-beautyful-one

img_0077-dc1 img_0082-hey-you-down-there img_0097-dc-feeding-girls img_0112-all-but-dad Click it

It was another great watch with good friends and good falcons. We smiled a lot today and downright belly laughed! 🙂

Check out the links below to view more pics and videos



5 Responses to “Fledge watch 7-8-13”

  1. Gail from Cinci Says:

    I’ve been keeping up with everyone’s fledge watching and always eagerly await the next installment. While it’s not quite like being there, it’s not bad to be 8 hours away and yet get to watch this falcon family and hear about the individual personalities. Baron really stands out because of all his flying, his talent in landing on small spots, and the fact that V & R are still hanging out at the NB. So, are the girls taking longer to fledge because they’re larger than Baron? Once all three fledge, how long do they hang around? Once they leave, do they ever return?

  2. Melissa from MA Says:

    I don’t tell you dedicated wonderful watchers daily; but I read your reports and appreciate the time you take to not only fledge watch but to write up such great reports each day.
    Thanks for all you do!
    And what an amazing job both DC and Beauty have done this year!

  3. MAK Says:

    Thanks Gail-all 3 have now fledged and will stay in the area until they have learned all the skills they need to survive. 6-8 weeks approximately.
    Thank you Melissa I appreciate your comment very much! 🙂

  4. carla Says:

    I’m with Gail and Melissa,thanks Mak for always being there.Greetings

  5. MAK Says:

    Hi Carla, Gail and Melissa! You’re welcome! 🙂

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